Course Outline - NWACC - Faculty Web Pages

NorthWest Arkansas Community College
Fall, 2010
Division of Science and Mathematics
Course: MATH 0053 BEGINNING ALGEBRA CRN: 11378 Meet(s): TR 3:00-4:20, BH 2461
Instructor: William Hammack
Phone: 479-986-4009 or 800-995-6922 ext: 4009
Email: (please use your NWACC account when emailing me)
Office Hours and Location(s): MW 12-2 and 4-6, TR 4:30-5:30 in SC 331 and by appointment
Departmental Contacts: 479-986-6900, Mathematics, Physics, & Engineering Department
-Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Edition/w MyMathLab by Lial, Hornsby, and McGinnis; Pearson/Addison
Wesley Longman, Inc.: 2008.
-“Roots and Radicals Packet” (Supplement). Olson. Revised 2003
Other Required Materials: Graphing Calculator (TI-82/83/84 or similar, TI-89/92/Inspire or similar will not be
allowed to be used during exams). Time to work on and think about the material.
Catalogue Description: This developmental algebra course covers linear equations and inequalities, quadratic, and rational
equations, graphing lines in a plane, slope, exponential properties, polynomial operations, factoring, rational operations, and
emphasizing interwoven problem solving. Upon successful completion, a student may take MATH 0103, Intermediate Algebra or
MATH 1003, Math for AAS General Education.
Prerequisite: PreAlgebra (MATH 0013) with a grade of C or better, or appropriate placement scores (see math placement chart
in the NWACC catalog). Pre-Algebra background is strongly recommended.
Exit Criteria: A student needs a final grade of A, B or C to proceed to Intermediate Algebra or Math for AAS General Education.
Credit/Contact/Load Hours: 3 credit hours count toward student’s g. p. a., none counting toward any degree requirements.
Target Audience and Transfer: This course is intended for college students who have had little algebra, or for those students
needing a review of elementary algebra concepts to strengthen skills in preparation for intermediate algebra or specialized AAS
math study. Beginning Algebra is a non-transfer course.
Developmental Education Program: Through placement and advisement, developmental education courses may be required
prior to taking college-level courses at NWACC. The program goal is to enable learners to acquire competencies needed for
success in mainstream college courses and to attain career and life goals.
Developmental Education Performance Reports indicate that students who are successful at Intermediate Algebra succeed in
College Algebra at a rate comparable to students placed directly into that course.
FERPA NWACC is committed to your right to privacy as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act. This means that I can only communicate grades with you in person or on My NWACC Connection
Bad Weather Policy: Cancellation of classes will be posted on NWACC’s web-site ( and
released to local T.V. and radio. Day classes are announced by 6:00 am, and evening classes by 3:00 pm. You may
also call the Student Information Line (479-619-4377) to find out.
Disability Services: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability,
please contact the Disability Resource Center at or by phone at (479) 986-4076. The DRC
coordinates reasonable accommodations for students who have documented disabilities. Once your registration with
that office is complete, you should contact me privately to discuss your specific needs as indicated on your DRC
Accommodation Letter. The DRC is located in Room 114 on the first floor of the Student Center.
NOTE - You must give me at least a week’s notice for exam accommodations.
Goals for student thinking - Encourage intellectual risk-taking, mental math, organization of data, modeling and problem
solving to help prepare the Beginning Algebra student as a productive worker and citizen.
Student Learning Outcomes - CORE:
A student successfully completing Beginning Algebra, MATH 0053, will demonstrate these primary competencies:
1) Find the solution of a linear equation.
2) Model a linear problem using algebraic process.
3) Graph a linear equation in two variables.
4) Simplify an exponential expression.
5) Factor a second-degree polynomial.
6) Meet all core outcomes of PreAlgebra:
(1) Perform operations on integers using the order of operations.
(2) Simplify and evaluate variable expressions.
(3) Solve a one variable first degree modeling problem situation.
(4) Perform operations on fractions and decimals.
