11 CP/H Research Project Rubric DiredDirections: Attach this rubric to the front of your final draft. Teacher Name: Ms. Haupt Student Name: _______________________________________ Period:_______Date:__________ 4 3 2 1 Organization: Overall grasp of subject, Introduction, Conclusion, Title Information is logically organized and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic. Information is logically organized and a suitable understanding of the topic. Information is organized but demonstrates a minimal understanding of the topic. Information is not organized and demonstrates a minimal understanding of the topic. X5 Quality of Info: Use of good sources and adequate information Paper is informative and demonstrates thorough research, reflection, and a variety of quality sources. Paper is somewhat informative & reflective and demonstrates a good variety of sources. Paper is somewhat informative & reflective but demonstrates a poor quality of sources. Paper is not very informative or reflective, demonstrates poor quality of sources, and/or is mostly opinion. X5 Focus: Deductive writing from one main point. Writing exhibits a single clear focus and development of ideas from the thesis. Writing exhibits a clear focus but tends to shift away from the thesis at times. Writing exhibits unclear focus and often shifts away from the thesis. Writing exhibits no focus and constantly shifts away from the thesis. X5 Paragraph Construction All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. Most paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. Some paragraphs include related information but were typically not constructed well. Paragraphing X4 structure was not clear and sentences were not typically related within the paragraphs. Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. A couple of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors A few grammatical, Many grammatical, spelling, or spelling, or punctuation errors. punctuation errors. Works Cited Information: Modern Language Association (MLA) All sources are accurately documented in MLA format, in alphabetical order, and a title is present. All sources are accurately documented in MLA format but not in alphabetical order or there may be no title. All sources are accurately documented in MLA format but not in alphabetical order and there may be no title. Sources are not X2 accurately documented in MLA format, not in alphabetical order and there may be no title. Parenthetical Citation: Correct citation of information related to research Parenthetical Citation is accurate and evident throughout the essay. Connects to Works Cited. Parenthetical Citation is evident throughout the essay. Connects to Works Cited. Parenthetical Citation is evident but not consistent throughout the paper. Minimal connection to Works Cited. Parenthetical X2 Citation is inconsistent. No connection to Works Cited is evident. CATEGORY X2