Managing Your Pain is an 8-week program sponsored by UCSD


Managing Your Pain is an 8-week program sponsored by

UCSD Department of Anesthesiology, Center for Pain and

Palliative Medicine. Physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals volunteer their time and expertise to help participants learn how to control pain and minimize its effects on their quality of life. Research has shown that individuals who know more about their healthcare needs are able to make informed decisions and become partners in their treatment team.

Families and friends may also experience difficulties coping with the problems associated with the chronic pain of their loved ones. The more family members understand about pain, the better they too will be able to cope with the challenges presented by living with chronic pain. This program is to assist both patients and their families in meeting these challenges.

Managing Your Pain is free of charge and is open to UCSD patients, their families and the community.

(William/Jon – See next page for proposed buttons).


 What is Pain?

This session includes a broad overview of pain and also includes information regarding the role of the UCSD Center for

Pain and Palliative Medicine.

 Surgical Procedures

This session includes the various surgical and invasive procedures available, including various injections, nerve blocks, implantable stimulators and implantable pumps.

 Medications Used To Treat Pain

This session includes information on medications currently used for treating pain.

 Body Work

This session includes the role of body mechanics, exercise and the use of massage in treating pain.

 Body-Mind Connection

This session includes the role of complementary therapies in treating chronic pain (specifically, acupuncture, aromatherapy and harp music therapy).

 Pain and Emotions

This session includes the role of emotions in dealing with the challenges of chronic pain.

 Healthy Soul

This session includes the role of nondenominational spirituality and its role in coping with chronic pain issues.

 Research Update

This session includes the role of clinical research and information on various emerging treatment therapies for chronic pain management.


Call the UCSD Patient Education Department at (619) 543-3640 to register for the next available class.


UCSD Thornton Hospital, 9300 Campus Point Drive, La Jolla,



This series of 8 classes is presented three times per year. Call the

UCSD Patient Education Department at (619) 543-3640 to register for the next available class or obtain dates for future series.
