FRANT PARISH COUNCIL THE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF FRANT PARISH COUNCIL HELD AT FRANT MEMORIAL HALL, FRANT ON WEDNESDAY 15TH JANUARY 2014 AT 7.30PM Present: Councillors Crookshank (Chairman), Argue, Mrs Best, Hall, Harris, Mrs Howell, Mrs Kinley, Rowland, Rutherford and Wright. Also in attendance: Sarah Codling (Clerk), PCSO Sarah Roberts, PC Jen Black, Andrew Thompson (Planning Policy Team, WDC), Jo Tucker (Planning Policy Team, WDC), 2 members of the public 1. To receive apologies and reason for absence. Apologies were received from County Councillor Standley (work). All apologies were accepted. 2. To receive declarations of interests on items on the Agenda. None. 3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting 20 November 2013 as a true record. The minutes of the meeting held 20 November 2013 were signed as a true and accurate record. 4. To determine matters arising from the previous Minutes for updating and noting. None. 5. Public Forum – time limit 10 minutes. A member of the public, Jake ???, requested permission from the Parish Council to use Frant Green, by the play equipment, for a boot camp. The camp will be held in all weather and will have 4-14 people per session completing high impact activities. When Councillors expressed concern about damage to the grass Jake confirmed the class would be cancelled if it is too muddy. He also confirmed he has public liability and indemnity insurance, has a certificate for personal training and completes pre-exercise screening tests for all participants. Councillors approved the use of the Green, subject to monitoring and receipt of full details. Advertising on the website was also offered. Cllr Mrs Howell noted that there is someone on the Green using a metal detector. This needs to be reviewed to ensure no damage is being made. 6. To receive Police Report. A burglary took place over Christmas on the Bells Yew Green Road. A further break in took place at the Buckhurst Works. Following the latest survey put out, the main areas of concern are litter along the Bells Yew Green Road and Hawkenbury Road, speeding on the Bayham Road, A267 and Hawkenbury Road and dog fouling. It was confirmed that the Dog Enforcement Act has been passed but this is more of an environmental enforcement, not police. Cllr Mrs Kinley advised that further incidents of fouling has taken place along Church Lane. The Clerk is to contact the Environment Officer saying there is a problem and ask for more information regarding enforcement. Action: Clerk. 7. To receive reports of County and District Councillors. County None. Page 1 of 5 Signed............................... Date................... District The East Sussex County Council Health Authority is launching a consultation about maternity and paediatric care. Facilities in Crowborough are part of the review. It is anticipated that the consultation will be sent to the Parish Council to comment. In Withyham there have been 2 dogs shot by a farmer for savaging sheep. The Clerk is to put a note on the website to remind people to keep their dogs under control during the lambing season. Action: Clerk. Andrew Thompson and Jo Tucker from Wealden District Council presented to the Parish Council about Planning Policy. Councillors were invited to ask questions after the presentation: Q: We have a Neighbourhood Plan, drawn up by a committee. Is this still relevant or will we have to draw up a new one? A: The Parish Plans never went through a formal adoption process by WDC so are being used as a guide but have no material weight regarding the planning process. The Parish Plans can help to inform the planning policy process to see what can be brought out of the Parish Plan into the site allocation. Q: The Planning Policy talks about helping more retail. The recent development in Bells Yew Green introduced a lot of ‘live/work’ units which have mainly been converted into bedrooms. Should this not be taken into consideration when revisiting? A: There are policies in the document for more flexible work/living space across the district. It may be the case that it would be more appropriate in urban areas rather than rural areas. It has been listed in the Core Strategy document but the fine details are yet to be considered. This may need to be reviewed in the Issues and Options document. Q: Many people have applied for holiday lets