Central Medulla Atrial Systole I am the name given to the pattern of contraction and relaxation of the heart during one complete heartbeat Elephantiasis I am the stage that follows atrial systole where the ventricles contract and the AV valves close. The SL valves open and blood is pushed from the heart QRS Wave I am the area that a lymph nodule surrounds Ventricular Tachycardia I am the wave that is produced when the ventricles recover after contracting Systole I am what is fitted to a sufferer of abnormal heart rhythms ‘Lubb Dupp’ I am the name given to the relaxation of the heart Right Atrium Wall close to the superior Vena Cava I am the the valves that close to cause the first sound of the heart beat ECG- Electrocardiogram I am the name given to the node located near the base of the atria that receives the electrical impulse form the atria contracting AV Valves I am the three distinct waves that make up the normal ECG pattern Diastole I am the valves that close to cause the second sound of the heartbeat Heart Murmurs I am the name given to the atria contracting simultaneously and sending blood down into ventricles through the open AV valves SAN (Sino-Atrial Node) I am the name given to the pacemaker I am the name of the place where the SAN is located and from where it sends out a spontaneous electrical impulse to make the heart beat at a certain rate Cardiac Cycle I am the name given to the characteristic sounds made when the heart valves close during a heartbeat I am the name given to the contraction of the heart I am the wave responsible for the SAN spreading an electrical impulse over the atria Ventricular Systole P, QRS and T waves Ventricular Fibrillation Atrio-Ventricular Node (AVN) I am the type of ECG produced when the P waves are absent and the QRS waves are wider than normal I am the name given to the pattern of electrical impulses produced by the heart that can be displayed on an oscilloscope screen P Wave SL Valves I am the wave that shows the ventricles contracting as a result of receiving an electrical impulse I am the name given to abnormal heart sounds produced by abnormal patterns of cardiac blood flow causing valves to not close or open properly Sphygmomanometer T Wave I am considered a normal blood pressure I am the name of the abnormal ECG that is produced when there is four P waves produced for every one QRS wave Atrial Flutter I am the type of irregular ECG pattern produced that is lethal Malnutrition Ventricles have to work harder, more prone to atherosclerosis, stroke risk I am some of the areas where lymph nodes occur 120mmHg Systolic over 80mmHg Diastolic I am the condition that is caused by the filarial worm invading the lymphatic system and causing blockage of vessels in the legs causing fluid build up Oedaema I am the name given to the resistance shown by the blood flowing against the walls of the blood vessels Artificial Pacemaker I am the cause of oedema where tissue fluid builds up in the abdomen Peripheral Resistance I am the instrument used to measure blood pressure Neck, Armpit and Groin I am the reasons why prolonged high blood pressure is dangerous I am the condition caused by tissue fluid building up in the spaces between the cells and the blood capillaries