Fusion Technical Design










Table of Contents


Board and Committee Positions ......................................................................... 3





Wrestling High-Level Calendar (April through March) ................................. 7

Wrestler Registration .......................................................................................... 8

Ordering Spirit Wear .......................................................................................... 9

Locker Tags ..........................................................................................................10




Mandatory Parent Meeting .................................................................................11

Black Gold Dual ...................................................................................................12

Warrior Invitational ............................................................................................13


Kids Club Tournament........................................................................................24


Senior Night ..........................................................................................................25


End of Year Banquet ...........................................................................................26


Collage Boards ...........................................................................................27


Web Site ................................................................................................................29


Photo Site and Video Details ...............................................................................30


Media Guide .........................................................................................................33


Western State Camp ............................................................................................34


Appendix C – Locker Tag Examples .................................................................35


Board and Committee Positions



Presides at Board and Booster Meetings.

Coordinates work of board and booster club.

Past President/s

Past Presidents who still have student wrestlers. Duties assigned by


Vice President/s

Assumes duties assigned by President.


Records minutes of all meetings.

Handles all correspondence.

Notifies members of all meetings.

Performs other duties as delegated by President.


Keeps accounting and accurate record of receipts and expenditures.

Submits monthly report at both Board and Booster Meetings.

Makes all deposits and disbursements requested.



Snack Bar Concessions is a fundraiser at Arapahoe hosted tournaments.

CHAIR PERSON – Oversees operations. Makes sure proper amounts of items are stocked. Prepares menu prices for signeage at snack bar. Signs up volunteers to work all shifts. Note – the

Athletic Department keeps the concession stand stocked and will recommend pricing for those items. The Booster Club can augment these items with additional donated/purchased items for additional fund raising.

WORKERS – Open the snack bar, staff the snack bar, close the snack bar. (Recommend at least two different families at a time so they can step away and see their son’s matches.)

NOTE – The 2010- 2011 board voted to no longer staff the concession stands at home meets. The Athletic Director will offer

this as a fund raiser to other school clubs. The Wrestling club will still do the concessions for the Warrior Invitational and the Warrior

Kids Club Tournament.

Spirit Wear

Work with Coach Sisler to produce wrestling specific hats, T-shirts, sweats, memorabilia, etc. for purchase by wrestling fans.

CHAIR PERSON – Selection of merchandise to be available for sale on website. Coordinates creation of website, vendor contact, and distribution of merchandise. (See section in Guide on Ordering

Spirit Wear).


Prepare and implement various programs to bring money into the

Booster Club.

CHAIR PERSON – Organizes committee to explore & implement various money making endeavors.

Current Annual Fundraising Activities –

King Soopers Cards

Honey Baked Hams

Media Guide Ads

Tournament Concessions

Pin Cans

Registration Donations

Banquet Cake Raffle and Auction

Community Service

Researches and presents viable community service activities for the wrestlers and coaches to participate in.

Warrior Invitational

Tournament hosted by AHS Wrestling every year (est.1977). This is a huge undertaking, and all families are encouraged to participate.

CHAIR PERSON – Plans and oversees the various committees involved in preparing for and running the tournament. (See section in Guide on Warrior Invitational.)

Kids Club Tournament

Tournament hosted by AHS Wrestling for the kids club every other year. This is a huge undertaking, and all families (including kid club parents) are encouraged to participate.

CHAIR PERSON – Plans and oversees the various committees involved in preparing for and running the tournament. (See section in Guide on Kid Club Tournament.)

Freshmen Liaison

An upper classman parent who can help the in-coming freshman families, and new to wrestling families, understand the working of wrestling and parent involvement.

Web Site

The http://www.arapahoewrestling.org

website is the main means by which the club communicates information and for wrestlers and fans to know about up coming events.

CHAIR PERSON – Must ensure that all website information is current and accurate. Setup registrations for special events or camps, help produce rosters and financial reports needed by the board. Ensure that the coaching staff can send messages as needed to appropriate distribution lists.