which have now turned into permanent lets. How do you intend to be more stringent regarding permissions granted? A: We are not at that stage yet. However, policies are being reviewed to protect existing tourism. Q: Tunbridge Wells have been looking cross border into Frant to mitigate their numbers for housing requirements. To date, WDC have denied permission. How are you going to ensure that Frant is not a suburb of Tunbridge Wells? A: The Council has to co-operate with other councils under the duty to co-operate. Tunbridge Wells have to prove they cannot satisfy the allocation on their land, within their boundary. WDC are looking to draw up a memorandum to the Council as they will be receiving more approaches from other authorities. If any permission is granted the land would have to be allocated by WDC. Q: District Councillors felt there is a grading system for agricultural land. Can the grading be advised? A: There is a grading system by DEFRA for agricultural land. However, agricultural land does not have an enormous impact on policy. This is something recognised in the NPPF. Q: Is the AONB to be relaxed? A: Unaware of this. Working from the NPPF, major development is only to be granted under exceptional circumstances. However, the definition of major development is under discussion as a development of 150 houses in Heathfield was classified as major whereas an alternative development of 50 houses was considered major. Q: There have been significant problems over the Christmas period with utilities being cut off owing to the weather. How can you ensure the infrastructure will cope with more development? A: WDC can only steer infrastructure for new development. There is an Infrastructure Delivery Policy. Also, the Core Strategy says that housing can only be released if there is sufficient infrastructure to support it. The Parish Council was advised that the next stage is to work on some policy areas. Local people are invited to get involved to state local issues. Andrew Thompson and Jo Tucker are to contact the Clerk to get the community and Parish Council involved. 8. Chairman’s Announcements & Correspondence for noting. None. Page 2 of 5 Signed............................... Date................... 9. Highways, Transport & Lighting Matters. 9.1 To discuss outstanding issues. A SLR meeting is taking place next week covering traffic calming measures outside Frant School/shop, flooding at the bridge in Bells Yew Green, Bayham Road, traffic calming outside Frant Memorial Hall and accidents on Dundale Road. Councillors requested potholes to be added to the agenda. 9.2 To discuss slowing down traffic around Frant Green This is to be discussed at the SLR meeting. 10. Planning Matters 10.1 To approve the Minutes of the meeting 2 and 30 December 2013 as a true record. The minutes of the meetings held 2 and 30 December 2013 were signed as a true and accurate record. The Clerk is to forward Councillors the response from ESCC regarding the Waste Facility consultation. The Clerk was also asked to contact Highways as the sign at Shernfold Park has fallen down. Action: Clerk. 10.2 To make recommendations about Planning Applications received. WD/2013/1397/FR - Wish Wood, Bells Yew Green, TN3 9AS Application under Section 73a for retention of existing pole barn The Parish Council object to this application due to flouting conditions and causing distress to neighbours. WD/2013/2400/FR - Chase Farm Yard, Frant Road, Frant TN3 9HG Change of use to B8 storage and distribution Object. We are concerned regarding the increase of heavy vehicles and the access to the fast A267 road, known as a hot spot for road accidents. To note applications granted, refused or withdrawn by Wealden District Council: WD/2013/2169/F - Cornhill, Manor Farm, Bells Yew Green, TN3 9BH - Reconstruction of garden store and outbuilding following wind and snow damage - Approved. WD/2013/2128/F - Unit R, The Brewery, Bells Yew Green Road, Bells Yew Green, TN3 9BD Redevelopment of existing building to provide new small office unit - Approved. WD/2013/2375/F - Adamswell Scout Campsite, Broom Lane, Langton Green TN3 9JL - Upgrade of existing grass/dirt parking area and installation of new kerb line - Approved. WD/2013/2450/FT - St Mark's Recreation Ground, Frant Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5LS - Renewal of permission (WD/2011/2619/F) for container for sports storage items - Approved. WD/2013/2097/F - 3 Broomfield, Bells Yew Green, TN3 9AF - Proposed conversion of garage to habitable accommodation - Refused. 