Find reference to show influx pathways that increase outgrowth as

Ca2+ influx through a mechanosensitive channel and release from intracellular
stores have opposite effects on neurite outgrowth
Neurite extension is differentially regulated by Ca2+ influx through a
mechanosensitive channel and release from intracellular stores
Opposing effects of Ca2+ influx through a mechanosensitive channel and release
from intracellular stores on neurite outgrowth
Bridget T. Jacques-Fricke, Yiqi Seow, Philip Gottlieb, Frederick Sachs
and Timothy M. Gomez
Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience Training Program,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706
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Text pages (including references and legends): xx
Figures: 7
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Supporting online material: 2 Figures and 1 Quicktime movie
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Acknowledgements: We thank … This work was supported by NIH NS41564 and NSF
IBN-0419926 to T.M.G.
Timothy M. Gomez
University of Wisconsin
257 Bardeen Labs
1300 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-4554
Fax: (608) 262-7306
Intracellular Ca2+ signaling is known to be an important regulator of neurite
outgrowth and growth cone steering. Here we show that inhibiting Ca2+ influx through
stretch-activated channels accelerates the rate of neurite outgrowth in vitro and in vivo.
Using various compounds that block influx through stretch-activated Ca2+ channels,
including a highly specific peptide isolated from Grammostola spatulata spider venom
(GsMTx-4), we find that the rate of neurite extension accelerates up to 3.5 times the
normal rate. Pharmacological profiling suggests that the stretch-activated channel may
be a member of the TRP family of receptors. Blocking Ca2+ influx through other channel
types has little or opposite effects. The growth-promoting effects induced by blocking
specific Ca2+ influx pathways occurs for neurons growing upon a variety of biological
and non-biological substrata, as well as for spinal neurons extending within the intact
spinal cord. Consistent with the presence of stretch-activated channels, we show that
Ca2+ influx into growth cones is triggered by hypotonic solutions, which can be partially
blocked by GsMTx4. However, blocking stretch-activated Ca2+ channels alone does not
produce measurable changes in baseline Ca2+ concentration, suggesting Ca2+ signals may
be functioning within local microdomains. In support of this notion, chelating local Ca2+
signals with BAPTA prevents the acceleration that is normally produced by GsMTx4.
Additionally, stimulation of neurite outgrowth by blocking stretch-activated Ca2+
channels appears to require continued Ca2+ release from intracellular stores as blocking
release through IP3 or ryanodine receptors prevents the accelerated outgrowth induced by
stretch-activated channel blockers. Together, our data suggest that Ca2+ functions within
mechanosensitive channel acting to inhibit outgrowth in opposition to influx through
other plasma membrane channels and release from stores.
Many axon guidance cues regulate growth cone motility by triggering changes in
intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca ]i). In the control of axon pathfinding, it is thought
that global changes in [Ca ]i regulate the rate of axon outgrowth, while localized Ca2+
signals promote growth cone turning (Henley and Poo, 2004). For example, growth
cones in culture and in vivo exhibit transient global Ca
elevations that slow the rate of
neurite extension (Gomez et al., 1995, Gomez and Spitzer, 1999). On the other hand,
more subtle changes in [Ca ]i can have positive effects on neurite outgrowth. Gradients
of diffusible chemoattractants (Zheng et al., 1994; de la Torre et al., 1997; Song et al.,
1997) stimulate low amplitude Ca
gradients within growth cones that are necessary to
orient growth (Hong et al., 2000). While studies of Ca2+ signaling have described
multiple outcomes due to the amplitude, frequency or distribution of Ca2+ signals, the
importance of the local source of Ca2+ entry in the regulation of outgrowth is less clear.
Coupling the site of local Ca2+ entry with particular Ca2+ sensors is believed to
provide some specificity for the diverse effects of Ca2+ on neuronal functions (reviewed
in Augustine, et al., 2003).
Ca2+ nanodomains (single channel) and microdomains
(cluster of channels) are sites of Ca2+ entry, which together with limited Ca2+ diffusion,
are believed to exclusively activate Ca2+ effectors that reside near these domains.
However, the restricted spatial spread and very short duration of some local Ca2+ signals
makes them difficult to detect by standard fluorescence imaging techniques. Therefore,
indirect approaches, such as the differential sensitivity to Ca2+ chelators BAPTA and
EGTA are often used to infer local Ca2+ functions in cells. Although BAPTA and EGTA
have similar equilibrium affinities for Ca2+, the binding rate of BAPTA is 50-400 times
faster than EGTA (Tsien, 1980). The slow on-rate for EGTA allows high concentrations
of Ca2+ to be generated near open channels, allowing local Ca2+ signaling to persist, while
BAPTA effectively buffers even rapid and spatially restricted Ca2+ signals. Thus, the
functional effects of Ca2+ signals acting within microdomains are blocked by BAPTA,
but are unaffected by EGTA. For example, in the squid giant synapse, Ca2+ nanodomains
or microdomains are believed to regulate transmitter release, since this process is
prevented by BAPTA, but not EGTA (Adler et al. 1991). Similarly, in growth cones, the
cell adhesion molecule L1 and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) each promote axon
outgrowth that depends on Ca2+ influx, but Ca2+ signals cannot be detected by standard
fluorescence Ca2+ imaging techniques (Archer et al, 1999). However, elevation of Ca2+
within microdomains is suspected in response to L1 and FGF, since the growth
promoting effects of these factors is blocked by Ca2+ chelation with BAPTA, but not
EGTA (Archer et al, 1999).
Growth cone [Ca2+]i is regulated by Ca2+ influx and release from intracellular
stores, which are in balance with Ca2+ efflux mechanisms and buffers. In addition to
traditional voltage-operated and ligand-gated Ca2+ channels, growth cones appear to
express several non-traditional Ca2+ channels (Calabrese et al. 1999, Wang and Poo,
2005, Li, et al., 2005, Shim, et al., 2005). One particular channel type that has not been
well described in neurons is plasma membrane stretch-activated channels (SACs).