Spirit Program

To increase wrestling visibility at AHS and give recognition to our wrestlers.

CHAIR PERSON – Prepare and post locker tags on wrestlers lockers before duals/tournaments. Assign Pin Cans to parents at each team level and ensure the money collected gets to the treasury.

Media Guide

A printed program that contains information about the Wrestling

Team and Coaches. Also a venue for paid advertising.

CHAIR PERSON – Does the computer layout for the guide. Takes and/or collects appropriate photographs of all events the Team participates in and determines how best to present them in the guide. Ensures that advertisements are sold, money is collected for them, and they are placed appropriately in the guide. (See section in

Guide on Media Guide).

Senior Recognition

Liason with senior wrestling families. Distribute and collect senior questionnaires for the Media Guide. Coordinate any special photo opportunities as needed. Collect photos to be used for both the

Senior Wrestling yearbook page and the year end video. (See Senior

Recognition section in this guide)

Senior Night

Seniors and their parents are honored at last home dual with special ceremony.


FOR THIS POSITION. (See Senior Night section in this guide.)

Year End Banquet

Held at the end of the season, usually in March, to recognize wrestlers and coaches.

CHAIR PERSON – Determines location, food, coaches gifts, on site workers etc. with assistance of committee. (See Year End

Banquet Section in this guide)

Photographers and Videographers

At a minimum 1 photographer per team (Frosh, JV, & Varsity) is needed, but multiples is of benefit. We have a deep tradition of keeping a photo history of the boys matches, culminating in the photo boards presented to them at the year end banquet.

Similarly, the more individuals that can video the matches of all wrestlers the better. The end result being the year end video shown at the banquet.

A professional photographer is also hired to supplement volunteers.


Wrestling High-Level Calendar (April through March)

April :

Begin coordination of June’s Wrestling Camp

Prepare for and launch Booster Club’s On-line Registration

May :

Continue Coordination of June’s Wrestling Camp

June :

Wrestling Camp Logistics

July :

August :

Nothing …

Begin Coordination for Homecoming Float

Confirm/Identify Key Committee/Event Leaders for the season

September :

Homecoming Float Creation and Homecoming Parade

Design/Approve this year’s Spirit Wear Items and Website

October :

Launch Spirit Wear Website

Begin coordination of Warrior Invite/Kid’s Club Tournaments

Begin Locker Tag process

Begin work on Media Guide and advertising sales

November :

Practices Begin

Collect Wrestler/Manager/Coach Photos for Media Guide

Start Senior Recognition process

Mandatory Parent Meeting

Black-Gold Intra-Squad Dual

Continue coordination of Warrior Invitational and Kid’s Club Tournaments

Get Locker Tags approved and printed.

December :

Warrior Invitational and Kid’s Club Tournaments

Close Spirit Wear Website and place order. Re-launch site if wanted.

Wrestling Season Begins

Begin Coordination of Senior Night

January :

Wrestling Season Continues

Begin Coordination of End of Season Banquet

Begin Arrangement for Regionals and State

Collect Names for Photo Collage Boards and submit order for boards


Senior Night

Wrestling Season Concludes

Regional Tournament

State Tournament

Continue Coordination of End of Season Banquet


End of Season Banquet


Wrestler Registration

All sport registration begins in April of the current year.

The president should then work with the website administrator to get the online registration setup. o In order to do this the amount that will be charged for dues that year will need to be known. (The dues should include the amount to be collected for the coaches’ end of year gifts. It is just easier to collect it up front then worry about it at the end of season and try to catch everybody again.). Keep in mind that we pay a fee for each due paid via Pay Pal, so we collect an added amount called administration fees. Also will need to know the date of the Mandatory Parent Meeting to include in the registration steps

The treasurer will need to be aware of when registration will open so that they can be watching the Pay Pal accounts for funds coming in and make sure Pay Pal is working.

The club will create an email alert with instructions detailing with where to go to register, when to register, why to register etc.