(5) Solve percent and proportion problems.
(6) Strengthen core entry skills
A student successfully completing Beginning Algebra, MATH 0053, will also
a) Solve formulas for a secondary variable.
b) Evaluate perfect nth roots and simplify square root expressions.
c) Perform addition, subtraction, and multiplication on polynomials.
d) Factor all types of polynomials.
e) Find the solutions of (factorable) quadratic and rational equations.
f) Perform operations on rational expressions.
g) Be able to use a TI-82/83/84 to do the following:
i) evaluate expressions involving grouping symbols (parentheses, fraction bars, absolute value bars, and radicals);
ii) graph lines, with calculator operations to include:
(1) enter equations into Y= (use parentheses appropriately for correct order of operations for fractional
iii) Students will also work with these graphing calculator graphing operations:
(1) graph lines, with calculator operations to include:
(a) view its t-table (via 2nd -TABLE),
(b) find the y-intercept (via 2nd – CALC, 1:VALUE, X=0).
Cell Phones, PDAs, etc.
Please turn off your cell phone, pager, PDA, IPOD, and other electronic devices before class (or leave them at
home). If you absolutely must have your phone on due to possible childcare or a work-related emergencies, set them
on vibrate mode, and do not begin talking until after you are out of the room. (Note- The hallways in SC echo,
conversations held there will not be private.) No cell phone, IPOD or other electronic devices are allowed to be used
in class or during tests, they are not to be used as a calculator. You absolutely may not accept/make calls/check
messages during any quiz /test/exam.
Calculators/Academic Dishonesty For equality purposes, your instructor reserves the right to clear your calculator
of unapproved formulas and programs before each exam. No calculator with a CAS (Computer Algebra System)
such as TI-89, TI-92, TI-Voyage or comparable utility is allowed in this class. The attempted use of a prohibited
calculator or program is academic dishonesty and will result in a score of 0 with no possibility of the score being
dropped or replaced. This also applies to all other forms of academic dishonesty including but not limited to: using
formula sheets or notes, leaving the room and returning during an exam, copying from someone else’s paper, or
allowing someone to copy your paper. Further action will be taken according to the policy on Academic Honesty in
the 2010-11 College Catalog.
Attendance: Attendance will be taken every day. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to catch up on the
material you missed by getting the handouts, completing the assignments, and getting an update from a classmate. If
you miss a class, you will be expected to have the assignments completed for the next class period. It is your
responsibility to make sure you sign the attendance sheet each day.
NOTE: All students must take the final exam to avoid receiving a grade of F.
Grading: Your grade in this course will be based strictly on the following:
Daily Quizzes
50 points
Two Regular Exams
200 points
EMPACTS project
100 points
Final Exam
150 points
500 points total
There will be no bonus points, no extra credit. The grading scale is (no rounding or curving):
A = 450 pts and up; B = 400-449 pts; C = 350-399 pts; D = 300-349 pts; F = 0-299 pts.
Make-up Policy/Retakes: You may retake any exam (except for the final). To retake an exam, you must first go over
the original exam and try to rework any questions you missed on a separate sheet of paper. You will then come talk
with me and we will go over the exam and your corrections together. After I am convinced you are ready, we will
set up a time for you to take another version of the exam. RETAKES ARE HARDER. I will keep the higher score.
All retakes must be done by the time of the final. If you miss an exam, come see me and we will set up a time for
you to take one of the retakes. There will be no retakes of the final exam. If you miss the final exam for a verifiable
emergency, you need to notify me a.s.a.p. If you miss an exam and do not retake it, your final exam grade shall be
used for the grade on that exam. For each quiz that you did not earn credit for, 10 points will be deducted from the
overall points for quizzes.
Video Lectures (DVD’s), NWACC Library, within MyMathLab, or via NWACC Bookstore, Pearson/Addison Wesley Longman.
