
Name: __________________________________ Partner____________________________ Per. ______
List out in the box below some of the reasons why America would stay
neutral and summarize ideas of the Neutrality Proclamation.
Neutrality Proclamation
Reasons for Neutrality
Now you are to imagine that you are the Press Secretary to President
Washington. You and a partner will create a press release announcing
the Neutrality Proclamation.
The press release should…
1) Summarize the contents/idea of the Neutrality Proclamation.
2) Explain Washington’s reasons/support for making the
3) Be at least ½ to ¾ of a page long (written or typed)
Grade- Total of 15 points. 5 points for each requirement (1,2,3 above)
Did you know….
Thomas Jefferson objected to the use of the word neutrality in President Washington’s Neutrality
Proclamation. Jefferson argued that using the word neutrality would lead Great Britain to continue
practices on the high seas that American opposed. Washington agreed and removed the word. Thus. The
word neutrality never actually appears in the Neutrality Proclamation.
*Here is some space for you to write your press release…..