Channels that are gated by mechanical perturbation of the membrane have been identified
in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and have diverse structural and functional
characteristics (Kung, 2005, Sukharev and Anishkin, 2004). In addition to their expected
mechanotransducing functions in hearing, touch and osmosensation, a role for SACs in
the regulation of cell motility has been suggested. For example, the motility of fish
keratocytes and fibroblasts is influenced by mechanical deformation of the culture
substrata, which activates Ca2+ influx through SACs (Lee et al., 1999, Doyle, et al., 2004,
Doyle and Lee, 2005; Munevar et al., 2004). Although less well-studied, Ca2+ influx
through SACs has been suggested to negatively regulate axon outgrowth of leech neurons
(Calabrese et al., 1999).
However, the lack of specific blockers has made the study of
SACs difficult. The most common means of identifying SACs pharmacologically has
been with gadolinium (Gd3+) or gentamicin, although the relative non-selectivity of these
channel blockers complicates interpretation (Hamill and McBride, 1996, Caldwell, et al.,
An important advance in the study of SACs came with the discovery and
purification of a peptide from the tarantula Grammostola spatulata (GsMTx-4), which
appears to selectively block SACs (Suchyna et al., 2000, 2004). GsMTx4 is believed to
interact with the lipid membrane to alter lipid-channel interactions and thereby
specifically block Ca2+ influx through SACs (Suchyna et al., 2004).
While Ca2+ influx through plasma membrane channels has diverse affects on
growth cone motility (Mattson and Kater, 1987, Zheng et al. 1994), Ca2+ release from
intracellular stores appears to promote outgrowth. For example, globally blocking Ca2+
release from IP3 receptors with heparin or with micro-CALI against IP3 receptors reduces
the rate of neurite elongation (Takei et al., 1998), and locally inhibiting release promotes
repulsive turning (Hong et al., 2000; Xiang et al., 2002). Conversely, locally activating
phospholipase C (PLC) to generate IP3 on one side of the growth cone promotes turning
toward the site of IP3-induced Ca2+ release (Li et al., 2005). More recently, it was shown
that mobilization of Ca2+ from stores with nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate
(NAADP) also potentiates neurite outgrowth (Brailoiu et al., 2005). Finally, Ca2+ release
through type 3 ryanodine receptors appears to support positive growth cone turning
responses (Ooashi et al., 2005). Therefore, it appears that Ca2+ influx and release can
have opposing effects on neurite outgrowth, but this has not been formally tested nor
have distinct effects of Ca2+ influx channels been described.
In this paper, we show that Ca2+ influx and release differentially regulate neurite
We find that blockers of SACs cause a dramatic acceleration of axon
extension both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that influx through SACs normally
suppresses outgrowth. However, maximal acceleration of neurite outgrowth by SAC
blockers requires continued Ca2+ influx and release, suggesting that Ca2+ flux through
certain plasma membrane and store channels support outgrowth. Ca2+ imaging does not
reveal baseline Ca2+ changes in response to SAC blockers, but GsMTx-4 does inhibit
Ca2+ influx induced by hypotonic solution.
Moreover, the ability of GsMTx-4 to
stimulate neurite extension is prevented by fast, but not slow Ca2+ chelators. Taken
together, these results suggest that multiple functional Ca2+ signals operate within distinct
nanodomains or microdomains to promote or inhibit neurite outgrowth.
Materials and Methods
Xenopus spinal cord explant cultures. Spinal cords were dissected from stage 22-25
Xenopus embryos and explants were plated on acid-washed glass coverslips coated with
10 g/ml FN (Sigma), LN (Sigma), or 100 g/ml PDL (Sigma) as previously described
(Gomez et al., 2003). Cultures were imaged 16-24 hours after plating. Mounting explant
cultures in perfusion chambers as described previously (Gomez et al., 2003) allowed for
rapid exchange of solutions.
In vitro imaging and analysis. The rate of axon outgrowth was analyzed from phase
contrast time-lapse images collected with a Zeiss Axiovert microscope using a 20X
objective. Images were captured with a Coolsnap HQ digital camera (Roper Instruments)
at one-minute intervals for at least 15 min in control solution and an additional 30 min
following experimental manipulations. MetaMorph software (Universal Imaging) was
used for acquisition and analysis. Ca2+ influx and release pathways were inhibited using
gentamicin (Sigma), gadolinium (Sigma), ruthenium red (Tocris), GsMTx4 (provided by
Dr. Frederick Sachs and Dr. Philip Gottlieb, SUNY, Buffalo), 2APB (Calbiochem),
thapsigargin (Biomol), and ryanodine (Calbiochem).
To chelate intracellular Ca2+,
BAPTA-AM and EGTA-AM (Calbiochem) were loaded for 1 hour prior to imaging.
Statistical significance was determined using either Student or Mann-Whitney t-tests
using In Stat software with variance reported as SEM.
In vivo imaging. For fluorescence imaging of neurons in vivo, 0.85 ng GFP mRNA was
injected into one blastomere of 8-cell stage blastula stage embryos. Stage 22-24 embryos
were pinned laterally onto a Sylgard dish and dissected in approximately one mg/ml
collagenase B in Modified Ringer’s solution (MR). The skin and somites were removed
from one side of the embryo to expose the spinal cord. Dissected embryos were rinsed
extensively with MR solution prior to imaging. To reduce solution volume, a glass ring
was sealed with vacuum grease around the pinned embryo. GFP fluorescence images
were collected at 15 sec intervals using a 20X water objective on an Olympus Fluoview
500 laser-scanning confocal system. After a 15-minute control period, GsMTx4 was
applied to a final concentration of 5 M. Metamorph software was used for analysis.
Isotonic and hypotonic solutions. Normal MR solution containing 100 mM NaCl, 2mM
KCl, 2 mM CaCl2, 1 mM MgCl2, and 5 mM HEPES was modified to create isotonic and
hypotonic solutions. For isotonic MR, NaCl was reduced to 50mM and 100 mM dMannitol was added, while hypotonic MR solution was identical to the isotonic solution
except d-Mannitol was omitted, creating a 30% hypotonic solution. The pH of all
solutions was adjusted to 7.6.
Ca2+ imaging and analysis. To examine intracellular Ca2+ concentration during osmotic
changes, neurons were loaded with cell-permeant Fura-2 AM (2.5 µM; Molecular
Probes) for 15-30 min. Fluorescent images excited at 340 and 380 nm were captured at
30 sec intervals using a 40X Fluorite objective (NA, 1.4) on a Zeiss Axovert microscope.