MyMathLab, NWACC Bookstore or at, Pearson, (access code and course ID code both needed) has
homework on-line with examples and guided solutions and all videos (required use in computer-assisted/hybrid/on-line
sections, available to students in non-computer sections - ask your instructor or contact, (free, non-tracked), Pearson, has some homework on-line with examples and guided solutions available to
students in non-computer sections - ask your instructor or contact
Student Solutions Manual, NWACC Bookstore, Pearson/Addison Wesley Longman, -Hill, has step by step solutions to oddnumbered exercises.
Tutors, NWACC Academic Success Center-Tutor Centers – located in: the Math Café (SC 314), north-central Burns Hall, and at
WCC; discuss specific homework questions, help prepare for exams. See Academic Success Center Web Site: for Schedule and details.
Addison-Wesley Math Tutor Center, live tutors available via toll-free telephone, toll-free fax, email, or the internet, accessed at:
Texas-Instruments 82 or 83 or 84 Graphing Calculator (or plus models): To rent a TI-82 for the semester: Go to Cashier’s
window in SC, then bring receipt and photo ID to Math Dept Secretary, SC 351, permits home practice with the graphing
Computer Labs, Math Dept (SC 338A is a classroom, but is has some hours where you may do your online Math homework, no
printing available), Academic Success Center-Computer Lab (BH), free computer and internet access.
Math Center, SC 344. Staffed by math faculty, the Math Center is meant for more thorough help then that that can be obtained
from tutors.
Academic Calendar (Fall, 2010):
August 23 - First Day of Classes.
August 30 - Last Day to Drop and Receive 100% Refund.
September 6 - Labor Day - College Offices Closed.
September 7 - Last Day to Drop and receive 80% Refund, Last Day to Drop and Not Receive "W" on Transcript.
September 17 - College Conversation Day - College closes at 11:50 AM.
November 5 - Last Day to Withdraw with "W" on Transcript, and to change to that on the Web, with 0% Refund.
November 24 - 27 - Thanksgiving Break Faculty & Students.
December 9 - 15 - Final Exams – see that exam schedule for day/date and start-end times
December 21 - Grades available to students online.
December 23 - December 31 - Holiday Break for All Staff - College Offices Closed.
Schedule: The schedule below shows what you are expected to have worked on before the class session of that day.
For example, before September 14th’s class, you should have worked through the material covering sections 3.1 and
3.2. This schedule is subject to change in the event of inclement weather or other factors causing class cancellation.
Problems in textbook (only the odds unless otherwise indicated)
P11:7-51,55-67 P21:5-19,23-49 P49:7-79
8/26 2.1,2.2
P63:11-71 P100:5-63 P107:7-75
8/31 2.3
P126:5-57 P138:13-83
9/7 2.6,2.7
P146:3-67 P157:1,5,9,15,17,19,21,23,29,31,45-53
9/9 2.8
9/14 3.1,3.2
P201:1-77 P214:1-5,17-65, 68,69,70,71
P226:3-69,73,74,75,76 P239:5-65,71,72
9/21 Review
9/23 Exam 1
9/28 4.1,4.2
P261:1-79,83,84,85,86,87,88 P270:1-77
9/30 4.3, Roots
13-31, Roots and radicals packet – all problems
10/5 4.4,4.5
P289:9-81 P297:1-83
10/12 4.7
10/14 5.1
10/21 5.3
10/26 5.4
P356:1,7-77 P359: 1-79
11/2 5.6
11/4 Review
11/9 Exam 2
EMPACTS Presentations
11/16 6.1
11/18 6.2
P414:9-21,29-41 P422:9-19, 25-65
11/30 6.5
12/2 6.6,6.7
P440:17-27,43-67,73-81 P444:1-19 P450:9-41
12/9 Final Exam 2:15 – 4:15 – note start time
Course Pretest: You must take the Developmental Mathematics Pretest in the Testing Center by Friday, September
3rd. If you take it early and do very well on the Beginning Algebra part (and even get to try the Intermediate part) in
there, be sure to talk with me as soon as possible.
Revised August 23, 2010