Alliances - Claire Zerna's Teaching Portfolio

1879-1914: The Deadly Alliances
In order to understand exact ly what went wr ong back in the summer of 1914 we
will exam ine the key alliances that occurred bet ween 1879 and 1914. These
inter locking "def ense" treaties, once tripped, would bring the mighty arm ies
together on a collision course that no one could stop.
Please note that not all alliances ar e listed here. There's too many and this is a
histor y of the First W orld W ar, not 19th centur y Europe.
The Dual Alliance 1879 to 1918
Bismarck wanted to protect Austr ia -Hungary f rom possible Russian aggression.
Relations bet ween Russia and Austr ia -Hungary had sour ed as a result of
Russia attacking Turkey and imposing the Treaty of San Stef ano. The Austro Russian understanding of 1873 had f allen vict im to upheaval in the Balkans.
In protecting Austria -Hungar y f rom Russia, Germany was looking out f or her
own interests. If Austria -Hungary were ever to f all then the Russians would be
at the German door. This was an actual def ensive alli ance on the part of
Three Emperor's League 1881 to 1887
This was an attempt to restore stabilit y to eastern Europe by bringing Russia
into the f old of the Dual Alliance. It was not to be successf ul as Austro -Russian
problems f lared again with the Bulgarian Crisis of 1886 -7.
Austro- Serbi an Alli ance 1881 to 1895
Once again Russia is the motivat ion f or an alliance. This tim e it is to tr y t o limit
possible Russian inf luence in the Balkans .
The Triple Alliance 1882 to 1915
This strategic alliance was f ormed f or the express purpose of stopping Italy
f rom attacking Austria -Hungar y in the event of war with Russia. Bismarck's
Reinsur ance Treat y with Russia was an attempt to avoid this seemingly
inevitable war.
The Austro-German -Romanian Alliance 1883 to 1916
Sim ilar in concept to the Serbian Alliance , this again was mot ivat ed by
perceived Russian intentions in the Balkans. Those Russians!
Franco-Russian Alli ance 1894 to 1917
This major last ing alliance was the Russian react ion to sever al events of the
 New German Chancellor Caprivi drops the Russian Reinsurance Treaty
 Germany renews The Triple Alliance
 Germany also gets f riendly wit h the " Mediterranean Entent e " (Britain,
Italy and Spain against Russia and France)
However by 1895 Germany had realised that it could prof it from its relat ions
with Russia and France, and things settled down among the power s.
Russo-Bulgarian Mi litary Convention 1902 to 1913
Bulgar ia
Bulgar ia, newly independent f rom the Ottoman Empire, allies itself with Russia
in an attempt to war d off the possibi lit y of Austro -Hungarian aggression.
The Entente Cordiale 1904 to 1918
Great Britain
This agreement bet ween Great Br itain and France was more a sign of healing
relat ions than an act ual alliance. The Triple Alliance powers t ook note.
The Anglo- Russi an Entent e 1907 to 1917
Great Britain
Great Britain and Russia, having settled t heir dif f erences, take this f inal step
toward the Triple Ent ente.
The Triple Entente 1907 to 1917
Great Britain
This alliance arose from the prior ent ent es bet ween these thr ee powers and as
a reaction to:
 W orsening relat ions bet ween Germany and Great Britain due to the Naval
arms race (see Tirpit z Plan)
 Germany's attempt t o exploit the Russian loss of the Russo - Japanese
W ar of 1905
This f inal alliance dr ew the lines f or the war that would f ollow. Germany's worst
f ears of encirclement wer e realised and a two f ront war had been made a
certaint y.