MetaFluor software was used for image acquisition and analysis. Ratio measurements
were made from background subtracted images using cell free regions as background. To
measure Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, neurons were loaded with cell-permeant
Fluo-4 AM (2.0 µM; Molecular Probes) in 0.01% pluronic acid for 45 min. Images were
collected at 5 sec intervals using a 60X PlanApo objective (NA, 1.45) on an Olympus
Fluoview 500 laser-scanning confocal mounted on an AX-70 upright microscope. m3MeFBS (Calbiochem) was added to activate PLC. Ca2+ elevations were regarded as
significant if the average Fluo-4 intensity increased ≥ 10% over baseline (two standard
deviations above noise) after addition of PLC activator. Fluoview software was used for
image acquisition and analysis. Statistical significance was determined using either
Student or Mann-Whitney t-tests using In Stat software with variance reported as SEM.
Reducing Ca2+ influx through SACs accelerates neurite outgrowth.
To assess how Ca2+ influx pathways regulate neurite outgrowth, we blocked Ca2+
influx by several specific and non-specific means and observed the acute effects on
growth cone motility using time-lapse microscopy. Consistent with previous reports
(Holliday et al., 1991, Gu and Spitzer, 1995), blocking or reducing all Ca2+ influx
through plasma membrane channels by eliminating or significantly lowering extracellular
Ca2+ concentration led to an immediate two-fold acceleration in the rate of neurite
outgrowth (Fig 1A). Similarly, blocking influx with gadolinium (Gd3+), a general Ca2+
channel blocker, causes a comparable increase in neurite extension rate. Since Gd3+
potently blocks SACs (Hamill and McBride, 1996), we tested gentamicin, another
blocker of mechanosensitive channels. Gentamicin is typically present in our culture
media at a concentration of 100 M as an antibiotic.
Therefore, to test whether
gentamicin influenced the rate of neurite extension, we doubled the normal concentration
of gentamicin to 200 µM. We found that addition of 2X gentamicin increased neurite
growth rates similar to zero Ca2+ and Gd3+. Consistent with gentamicin acting a Ca2+
influx blocker, we found that removing all aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin and
streptomycin) from cultured neurons led to an immediate increase in spontaneous Ca2+
transient activity in growth cones (Supplemental Fig 1). Since gentamicin may also have
non-selective effects on Ca2+ influx (Hamill and McBride, 1996), we obtained a highly
selective peptide blocker of SACs isolated from Grammostola spatulata spider venom
(GsMTx4) (Suchyna, et al. 2000, 2004). Interestingly, addition of GsMTx4 to cultured
neurons resulted in significantly greater acceleration of neurite extension compared to all
other influx blockers tested (Fig. 1A). While less selective Ca2+ influx manipulations
caused an approximate doubling in average extension rate, neurites exposed to GsMTx4
grew on average 3.5 times faster than their pretreatment growth rates. After a brief delay,
accelerated outgrowth was partially reversed upon peptide washout (Fig. 1B). Together,
these results suggest that the GsMTx4 peptide selectively blocks an open channel that
slows axon outgrowth when active. Moreover, since less selective treatments stimulate
neurite extension significantly less effectively that GsMTx4, it appears that influx
through some plasma membrane channels may normally support outgrowth.
results also indicate that these different channel types are normally highly active on
growth cones extending upon fibronectin (FN) in culture.
In addition to testing blockers of SACs, we also tested blockers of transient
receptor potential (TRP) channels, as some of these channels are known to be
mechanosensitive (Lin and Corey, 2005). Ruthenium red, which blocks vanilloid-type
TRP channels (Patapoutian et al., 2003, Watanabe, et al. 2002), stimulated neurite
extension similar to less selective treatments and significantly less than GsMTx4 (Fig.
1A). Although ruthenium red is known to block ryanodine receptors, it is not cell
permeant, so the effects of bath application should be limited to plasma membrane
channels (Korte and Rosenbluth, 1982, Tani and Ametani, 1971). Conversely, SKF96365 significantly slowed neurite outgrowth on FN (Fig. 1A). While SKF-96365 has
nonspecific effects on other channel types (Schwarz et al., 1994), it has been used
extensively in the study of TRPC channels (Li et al., 1999, Kim et al., 2003, Wang and
Poo, 2005, Li et al., 2005, Shim et al., 2005). These results suggest that growth cones
express multiple TRP channels that may have opposing effects on neurite extension.
Finally, while a cocktail of voltage operated Ca2+ channel (VOCC) blockers had no
significant effect on neurite growth rate, Cd2+, a general channel blocker, inhibited
neurite outgrowth (Fig. 1A). Taken together, these results suggest that different Ca2+
influx pathways have opposing effects on neurite extension. Acceleration of outgrowth
in response to Gd3+, gentamicin, and GsMTx4 implicate SACs in the inhibition of
outgrowth, while channels blocked by SKF-96365 and Cd2+ appear to promote
GsMTx4 stimulates neurite outgrowth over diverse substrata in vitro and in the
intact spinal cord.
Blocking SACs immediately accelerates axon extension by neurons on the
extracellular matrix protein FN, suggesting that SACs are constitutively active on growth
cones on this substratum. To test whether SACs modulate outgrowth on other substrata,
we tested the effects of GsMTx4 on the rate of neurite outgrowth by neurons extending
upon different substrata. On laminin, another potent growth-promoting extracellular
matrix protein, GsMTx4 enhances neurite extension, but to a lesser degree than FN due to
higher baseline rate of outgrowth on LN (approximately 2.2X fold increase; Fig. 1D).
To determine if this is an integrin-dependent process, we tested the effects of GsMTx4 on
neurons cultured on poly-D-lysine (PDL) and glass. While GsMTx4 does not increase
the rate of outgrowth on PDL, blocking SACs does accelerate neurite extension on glass.
These results suggest that active SACs limit neurite extension on several unrelated
substrata and that channel activity does not depend on integrin engagement (although the
degree of SAC activity could be modulated by the substrata). It is not clear if SACs are
not active on neurites extending upon PDL or if blocking these channels cannot be
converted into increased growth rates. Because the growth-promoting effect of GsMTx4
is most significant on FN, we chose to focus on this substratum for the remaining in vitro
experiments. FS Tim, suppose the relevant SACs are close to the substrate adhesions so
PDL can served as a channel blocker?