The president should use the previous season’s emails to mail out an announcement that registration is open with a link and instructions on how to get registered. o Use the previous year’s email list, but do not include Seniors. This can be done by sending a separate email to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. o Incoming freshmen are reached via Arapahoe High School registration or via the

Athletic Office.

NOTE – people are always confused between registering with the school for Winter Sports and registering with the Booster Club. They assume if they registered with the school that is all they need to do. It is a good idea to explain the difference in an email announcements so people understand they need to do both.

The web admin and or President should watch the registrations as they come in. Wrestlers end up registered twice, often times one that is paid and one that is not. The extra registration will need to be deleted.

The goal is to start using the Current Season to do emailing following the Black Gold Dual.

So getting a list of the registered wrestlers from Coach Sisler’s admin and comparing it to the registration on the website is a good idea to see who is missing. Then work to get the missing wrestlers registered either by sitting with them to do it at the Black Gold or by emailing their previous season’s contact information.


Ordering Spirit Wear

This activity should be started in mid September with the goal of having the Spirit Wear website live by November 1.

The Committee Chair for Spirit Wear should solicit design ideas and item ideas from the company that has been chosen to produce/provide the spirit wear. o Different companies have been used over the years. o Lesson learned: whoever you work with give them a deadline that is a week before you really need the items.

The Chair should then review the items and designs with the President and with Coach Sisler

Once the items are agreed upon the Chair should coordinate website creation and launch with the chosen vendor.

In past years a large selection of the items has been ordered to have at the Mandatory Parent meeting for Cash and Carry. This practice has been discontinued as it is too hard to predict what items to have on hand and the club ends up with un-sold spirit wear that it has paid for.

One or two orders of Spirit Wear can be placed and will be determined by the coordinator.

Deadlines can be determined by WHEN you want your items. For items needed in time for the holidays, the website needs to be closed and items ordered by late November. If a second order is needed, the website can be re-launched per the coordinator.

Post the Spirit Wear Order site link on the website main website.

The President should start sending out emails regarding ordering spirit wear around Oct 15 th using the previous Seasons emails. o Use the previous year’s email list, but do not include Seniors. This can be done by sending a separate email to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

Incoming freshmen are reached via Arapahoe High School registration or via the

Athletic Office.

Make sure that the company providing the Spirit Wear gives the Club the Invoice for it. In the past they have been sent it to the school and can accumulate late fees.


Locker Tags

A sign to hang on each boy’s locker prior to each match to encourage them and to advertise the match.

 One tag is hung each week. Usually on Tuesday’s so they are up most of the week.

Once the schedule for the season is known (generally in October some time) determine how many tags (how many weeks worth) you will need to design.

In a word document design one tag for each week. o Include a special tag for the Seniors for the week that has the Senior Night dual meet. o

The tag for Regionals will only be hung for Varsity and the tag for State will only be hung for the handful of wrestlers that go to state. Therefore, both these tags can be a little more customized to the event and to the boys if you want. Plus you don’t have to make nearly as many copies of the tags for these 2 events.

Each tag must include the Date, Time and Location of the meets for that week. We generally have a Thursday Dual and then Saturday the three teams can be at three different tournaments. Include all of the events on the tag.

The tag design can be a funny wrestling saying, a motivational saying, a serious warrior message etc..

 It is a good idea to create 2 or 3 extra designs in case one of them doesn’t get approved.

Once all of the designs are done, save them off in a pdf and email them to Coach Sisler to review and approve.

 Once you have Coach’s approval, print off one hard copy of the designs and submit them to

Janelle Weems to stamp them with the approval stamp. No tag can be hung that does not have the approval stamp on it.

Solicit the club to see if anyone has access to a color printer or who would be willing to find a printing company that will donate the printing of the tags. Give whoever will do the printing the hard copy with the approval stamp on them (or scan in the stamped copy so it can be emailed to the person doing the printing). You will want to arrange all this toward the end of October, beginning of Nov as the first tag will be hung the Tuesday before the

Warrior Invite. o

It really works best to have all the tags printed at once for the whole season so you have them and so you don’t have to keep working with the printer.

