NorthWest Arkansas Community College Spring 1998

NorthWest Arkansas Community College Course Syllabus
Fall 2011
MATH 1204 College Algebra—Hybrid
CRN 12308
9:30-10:45 TR
Melissa Jordan
Please address me with your preference of either Ms. Jordan or
Melissa or Professor Jordan.
Office: SC 325
Work Phone and Voicemail: 479-986-6915
Please use a non-spam subject line and include your name within the
email. My policy is to respond to email in 36 hours or less excluding
weekends and holidays, so resend or call if your email is not returned
within that time frame.
Fax: 479-986-6928
Office Hours:
9:00-9:30am, 12:15pm-2:00pm
9:00-9:30am, 12:15pm-2:00pm
Other times by appointment
Math Department Secretary:
Jill Witt
Math Department Co-Chair:
Larry Lord
SC 351
SC 310
Please use office hours to obtain help from
me or to discuss any matters of
achievement, accommodation, or concern
you may have.
Intermediate Algebra with a grade of C or better or an appropriate placement score
Course Objectives
A student who is successful in College Algebra should be able to:
Define, recognize, graph, transform, and perform various operations on functions.
Write, solve, and graph linear, quadratic, and other types of equations and inequalities.
Identify, solve, graph, and apply polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions.
Find zeros of polynomial functions, including by using synthetic division.
Solve systems of equations and inequalities graphically, algebraically, and with matrices.
Use a graphing calculator to perform algebraic operations and to graph functions.
Find the nth term and sum of an arithmetic or geometric sequence.
Solve application problems related to the first seven objectives.
Hybrid Format
A hybrid class is a cross between an online course and a traditional lecture course, designed for students who do not need a
full lecture over the material. Since these courses meet approximately one-half to two-thirds of the class time of a traditional
course, students must be prepared to complete much of the course independently on their own time. It is a great option for
students who can work autonomously, but who also desire some face-to-face contact with their instructor and some lecture
over certain topics in the course. This course is not designed for students who typically struggle with math or who need a full
lecture—such students should seek to be transferred to a traditional course immediately.
Textbook/Required Materials
Access Code:
The access code for MyMathLab, the internet portion of this course, can be purchased either at the
bookstore (book voucher can be used) or online with a credit card at as you
register with MyMathLab, or can come packaged with a new text. Students can now request temporary
access to MML when they go in to register. The temporary account lasts for 17 days and then an email
reminder is sent when five days are left with a link to redeem the account with a permanent code. Then
another email reminder is sent the day before the temporary account expires. THIS ACCESS CODE IS
textbook, so if you have never purchased an access code for this particular text (see below) you will need to
do so for this class.
College Algebra, Fourth Edition. Beecher, Penna, Bittinger. Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2012.
The textbook is available online through MyMathLab so you do not have to purchase a hard copy
of the text if you do not wish to.
To view the minimum system computer requirements and explore the online product, go to Use the links on the bottom left side of the page to view these requirements to
make sure that your computer and your internet connection are compatible with the product.
A graphing calculator is required for this course. TI-82, TI-83, or TI-84 calculators are recommended. Any
calculator with a CAS (Computer Algebra System) such as a TI-89 or TI-92 are not allowed in any NWACC
math course. Graphing calculators can be rented semester-long from NWACC by paying the rental fee at
the cashier’s window. You must then bring your receipt and driver’s license to Jill Witt in SC 351 where she
will assign a calculator to you.
Email Correspondence
I will use your NWACC email account to correspond with you prior to your registration with MyMathLab. After that, I will
contact you using the email address that you register with MML. However, I can only email grade information to your
NWACC email account.
Although I do not expect your grammar/punctuation/spelling to be perfect, I would appreciate your taking the time to
proofread and use capitalization and punctuation appropriately to send email correspondence to me that is more in line
with a business letter rather than a text message. Include your name and which course you are enrolled in. Please be
as specific as possible when asking questions so that I can be of the most help to you. The occasional “please” and/or
“thank you” is much appreciated as well!
Technical Support
THE STUDENT SUPPORT PHONE NUMBER FOR MYMATHLAB IS 1-800-677-6337. Please be sure to let me know
immediately if you are having any technological trouble, but to get help for the trouble call the support line.
To register with MyMathLab, you will go to the website and click on the Register button for
Students. You need three items to register: a valid email address, the access code for the course, and the course ID
which is jordan71215.
Once you are registered and are within the course, be sure to run the Browser Check whose link is located in the
Announcements section.
Tests (best 2 of 3)
Final exam
Total points
70 points
30 points
200 points
100 points
400 points possible
A = 360-400 points
B = 320-359 points
C = 280-319 points
D = 240-279 points
F = 0-239 points
Note: There are some situations in which the terms of this syllabus, including grading, might be changed. If this
occurs you will be notified in writing by your instructor.
Please be aware that I do not use percentages in my grading system even though percentages will show up in the
MyMathLab grade book. The grade ranges above are definitive. I do not round or curve. For example, 279 total points
earns a grade of D, 359 points earns a B, etc.
To receive full credit on a test problem, the supporting work as well as the solution must be present and correct.
