ind. book Project Rubrics

In-Class Assignments: These assignments will be done in class, at a time
predetermined by me. You will need to bring your book to class to do the
assignment, and then you’ll have the rest of that class for Silent Sustained Reading.
Failure to bring your book to class that day will cost you the credit for the in-class
assignment. So be prepared.
Independent Reading Journal: 10 pts class work
In a half page reflection, tell me: how far you’ve gotten in your book (pages), a brief
summary of what has happened (5 sentences), a quote you really liked and why you liked
it, and predictions about what’s to come.
Independent Reading Questions: Pick 5 of the 7. Worth 2 pt each = 10 pts class
How is a character in your book similar to a character in another book, story, or movie?
What does this book remind you of in your own life?
What does this book make you wonder about in life?
What do you think of a particular character’s actions? Was he/she right or wrong in
acting that way?
5. What advice would you give to a particular character?
6. Make up a motto that one of the characters seems to live by. How and why does it fit
that character?
7. What in the book upsets you or bothers you? Explain.
Independent Reading Interview: Pair up with a classmate and interview them using
the following questions. Worth 2 pt each = 10 pts class work.
What were your feelings after reading the opening chapter(s) of the book? Why?
After reading half the book? Why?
After finishing the book? Why?
Did the book make you laugh? Cry? Cringe? Smile? Cheer? Explain your response with
examples from the book.
5. What connections are there between the book and your own life? Explain.
Independent Reading Journal #2: 10 points class work
In a half page reflection, tell me what you think the theme(s) of your book is (are)…what
is the author trying to get you to think about? Explain why you think so with specific
examples from the book.
Write a Song/Rap/Poem Project
*Song/Rap/Poem (50 points)
This project involves exactly what it sounds like. Pick a certain event, character, or
theme from your independent reading book and compose a song, rap, or poem about your
subject. Your creation must not be merely a summary of events, but an analysis of
characterization and theme. You must then present your song/rap/poem orally to the
class and explain what you are trying to get across to or describe for your audience.
Acrostic poems and haikus are not permitted. Your poem must be at least one full page
in length, Times New Roman, 12 pt font. If you feel more comfortable taping yourself
rather than presenting your project live, that’s fine. Just be sure to include a hard copy.
____ Song/rap/poem deals with an important event, character, or theme from the
student’s book. It is clear the subject matter was carefully chosen and demonstrates
an understanding of the book read (20 points).
____ Song/rap/poem is creative and neatly presented (10 points).
____ Song/rap/poem is clearly and effectively presented to class (10 points).
____ Student clearly and effectively explains the meaning of his/her project to the class,
and discusses how the project represents a particular aspect of the student’s
independent reading book (10 points).
*One-page reflection (50 points)
In your reflection, describe why you chose the subject you did and why your subject
reveals or expresses an important aspect of your independent reading book. Be sure to
specifically discuss characterization and theme.
____ Reflection is at least one page long and neatly written (15 points).
____ Reflection is thoughtful and well organized. There are few to no grammar or
spelling mistakes (15 points).
____ Reflection successfully explains why the student chose to write about the subject
s/he chose, and how that subject relates to an important aspect of the student’s book
(20 points).
Comments for student:
Grade: ____ /100
Character Diary Project
*Diary (100 points)
Pretend you are one of the major characters from your book. You may also write about a
major event from different character perspectives. To complete this project, you will
pretend you are a character and write his/her diary describing important events that have
happened to you, how you feel about these things, and any other reflections you think
your character might have regarding his/her experiences. Be sure that your reflection is
not merely summary, but analyzes characterization and theme. For this project, you must
write at least 3 pages (750 words), and have at least 3 diary entries. Be sure to span many
points in your book, rather than just the beginning, or even half way through. It is
important in this project to work on writing as if you were your character. Pretend you
are a character in your book and write like you think s/he would write. The diary you
write should have your character’s “voice”—when I read this project, I should hear your
character talking.
____ Character diary has at least three entries and is at least 3 pages or 750 words (15
____ It is clear which character from the book is writing the diary—student uses that
character’s voice effectively (20 points).
____ Character diary addresses issues or events that are central or important to the book.
It is clear from the diary project that student has read and understood their
independent reading book (30 points).
____ Diary is creative and neatly presented (10 points).
____ There are few to none grammar or spelling mistakes and it is evident the project
was thoughtfully and carefully completed (25 points).
Comments for student:
Grade: ____ /100
Book Review Project
*Research book review writing (35 points)
In order to show that you have researched how to write a book review, you must provide
documentation that you have studied at least two actual book reviews as examples for
your own writing. You can find book reviews in newspapers, magazines, and online.