Prior to Thanksgiving break, request a list of the registered wrestlers and their locker numbers from Janelle Weems. Have her include the managers on the list. The initial list will be 70+ names. Will need to cross check it against a list of wrestlers registered with the

Booster Club. Will need to update it to make sure the names are correct (ie Nick instead of

Nicholas etc)

Determine how many to have made of each tag (usually getting 80 to 100 of each is enough)

Each week o You will need to modify the list throughout the first few weeks of the season, monitoring what boys drop off the team or join. Work closely with whoever is monitoring the registration to make sure you have all boys. o Write each boy’s name on a tag for that week o It makes hanging the tags a lot easier if you pencil the locker numbers on the back. Then you can just walk the halls and hang them in numerical order.

Request that the managers hang the tags for you. Send the pile of tags for that week with your wrestler on Tuesday to give the managers at practice and let them hang them.

You must hang the tags with blue painters tape.

See Locker Tag Examples in the Appendix C


Mandatory Parent Meeting for Booster Club

This meeting occurs in the second week of practice, before Thanksgiving break and before the

Black Gold Dual (Saturday morning prior to Thanksgiving Break). Coach Sisler has a separate meeting for Wrestling-only items on a separate date.

The meeting is held in the Forum. This venue is perfect as the hall leading to the room gives you a perfect place to setup tables with all of the items you need the parents to address. o

Have a table with Media Guide Ad forms. Good idea to have previous copies of the media guide so new families can see what it looks like and what a personal ad is.

Have a person there to talk to each family as they come in about ads for the guide o Have a person there with a stack of King Soopers cards (generally with just $5 on them). It is good if this person has a slip of paper they can be handing out to each family that discusses how the card works and how it helps the club. o There should then be a table that somewhat “restricts” access to the meeting room. At this table have two people with laptops that can be verifying each family is registered and paid. If they have not registered, they should enter the registration right then, and they should collect payment from anyone that has not paid.

The President and Coach Sisler will talk about the role of the club, how fundraising works and highlight any volunteer areas or current needs the club has. An example of the night’s agenda can be found in Appexdix


Black Gold Dual

This is an intra-squad dual meet that is held the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving break. The purpose of this dual is to help parents understand how wrestling is scored and what some of the wrestling moves are.

The Club should have a couple tables setup in the gym for the following ; o To register anyone that didn’t get registered at the Parent meeting. o

Collect Dues from anyone who has not paid. It is good if the President has a list of who hasn’t paid or registered so he can walk around and talk to people as he sees them. o Sell Media Guide Ads o

Sell King Soopers Cards


Warrior Invitational

The Warrior Invitational is the one tournament we host. It takes an army of help to pull this off and make it the success it always is. We have a pancake breakfast for the teams after weigh-ins and before the matches begin, hospitality rooms for the refs/coaches & workers, and the concession stand is open.

Order of Events and Planning

Sometime in October get a chair for the Breakfast, for the Concession and for the

Hospitality Rooms

By the End of October have a list of volunteers and donations needed. Create the Signup

Genius for the event.

It is best to consolidate all of the Volunteer help needed and all of the donations needed from all three areas and enter them in one “Signup Genius” online registration. This allows for just one email about signups to be sent out and cuts down on confusion, people don’t wonder if they need to donate to both or where their items are going. It is a good idea to send this out to the Kids Club after they are registered, if there is going to be a kids club tournament on that Sunday following the Warrior Invite, so that those parents can help too.

November 1 st send out the Signup Genius. Continue to send weekly reminders about signing up throughout November

November 1 st start working on getting the coffee donations needed.

The coffee needed for the Concessions, Breakfast and Hospitality Rooms should be coordinated by one person. Solid Grounds, Starbucks and Peetes have been very willing to donate the cambros needed in the past. They might need a letter with our Tax ID on it for their donation. So one person should start working on the coffee donations no later than the first of November.

Mandatory Parent Meeting – have the President speak to the Signup and about items still needed.