11 Finance 11.1 To approve accounts payable. Approved. Payee Name PKF Littlejohn Z McGregor-Gould S Codling HMRC Haven Power Frant Memorial Hall Transaction Detail External Audit Salary, December Salary + mileage, December TAX/NI, December Electricity Hire 30 Dec, 6 Jan + 15 Jan, total 4hrs/£8 hr Chq Ref 670 671 672 673 DD 674 Amount 240.00 86.66 681.71 3.42 198.00 32.00 Page 3 of 5 Signed............................... Date................... 11.2 To approve the Precept for 2014/15. Councillors noted that Parish Councils are needing to pay for more services and need to keep this in mind. However, it was felt by some Councillors that the Precept should remain the same for 2014/15 as there are healthy reserves. Owing to the reduction of grant received from Wealden District Council, retaining the same cost to residents would result in a decrease to the Council. Cllr Crookshank proposed the budget to be £33,620, with a grant of £1,306 to be received from WDC. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Best. A vote followed with 7 voting in favour of keeping the cost the same and 3 voting to increase. It was, therefore, approved to retain the same cost to residents resulting in an overall precept of £32,314. BUDGET LIGHTS OPEN SPACES HIGHWAYS ADMIN DONATIONS Energy Maintenance Repairs Grit bins Grass cutting Greens maintenance / trees Allotments / football Dog bin Hall Rental Repairs - Play equipment General Fingerposts (S137) Traffic calming Cleaning General Salary Election expenses Chariman allowance - gifts etc Members allowances Subscriptions Insurance Training Audit Communications Website Computer use / photocopier exp Bank Charges Royal Celebration General Wealdlink Play equipment PRECEPT 2013/14 2014/15 2500 1500 1100 500 3800 2000 100 250 400 1000 2500 1500 1000 500 3800 1900 100 250 300 900 1500 0 1050 1500 8000 100 0 100 0 450 2300 600 650 550 200 200 0 750 1000 500 1250 1300 0 1050 1200 8000 100 0 100 0 450 2300 414 650 550 100 100 0 750 1000 500 1000 33850 32314 Page 4 of 5 Signed............................... Date................... 11.3 To discuss and approve any expenditure to repair the bus shelter, Bells Yew Green A quote is still awaited for the repairs to the bus shelter. It was noted that a sign has been attached to the bus shelter at the Abergavenny Arms, advertising the Tunbridge Wells pantomime. The Clerk is to investigate its removal. Action: Clerk. Cllr Hall left 8.55pm 12 To discuss co-opting Councillor, Frant Ward. Sue Hutchins, Knowle Grange, is interested in being co-opted. The Clerk is to advise the date for co-opting and Cllr Mrs Howell is to provide contact details for Sue Hutchins. Action: Clerk & JH. 13 To appoint a Tree Warden. Cllr Wright was appointed as Tree Warden. 14 To review grass cutting contract. The Clerk has contacted 3 contractors to quote for grass cutting in the parish. However, some contractors have asked for a site visit. Cllrs Mrs Kinley, Hall and Mrs Howell were appointed for each ward as representatives for grass cutting. The Clerk is to liaise. Action: Clerk. 15 To discuss land by the Police House, Frant which has been fenced in. The Clerk advised that historic minutes are kept at The Keep in Brighton and can only be viewed on site. Cllr Rowland is speaking to David Addy to see if he has any further information. This item is to remain on the agenda. 16 Correspondence for noting. Cllr Crookshank advised that the Bells Yew Green Playground Project looks to have a shortfall of funds. They may, therefore, apply for more funds in February. Cllr Crookshank is to contact the fundraisers and Cllr Rutherford is to lead the debate in February to ensure no conflict of interest as Bells Yew Green Councillors are Trustees of the village hall. 17 Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda. Cllr Argue has been asked by many residents for an explanation regarding the RSPB tree clearance. Steve Wheatley, RSPB has offered to give a talk at the Parish Meeting. An article is also to be published in the Parish News. The Clerk is to add this matter to the next agenda. Action: Clerk. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:05pm. Page 5 of 5 Signed............................... Date...................