
US History
Name ___________________
Date ___________BLK_____
Unit 6 – The Age of Imperialism and World War I (1890 – 1918)
U.S. Imperialism in Asia and Latin America
Directions: Examine pages 263 – 275 of “Chapter 9: Emerging World Power” in United
States History: Reconstruction to the Present to answer the questions below.
Chapter 9-3: The United States and East Asia (pp. 263 – 267)
1. What did the U.S. decide to do with the Philippines after they were won from Spain?
2. Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?
3. What were the results of the guerilla war in the Philippines that became known as the
Filipino Insurrection in terms of money and loss of life?
4. How did future President William H. Taft’s policies as governor of the Philippines help
the islands recover from the war?
5. What nations possessed “spheres of influence” in China in the late 19th century?
6. Who were the Boxers and why did they rebel in China in May 1900?
7. What was the result of the Boxer Rebellion?
8. What was the purpose of Secretary of State John Hay’s “Open Door” Policy regarding
9. What was the cause of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05?
10. Which U.S. President won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905 for helping bring about an end
to the Russo-Japanese War?
11. Why did President Theodore Roosevelt negotiate a “Gentlemen’s Agreement” with
Japan in 1906? What were the terms of this agreement?
12. What was the Great White Fleet and why did President Roosevelt send it around the
world in 1907?
Chapter 9-4: The United States and Latin America (pp. 268 – 275)
13. What were the provisions of the Foraker Act as passed by Congress in 1900?
14. What were the Insular Cases?
15. Why did the Cuban people dislike the Platt Amendment of 1902?
US History
Name ___________________
Date ___________BLK_____
Unit 6 – The Age of Imperialism and World War I (1890 – 1918)
16. Briefly describe Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” foreign policy toward Latin America?
17. When Colombia demanded more money than the U.S. was willing to pay, how did
Roosevelt use the “big stick” to acquire the rights to the Canal Zone in Panama?
18. How much did Panama receive for the Canal Zone?
19. What deadly tropical disease killed more than 5,000 workers during the construction of
the Panama Canal?
20. Identify four methods utilized by Dr. William Gorgas and his staff to control the
21. Why did Roosevelt issue the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
22. Define President William H. Taft’s concept of “Dollar Diplomacy.” How did it differ
from President Roosevelt’s approach?
23. How did President Woodrow Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy” intend to steer the U.S. in a
different direction with regard to imperialism?
24. Why did President Wilson send General John J. Pershing and 10.000 U.S. troops on a
“punitive expedition” into northern Mexico in 1916?
25. Why did President Wilson recall General Pershing in early 1917 without him having
accomplished his mission?