One person should begin working the Pizza order. It is best to coordinate the Hospitality needs and the concessions needs into one order. If there is a kids club tournament you will need pizza’s to feed the workers for that too. Phone around to get the best pricing from a

Pizza place and have it all delivered at once each day. This way one check can be written.

It helps to order these a week ahead of the Invite, get the cost and have the check ready the day of.

Continue to monitor the sign up and send out an email regarding dropping off items the

Friday Night before the event.

Pancake Breakfast for Wrestlers

The week before the banquet email the head cook Shawna Lawrence

( slawrence@lps.k12.com

) to let her know you are running the Breakfast and coordinate arrival times for the day of. You can arrange to drop off the pancake mix the Friday before so she can get started mixing it as soon as she gets there Saturday morning.

What you will need -

Plan on 300-400 people to feed.

Our menu is pancakes, fruit cocktail, bananas, orange drink, water and coffee.

Shopping list

5 large bags of pancake mix (Krustez band is best. Available in large bags at

Kings. Do not use Costco brand)

6 Large Bottles of syrup

1 large tub of Butter

6 large bunches of Bananas

12- 29 oz cans OR 5 Large 6 lbs cans of Fruit Cocktail

9 - 48oz jars of Applesauce

1 - 4 lb. Jar of Creamy Peanut Butter


Forks, Knives, Spoons


Cups for water and Coffee Cups


***OR buy pre-wrapped fork/knife napkin packages***

Note -the club often has a supply of paper wares that can be used. Find out what exists and can be used first prior to shopping for supplies.

Orange Drink Concentrate

Orange drink syrup is usually donated from the McDonalds at Holly and Cty

Line. Ask if they will donate 2 boxes of concentrate and 100 cups

They might request a letter from school regarding the donation with the

Tax Id, if so contact Janelle Weems (Steve Sisler’s assistant) to draft such a letter. Give at least 3 weeks allotted time for this!


1 large cambro of regular coffee and ½ cambro of decaf –need to have somebody call around and get the donation. See notes above. (What is left of this coffee at the end of the breakfast goes to the Hospitality room). The Coffee donation should come with cups. Verify that it will, if not will need to plan for buying coffee cups.


You will need the following volunteers requested on the Signup Genius for the event-

3 Pancake Cooks in the Kitchen from 5:30am - 8:00am

3 Set-Up from 6:00am - 8:00am

2 Clean-Up from 7:30am - 8:30am

Additionally Coach Sisler will arrange for the Cheerleaders to come and help.


Plan to be at Arapahoe by 5:15 a.m.

Work with the cook to get the pancake mix mixed and the grill hot so cooking can start promptly at 5:30am. Start cooking as soon as possible so you have as many pancakes ready as possible by 7:00. Make sure to not make them too big, or they take too long to cook.

Get 5 tables (stored at the South end of the cafeteria by the girl’s bathroom.

Set them up in a row outside the kitchen

Go to the training room (outside the west end of the gym) and get two big drink coolers full of ice.

Set up the Coffee, Water and Orange Drink on the South most table in the row, after all the food

Fill one drink cooler with Water

 Put ¾ of one orange concentrate box in the other drink cooler and then fill it with water. (if you use all the concentrate it is too strong)

Fill as many cups as you can get out on a table with the orange drink

Fill some cups with water

 Put plates and plastic ware out on the first big table. (if you didn’t buy prepackaged sets of plastic ware consider rolling the fork, spoons and knives in napkins the days before the event so the boys can just grab a set)

Leave room for the pancakes

On the next table put out syrup bottles, bowls full of butter and bowls full of peanut butter. Have them spread out so more than one boy can be fixing his pancakes at a time. Put plastic knives in the butter and peanut butter bowls.

Fill bowls with applesauce and fruit cocktail (as many bowls that will fit on one or two folding tables) on the next tables.

Cut the Bananas in thirds and put them in big bowls on the table with the fruit cocktail and applesauce

Serving –

Everyone has to wear plastic gloves. The kitchen will have boxes of these.

