Big Idea - Moore Public Schools

10.1 Circulatory System
1. The ____________ system transports materials from the
digestive system and respiratory system. The digestive system
breaks down _________ and _________ and the respiratory
The diagram shows a close-up of the flow of blood in a certain area.
The arrows show the direction the blood is flowing. For each line,
write whether it points to a capillary, an artery, or a vein. Color the
artery blood red, the vein blood blue, and the capillary blood purple.
system provides _________ the cells need to release energy and
removes _________ and other wastes.
2. Materials and wastes are carried in a fluid called ________. The
blood moves through the body delivering _________ and
removing _______ and other wastes.
3. The heart functions as ______ _______. The right side pumps
blood to the _______ to receive _____ and the left side pumps
blood to the ______ _______. Each side of the heart has two
4. Blood is made up of four components; ________, ___________ ,
______________, and platelets. White blood cells help fight
_______. Red blood cells carry _______ throughout the body.
There are more _____ blood cells. Plasma contains _______,
glucose, hormones, ________, and other substances dissolved in
water. Platelets help form _____ _____ when a blood vessel is
5. Blood moves through blood _______. _______ take blood away
from the heart. ______ take blood back to the heart. Oxygen
and materials are exchanged in the ________ which connect
veins and arteries.
6. Blood exerts pressure on blood vessels. What does low blood
pressure mean? _________________________________
7. Why is high blood pressure a serious medical condition?
8. What are the four blood types?
9. Explain what will happen if a person with Type A blood receives
blood from a Type B donor.
10. If you needed a blood transfusion, and you had type O blood,
what type(s) of blood could you receive?
11. If you had type AB blood to what blood type(s) could you donate
blood to? _________________________________________
From the SMART board, label the parts, draw arrows to indicate
blood flow, and color oxygenated blood red and deoxygenated
blood blue. Color the cardiac tissue brown.
What’s in Your Blood?
1. ___________ __________ _________ patrol tissues and get rid of
damaged or dead cells and anything recognized as foreign to the body.
Another name for these is _________________.
2. _____________ release substances that start the process of blood clotting.
3. _________ _________________ refers to the amount of blood in a body,
averaging 6 to 8 percent of total body weight for an adult.
4. _______________ is mostly water and functions as the medium through
which blood cells and platelets are transported through the body.
5. ______ ______________ ____________ are concave disks with a
squashed-in center. They transport oxygen and carry away some CO2. They
contain ______________________ which is the iron containing pigment
that gives them their color.
6. __________________is the average volume of blood contained in an adult.
7. Ninety percent of plasma is made up of ____________.
-------------------------------------Answer these questions from your heart notes.
8. Most arteries are oxygen _________.
9. Most veins are oxygen _________
10. Pulmonary veins are oxygen ________ and the blood is pumped from the
11. Pulmonary arteries are oxygen _________ and the blood is pumped to the
12. The aorta sends oxygen __________ blood to the upper body.
4-5 quarts
blood volume
red blood cells
white blood cells
*May be used more than once.
Immune System
Histamine is released when an injury or illness occurs. While
slicing vegetables, a chef cut his finger. Where in the chef body
is histamine being released? ___________________________
The immune system responds to attack. When we become
resistant to a sickness, we say that we are immune. There are
two forms of immunity—passive and active. How do you acquire
passive immunity?
What is active immunity? ____________________________
1. Many systems defend the body from _________ __________.
2. Complete the table below showing how each of the systems
defends the body.
3. Fill in the Detail Notes
Vaccines contain small amounts of ________ or ____________
pathogens that stimulate an immune response.
10. Most diseases can be prevented or treated. How do vaccines
help prevent disease? _______________________________
4. What two systems carry white blood cells to an injured or
infected area of the body? ________ and ____________
5. The immune system has response structures and responds to
attack. The diagram shows how
two types of white blood cells
identify and attack pathogens.
Identify the T cells and B cell by
writing T cell or B cell over the
appropriate cell.
Fill in the chart.
Ways that foreign material
enters the body
How immune system defends
Eating and drinking
11. What are two ways to develop immunity?
___________________ and ______________________.
Integumentary System
1. Fill in the table.
2. The structure of skin is complex. The skin is made of many
structures, which perform many jobs. Label the missing
components in the diagram below.
5. Fill in the Table.
6. What happens to the skin as a person grows? ____________
7. The skin grows and heals. Even though the skin protects the body
from many pathogens and harmful bacteria, this barrier can be
broken. Name four ways the skin barrier be broken.
___________ ___________ _________ __________
8. What are two things you can do to protect your skin?
3. How many layers does skin have? ______ Which tissue provides
temperature protection? _______________ From which layer
does hair grow? ___________
4. A cross section of skin is
shown below.
____________is the layer
where the skin cells are
newest. Color and label
the 2 different layers and
the hair & oil gland. (4
Which layer protects the body from the environment?
_______________________ ____________________
9. Read about artificial skin on page 349. What is an advantage and
disadvantage of skin transplanted from another place on the
body? Ad – less likely to be ______________; Dis – not enough
good skin to _________________.
10. What is an advantage and disadvantage of artificial skin? Ad shortened _____________ time; can be used during a
______________. Dis – too _____________ to produce. Do
you think burns are more severe if they are limited to the
epidermis or if they affect the dermis as well? Why? ________
How a Pimple Develops
Pimples begin to form when sebum, an oily substance given off by
the sebaceous gland, gets trapped beneath the surface of the
skin. Color, Label, and put in the correct order, 1, 2, 3.
Sweaty Palms and Goose Bumps
Your skin aids your body in maintaining a constant temperature.
This is an example of _______________________ Label the
two pictures either Warm Day or Cool Day. Label the parts of the
skin using the word bank.
Word Bank
sebaceous gland
hair follicle
Label the parts of the Nail.
Word Bank
dead nail
fatty tissue
nail root
nail bed
Word Bank
Blood vessels
Open sweat pore
Closed sweat pore
Relaxed muscle
Contracted muscle
Goose bump
Sweat gland
CH 10 Review
1. Your heart, veins, capillaries, and arteries work together to transport
2. Structures that work together as part of the circulatory system include
3. The cells that deliver oxygen to other cells are _______________________
4. Force that blood exerts on your arteries is called _____________________
5. How do pathogens enter your body through the skin? _________________
6. Mucus traps and destroys pathogens to prevent them from entering the
body as part of the defenses of the ________________________________
7. When foreign material enters the body, one way the immune system
responds is by _________________________________________________
8. Give an example of a nonspecific response in which a tissue responds to
irritation or damage. ____________________________________________
9. When skin gets damaged, the body releases histamines, which
10. Redness and swelling of an inflamed area is due to____________________
11. You develop active immunity to a pathogen by_______________________
12. Vaccines help your body develop__________________________________
13. One function of the skin is to______________________________________
14. What is one function of the integumentary system? ___________________
15. Which structure in the skin helps control body temperature? ___________
16. What part of the skin interacts with the nervous system to communicate
temperature, pressure, or pain? ___________________________________
17. One way you can help your skin stay healthy is by_____________________
18. The skin can easily heal itself from_________________________________
19. Know the parts of the skin. Lab p _______________
20. Draw a circle to represent your heart. Divide your circle into four sections.
Label the right atrium, the left atrium, the right ventricle, and the left
ventricle. Label each chamber as oxygen-poor or oxygen-rich.
21. Draw four arrows to show where blood (1) enters the heart from the lungs,
(2) leaves the heart for the body, (3) enters the heart from the body, and
(4) leaves the heart for the lungs.