To determine if SACs also limit axon extension in vivo, we imaged GFP-labeled
neurons in the developing Xenopus spinal cord (Fig. 2). Time-lapse confocal images of
spinal axons extending within an exposed cord preparation (Gomez and Spitzer, 1999)
were examined before and after addition of GsMTx4. As observed in vitro, the rate of
neurite extension increased after the addition of GsMTx4, suggesting that influx through
a mechanosensitive channel inhibits outgrowth of spinal neurites in vivo. While the
majority of axons examined were oriented longitudinally in the spinal cord (16 of 23),
increased outgrowth in response to GsMTx4 was observed in both longitudinal axons
(primarily Rohon-Beard and motoneurons) and commissural interneurons, suggesting a
general mechanism for regulation of neurite outgrowth in vivo.
Xenopus spinal neurites express SACs that are blocked by GsMTx4.
Growth cones appear to express a mechanosensitive channel based on the
stimulatory effects that several pharmacological SAC blockers have on motility.
However, as the effects on motility are an indirect readout of a complex process, we
sought a more direct measure of SAC activity on growth cones. For this, we stimulated
membrane stretch with hypotonic solution while imaging [Ca2+]i with Fura-2 to test
whether GsMTx4-sensitive Ca2+ influx is activated in growth cones upon cell swelling.
Because Fura-2 is a two-excitation wavelength Ca2+ indicator, ratio images (340 and 380
nm) controlled for potential artifacts due to cell swelling. Stimulation of neurons with a
30% hypotonic solution caused a brief transient Ca2+ elevation followed by tonically
elevated [Ca2+]i (> 10% ratio change over baseline), in a majority of growth cones tested
(89%, n=128; Fig 3). This is similar to Ca2+ signaling patterns previously observed in
neurons (Viana et al., 2001). To test whether these hypotonically-induced Ca2+ signals
were sensitive to blockers that accelerate outgrowth, GsMTx4 or gentamicin were added
during the tonic phase of osmotic stretch. We find that [Ca2+]i was immediately reduced
by both GsMTx4 and gentamicin, suggesting that SACs were partially blocked (Fig.
To determine if other channels contributed to tonic phase Ca2+ influx in
hypotonic solution, we tested a cocktail of VOCC blockers. Ca2+ influx through VOCCs
has been shown to contribute to the response to hypotonic solution in cultured mouse
primary sensory neurons (Viana et al., 2001). However, in our hands VOCC blockers
had little effect on [Ca2+]i during cell swelling, suggesting that influx through VOCCs do
not contribute to the Ca2+ response in hypotonic solution.
These data suggest that
Xenopus spinal neurons express Ca2+ permeable SACs that can be blocked by gentamicin
and GsMTx4.
Distinct Ca2+ influx pathways have opposite effects on neurite extension.
Blocking Ca2+ influx through SACs with GsMTx4 accelerates neurite outgrowth
significantly more than less specific treatments, such as zero Ca2+, which eliminates all
influx. This result suggests that influx through some channels promotes outgrowth in
opposition to influx through GsMTx4-sensitive SACs, which inhibits outgrowth. To test
whether acceleration in response to GsMTx4 depends on some continued Ca2+ influx, we
applied GsMTx4 in zero extracellular Ca2+. GsMTx4 does not potentiate outgrowth in
zero Ca2+ (Fig. 4A). This result is consistent with the notion that GsMTx4 stimulates
neurite outgrowth by decreasing Ca2+ influx through selective channel(s), but that
maintained Ca2+ influx through other channels is necessary for maximal outgrowth.
Since blocking Ca2+ influx with Cd2+ and SKF-96365 slow, rather than stimulate,
outgrowth (Fig 1A), it is likely that these inhibitors more selectively block channels that
support neurite extension rather than the growth inhibiting SACs. If true, simultaneous
addition of GsMTx4 with SKF-96365 should lead to intermediate outgrowth rates.
However, GsMTx4 together with SKF-96365 stimulates neurite extension similar to zero
Ca2+ MR alone (Fig 4A).
GsMTx4 inhibits local Ca2+ signaling.
If GsMTx4 acts by blocking a Ca2+ permeable channel, then it should require
more blocker to accelerate neurite outgrowth in higher extracellular Ca2+ concentrations.
We examined the dose-response effects of GsMTx4 in 2 and 10 mM extracellular Ca2+.
First, in normal Ca2+ MR solution (2 mM), the effects of GsMTx4 were dose-dependent
and saturatable with a half-maximal dose of ~2.5 µM (determined with GraphPad
software, Inc.). However, when extracellular Ca2+ concentration was elevated to 10 mM,
GsMTx4 could not stimulate outgrowth as effectively. This is consistent with either nonconpetivie interactions between Ca2+ inlux and SAC blockade or that the elevated Ca2+
was driving Ca2+ influx through other channels(Fig. 4B). ??FS I suppose this could be
checked with VOCC inhibitors??
While our data suggest that reduced Ca2+ influx is responsible for the growth
promoting effects of GsMTx4, we cannot detect changes in baseline [Ca2+]i within
growth cones in response to GsMTx4 using either cytosolic or near-membrane Fura-2
Ca2+ indicators (Supplemental Fig 2). While GsMTx4 does not decrease the average
[Ca2+]i , highly localized Ca2+ changes may be responsible. This would be consistent with
the literature showing local Ca2+ microdomains that couple open channels with
downstream Ca2+ effectors (Augustine et al., 2003; Archer et al., 1999).
To investigate the possibility that GsMTx4 inhibits local Ca2+ signals, we
compared the effects of the Ca2+ buffers BAPTA and EGTA on growth acceleration
induced by GsMTx4. While these buffers have similar affinities for Ca 2+, their binding
rates differ by at least 50 fold, with BAPTA binding Ca2+ more rapidly than EGTA.
Previous studies examining Ca2+ microdomains have demonstrated that intracellular
BAPTA chelates Ca2+ fast enough to reduce local Ca2+ elevation and activation of
effectors, while EGTA allows local signaling to persist (Fig 5A; Augustine et al., 2003).