The Cheerleaders serve the pancakes (Important:Only put 2-3 pancakes on each plate. They can always come back for seconds)

Monitor the tables and make sure there are always bowls full of fruit cocktail and applesauce and fill the cups with orange drink or water. This is very helpful. It keeps the line moving. The Cheerleaders can help with this also.

As the orange drink empties keep adding more concentrate and more water. The

Cheerleaders can also help with this.


Make sure all tables are wiped down.

All utensils and oven in kitchen needs to be cleaned.

Jugs from the training room need to be cleaned and put back. (Any orange drink left can be brought to the “Worker’s” hospitality room. )

Serving tables need folded up and put away

All leftover Paper plates, bowls, napkins, cups and utensils need to go down to the Hospitality Room.

Leftover coffee goes in the hospitality room for the coaches and refs or to the concessions if it is not needed in hospitality.

Hospitality Rooms

We host two rooms; one for Coaches and Officials and one for Managers/Workers

(basically, one for adults and one for students). The rooms are open from 8:00 a.m. to end of tournament. Rooms are located across the hall from the south large gym doors (S14 - math hallway).

Food you will need-





Crock Pots of Chili

Large Bags of Fritos (the dipping kind)

Large Bags of Tortilla Chips

Packages of Shredded Cheese, lg.

Sour Cream (total of about 32 oz.)






Veggie Trays

Trays of Brownies/Cookies (12doz each)

Bags Candy

Box 36ct Individually wrapped chips

12 Packs Water

12 packs of Soda (Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite,

Diet Sprite)

8 packs of Powerade

Cambros of Coffee


Equipment you will need -






1 1/2









Donated Coolers

Power Strips

Electrical Cords

Plastic Table Cloths

Serving Ladles and trivets

Large bowls for chips

Small Bowls for cheese and sour cream






3 (or a roll)







3 (or a roll)


Bowls for Chili

Paper Plates


Forks and Spoons








Other Things you will need (and get donated if you can) –



Clorox Wipes

At least 2 rolls of Paper Towels

Volunteers - You should request 1 volunteer to help with setup on Friday night and 2 people to help monitor the rooms during the tournament as well as help with clean up.

Coordinate with the Pancake Breakfast on the paper goods and plastic utensils. If the club does not already have a supply you can use, work with the Breakfast Chair to get the items together and to get the leftover items from the Breakfast down to the Hospitality rooms when the breakfast is over.

Coffee – make sure the person that is getting the coffee donations for the pancake breakfast and concessions also gets some for the hospitality room. Generally what is done is 1 regular cambro and a half decaf cambro is put at the Pancake

Breakfast. When the Breakfast is over these cambros both move to the Coaches

Hospitality room.

Drinks – place 3 coolers in each room so each room as a water, pop and Powerade cooler.

Friday Night Before –

Recommend people drop off their non-perishable food items the night before.

Work with the concession stand. Have a list at the stand of what donations go to

Hospitality and what goes to Concessions and divided it all up as it comes in.

Put 3 Serving Tables at the front of each room. Cover the serving tables with plastic table cloths, or it works really well to have a whole role, then you can just cover all three tables together. In the Coaches room arrange the student desks in groupings of 3 or 4. In the managers room you can leave the desks in rows.

Set up napkins, plates and utensils and any serving bowls in each room that you can.

Put a sign on each of the doors stating “Coaches/Refs Room” & “Workers


Day of the Tournament

Arrive around 6:30a.m.

Fill the Chip Bowls.

Get ice from the training room brought to the rooms to fill the coolers.

Setup and plug in chili as it arrives.

Make sure the coffee is brought down from the breakfast.

During the day you are just managing the food – refilling the coolers, tidying up as you go and be aware of uninvited guests trying to enter the rooms.

You should be in the room during the lunch break to keep things orderly.

You can close the Volunteers room shortly after lunch. Consolidate their drinks in to the coach’s room.

Usually we start cleaning up the coaches room when they start the championship round. Leftover non-perishable foods and drinks should be taken to the concession stand for either sale there or to be stored with the leftover items from the concessions for later in the year.

