Application for the Screening Procedure 1. Last Name: First Name: 2. Student ID: E-mail: 3. Local Address: GPA in Breadth Courses: 4. Number of Units Completed: GPA Overall: 5. Faculty Advisor: 6. Faculty Advisor’s e-mail address: 7. Research Track: 8. Please include all the breadth courses you have taken or are taking this semester (please make sure to include each course in its appropriate group): Group # Course Title Seminar in CS Research Seminar in CS Research Course Number 597 597 Instructor Grade Semester/ Year Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 9. Please include all the depth courses you have taken or are taking this semester: Course Title Course Number Instructor Grade Semester/ Year 1 2 3 10. Please include all the other courses you have taken at USC, including those you are taking this semester (please add as many rows to this table as needed): Course Title Course Number Instructor Grade Semester/ Year 1 2 11. Personal Statement Please enter any information you think will assist the screening committee in determining your research potential. For example list any papers accepted for publication, already published, or being refereed. Indicate experience in research laboratories; interaction with USC faculty; research interests, etc. (please attach additional sheet if needed). 12. (Optional) URL for additional information if any if you wish to provide any addition material (e.g., copies of papers you published), please include one URL (where this material can be found).