As predicted, loading neurons with BAPTA-AM blocked the growth-promoting effects of
GsMTx4 (Fig. 5B). On the other hand, neurite extension by neurons loaded with a high
concentration of EGTA-AM accelerated significantly in response to GsMTx4. These
data suggest that Ca2+ influx through a mechanosensitive channel acts within a Ca2+
microdomain, that is buffered by BAPTA, but not EGTA. GsMTx4 cannot stimulate
neurite outgrowth in the presence of BAPTA since all Ca2+ signals, including Ca2+ near
channel pores, have been buffered, so blocking Ca2+ influx has no further effect.
Surprisingly, BAPTA alone does not stimulate neurite extension as occurs with
elimination of extracellular Ca2+. This could be due to the effective buffering of all
influx signals, those inhibiting and supporting growth, as well as buffering at sites of Ca2+
release from intracellular stores, which have been shown to support neurite extension
(Takei et al., 1998, Brailoiu et al., 2005, Ooashi, et al.; Figs. 6 and 7).
Ca2+ release from intracellular stores supports neurite outgrowth and is required
for maximum growth after blocking mechanosensitive influx
Inhibiting Ca2+ influx with treatments of varying channel specificity result in
differences in both the rate and persistence of increased outgrowth. When extracellular
Ca2+ is removed (the least specific treatment), the increased rate of neurite outgrowth is
temporary, lasting 13 min before a return to normal growth rate (Fig 6A). On the other
hand, gentamicin and GsMTx4 stimulate neurite outgrowth that persists for longer than
30 min (Fig 6A). One possible explanation for the difference in the duration of the effect
is that intracellular Ca2+ stores are depleted after prolonged exposure to zero Ca2+ MR,
while stores remain intact in gentamicin and GsMTx4. To test this hypothesis, we
imaged [Ca2+]i in growth cones loaded with Fluo-4 while stimulating store release with
m-3MeFBS, a PLC activator.
Activation of PLC stimulates IP 3 production, which
triggers Ca2+ release through IP3 receptors on intracellular stores. We used the amplitude
of Ca2+ transients resulting from IP3-mediated Ca2+ release as a read-out of the Ca2+
content within intracellular stores. m-3MeFBS was administered in 0 Ca2+ MR to ensure
that the Ca2+ transient was solely attributed to store release and not influx resulting from
PLC activation. We compared the peak amplitude of Ca2+ transients from growth cones
in normal media (with 2mM Ca2+) to growth cones pre-treated with zero Ca2+ MR,
gentamicin, or GsMTx4 for 5 or 15 min (Fig 6B). When Ca2+ is released from IP3sensitive stores immediately upon shifting to zero extracellular Ca2+, a large Ca2+
transient is observed in a majority of growth cones (Fig 6B, inset), indicating that stores
are typically well-loaded with Ca2+. In contrast, when extracellular Ca2+ is eliminated for
15 min prior to PLC activation, ??correct?? most growth cones have no response, and of
those responding there was only a low amplitude Ca2+ transient suggesting the stores are
depleted. On the other hand, the majority of growth cones pretreated with the SAC
blockers gentamicin or GsMTx4 for 15 min still exhibit high amplitude Ca2+ transients
upon PLC activation, indicating that the stores remain loaded. The correlation between
Ca2+ availability in stores and accelerated outgrowth suggests that store release may drive
neurite extension.
To directly examine the requirement of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores for
neurite outgrowth, we tested the combined effects of inhibitors of store release and
influx. We used 2-aminoethoxy-diphenylborate (2APB) to block IP3 receptors, high
concentration ryanodine to inhibit ryanodine receptors, and thapsigargin (TG) to deplete
stores by inhibiting the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase that refills intracellular
stores. We found that inhibiting Ca2+ release from either IP3 or ryanodine receptors
limits the increased outgrowth normally associated with blocking Ca2+ influx, with either
general or specific inhibitors (Fig. 7). The inhibitory effects of 2APB were particular
potent, which may be due to the non-specific inhibition of TrpC channels (Lievremont, et
al., 2005) and activation of TrpV channels (Hu et al., 2004) in addition to blocking IP 3
receptors. These data suggest that Ca2+ release from intracellular stores supports neurite
outgrowth and is required for maximum growth rates observed when inhibitory influx
through SACs is blocked.
Previous studies have shown the importance of the spatial and temporal properties
of intracellular Ca2+ signals in the regulation of neurite outgrowth, but have not examined
the role of the mode of Ca2+ entry. Here we show that the rate of axon outgrowth is
determined by the collective effects of Ca2+ influx and release through distinct channels
expressed by growth cones. Using various selective and non-selective methods to block
Ca2+ influx and release, we find that the specific channel type that mediates Ca2+ entry
into the cytosol determines the outcome on motility. Specifically, we find that Ca2+
influx through SACs inhibits neurite outgrowth, while Ca2+ influx through other
pathways, such as TrpC channels, supports neurite outgrowth. ??This also suggests that
SACs are not TRP channels, in contradiction the Hamill and Martinac paper suggestion??
In addition, Ca2+ release through IP3 and ryanodine receptors on intracellular stores also
appears to promote ??essential or promote?? neurite extension. Importantly, Ca2+ influx
through SACs appears to slow neurite outgrowth on diverse substrata in vitro and axon
extension in the spinal cord. The existence of Ca2+ influx pathways on growth cones
activated by stretch was confirmed by imaging Ca2+ during hypotonic stimulation. We
propose that Ca2+ is acting on distinct effectors within local microdomains, as the effects
of Ca2+ channel blockers are dampened by fast, but not slow, Ca2+ chelators. Our results
help explain how Ca2+ signals can have such diverse effects on growth cone motility by
linking specific channel types to distinct effector mechanisms that positively or
negatively regulate motility.
The variable effects we observed on the rate of neurite extension in response to
Ca2+ channel blockers suggests that neurite outgrowth is determined by the net effect of
growth promoting and growth inhibiting Ca2+ signals generated by distinct channels on
growth cones. We found that GsMTx4, a peptide that specifically blocks SACs (Suchyna
et al., 2000, 2004), accelerates neurite extension most effectively. Since elimination of
extracellular Ca2+ blocks all influx, including influx through the same channel(s) affected
by GsMTx4, it appears that Ca2+ influx through a channel(s) that is not blocked by
GsMTx4 promotes neurite outgrowth.
