
APUSH midterm review sheet
- problems between Johnson and Radical Republicans
-Civil Rights Amendments
- major programs of Johnson and Radicals
-Freeman’s Bureau
- Reconstruction Acts of 1867
- Why was Johnson impeached?
- Secretary of War Edwin Stanton
-what was the result of the trial
- What happened to most southern Blacks during Reconstruction?
- sharecropping
- tenant farming
- Black Codes
- Compromise of 1877
-how it ended Reconstruction
 Life on the Plains
- grievances of farmers
- monopolistic practices of RR’s, etc.
Great American Desert
Frederick Jackson Turner
- main points of his “Frontier thesis”
- purpose of Granger laws
- Wabash railway decision
- Munn v. Illinois
Chisholm Trail
Battle of Little Bighorn
- significance
- support from government?
- 1st transcontinental railroad
Battle of Wounded Knee and significance
Decline of the long cattle drives in mid-1800s. Why?
Dawes Act
- main points/purpose
- problems
Why was cause of Native Americans “doomed” from the start?
- what led to their decline
- how were they set up to fail?
US government policy for dealing with Native Americans
- How did it change over time?
- concentration policy
- reservations
Helen Hunt Jackson
 Homestead Act
- purpose
- weaknesses/problems of act
Frederick Jackson Turner and theory of the American West
inflation vs. deflation
Populist Party
- platform
- resistance to
William Jennings Bryan
- “Cross of Gold” speech
- Political candidate
Interstate Commerce Act
- purpose
- weaknesses/problems of act
2nd Industrial Revolution
 2nd Industrial Revolution
- causes
 laissez-faire
 How did government help promote business? Why did government favor big business?
 Social Darwinism
- how it impacted politics ,foreign policy etc.
 Sherman Antitrust Act
- primarily used to curb labor unions
- weaknesses/problems of act
- US v. E.C. Knight Co.
Hepburn Act
- weaknesses/problems of act
horizontal integration
vertical integration
John D. Rockefeller and business tactics
- Standard Oil Trust
Andrew Carnegie and business tactics
- “Gospel of Wealth”
US labor movement – mainly factory workers
Compare/contrast AFL and K of L
Terence V. Powderly
Samuel Gompers
Haymarket Square Riot
- effect on Knights of Labor
Pullman Strike and effects
- Why did Cleveland send in troops?
- Why did it fail?
Tactics used to limit power of labor unions (blacklists, etc)
Problems unions had in late nineteenth century
Problems in cities
- inadequate water and sewer systems, etc.
old vs. new immigrants
- Where from?
- Most old immigrants from what country?
- nativism
Gilded Age
 Gilded Age
- graft
- Why there was so much corruption?
- political machines
- William “Boss” Tweed and the Tweed Ring
- Thomas Nast
- kickback
- President Ulysses S. Grant
- weaknesses as president?
- Whiskey Ring
- Crédit Mobilier scandal
- “waving the bloody shirt”
 Reforms
- riders
- patronage
- shaking down
- Stalwarts
- Halfbreeds
- James Garfield
- why was he assassinated?
- Pendleton Act
- protectionists
- free-traders
- McKinley Tariff of 1890
- Billion-Dollar Congress
 Culture
- education reforms between 1865 and 1900
- compulsory school attendance, elective system, etc.
- local-color writing
- realism
Compare/contrast isolationism and imperialism
Causes of imperialism/jingoism (Social Darwinism, religion, etc.)
Alfred Mahan
- The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
- influence on US leaders?
 Venezuela/British Guiana border dispute
 Spanish-American War
- causes
- “splendid little war”
- Enrique Dupuy de Lome letter
- sinking of USS Maine
- yellow journalism
- William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer
- Teller Amendment
- Emilio Aguinaldo
- Platt Amendment
- protectorate
- gains from war?
Filipino-American conflict
- Emilio Aguinaldo
- Arguments over Philippines by imperialists vs. anti-imperialists
- “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
- big stick diplomacy
- maintain balance of power
Panama Canal
- How did US acquire Panama Canal zone?
Great White Fleet
Roosevelt Corollary
Open Door Notes
Boxer Rebellion
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Russo-Japanese War
- Why did TR intervene?
- Treaty of Portsmouth
Dollar diplomacy
- William Howard Taft
 Progressives
- Goals?
- muckrakers
Ida Tarbell
- Who were they?
- successes and limitations?
- settlement houses
- Jane Addams
- 17th Amendment
- Jane Adams and Hull House
- Muller v. Oregon
- social gospel
- Governor Robert LaFollette
- direct primary
- referendum
- iniative
- recall
- Jacob Riis
- Upton Sinclair and The Jungle
- Limits of Progressivism
- Immigration Restriction League
- feared labor unions
- racism - Plessy v. Ferguson
- Booker T. Washington
- W.E.B. DuBois
White House reformers
 Roosevelt’s Progressivism
- Square Deal
- trustbuster
- Coal Strike of 1902
- How did Roosevelt use the power and prestige of his office?
- conservationist
 Taft presidency
- Taft as a trustbuster
- problems between Roosevelt and Taft (Payne-Aldrich tariff, etc)
 Election of 1912: Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
- Insurgents
- Old Guard
- Progressive Party (“Bull Moose” Party): Roosevelt
- What was their party platform (main goals)?
- “New Nationalism”
- Republican Party: Taft
- Democratic Party: Wilson
- “New Freedom”
- Why did Wilson win?
 Goals of Wilson’s Progressivism
-Federal Reserve System
World War I
 Causes of WWI
 Central Powers vs. Allies
 Why and when did the US enter WWI?
- German U-boats
- Lusitania
- Sussex Pledge
- Zimmerman Telegram
- Was US really neutral? Why or why not?
US mobilization
- Selective Service Act
- Industry
- Support at home/women
- Migration of African-Americans
African-American troops in WWI
Schenck v. US
Committee on Public Information (Creel Committee)
- goals of propaganda
- George Creel
Wilson’s Fourteen Points: main points
- League of Nations
 Treaty of Versailles
- Paris Peace Conference
- Conditions of treaty (especially for Germany)
- Why did US Senate not want to ratify treaty or join the League of Nations?
- Lodge Reservations
 Warren G. Harding
- “a return to normalcy”
 Andrew Mellon
 problems for farmers
 Immigration restriction acts in the 1920s
- Purpose?
- Which parts of Europe were favored by the acts?
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Washington Naval Conference
Sacco-Vanzetti case
Scopes trial: what was it about?
Did membership in labor unions increase or decrease in the 1920s?
Henry Ford: assembly line, specialization of parts, mass production, etc.
- Model T (“Tin Lizzie”)
- why the sudden support?
- 18th Amendment
- problems?
Palmer raids
“lost generation”
Changes for women
- flappers: what were they?
- In what part of country did women first gain suffrage?
- 19th Amendment
Harlem Renaissance
- thousands of African-Americans migrated north