Jonathan Dastych Derrius Hightower Mike Wagonblott Objectives

Jonathan Dastych
Derrius Hightower
Mike Wagonblott
The Ancient Romans made numerous technological advancements as well as building many new
The Ancient Romans believed in many Gods and Goddesses.
Specialized architecture played a large part in the building of Roman cities.
Student will be able to identify the different periods of the ancient roman society i.e.
Kingdom, Republic, Empire.
Student will be able to identify similarities and differences of the ancient roman republic
and the government of the United States.
Students will be able to identify the different class systems of ancient Rome
Understand that start of the roman empire
History Test
Ancient Rome
1. Which of the following was used by Romans when constructing buildings, monuments, and other
architectural projects?
a. Concrete
b. Sand
c. Limestone
d. Plastic
2. Julius Caesar was a ruler of Rome. He died during which of the following?
a. Ides of April
b. Ides of March
c. Ides of May
d. Ides of February
3. Aqueducts were used for what purpose?
Jonathan Dastych
Derrius Hightower
Mike Wagonblott
a. Transport waste out of the cities
b. Transport water into cities
c. Built only for bridges
d. Did not have a specific use
4. The Romans perfected what architectural achievement, which they used in many of their
a. The arch
b. The flat ceiling
c. The pillar
d. The revolving door
5. The Romans believed in many different Gods and Goddesses. This makes the Romans
a. Monotheistic
b. Christian
c. Catholic
d. Polytheistic
6. Which of the following were Gods worshipped by the Romans?
a. Juno and Minerva
b. Zeus and Hades
c. Aphrodite and Cleopatra
d. Isis and Osiris
7. Which of the following would have been used during battle in Rome?
a. Concrete
b. Catapult
c. Rifle
d. Aqueduct
Jonathan Dastych
Derrius Hightower
Mike Wagonblott
8. Which of these was NOT an advancement of Roman architecture?
a. Arch
b. Vault
c. Column
d. Dome
9. Which Roman god or goddess was deity of war?
a. Mars
b. Ares
c. Juno
d. Aphrodite
10. Which of the following groups was the head of the social scale in the Roman Republic?
a. Slaves
b. Plebeians
c. Patricians
d. Tribunes
11. The Pantheon served what purpose in Rome?
a. Hold large banquets
b. Have concerts for the people
c. A temple to worship all Roman Gods and Goddesses
d. A place for people to take shelter if there was a natural disaster
12. Women held all but which of the following roles in Rome?
a. Promote Husbands best interest
b. Educate children
c. Take care of the household
d. Work as the primary source of income
Jonathan Dastych
Derrius Hightower
Mike Wagonblott
13. Who was the Carthaginian general that lead his army across the alps into Italy against the
a. Hannibal
b. Caesar
c. Pompey
d. Augustus
14. Rome fought who in the Punic wars?
a. Carthage
b. Egypt
c. Gaul
d. Great Britain
15. Which territory did Julius Caesar help conquer?
a. China
b. Gaul
c. India
d. South Africa
16. What was the name of the river that Roman generals were NOT allowed to cross with their
standing army?
a. Mississippi
b. Rhine
c. Rubicon
d. Nile
Jonathan Dastych
Derrius Hightower
Mike Wagonblott
17. How was the Roman army organized?
a. Legions
b. Divisions
c. Squads
d. Platoons
18. Why was Julius Caesar murdered?
a. Because he was considered weak.
b. Because he killed his brother.
c. He lost an important battle.
d. He was considered too powerful by the senate and they feared he would make himself
Short Answer
19. Name one important technological advancement that was made during the era of Ancient Rome.
Describe what the advancement was and how it affected Rome. Also, Describe how you see this
invention in today’s modern society.
(Answers may vary)
20. Ancient Roman history is broken down into three different time periods name them in order.
a. Roman Kingdom
b. Roman republic
c. Roman Empire
21. The United States government shares similarities and differences with the roman republic.
Compare the government of the United States with the Roman republic. Provide at least three
A. Possible Answers
a. Senate
b. Voting
c. Elected officials
Jonathan Dastych
Derrius Hightower
Mike Wagonblott
d. Passing laws
e. President
What the republic does in desperate times
g. Corruption
h. Representatives
22. What are the class systems of Ancient Rome
a. Senatorial class (senatores):
b. Equestrian class (equites)
c. Commons (plebs or vulgus)
d. Latins (Latini):
e. Foreigners (peregrini):
Freedpeople (liberti or libertini):
g. Slaves (servi):
23. Choose one group from the class system and describe its functions
a. Senatorial class (senatores): The basis for this class was political. It included all men who
served in the Senate, and by extension their families
b. Equestrian class (equites): The basis for this class was economic. A man could be
formally enrolled in the equestrian order if he could prove that he possessed a stable
minimum amount of wealth (property worth at least 400,000 sesterces); by extension his
family members were also considered equestrians
c. Commons (plebs or vulgus): all other freeborn Roman citizens. The special mark of dress
for citizen males was the toga. All Roman citizens had conubium, the right to contract a
legal marriage with another Roman citizen and beget legitimate children who were
themselves Roman citizens.
d. Foreigners (peregrini): all other freeborn men and women who lived in Roman territories
e. Slaves (servi): system of chattel slavery where human beings were born into slavery or
sold into slavery through war or piracy
24. Explain the story of Romulus and Remus.
Jonathan Dastych
Derrius Hightower
Mike Wagonblott
a. Important things that need to be mentioned
i. Twin brothers
ii. Were supposed to be killed at birth
iii. Found by a she wolf protected until a shepherd found them
iv. Raised by shepherd
v. Prove to be natural leaders.
vi. Each acquires many followers.
vii. When they discover the truth of their birth, they kill Amulius and restore Numitor
to his throne.
viii. Rather than wait to inherit Alba Longa, they choose to found a new city.
ix. Romulus kills Remus
x. Start the city for himself