final review sheet

Chemistry Final
Unit 1
 Density= mass/volume
 Mixture
o Homogeneous is uniform
 Solution
 Element
o Heterogeneous isn’t uniform
 Suspensionparticles will settle out
 Colloidsmallest particle tyndal effect
 Ions
o Differend groups on tables having different charges and knowing if they
are (+) or (-)
o Polyatomic ions (given on test)
 Acuracy how close you are to result
 Precision all the same but not necessarily close to actual result
 Significant figures
o Add or subtract=least amount of decimal places
o When multiplying or dividing you round to nearest significant figure
 Solubility
o Solute what gets dissolved
o Solvent what does dissolving
o Saturated solution
o Unsaturated
o Supersaturated
o Gases solubility decreases…
 Ways of measuring concentration
o Volume % Volume solute/volume solution
o Mass % Mass Solute/mass solution
o PPM mass solute/mass solution x 10 (6)
o PPB mass solute/mass solution x 10 (9)
 Acidity
o Acids: less then 7
o Bases: over 7
Unit 2
Metals good conductors, malleable, ductile
Non-metals (upper right hand corner) greater variation, mostly gases
Metalloid properties of both: B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, At
Periodic table
o Mass#- protons + neutrons
o Atomic #- protons
o Electrons- negative, no real mass
o Group 1: alkali
o Group 2: alkaline earth
o Group 7: halogens
o Group 8: Noble gases
 Unit conversions
o K, h, d, b, d, c, m
 Bohr model
o Further you are away, more energy electron has
o Energy levels: 1 (s) 2 (s,p) 3 (s, p,d)…
o Electron levels: s 1 orbital
 p 3
 d 5
 f 7
o Each orbital holds 2 electrons
 Polyexclusion one up and one down in each orbital
 Huns up arrows go first
 Periodic trends
o Atomic radius
 Decreases as goes across
 Increases as goes down
o Electronegativity
 Increses as goes across
 Decreases as goes up
o Ionic
 Decreases as goes across
 Increses as goes down
 *As you get to non-metals they become big again
o Inonization energy
 Increses as goes across
 Decreases as goes up
o Anions are bigger then ions and cations are smaller then their ions
 Redox
o Oil Rig
 Balancing reactions
 Moles
o 6.02 x 10 (23)
o Molar mass and conversions
 Stoicheometry
 Percent composition
o Mass element/mass of compound
o Imperical (lowest numbers) and Molecular formula (Actual)
25.9% N 74.1% O
Assume 100 grams to divide each number by their molar mass
Then write equation as N(x) O(y) with number of moles
Then divide by smallest number
Then if not whole numbers multiple until you get whole numbers
Then, with imperical, whatever mass you are given to find molecular you multiply until
you get molecular
 Covalent- molecular
 Ionic- ionic
 Lewis structures
o Add up valence electrons and make bonds and then fill out electrons and
make double bonds if necessary
 Alkanes- saturated Carbons with hydrogens
o C(n) H(2n+2)
o All single bonds
 Alkenes- unsaturated
o Double bonds
o C(n) H(2n)
 Alkynes- unsaturated
o C(n) H(2n-2)
 Benzene- C6H6
o Pheynl
 CH3-CH2- CH2-CH-CH2-CH-CH3
 Units
o Meth, eth, prop, but, hex, hept, oct, non, dec
 Organic Chemistry
o Halogens- R- halogen
o Alchohol- R- OH
o Carboxylic acid- R-C-OH
o O (doubled to C)
o Ester- R-C-O-R
O (double to C)
o Ether- R-O-R
o Amine- R-NH2
o Amide- R-C-N-R
o Aldehyde- N-C=O
 R
o Ketone- R-C=O
Unit 3
 Thermochemistry
o Exothermic- releases hear positive enthalpy
o Endothermic- absorbs heat positive enthalpy
 Q=mc (delta) T
o When change in temperature and want to know how much energy released
o Q=heat
o M=mass
o C=change of temperature
o T=temperature
 Heats of combustion
o CH4+ 2O2CO2+2H2O
Delta H -X kj (exothermic)
o How much heat releases if 32 grams of CH4?
 32g/16g per mol=2 mol
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
10 g solid at 10 degrees to 20 degrees
o H of fusion=6.01 kj/mol
o 1) -100 degrees: q=10(2.1)(10)
Unit: J
o 6.01 kj per mol x 10g/18 g per mol Unit: Kj
o 0 20 degrees: q=10(4.184)(20)
Unit: J
Hess’ law
o If flip reaction change from negative to positive or vice versa
o If multiply then multiply enthalpy
Unit 4
 Ideal gases: gases act ideally at low temperature and high temp
o Boyles
o Charles
o Avagago
o Gay-Lussachs
o Combined gas law
Pv=nRTideal gas law
At STP 1 mol of a gas occupies 22.4 L
o STP=273 kelvin & 1 atm
Acid & bases
o Bronstead-Lowery theory
o Acid+basesalt & H2O
o OH and H concentrations
Molarity=mol of solute/liter of solution
Unit 5
 Rates and equilibrium
o Changing temp, adding catalysts, changing
 Lechatliers
o When we add stress to a reaction the equation gets rid of it
 Could be pressure, temp etc.
 Equilibrium constants and problems
 Electrochemistry
o Voltaic cells: chemical electric energy
o Electrolytic energy: electric energychemical energy
Unit 6
 Just did it!!!!
 Balancing redox reactions
 Avagago #= 6.02 x 10(23)
 Limiting reaction problems
o Theoretical yield
o Actual yield
 Precipitation reactions
o Solubility rulesfind precipitate (which is solid)
o WRITE THE (S)!!!
 Complete ionic, net ionic