Learner Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy

User Ref: LIA&G Policy
Section: Quality Manual and Appendices
Title: Learner Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy
The TTE Technical Training Group
The aim of this policy is to set out the way in which The TTE Technical Training Group (TTE) provides
information, advice and guidance to learners.
This policy applies to all TTE’s learners and prospective learners including those on work based learning
advanced apprentices and Train to Gain programmes.
Senior Management
Group Managing Director;
Group Operations Directors and Group Sales Director; and
Business Performance Manager and Group Finance Manager.
Information, advice and guidance (IAG) denotes a range of impartial guidance activities and processes that
can support choices made by learners, the key elements of which are defined as follows:
Information: information is data and basic factual information conveyed through difference media
(either printed or via ICT) on course opportunities, occupation or support service;
Advice: advice involves helping a learner to understand and interpret how information provided might
relate to his / her personal situation. Advice helps learners to understand their abilities and targets
and may involve suggestions or options on how to go about a given course of action;
Guidance: guidance aims to support learners to better understand their needs, to confront barriers
and to make informed and appropriate choices;
Referral: guidance may involve referral for specialist guidance and support. Referral happens in
person-to-person advice or guidance when another member of staff, agency or provider offers
services that more closely match the learner’s needs.
TTE’s Commitments
TTE’s philosophy is that high quality and impartial IAG enables learners of all ages to make informed choices
about their course and career options and thereby helps to maximise their participation and achievement in
TTE is committed to the National IAG Board Principles for Coherent Delivery in IAG Services (see
Appendix 2);
TTE provides IAG services to learners at all stages in their programmes;
At pre-enrolment stage all learners receive impartial IAG covering the following areas:
their choice of learning programme;
the entry requirements for each learning aim within their programme;
an assessment of the suitability of the learning programme;
the availability of financial and learning support.
The range of IAG services provided reflects the diversity of learners’ needs.
TTE provides a clear and accurate specification of the IAG services available for its learning including quality
standards, opening hours and the basis / criteria for referrals. TTE maintains a formal partnership / service
level agreement with Derwentside College and Redcar & Cleveland College to support the delivery of IAG. In
addition TTE has a working relationship with the Connexions Service.
Staff providing IAG have the skills / knowledge / experience to identify learner’s needs and to signpost and /
or refer onwards as appropriate. In any referral to a third party confidentiality will be maintained in
accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Issued Date: 05/11/2013
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User Ref: LIA&G Policy
Section: Quality Manual and Appendices
Title: Learner Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy
The TTE Technical Training Group
TTE’s IAG arrangements are as follows:
Recruitment / Employer Engagement / Marketing staff provide initial information and advice to help
potential learners (and their parents where appropriate) to chose the course that suits their needs
and to access any financial and learning support that may be available;
Specialist staff provides IAG on careers, welfare, primary care, health matters, child protection and
finance (income tax, national insurance and Educational Maintenance Awards). Specialist staff may
also refer learners to Connexions and arrange Additional Learning Support (ALS) when appropriate;
Assessment Centre Interviewing Staff provide guidance to learners to assist them choosing the
course that is right for them. Interviewing staff refer learners where appropriate to the Learner
Involvement Co-ordinator or to an external provider / agency;
All learners have access to IAG from their trainers and assessors;
The Partnership Manager, Employer Engagement Co-ordinator, and Industrial Liaison Co-ordinator
and Apprenticeships Co-ordinator provides IAG directly to employers as part of TTE’s commitment to
employer engagement and to learners in preparation for and during Industrial Experience and
Sponsored Advanced Apprenticeships programmes;
Commercial Sales provides IAG to employers participating in the Train to Gain Programmes in
keeping with TTE’s commitment to employer engagement;
Assessors ensure that learners on employers and sponsoring company sites are able to access
appropriate IAG. Individual interviews enable guidance to be tailored to the learner’s specific needs
and are available throughout the training / assessment duration.
Partner Organisations
TTE delivers a range of programmes in partnership with a number of regional colleges and nine
schools in the Tees Valley.
Referral Arrangements
Where necessary, with the learner’s permission, he / she may be referred to another provider or agency that
can provide a service or course that more closely meets their needs. In these circumstances, staff with
responsibility for IAG will comply with the following requirements:
for referrals to any external provider or agency the learner will be notified of any links between TTE
and the third party that may impair objectivity;
the referral process will be fully explained to the learner to include the following:
details about any other organisation involved;
confirmation as to why referral is appropriate;
clarification on what is expected of the learner;
the setting of boundaries about the sharing of information with any other agency.
IAG Quality Standards
TTE has achieved the matrix Award for Information, Advice and Guidance.
