CHEMISTRY LESSON PLANS FOR HSTI ATOM MODULE Lesson 1: Introduction to Radioactivity Objectives: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Discuss the discovery of radiation/radioactive emissions and the scientists involved. Identify the three types of radiation and discuss their properties. Define radioactivity/radioactive emissions. Differentiate between a chemical reaction and a nuclear reaction. Define the various types of nuclides and discuss nuclear equations. HSTI Resources: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Lesson Timeline: 1. 2. 3. Power Point Presentation: Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity I Power Point Student Handouts: Radioactive Emissions Handout, Radioactivity Handout, Nuclear Reaction Terminology Handout Student Activities: 3.1 Worksheets: 3.2 Templates: 3.3 Flash Cards: Quizzes: Interactive: Other: one period Use the Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity I Power Point to discuss how radioactivity/radiation was discovered, the types of radiation, types of nuclear decay and how to balance a nuclear equation. Practice identifying types of nuclear decay. HW: Review Radioactive Emissions and Radioactivity Handouts; Read Nuclear Reaction Terminology Handout Lesson 2: Balancing Nuclear Equations/Introduction to Nuclear Stability Objectives: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Categorize a nuclear equation as alpha decay, beta decay, gamma decay, positron decay or electron capture by analyzing the nuclear equation. Balance nuclear equations. Draw a graph of proton vs. neutron distribution for an element/isotope. Discuss nuclear stability and predict stability from the proton/neutron ratio. Discuss how a radioactive nucleus becomes stable through a decay series. HSTI Resources: 1.) Power Point Presentation: Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity I Power Point 2.) Student Handouts: Nuclear Terminology Handout, Nuclear Stability Handout, Alpha Decay and Smoke Alarms Handout, Beta Decay Handout, and Gamma Decay and Food Sterilization Handout 3.) Student Activities: 3.1 Worksheets: Nuclear Equations Worksheet and Key, Graphing Nuclear Stability Worksheet and Key 3.2 Templates: 3.3 Flash Cards: 3.4 Labs: 4.) Quizzes: 5.) Interactive: 6.) Other: Lesson Timeline: 1. 2. 3. 4. one period Have students practice balancing nuclear equations in class using the Nuclear Terminology (Balancing Nuclear Equations) Handout as reinforcement. Check several equations in class. Have students work in pairs to interpret the nuclear stability graph in the Nuclear Stability Handout (provide only the graph at this point) and have students predict what makes a nucleus unstable. Use power point presentation to review nuclear stability and practice predicting nuclear stability from proton/neutron ratio. HW: Finish Nuclear Equations Worksheet and complete Graphing Nuclear Stability Worksheet. Read Alpha Decay and Smoke Alarms Handout, Beta Decay Handout, and Gamma Decay and Food Sterilization Handout. Lesson 3: Radioactive Decay and Half-Life Objectives: (1) Discuss radioactive rate of decay and units associated with decay rate. (2) Define half-life. (3) Discuss applications of radioactive decay and half-life, such as, medical tracers and carbon-14 dating. (4) Graph the radioactive decay for an element and interpret graph. HSTI Resources: 1.) Power Point Presentation: Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity I Power Point Presentation 2.) Student Handouts: The Decay Constant and Half-Life Handout, Carbon-14 Dating Handout, Radioactive Half-Life Handout 3.) Student Activities: 3.1 Worksheets: Graphing Nuclear Decay Worksheet and Key 3.2 Templates: 3.3 Flash Cards: 3.4 Labs: Radioactive Decay Lab and Key 4.) Quizzes: 5.) Interactive: 5.) Other: Lesson Timeline: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. one period Discuss the Graphing Nuclear Stability Worksheet and compare answers. Discuss the applications of decay referring to the examples provided in the Alpha Decay and Smoke Alarms Handout, Beta Decay Handout, and Gamma Decay and Food Sterilization Handout. Use the Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity I Power Point Presentation to introduce radioactive rate of decay, half-life and applications. Pass out The Decay Constant and Half-Life Handout. Students working with lab partner complete Radioactive Decay Lab to determine the half-life of an “element” by simulating the decay of an element and graphing the results. Discuss results. HW: Complete the Graphing Nuclear Decay Worksheet, Read Carbon-14 Dating Handout and Radioactive Half-Life Handout (medical applications of half-life) Lesson 4: Calculating Half-Life/Introduction to Binding Energy