When extracellular Ca2+ is eliminated, both
growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting influx pathways are blocked. However, this
treatment still results in two fold increased growth rates, suggesting that the negative
influence of Ca2+ influx pathways normally exceeds the positive in these neurons. The
fact that GsMTx4 in zero Ca2+ MR stimulates neurite extension similar to zero Ca2+ alone
supports the notion that some continued Ca2+ influx is necessary for maximal outgrowth
and that GsMTx4 is not promoting outgrowth in a nonspecific manner. Moreover,
blocking Ca2+ permeant channels with Cd2+ or SKF-96365 reduced outgrowth, indicating
that the channels blocked by these agents support neurite extension. As SKF-96365 is
known to block TrpC channels, Ca2+ influx through this family of Trp channels may be
growth promoting. The positive influence of Ca2+ influx through TrpC is consistent with
this channel functioning downstream of the chemoattractants Netrin (Wang and Poo,
2005, Shim et al., 2005) and BDNF (Li et al., 2005). Gentamicin and Gd3+ are also
known to block SACs, but they accelerate outgrowth similar to zero extracellular Ca2+,
suggesting these blockers are less specific than GsMTx4 (Hamill and McBride, 1996,
Caldwell, et al., 1998). Finally, ruthenium red, which is known to block TrpV family
channels, is slightly more effective in accelerating neurite outgrowth than all treatments
other than GsMTx4. This suggests that Ca2+ influx through TrpV channels, some of
which are mechanosensitive (Lin and Corey, 2005), may negatively regulate neurite
Blocking SACs with GsMTx4 stimulates neurite outgrowth on diverse biological
and non-biological substrata in vitro, suggesting that mechanosensitive channels may be
non-specifically or constitutively activated.
However, the extent of acceleration does
depend on the culture substrata, which varies from no effect on PDL, to acceleration by
approximately 3.5-fold on FN. These differences may be due in part to variable baseline
channel activity on different substrata. However, neurons do not reach the same maximal
rate of outgrowth on different substrata upon blocking SACs, indicating that many factors
likely contribute to accelerated neurite extension.
Importantly, SACs channels also
appear active in vivo, as GsMTx4 stimulates axon outgrowth by several classes of
neurons in the spinal cord.
Although it is uncertain if regulation of SAC activity
functions to control the rate or direction of outgrowth in response to guidance cues, it is
possible that growth promoting or inhibiting guidance cues may modulate channel
activity to control various aspects of neurite extension. As GsMTx4 stimulates neurite
outgrowth in the spinal cord, this peptide may prove to be a useful tool to promote axonal
regeneration after injury.
The precise gating mechanism that regulates SAC opening on Xenopus spinal
neuron growth cones is uncertain and could involve both physical forces and chemical
signals. As many channel types are mechanosensitive (Sukarev and Anishkin, 2004), it is
likely that several gating mechanisms exist. For example, SACs can be gated directly by
tension generated by actomyosin-based forces at sites of adhesion to the culture substrata
(Hamill and Martinac, 2001, Martinac, 2004, Sukarev and Anishkin, 2004).
growth cones and filopodia are known to generate membrane tension at sites of adhesion
during forward advance (Lamoureax, et al., 1989; Bridgman, 2001).
Moreover, in
several types of non-neuronal cells, sites of traction force generation have been
associated with activation of SACs (Lee et al., 1999, Doyle, et al., 2004, Doyle and Lee,
2005; Munevar et al., 2004).
As most growth cones accelerate immediately upon
addition of SAC blockers (Fig 6A), these channels appear to be at least partially active in
basal conditions. However, we found that cell swelling with hypotonic solution was
sufficient to increase [Ca2+]i in growth cones and that this was inhibited with the GsMT4
This suggests that SACs can be further activated, although it is possible that
different channels types that are blocked by GsMTx4 function in basal and osmotic
swelling conditions.
While hypotonic solution can activate SACs directly through
membrane stretch, recent evidence suggests that in some cases signaling intermediaries
are involved. For example, osmotic stretch is known to activate TrpV4, yet channel
activity is not increased in direct response to pressure-induced membrane stretch. This
result suggests that membrane stretch activates TrpV4 through other means (Strotmann et
al., 2000). Osmotic stretch has been shown to activate phospholipase A2 (PLA2), which
hydrolyzes the release of arachidonic acid (AA) from phospholipids.
metabolites of AA appear to activate TrpV4 since blocking PLA2/AA signaling or
downstream metabolites prevents activation by hypotonic solutions (Vriens, et al., 2004).
These results imply that SACs in growth cones may be modulated by intracellular
signals, which is an intriguing possibility since inhibitory axon guidance cues are known
to regulate PLA2 activity (Mikule, et al. 2002).
Many different channel types have been characterized as mechanosensitive,
including several members of the Trp family of cation channels (Lin and Corey, 2005,
Maroto et al., 2005). For example, TrpC1 was recently identified as a stretch-activated
channel in Xenopus oocytes (Maroto et al., 2005). Interestingly, TrpC channels were also
shown to be involved in attractive growth cone turning toward netrin (Wang and Poo,
2005) and BDNF (Li et al., 2005), suggesting that Ca2+ influx through these channels
may be a positive signal for neurite outgrowth. Consistent with this notion, we find that
blocking TrpC channels with SKF-96365 slows axon outgrowth on FN (Fig 1b). The
effect of blocking TrpC is opposite to that of the SAC blocker GsMTx4 and in fact
partially counteracts the growth stimulatory effects of GsMTx4 when applied together
with SKF96365 (Fig 4A). TrpC5 channels have been implicated as negative regulators
of neurite outgrowth in cultured rat hippocampal neurons (Greka, et al., 2003), and two
findings suggest that TrpV family channels promote Ca2+ influx and act as negative
regulators of Xenopus spinal neurite outgrowth. First, we find that ruthenium red, a
potent blocker of TrpV channels, accelerates outgrowth in a manner similar to several
SAC blockers, suggesting that Ca2+ influx through TrpV mediates the inhibitory effects
we observe. ??I suspect RR acts on many other channels too, not just TRPV?? Second,
we find that the specific TrpV4 agonist 4-PDD stimulates Ca2+ transients that are
blocked by GsMTx4 and other SAC blockers in growth cones (not shown). Although
expression of TrpV4 in X. Laevis has yet to be demonstrated, highly homologous
sequences are present in the X. Tropicalis EST database (HomoloGene 11003 – I’ll look
around and see if there’s a standard way to reference things like this).