The impartiality of information, advice and guidance is assured in the following ways:
Feedback from Learner Forum;
Analysis of results from induction questionnaires;
Observation of Teaching and Learning;
Observation of guidance and tutorial sessions;
Learner feedback/evaluation of module assessment and progress review.
Issued Date: 05/11/2013
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User Ref: LIA&G Policy
Section: Quality Manual and Appendices
Title: Learner Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy
The TTE Technical Training Group
Staff Development
Initial training or update training for staff involved in delivering IAG will be included in the staff development
programme and encouragement is given to staff to gain qualifications relating to IAG.
Related Documents and information
Customer Feedback Policy;
Equality and Diversity Policy;
Learner Handbook;
Steve Grant
Group Managing Director
January 2013
Issued Date: 05/11/2013
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User Ref: LIA&G Policy
Section: Quality Manual and Appendices
Title: Learner Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy
The TTE Technical Training Group
Appendix 1 Summary of IAG Arrangements at The TTE Technical Training Group
Role / Function
Staff Involved
Welcome customers / clients to TTE.
Customer care.
Reception, Commercial Sales.
Provide information to learners.
Signposting (Information
Reception, Assessors,
Trainers, Enrolment / Induction
Help learners gain access to TTE’s IAG
Signposting (Information
Reception, Enrolment /
Induction Team Commercial
Advice and Guidance.
Reception, Enrolment /
Induction Team: Recruitment
team, BDT, Specialist staff eg
Additional Learner Support,
EMA Advisor, Welfare officer,
Safeguarding officer
Identify the requirements of customers.
Implement referral procedures (including
referral to Connexions).
Advice and Guidance.
Interviewers, Business Unit
Coordinators, Lead Vocational
Instructors, Partnership
Manager, Industrial Liaison
Help learners / clients to consider their
options and choose a course.
Advice and Guidance.
Interviewers, Assessors,
Employer Engagement
Coordinator, Industrial Liaison
Coordinator, Commercial
Help learners to apply for a programme /
Advice and Guidance.
Recruitment Team
Assist learners in developing and
implementing an Individual Learning Plan.
Advice and Guidance.
Vocational Instructors,
Advice and Guidance.
Vocational Instructors,
Assessors, Employer
Engagement Coordinator,
Industrial Liaison Coordinator,
Welfare officer, Additional
Learner support
Advice and Guidance.
Vocational Instructors,
Assessors, Employer
Engagement Coordinator,
Industrial Liaison Coordinator,
Welfare officer, Additional
Learner support
Negotiation Skills.
Vocational Instructors,
Assessors, Employer
Engagement Coordinator,
Industrial Liaison Coordinator,
Welfare officer, Additional
Learner support
Help learners / customers / candidates
gain access to other IAG services.
Provide support to learners during their
Represent learners in dealing with other
staff in the Training Centres, Colleges or
other services.
Issued Date: 05/11/2013
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User Ref: LIA&G Policy
Section: Quality Manual and Appendices
Title: Learner Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy
The TTE Technical Training Group
Appendix 2 The National IAG Board Principles for Coherent Delivery in IAG Services
“Information, advice and guidance services should promote the value of learning and be accessible to people
to provide them with the help they need to enter and progress in learning and work”.
Principles for Coherent Information, Advice and Guidance Delivery are:
Accessible and Visible – IAG services should be recognised and trusted by clients, have convenient entry
points from which clients may be signposted or referred to the services they need and be open at times and
in places which suit clients’ needs.
Professional and Knowledgeable – IAG frontline staff should have the skills and knowledge to identify
quickly and effectively the clients’ needs. They should have the skills and knowledge either to address the
clients’ needs or to signpost or refer them to suitable alternative services.
Effective Connections – Links between IAG services should be clear from the clients’ perspective. Where
necessary, clients should be supported in their transition between services.
Availability, Quality and Delivery – IAG services should be targeted at the needs of clients and be
informed by social and economic priorities at local, regional and national levels.
Diversity – The range of IAG services should reflect the diversity of clients’ needs.
Impartial – IAG services should support clients to make informed decisions about learning and work based
on the clients’ needs and circumstances.
Responsive – IAG services should reflect clients’ present and future needs.
Friendly and Welcoming – IAG services should encourage clients to engage successfully with the service.
Enabling – IAG services should encourage and support clients to become lifelong learners by enabling them
to access and use information to plan their careers, supporting clients to explore the implications for both
learning and work in their future career plans.
Awareness – Adults should be aware of the IAG services that are relevant to them and have well informed
expectations of those services.
Issued Date: 05/11/2013
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