000021_22 Brinkely Reading

Ch. 21 The Rise of Progressivism and Ch. 22 The Battle for National Reform
Pages 564-589
Pages 592-609
1. Compare and contrast the attitudes of THREE of the following toward the wealth that
was created in the United States during the late nineteenth century.
a. Andrew Carnegie
b. Eugene V. Debs
c. Horatio Alger
d. Booker T. Washington
e. Ida M. Tarbell
2. “In understanding the nature of a reform movement it is as important to know what it
seeks to preserve as to know what it seeks to change.” Compare the Populist and
Progressive reform movements in light of this statement.
3. The response to the negative consequences of the rise of industrialism led to a series of
reform movements, culminating in the Progressive Movement. Discuss the goals of
progressivism and how these goals were or were not realized.
Specifics: Ch. 21 The Rise of Progressivism 564-589
1. List the Progressive reform issues found on page 564.
2. What are the foundational beliefs of the Progressives? (basically what did they
3. Define the origin of the term Muckrakers, what topics did they address, and list two
4. Outline the elements of Social Gospel and list one example
5. How did Carrie Chapman Catt impact women’s suffrage movement?
6. Make a chart comparing Pro-woman’s Suffrage Arguments and Anti-Woman’s
Suffrage Arguments.
7. Summarize Progressive reforms found pages 577-579
8. Outline the career of La Follette and highlight his Progressive achievements.
9. Know everything about Booker T. Washington and WEB DuBois
10. Know the following and the significance of the item:
a. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
b. Ida Wells
Specifics: Ch 22 The Battle For National Reform Pages 592-609
1. Do an internet search of the Jungle and read an excerpt, what is the significance of
this book to the Progressives…be specific.
2. Page 594 is about TR.
a. How did TR become President and what about him personally is significant?
b. What was his view on the role of government action?
c. Trusts?
d. Square Deal
e. Conservation, Newlands, Pinchot
f. Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act
3. Why did TR not like TAFT?
4. How did Wilson get Elected?
5. TR became more radical as he aged in what ways? (See new Nationalism and the
Bullmoose Party)
6. Outline the career of Woodrow Wilson include: Pre-Presidency, Presidency- Lower
Tariff, Income Tax, Banking Reform, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Anti-Trust
Act, Louis Brandeis, Keating Owen Act.
Ch 21 Progressives and Ch 22 TR and Wilson Key Terms
Women’s Issues
McClure’s Magazine
Carrie Nation
Ida Tarbell
Lincoln Seffens
Susan B. Anthony
Upton Sinclair
Alice Paul
The Jungle
Carrie Chapman Catt
Ida Wells
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Political Reforms
Progressive Ideals
Government intervention to improve
Theodore Roosevelt Admin
William McKinley Assassination
Square Deal
(RR)Interstate Commerce Act 1887
(RR) Hepburn Act 1906
(RR) Elkins Act 1903
Meat Inspection Act 1906
Pure Food and Drug Act
Food and Drug Administration
William Howard Taft 1908-1912
Pinchot-Ballenger Controversy
Election of 1912
“New Nationalism”
Bull Moose Party
Woodrow Wilson Admin
“New Freedom”
16th Amendment (Income
17th Amendment (Senators,
Direct Election of)
18th Amendment
19th Amendment (Women’s
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Reserve System
Federal Income Tax
Lower Tarriff,
Federal Trade Commission
Louis Brandeis
Keating Owen Act
Black America
Plessey v. Ferguson
Booker T. Washington
Up From Slavery
Tuskegee Institute
W.E.B. DuBois
Niagara Movement
Souls of Black Folks
Marcus Garvey