Objectives: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Calculate the half-life of an element/isotope. Determine the amount of sample remaining after a certain number of half-lives. Define transmutation. Discuss particle cyclotron accelerators and linear accelerators and their role in transmutations. Review balancing nuclear equations by balancing transmutation nuclear equations. Discuss mass defect and binding energy. Contrast the amount of energy released in a chemical reaction with that of a nuclear reaction. HSTI Resources: 1.) Power Point Presentation: Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity I and Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity II Power Point Presentation 2.) Student Handouts: Decay Constant and Half-Life Handout, Nuclear Transmutations-Transformations Handout 3.) Student Activities: 3.1 Worksheets: Half-Life Worksheet and Key 3.2 Templates: 3.3 Flash Cards: 3.4 Labs: 3.5 Quizzes: 4.) Interactive: 5.) Other: Lesson Timeline: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. one period Discuss applications of half-life referring to the Carbon-14 Dating Handout and the Radioactive Half-Life Handout (medical applications). Use Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity I Power Point Presentation sample problems to illustrate solving half-life problems (calculating half-life and amount of sample remaining) and Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity II Power Point Presentation to present transmutations. Pass out Decay Constant and Half-Life Handout and Transmutations-Transformations Handout for students to use as reference during the practice portion of class. Practice half-life type calculations using the Half-Life Worksheet. Check several in class. HW: Finish Half-Life Worksheet; Review for Balancing Nuclear Equations Quiz Lesson 5: Fission versus Fusion Objectives: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Define fission, critical mass, and fusion. Contrast fission and fusion. Discuss various applications of fission and fusion as energy sources. Describe how a nuclear Power Plant works. Discuss cold fusion and how the search for its discovery has led to a reinforcement of the necessity of peer review when conducting and publishing research. HSTI Resources: 1.) Power Point Presentation: Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity II Power Point Presentation 2.) Student Handouts: Fission vs. Fusion Handout 3.) Student Activities: 3.1 Worksheets: Nuclear Power Plants Worksheet and Key, Cold Fusion Worksheet and Key 3.2 Templates: 3.3 Flash Cards: 3.4 Labs: 4.) Quizzes: Balancing Nuclear Equations Quiz and Key 5.) Interactive: 6.) Other: Lesson Timeline: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. one period Administer Balancing Nuclear Equations Quiz and Key. Use the Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity II Power Point Presentation to present fission, critical mass, and fusion as well as how fission and fusion can be used as energy sources (ex. Nuclear Power Plants). Pass out the Fission vs. Fusion Handout for students to use for review. Have students complete the Nuclear Power Plants Worksheet in pairs and utilize to discuss more specifically how fission can be utilized to produce energy. HW: Assign Cold Fusion Worksheet (give students one week to complete and then use worksheets to generate a discussion of the need for peer review when conducting and publishing scientific research). Lesson 6: Nuclear Applications Objectives: (1) (2) (3) Identify various applications of nuclear science. Discuss benefits and risks associated with nuclear science applications and list. Debate which nuclear science applications’ benefits outweigh the risks associated. HSTI Resources: 1.) Power Point Presentation: 2.) Student Handouts: 3.) Student Activities: 3.1 Worksheets: Nuclear Applications Worksheet and Key 3.2 Templates: 3.3 Flash Cards: 3.4 Labs: 4.) Quizzes: 5.) Interactive: 5.) Other: Nuclear Unit Test Lesson Timeline: 1. 2. 3. 4. one period Divide class up into groups of four to complete the Nuclear Applications Worksheet. Within groups students discuss benefits and risks associated with two specific nuclear science applications and list. Within the groups debate which nuclear science application benefits outweigh the risks associated. HW: Study for Nuclear Unit Test (for chemistry do not include the binding energy/mass defect calculations) Lesson 7: Unit Test Objectives: HSTI Resources: 1.) Power Point Presentation: 2.) Student Handouts: 3.) Student Activities: 3.1 Worksheets: 3.2 Templates: 3.3 Flash Cards: 3.4 Labs: 4.) Quizzes: Nuclear Unit Test 5.) Interactive: 6.) Other: Lesson Timeline: 1. 2. one period Administer Nuclear Unit Test HW: Finish Cold Fusion Research Worksheet.