Oregon Health & Science University BMI 584 Clinical Classification Systems and Applied Reimbursement Methodologies CREDIT HOURS: 2 TERM: Spring, 2011 INSTRUCTOR: Mary H. Stanfill, MBI, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, FAHIMA INSTRUCTOR/TEACHING ASSISTANT V-Lab: Bonnie Altus, MS, RHIT, CHPS EXPECTATION FOR COMMUNICATION: Office hours: By arrangement via email Electronic mail: stanfill@ohsu.edu Contacting electronically is the fastest way to reach instructor. Course communication: Forums will be read at least weekly. Assignments will be returned within one week of receipt. Direct emails will be answered within 24-48 hours of receipt. PRE-REQUISITES: Working knowledge of ICD-9-CM or consent of instructor. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will address the application of clinical classification systems and reimbursement methodologies with a focus on analysis and synthesis of case studies relevant to the Health Information Manager role. Student will examine coding compliance and ethical behavior and the effects of both on revenue. The course will include the use of software from AHIMA virtual lab and students will process cases from the workbook. Both group and individual assignments expected. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS/RESOURCES: HIM certificate students are required to become student members of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Go to www.ahima.org to join as soon as possible. This membership will provide a discount for the textbook and will provide other resources needed for this course. 1. Textbook: LaTour, K. and Eichenwald-Maki, S. Health Information Management, Concepts, Principles, and Practice, third edition with student workbook (on CD with textbook): AHIMA Press (Note: This textbook is used for all courses in the HIM program. Two chapters will be used for this course.) 2. Giannangelo, Kathy, MA, RHIA, CCS, CPHIMA. Healthcare Code Sets, Clinical Terminologies, and Classifications Systems. 2010: AHIMA Press. ISBN # :9781584262251 3. Zeisset, Ann and Bowman, Sue. Pocket Guide of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS. 2010: AHIMA Press. ISBN#: 9781584262527 4. AHIMA virtual Lab (provided to student members of AHIMA) 5. Other resources will be listed in weekly assignments on Sakai. COURSE COORDINATION: This course is taught mainly with voice over power points. Assigned readings will be posted for each learning unit. Homework will include the assigned reading, written assignments, various application exercises, and answering questions in the student forums. All reading materials and assignments will be posted in the Sakai learning portal, which is the most up to date source. SAKAI LEARNING WILL BE USED IN THIS COURSE: Sakai technical assistance is available from 8:00 AM-10:00 PM, Monday through Friday and weekends noon – 8 p.m. at 503-494-7074, toll-free at 877-972-5249 or submit a “trouble ticket” by sending an email to sakai@ohsu.edu. Sakai will have the most current information about each week and you will find Links to lectures in Flash and MP3, along with a handout of the power point List of readings Assignments EVALUATION: Points for assignments and forums are awarded weekly. A final project, in lieu of a final exam, is also assigned points. Assignments: 70 % of grade Final Project/Exam: 30 % of grade GRADING: Letter grades will be given for this course based on the following percentages and based on earned points. 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D <60% F COURSE OBJECTIVES: The following Domains and subdomains of the American Health Information Management Association form the goals/objectives and outcome competencies for this course. Column two of this grid lists related BMI courses for additional content in these areas. I. Domain: Healthcare Data Management A. Subdomain: Health Data Structure, content and standards 4. Monitor use of clinical vocabularies and terminologies used in the organization’s health information systems BMI 510, BMI 512, BMI 584 C. Subdomain: Clinical Classification Systems 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. Select electronic applications for clinical classification and coding. Implement and manage applications and processes for clinical classification and coding. D. Subdomain: Reimbursement Methodologies Manage the use of clinical data required in other reimbursement systems in healthcare delivery. Manage the use of clinical data required in other reimbursement systems in healthcare delivery. Participate in selection and development of applications and processes for charge master and claims management. Implement and manage processes for compliance and reporting such as the National Correct Coding Initiative. BMI 510, 512, BMI 584 BMI 584 BMI 537, BMI 584 BMI 537, BMI 584 BMI 584 BMI 584 The following Knowledge Clusters are built into the course content at the analysis and synthesis levels as noted by the ( ). The second column of the grid indicates other related BMI courses that address some of the knowledge clusters. 4 = Analysis: Breaking down information and inferring (or finding evidence) to support divergent conclusions 5 = Synthesis: Applying prior knowledge and skills to create a new or original whole Break down, differentiate, discriminate Recognize, infer, point out Illustrate, outline, prioritize Learning objectives phrasing: diagram, distinguish, organize parts, recognize hidden meanings, identify components, arrange, select, explain, infer, prioritize Use old ideas to create new ones Predict and draw conclusions Adapting divergent knowledge toward a new synthesis Learning objectives phrasing: adapt, anticipate, collaborate, combine, compare, compose, design, devise, facilitate, negotiate, reconstruct, reorganize, substitute, revise, design, invent I.C. Clinical Classification Systems 1. Healthcare taxonomies, clinical vocabularies, terminologies/nomenclatures (such as ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, CPT, SNOMED-CT, DSM-IV) (4) 2. Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRGs) (4) BMI 510 BMI 584 BMI 584 I.D. Reimbursement Methodologies 1. Clinical data and reimbursement management (5) BMI 537, BMI 584 2. Compliance strategies and reporting (e.g. National Correct Coding Initiative) (4) BMI 584 3. Charge master management (4) BMI 584 4. Case mix management (4) BMI 537, BMI 584 5. Audit process (such as compliance and reimbursement) (5) BMI 584 6. Payment systems (such as PPS, DRGs, APCs, RBRVS, RUGs) (4) BMI 537, BMI 584 7. Commercial, managed care and federal insurance plans (4) BMI 537, BMI 584 ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students are expected to maintain academic honesty in their course work. Literature and resources (including Internet resources) used in fulfilling assignments must contain citation. See http://www.ohsu.edu/dmice/enrolled/plag.shtml In an effort to uphold the principles and practice of academic honesty, faculty members at OHSU may use originality checking systems such as Turnitin to compare a student’s submitted work against multiple sources. STUDENT ACCESS POLICY: If you need reasonable accommodation, please let me know as soon as possible. Our program is committed to all students achieving their potential. If you have a disability or think you may have a disability (physical, learning, hearing, vision, psychological) which may need reasonable accommodation please contact student access at 503-494-0082 or email at orchards@ohsu.edu to discuss your needs. In addition, you can find more information at http://www.ohsu.edu/student-access. COURSE OUTLINE/CALENDAR: Complete instructions including required date of completion for each assignment is posted on Sakai learning portal. Please check regularly for updates as Sakai will have the most up to date information. Week(s) Topic Wk. 1 March 28 – April 3 Intro to Clinical Classifications and Terminologies Readings Course Assignments and Due Dates LaTour & Eichwenwald, Chapter 13; Giannangelo Chapter 1 Reimbursement LaTour & Methodologies Eichenwald Chapter 14 View lecture Post to Forums – Your Introduction (by April 3) Post to Forums – Classification/terminology discussion question (by April 6) View lecture Post to Forums – CAC discussion (by April 13) Post to Submission – Healthcare reform (by April 13) Wk. 3 April 11 17 ICD-9-CM Coding and DRGs Wk. 4 April 18 – April 24 Introduction to ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Giannangelo Chapter 2, and select readings on Sakai Pocket Guide of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS View Lecture Post to forum – MS DRG discussion (by April 20) Post to submissions – ICD9 VLab worksheets (by April 20) View Lecture Post to Forums –implementation of ICD10 (by April 27) Post to Submissions – ICD10 Vlab exercise (by April 27) Wk. 5 & 6 April 25 – May 8 CPT & HCPCS Giannangelo Chapter 3 & 4 View Lecture Post to Forums – Request a new CPT code (by May 11) Post to Submissions – HCPCS codes (by May 11) Wk. 7 & 8 May 9 – May 22 SNOMED CT and LOINC Giannangelo Chapter 7 & 10 Wk. 9 & 10 May 23 – June 5 Application of Terminology and Classification Systems Giannangelo Chapter 17 & 18 View Lecture Post to Forums – terminology action agenda (by May 25) Post to Submissions –SNOMED CT exercise (by May 25) View Lecture Post to Forums – application of terminologies (by June 8) Post to Submissions – mapping exercise (by June 1) Post to Submissions – application of terminologies (by June 8) Wk. 2 April 4 -10 Wk. 11 June 6 – June 10 Final Paper completed Final paper (due June 10) FINAL PROJECT/EXAM: The following project constitutes the final examination. Students are advised to begin the research early in the term and use the full term to complete the project. Several of the chapters in the Giannangelo textbook, though not specifically covered as assignments in the course, may be useful in the project. The final project is worth 50 points for 30% of the final course grade. It must be completed and submitted by the final day of the term (June 10, 2011). Project description: Prepare a 5 to 10 page paper on one of the following topics. Students must use the AMIA template and Vancouver reference for citations. For either topic, students must have a minimum of 10 references which may include resources from the course materials, but should also include other sources identified by the student. 1. Topic: Adoption of ICD-10-PCS in the United States Discuss the adoption of the ICD-10-PCS in inpatient setting. The paper should address: introduction to problem how to prepare for the implementation of a new coding system that will affect the reimbursement system (include discussion on charge master, electronic health records) training issues that will need to be addressed with a specific outline of how this will be developed and implemented human resource issues, including the affect of major changes, how this may impact the common practice of outsourcing coding to home offices, etc. summarize your findings develop a conclusion of thoughts and recommendations for successful adoption -OR2. Topic: Explore an emerging classification or vocabulary system Choose one of the emerging classification or vocabulary systems listed in the Giannangelo textbook. Research it thoroughly, using multiple resources, and address at least the following: Introduction of the classification/vocabulary system Background on the system and its intended purpose/use Evaluation of system against desired elements as discussed by Cimino and Campbell's Desiderata from textbook application of the classification/vocabulary system in light of healthcare industry developments today Address resource issues related to the implementation and use of the system (this could address, human resources, technology, etc) Summarize your findings Develop a conclusion of thoughts