In agreement with previous findings (Takei et al., 1998; Hong et al., 2000; Li, et
al., 2005; Ooashi et al., 2005) our data suggest that Ca2+ release from IP3 and ryanodinereceptor stores promotes outgrowth, since some Ca2+ release is necessary for maximal
outgrowth in response to blocking influx through SACs.
This was demonstrated
experimentally by direct inhibition of release through store receptors and by depletion of
Ca2+ from stores with TG (Fig 7). Moreover, the role of Ca2+ release was also evident by
the close correlation between the declining rate of neurite outgrowth and the gradual
depletion of stores in zero extracellular Ca2+ conditions (Fig 6a). However, even in
prolonged zero Ca2+ conditions, neurite outgrowth does persist near baseline rates after
stores have apparently been depleted (Fig 6b).
Interestingly, this baseline level of
process extension is inhibited by TG in zero Ca2+ (Fig 7), suggesting that some nominal
and undetectable level of Ca2+ release may continue after apparent store depletion.
How could Ca2+ influx through distinct channels types exert such diverse effects
on growth cone motility? Local Ca2+ influx through SACs versus other channel types
may function within distinct Ca2+ microdomains.
Ca2+ microdomains are highly
localized sites of Ca2+ influx or release that are functionally linked to specific Ca2+
sensitive effectors (Augustine et al., 2003). Ca2+ microdomains have been identified near
both the plasma membrane (Hardingham et al., 2001) and intracellular stores (Xiao et al.,
2000). Recently, the source of Ca2+ signals has been suggested to be a key determinant
of growth cone turning responses (Ooashi et al., 2005). Ooashi and colleagues found that
local photolysis of caged-Ca2+ triggered attractive turning when this artificial signal was
amplified by Ca2+ release from ryanodine receptor stores, but that turning became
repulsive when ryanodine receptors were blocked. The differential effects we observe of
BAPTA and EGTA support the notion that Ca2+ regulates growth cone motility by acting
within local microdomains. Moreover, the opposite effects of certain plasma membrane
channel blockers suggest that Ca2+ functions within distinct microdomains at the cell
surface. Together, our studies offer strong evidence that the mode of Ca2+ entry is an
important determinant through which Ca2+ may exert specific effects on neurite
outgrowth and guidance.
Figure 1. Reducing Ca2+ influx through SACs increases neurite growth rates. A. Change in the
average rate of neurite outgrowth during the 15 min period after various Ca2+ influx manipulations.
Ca2+ influx was eliminated or reduced with zero or low extracellular Ca2+, or blocked using Gd3+ (100
M), gentamicin (200 M), GsMTx4 (5 M), ruthenium red (1 M), a cocktail of blockers for voltage
operated Ca2+ channels (1 M -conotoxin, 100 nM nifedipine, 50 M NiCl, 60 nM -agatoxin), Cd2+
(50 M) and SKF-96365 (3 M). Each condition was normalized to the 15-min period preceding
exposure to Ca2+ changes or blockers. Unless specified, each condition was presented in 1X MR (with
2 mM Ca2+ and 100 M gentamicin). B. Representative images of an individual Xenopus spinal neuron
axon at 15 min intervals before and after application of GsMTx4. Scale bar = 10 m. C. The length
axons over a 60 min observation period before treatment (white shading), in the presence of 5 µM
GsMTx4 (light shading) and after peptide washout (dark shading) (n = x neurites). The average rates of
outgrowth (µm/min) during each period are shown above the corresponding graph. D. Average rates of
outgrowth 15 min prior to and after addition GsMTx4 to neurons growing upon different substrata.
Blocking SACs with GsMTx4 significantly accelerates outgrowth on FN, LN, and glass, but not on
PDL. All averages reported ± SEM. **p<0.001, *p<0.05. n≥22 for all conditions.
Figure 2. Reducing Ca2+ influx through SACs with GsMTx4 increases neurite
growth rates in vivo. A. Brightfield image of an embryo with skin and somites removed
for in vivo confocal imaging. Can you sharpen panel A? Dorsal is up, anterior to the left.
S, skin; SC, spinal cord; N, notochord. B. Fluorescence image of this embryo with GFPlabeled cells in the skin and dorsal spinal cord. Arrows indicate the cell body and growth
cone of an extending axon. C-C”. Timelapse images of the labeled neuron in B at 15
minutes intervals before and after bath application of 5 M GsMTx4. D. The average rate
of neurite outgrowth (±SEM) over the 15 min period before and after addition of control
solution or 5 µM GsMTx4. *p<0.05, n=23 neurites. Scale bar, 10 µm in B and 20 µm C.
(recommend cutting bar from B and only using one in C).
Figure 3. Ca2+ influx through SACs on Xenopus spinal neurons is activated by membrane
stretch with hypotonic solution and inhibited with SAC blockers.
A. Pseudocolored
fluorescence ratio images of Fura-2 loaded growth cones exposed to osmotic stretch with
hypotonic solution. Growth cones were shifted from isotonic to hypotonic solution at 0 sec. In
lower panels, after 120 sec in hypotonic solution, SACs were blocked with 5 M GsMTx4.
Scale bar, 10 µm. B. Average Fura-2 fluorescence ratio over time measured within growth
cones exposed to a 30% hypotonic solution. Several Ca2+ transients followed by tonically
elevated Ca2+ is typically observed. C. Average Fura-2 fluorescence ratio over time measured
within growth cones exposed to a 30% hypotonic solution followed by Ca2+ channel blockers (5
M GsMTx4, a cocktail of VOCC blockers (1 M -conotoxin, 100 nM nifedipine, 50 M
NiCl, 60 nM -agatoxin) and 200 M gentamicin) during the tonic phase. Data in B and C
were normalized to the fluorescence ratio in isotonic solution immediately prior to addition of
hypotonic solution. D. The average reduction in Fura-2 fluorescence ratio (percent of
pretreament) caused by each blocking condition measured at the point of maximum inhibition
5-25 seconds after application of each blocker. Only growth cones that exhibited a significant
increase in Ca2+ (≥10% over baseline) after addition of hypotonic solution were included in this
analysis. n ≥ 21 for all conditions.