Our school librarians can help you find reputable reviews (random Amazon customers do
not count). For each review you look at, write one paragraph that describes your own
reaction to the review and that lists at least 3 writing strategies the author used to
persuade his/her audience of his/her opinion of the book being reviewed. You must do
this for each book review you look at. You will have two paragraphs total, each worth 15
points. The reviews you study can not be of your IRP book. Doing so will forfeit the
____ 1-paragraph response to book review #1 (15 points)
____ 1-paragraph response to book review #2 (15 points)
____ copies of reviews are included (5 points)
*Book review of your Independent Reading Book (65 points)
Now it’s time to use your understanding of how book reviews are written with your own
ideas regarding your independent reading book. Using some of the writing strategies you
noted in the above research, begin crafting your own review: what did you think of the
book? Why do you feel the way you do about it? Make sure you don’t just give a list of
opinions about the book, but provide evidence from the book explaining your opinions.
Should someone else read this book? Why or why not? These are just some of the ways
you can choose to approach your review. Reviews must be at least 2 pages (500 words)
____ Student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of independent reading book
(15 points).
____ Review is clear and well-written, providing evidence from the text to support
opinions (15 points).
____ Review is persuasive, convincing me to either read or not read the book (10 points).
____ There are few to no grammar and spelling mistakes in the review—it is clear that
the student has put time and thought into his/her project (15 points).
____ Review is at least 2 pages (500 words) long (10 points).
Comments for student:
Grade: ____ /100
Artistic Representation Project
*Artistic Representation (60 points)
Create your own collage, montage, or poster about your book using your artistic skills.
Your creation should illustrate characters, settings, events, symbolism, motifs and themes
from your independent reading book. You may use magazine pictures, your own
drawings, or any other materials you choose to complete this project. Collage or montage
must be created on a poster board the size of your school desk. Each of the choices you
include in your representation must have a specific tie to characterization and theme.
____ Collage/Montage is colorful, and neatly and carefully constructed (20 points).
____ Collage/Montage clearly uses the student’s independent reading book by showing
representations of characters, settings, events, symbolism, motifs and themes from
the novel ( 20 points).
____ Student uses creativity to construct a thoughtful visualization of the book (20
*Reflection or summary of project (40 points)
After you complete your collage/montage, write a 1 page reflection or summary of your
project. Describe what you were trying to represent in your collage/montage and why
you chose to create the project you created. What were some of the challenges in making
a visual representation of your book? What was fun or enjoyable about completing the
project? Reflection must be written in complete sentences.
____ Reflection is clearly written and well organized (20 points).
____ Reflection thoughtfully explains the student’s purpose in creating the
Artistic representation and exhibits an understanding of the student’s independent
reading book through direct tie to characterization and theme (20 points).
Comments for student:
Grade: ____ /100
Act-Out-A-Scene Project
*Script (40 points)
Your script should be as long as it needs to be in order to cover a 3-minute performance.
To begin this project, you will need to analyze characterization and theme. Look for
important moments for the main character. When do they struggle? When do they have
a breakthrough? When do they make difficult decisions? For your script, you should
NOT simply copy sections from your book and then read it to me. If this happens,
you will forfeit your points. Based on what is written on the book, how would you act
out the scene? What is your character thinking or feeling? SHOW me through your
script and your actions why the scene you chose is important to the book. Get to the
heart of who your character is and be sure the theme of your book is evident. You will
need to film yourself doing the scene if it involves more than one person. If you need
other actors, utilize friends and siblings. Be sure they are taking your major project as
seriously as your grade depends on them as well. A hard copy of your written script is
expected when you turn in your project.
____ Script accurately captures the feeling or meaning from the scene the student is
choosing to act out (20 points).
____ Script is neatly presented and has few to no grammatical and spelling errors (20
* Presentation of scene (20 points)
Your presentation must be at least 3 minutes long and follow your script. You may use
any props you need to. Feel free to act as many characters as you need to for your scene,
and make sure you practice!
____ It is clear that student has practiced his/her presentation and the video quality is
adequate (10 points).
____ Student is confident and clear while presenting his/her scene from the book (10
* Reflection (40 points)
Your reflection must be at least 1 page and describe or explain why you chose to act out
the scene you did. What makes this particular scene stand out or important? Your
analysis of characterization and theme must be evident.
____ Reflection is neat and there are few to no grammar or spelling errors (20 points).
____ Reflection demonstrates student thoughtfulness in choosing his/her scene from the
book by analyzing characterization and theme (20 points).
Comments for student:
Grade: ____ /100