
Unit 2: Structure and Function of Cells
2.1 Characteristics of Cells:
(RE green workbook p. 25-27)
*1. _____________--the basic unit of living things; the smallest unit that can carry out
all of the functions of life
2. __________________________________--the scientist that discovered (non-living) cells
and named them in 1665 (English)
3. _______________________________________--the first person to observe living cells, he
made a simple microscope in 1674 (Dutch). He called them “animalcules”, we call them
4.________________ _______________ —a scientific theory which states that:
a. all living things are made of _______ or more cells,
b. the cell is the smallest or basic _________ of organization (or of structure and
function) of all living things,
c. all cells come from other _____________ cells
2.2 Cell Structures:
(RE pp.19-24)
1. _____________ ____________________--the outer layer of a cell which controls the
movement of dissolved molecules into and out of the cell
2. ____________________________-- a thick gel-like substance that surrounds and supports
the organelles inside the cell
3. What are the two types of cells? (This is review from Unit 1!)
a. _____________________--cells without a nucleus (ex. bacteria)
b. _____________________--cells with a nucleus (ex. protists, fungi, plants, & animals)
4. ________________________ -- structures inside a eukaryotic cell
5. ___________________________---organelle that controls all the activities of a cell and
contains hereditary material made of proteins and DNA
6. ___________________ __________________ (or envelope)-- the structure that surrounds
the nucleus and controls what goes into or out of the nucleus
Unit 2: Structure and Function of Cells
7. ______________ --structures (inside the nucleus) that store genetic information, which is
information passed on from one generation to the next
8. _________________________ -- the powerhouse (it’s mighty!) of the cell; releases energy
from food (This is where cellular respiration takes place.)
9. ______________________-- organelles that produce proteins
10. ____________________ ____________________-- a system of membranes and sacs that
can move materials from one part of the cell to another; can be rough (with attached
ribosomes) or smooth (without attached ribosomes)
11. ______________ ______________ (apparatus) -- a system of membranes which changes,
supports, and packages the proteins to be stored in the cell or secreted out of the cell
12. ____________________ -- organelles that digest organic compounds and old organelles
13. ____________________-- a saclike structure that stores water or wastes (Tbk p. 43)
14. _____________ _____________-- rigid structure that encloses, supports, and protects the
cells of plants, algae, fungi, and most bacteria
15. ____________________ -- organelles which use the energy from the sun, along with
carbon dioxide and water, to make food (glucose/sugar) for plants or plant-like organisms
(autotrophs); (These are green and contain chlorophyll.)
2.3 Moving Cellular Materials
(RE pp. 40-44)
3 types of passive transport
3 types of active transport
Gas Exchange: chemical symbols:
O2 ________________
H2O ______________
CO2 ________________ _______________________
16. _______________ _____________________-- material that allows some substances to pass
through, while not allowing other substances to pass through
Unit 2: Structure and Function of Cells
17. _______________ _______________________--a process in which materials are transported
across the cell membrane without using energy
18. ________________________-- when particles (naturally) move from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower concentration (HIGH to low)
19. ____________________________--when the concentration of a substance is the same
inside and outside of the cell
20. ____________________________--the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable
membrane (HIGH to low)
21. _________________________ ___________________-when transport proteins (in the cell
membrane) help molecules that are too large to diffuse normally pass through the cell
22. active transport by transport proteins
23. _______________ __________________--when a cell uses energy to move materials into
areas where they are more concentrated (low to HIGH)
24. _______________________-- when the cell membrane forms a fold or a pocket (called a
vesicle) around large particles to get them into a cell
25. ___________________________when a cell uses a vesicle to remove large materials by
carrying the materials to the cell membrane and merging with it
Label the pictures with the number and the vocabulary word.
Unit 2: Structure and Function of Cells
26. ________________________ ____________________--a solution in which the
concentration of dissolved substances is the same inside and outside the
cell (Water will continue to move into and out of the cell at the same rate.)
27. ________________________ ____________________--a solution in which the
concentration of dissolved substances is greater outside of the cell (The
concentration is higher in the solution (outside of the cell), so water will
move out of the cell to make the concentrations equal.) ****Hyper people
think it’s great to be outside! That’s why they are usually skinny!****
28. ________________________ ____________________--a solution in which the
concentration of dissolved substances is greater inside of the cell (The
concentration is higher inside of the cell, so water will move into the cell to
make the concentrations equal.) ****Hypo hippos—hippos are fat, so they
like to be in the water so it can help support their weight.****
2.4 Cell Processes
(RE pp. 45-50, 121-122, 147-152)
29. __________________________ -- the process where plants use light energy from the Sun
along with carbon dioxide and water to make glucose (sugar—their food)
30. _______________________ _________________________--the process where (oxygen is
present and) glucose is broken down to release energy
31. ____________________________-- the process where cells obtain energy from glucose
without oxygen; there are two types:
32. ____________ _____________fermentation-- occurs in muscle cells after strenuous
activity; the waste products are _____________ _____________ and _______________
33. _____________________ fermentation-- occurs in yeast and some other unicellular
organisms that break down sugars; the waste products are _________________ and
______________________ ______________________.