Each online homework assignment will be turned in electronically and graded automatically through the MyMathLab
program. If you do not work a homework problem correctly after the given number of attempts, there is a button called
“Similar Exercise” at the bottom of the exercise. Click on this button to generate a new homework problem.
All homework assignments have a permanent closing date usually corresponding to the test deadline even though each
assignment has a suggested earlier deadline designed to keep you on track to be prepared for exams. These deadlines
are published in the schedule at the end of this syllabus, listed beside each online assignment, and will be posted in the
online Announcements. You may submit homework assignments as many times as you wish and all will be
available for resubmission until the evening of the permanent closure even after the individual homework
deadline has passed. Even though you may resubmit homework until the evening of the permanent closure,
procrastination in this course is deadly so please stay on track with the suggested published deadlines.
To access the homework, click on the Homework link on the left side of the screen. You do not have to complete
a homework assignment at one sitting. The problems that you get correct will be saved if you click on the Save
button at the bottom of the screen. When you work on the homework again and resubmit it, the homework
average will change automatically.
There will be random quizzes worth 30 points total conducted during class time. I guarantee that altogether there will be
at least 40 points available during the semester from which to gain the 30 points total. However, each student will only
be allowed a maximum of 30 quiz points with any quiz points over 30 being dropped.
You may not leave the room during a quiz and return to work on your paper. Please be aware that if you arrive late and a
quiz is being conducted, you will not necessarily be given any extra time to complete the quiz.
There will be no make-up quizzes given for any reason. This is why I will make at least 40 points available, but only
count 30 points total.
There will be three regular exams and a comprehensive final exam all worth 100 points each. The best 2 of the regular
exams will be used to calculate your test grade. If you miss taking a regular exam it will be dropped. If you miss more
than two regular exams, a grade a 0 will be recorded for every missed exam. The final exam score cannot be dropped.
All exams may be a combination of online testing and paper/pencil testing or may be exclusively online or paper. Online
testing will require a password which will be provided during the testing period. Each test may be taken only once. For
each test there will be an online review for practice and bonus points.
Partial credit is awarded on exams. To receive partial credit you must show your work in an organized, neat manner and
each step, including your solution, needs to be present. The only resource that you may bring and use during an exam is
a graphing calculator.
You may not leave the room during an exam and return to work on your paper. Please be aware that if you arrive late to
take a test, you will not necessarily be given any extra time to complete the test. There will be no make-up exams given
for any reason.
Bonus Point Bank
You may “bank” up to 8 bonus points in this course. These bonus points can be earned by completing the online exam
reviews with at least 85% overall accuracy on each review. To receive the bonus points the reviews must be completed
PRIOR to the stated deadline. The completion (or non-completion) of these reviews will not affect your gradebook score
in MML as they have been set up to be omitted from the grade book.
Your personal bonus point bank will not be added to your overall score UNLESS its addition causes your letter grade to
rise. You can think of this bonus point bank as insurance—there if you need it. I strongly urge you to make this
Make-up Policy
There are no make-up exams for any reason. If you do not take one of the three regular exams, it will be dropped. If you
do take all three regular exams, then your lowest test score will be dropped. The final exam score cannot be dropped.
There are no make-up or deadline extensions for any homework assignments past their permanent closure dates nor are
there make-up quizzes.
Tutoring Resources
In addition to getting help from me there is free tutoring available in the Academic Success Center (BH) and the Math Café
(SC). The posted tutor schedules will indicate the courses each tutor is qualified to assist with. Please visit the Academic
Success Center web page at for more information.
Withdrawal Deadline
If at some point in the semester you are having difficulty and are considering dropping the course, consulting with an
academic advisor, your instructor, or a financial aid advisor can inform your decision. An official drop form must be completed
and turned in to the registrar by Friday, November 4. Not attending or participating in class is not the same thing as
Students with Disabilities
If you have a disability or medical concern which you feel may impact your access to or progress in this course, please
contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC works with students and faculty collaboratively to coordinate
reasonable academic accommodations for students. Once your registration with the DRC is complete, you should contact me
privately to discuss your Accommodation Letter. The DRC is located in Room 114 on the first floor of the Student Center. For
more information, please email (preferred) or call the main office at (479) 986-4076. You must give
me at least a week’s notice for exam accommodations.
Inclement Weather Policy
Cancellation of classes will be posted on NWACC’s web-site ( and released to local T.V. and radio.
Day classes are announced by 6:00 am and evening classes by 3:00 pm. You may also call the Student Information Line
(479-619-4377) to find out. You can sign up for emergency texts through the ALERT:me link within My NWACC Connection.
I may cancel my own classes if I feel that it is unsafe to drive even if the college is open. If I cancel class due to weather, I
will do my best to email you by 8:30 am. If you miss class for any reason including class cancellation due to bad weather
it is your responsibility to catch up on the missed material by the next class period. If an exam is scheduled for a particular
day and class that day is cancelled due to inclement weather, come to class prepared to take the exam the first class day
school is back in session.