Figure 4. Accelerated neurite outgrowth caused by GsMTx4 is Ca2+-mediated. A.
Change in the average rate of neurite outgrowth during the 15 min period after various
individual and combined Ca2+ influx manipulations. Neurite outgrowth accelerates when
Ca2+ influx was eliminated with zero extracellular Ca2+ or blocked using GsMTx4 (5
M), but decelerates when influx is blocked with SKF-96365 (3 M). When applied in
combination, the growth stimulating effects of GsMtx4 are prevented by zero
extracellular Ca2+ or by simultaneous addition of SKF-96365. **p<0.001. B. Doseresponse curve for GsMTx4 effect on rate of outgrowth in 2 and 10 mM Ca2+ MR.
GsMTx4 is less effective at higher extracellular Ca2+, but still has a dose-dependent effect
on outgrowth. ??probably because the flux from other pathways begins to dominate??
*p<0.05, **p<0.001, comparison with pretreatment control; +p<0.05, comparison of
GsMTx4 treated in 2 and 10 mM extracellular Ca2+; #p<0.05, comparison between 5 and
10 M GsMTx4 in 10 mM extracellular Ca2+. n19 for all conditions
Figure 5. Local Ca2+ signaling near SACs inhibits outgrowth. A. A model showing
how Ca2+ microdomains are detected using differential sensitivity to Ca2+ chelation by
BAPTA and EGTA. While BAPTA and EGTA have similar affinities for Ca2+, their
binding rates differ, with BAPTA binding Ca2+ more rapidly than EGTA. Thus, EGTAloaded neurites still experience rapid, local elevations in [Ca2+]I near channels, while
BAPTA quickly chelates all Ca2+ signals, preventing even local Ca2+ changes. B. Neurite
extension rates for control, BAPTA-AM-loaded and EGTA-AM-loaded (low and high)
neurons are shown for the 15-minute periods preceding and following application of 5
µM GsMTx4. *p<0.05, **p<0.0001; n21 neurites for all conditions.
Fig 6. Ca2+ release from intracellular store supports neurite outgrowth. A. Time-lapse
analysis of neurite extension reveals that 0 Ca2+ MR temporarily increases growth rates. The
average length of neurites over a 60 min observation period prior to and after inhibition of Ca2+
influx by elimination of extracellular Ca2+ or with the SAC blockers gentamicin (200 µM) or
GsMTx4 (5 µM). Analysis was limited to the most responsive neurons (increased growth rate
by at least 200%). The average rates of outgrowth (µm/min) before treatment (white), 13 min
immediately following treatment (light green) and over remaining time after treatment (dark
green) are shown above the graph. n11 neurites for each condition. * p<0.05, ** p<0.001. B.
Measurements of Ca2+ content within IP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores of growth cones were made by
stimulating neurons with the PLC activator, m-3M3FBS (25 µM) in 0 Ca2+ MR. Fluo-4 loaded
growth cones shifted rapidly from 2 mM Ca2+ MR (control) to 0 Ca2+ MR with m-3M3FBS
exhibit a single large Ca2+ transient that represents Ca2+ release from IP3 stores (see inset). The
peak of this Ca2+ transient provides a measure of the Ca2+ content within IP3-sensitive stores.
The average peak amplitudes of Ca2+ transients (expressed as % of baseline) were measured
within growth cones exposed to zero Ca2+, gentamicin (200 µM), and GsMTx4 (5 µM) for 5 or
15 minutes prior to store release. Addition of thapsigargin (TG, 1 µM), or 2APB (100 µM), in
0 Ca2+ MR for 5 minutes leads to a rapid depletion of stores with few growth cones exhibiting
small Ca2+ transients compared to 5 minutes in 0 Ca2+ MR alone. The number of significantly
responding (≥ 10% above baseline) and tested growth cones is indicated above each bar. *
p<0.05, compared to 1X MR condition.
Figure 7. Ca2+ release from intracellular stores is required for accelerated
outgrowth by blocking SACs. The rate of neurite extension, normalized to each
pretreatment control rate, over the 15 min period during block of influx with and without
store release. SAC blockers included gentamicin (200 M), ruthenium red (1 M), and
GsMTx4 (5 M). Acceleration of outgrowth induced by blocking Ca2+ influx is inhibited
if stores are simultaneously depleted with 100 nM TG, or if IP3 or ryanodine receptors are
blocked with 100 µM 2-APB or 100 µM ryanodine. *p<0.05, **p<0.001, compared to
rates with no inhibitor for each condition. n21 for all conditions.
Supplementary Fig 1: Spontaneous Ca2+ transients increase in Xenopus spinal
neurons cultured on FN upon removal of aminoglycoside antibiotics. A. Three
representative examples of Fluo-4 fluorescent Ca2+ signals measured within growth cones
during washout of antibiotics. Images were collected at 10 sec intervals 5 min before and
after washout of all antibiotics (100 units/ml penicillin, 0.1 mg/ml streptomycin, 100 µM
gentamicin) at point indicated by arrowheads. B. The average frequency of Ca2+
transients in growth cones with and without antibiotics. Fluorescence changes of 20%
above baseline were scored as a Ca2+ transient. Only growth cones that exhibited at least
one Ca2+ transient during the 10-minute imaging period were included in this figure.
n=121 growth cones. **p<0.001.
Supplementary Fig. 2. GsMTx4 does not cause a significant change in baseline Ca2+
concentration. Fura-2 loaded neurons were imaged for 10 minutes before and 25 min
after the elimination of extracellular Ca2+ or the addition of 5 µM GsMTx4 in 2 mM
extracellular Ca2+. After 8 minutes in 0 Ca2+ MR (asterisk), the [Ca2+]i falls significantly
below the average [Ca2+]i in 2 mM extracellular Ca2+. On the other hand, GsMTx4 never
causes a significant change in baseline [Ca2+]i. n=14 for GsMTx4 treatment, n=21 for 0
Ca2+ MR. *p<0.05
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