NWACC is committed to your right to privacy as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This means that I
can only communicate grades with you in person or on My NWACC Connection ( or through the MML
Academic Dishonesty
Plagiarism, cheating, and any other form of academic dishonesty as well as the intent to be academically dishonest will be
dealt with according to college policy as stated in the catalog. For equality purposes, I reserve the right to clear your
calculator of unapproved formulas and programs before each exam.
Cell Phones, etc.
Please turn off your cell phone and other electronic devices before class. If you absolutely must have your phone on due to
possible childcare or work-related emergencies, set it on vibrate mode, and do not begin talking until after you are out of the
I expect you to read this syllabus thoroughly and refer to it when you have a question about the structure of the course.
In return I will follow the syllabus in regards to grading and other policies.
I expect you to attend class and work on the course work on a consistent basis. Thought needs to be given as to the
best way to juggle this expectation with other obligations on your time. In return I will not cancel class unless necessary
and will grade papers in a timely manner.
I expect you to follow the calendar of deadlines and not wait until the last minute to submit assignments. In return I will
adhere to the deadlines in the calendar and will update assignments in the course in a timely manner.
I expect you to follow along, take notes, and participate in class lectures/discussions. In return I will ask and answer
questions you may have. If you regularly surf the web, text message on your phone, or participate in some other activity
that draws your attention away from the classroom discussion, please do not ask for help from me or your classmates
either during class or outside of class.
I expect you to study for exams by working through all the problems available in the corresponding test reviews. In return
I will make out the tests based on the problems in the test reviews.
I expect you to take responsibility for your learning by doing all that you can to be successful with this class. In return I
will provide every responsible learner with resources and help as needed.
Rights and Responsibilities
Every person in this class, whether student or teacher, has the right to be treated courteously and respectfully.
Every person has the right to ask questions or to make comments without being put down or made to feel stupid.
Every person has the right to say “I don’t understand” and to ask for help if that person has been diligently participating in
the learning process.
Every person has the right to feel relaxed and capable and to be successful.
In turn, every person has the responsibility to treat others with kindness, consideration, and respect and to do his/her
assigned tasks diligently and to the best of his/her ability.
Testing Policies
You may not accept or make calls or text message during any exam.
You may not use your phone or similar electronic device for a calculator (or for any other purpose) on any exam.
You may not use any listening device, such as an iPod, during an exam.
You may not leave the classroom and return during an exam.
You may not use any outside resources during an exam except for an approved calculator.
You may not use any unapproved calculator nor use any unapproved programs in your calculator.
You must start each exam in a timely manner. Extra testing time past the normal ending time of the class/test will not be
granted if a student starts a test late even if there is still time remaining on an online exam.
You may not copy from someone else’s paper or allow someone to copy from your paper during an exam.
Violation of any of the above will be considered academic dishonesty. The above list is not inclusive of all types of
academic dishonesty.
Important NWACC Dates for Fall 2011 16 week classes
August 22
First Day of Classes
August 29
Last Day to Drop and Receive 100% Refund
September 5
Labor Day
September 6
Last Day to Drop and Receive 80% Refund
September 6
Last Day to Drop and Not Receive "W" on Transcript
November 4
Last Day to Withdraw with "W" on Transcript with 0% Refund
November 23-26 Thanksgiving Break
December 9
Last Day of Classes
December 10-16 Final Exams
December 20
Grades due to Registrar by 12:00 Noon
December 22
Grades available to students online
Deadlines and Schedule (subject to change)
Please be aware that technological problems you may encounter will NOT be an excuse for make-up work.
“Catch-up/Review/Weather” days may be used for missed lectures due to class cancellations. This may result in
homework deadlines and/or test days being rescheduled.
I would suggest creating your own calendar from the information posted below.
Aug 23
Aug 25
Aug 30
Finish 1.3
Sep 6
Sep 8
Sep 13
Start 2.3
Sep 15
Finish 2.3
Sep 20
Catch-up/Review/Weather Day
Sep 22
Test 1: 1.1-2.4 (in class)
1.1-2.4 HW permanently closes
Sep 27
Start 3.2
Start 4.1
Sep 29
Finish 3.2
Oct 4
Oct 6
Finish 4.1
Start 4.3
Oct 11
Finish 4.3
Oct 13
Oct 18
Catch-up/Review/Weather Day
Oct 20
Test 2: 3.1-4.6 (in class)
3.1-4.6 HW permanently closes
Oct 25
Start 5.2
Oct 27
Finish 5.2
Start 5.3
Nov 1
Finish 5.3
Nov 3
Start 5.5
Nov 8
Finish 5.5 5.6
“W” day is Friday, Nov 4
Nov 10
Nov 15
Nov 17
Catch-up/Review/Weather Day
Nov 22
Test 3: 5.1-6.7 (in class)
5.1-6.7 HW permanently closes
Nov 24
Nov 29
Dec 1
Start 8.2
Dec 6
Finish 8.2
Dec 8
Catch-up/Review/Weather Day
Dec 13
Start 1.3
Sep 1
Catch-up/Review/Weather Day
7.4-8.3 HW permanently closes on Friday, Dec 9
Last class day
Dec 15
Final Exam: 9-11 am