Throw out left over chili, wipe out crock pots (can take them to the concessions and wash them in the sink). Put them on a table outside the hospitality room for people to pick up. If they don’t get them by the end of the day, have them locked in the concession stand with any coolers not picked up. People can arrange to pick them up there.

At the end of the day make sure the rooms are setup/cleaned up the way they were.


Items that you will sell

Determine what items you will sell. Below is the list of items from 2012 Invite

No homemade or non-individually wrapped items due to Health Inspection reasons are allowed.

It is best to plan to not sell any items that are already in the concession stand that belong to the school except for maybe the popcorn and nachos. The Club has to reimburse the school for any of these items sold. So plan to have even the hot dogs and buns donated by the families.

The following are the items that were donated by the wrestling families for the 2012 Invite and Kids Club meet along with what we charged in the stand for them. You will want to create a similar list to have included on the Signup Genius.



Needed Donations

Coke 12oz cans- 12pk

Diet Coke 12oz cans 12 pk

Sprite 12ox cans

Rootbeer 12oz cans - 12pk

Fanta Orange Soda 12z cans - 12pk

Bottled waters 16oz bottles 24/ cs

Powerade 20z bottles 8/pks blue

Powerade 20z bottles 8/pks red

Hot chocolate indivual packs 20/bx

Hot dogs- beef franks - 8pk hot dog buns - 8/pk

Candy bars - Assorted 24/pk

Chips - Asstd Lays 1.5 oz bags 36/ pk

Cookie bags 24/ pk

Clif bars - asst flavors 24/pk

Otis Spumeyer Muffins 15/ pk


















1 Cambro

Kids Club TOTAL







2 Cambros



























1 Cambro








Sell $$$










The following items we purchased to sell in the stand in 2102

Purchase Items

Pizza - 8 slice / pizza- 6 pepperoni/ 4 cheese 10 12

Breakfast Burritos 100 100





Use from School inventory

Popcorn 50

Volunteer Sign up- Determine how many shifts you want to have and how many people.

Get these included on the Signup Genius. The following is what was done in 2012

Shift Breakdowns ( If Rose helps again) # 0f volunteers

# 0f volunteers


8am - 10am


12pm - 2pm







2pm- 4pm 2

4pm - close 2

Make sure the Booster Club President or Treasurer brings a cash box with petty cash in it for making change.

Decide if you are going to collect money in the stand or at a table outside of it. Have a table for collecting money outside of the concession stand.

Make printed price list to have in the stand or at the table where tallying of the items sold can be done (especially the items that are “owned” by the concessions stand) so you have an idea of the next year what sold.

Make posters with your items and prices on them.

Burritos – if you are going to sell them it has worked well in the past to have them out on a separate table to sell. Since 2011 Chez Jose was used to purchase the Burritos.

Chez Jose brought a hot box, blanket and big sign to get people's attention. Plan to have a cash box out with this table. o If you have burritos left from the first day, have people take them home and heat them in their ovens the next morning for 1 hour at 300 and bring them back.

Rose, who runs the concession for the school is a huge help. If Steve asks if you want her help, say yes. She will come and work all day both days.

Friday night before the event- o Request that people drop off their donated items on Friday night before. If there is also a Kid’s Club meet happening on Sunday have the parents bring all the items on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. o Request that Coach Sisler get the 2 big white coolers they are usually down in the storage under the school in the Art Department brought up to the concession stand. You will want a third cooler so ask for someone to loan one. That way you can have 1 cooler of water, one of pop and one of

Powerade. o Cover up the Fountain Drink machine with a sheet or towel so people won’t ask for fountain drinks (we have to reimburse the school for those.) o Hang large pieces of paper from the art room over the refrigerator doors and the concessions price lists. o Make a list of your volunteer schedule for each day and post on wall. o

Hang your price posters.

Day of the Tournament - o Arrive at 6:30am o

Have ice brought from the training room to the stand. Put all the donated drinks in the 2 big coolers and cover them with ice. o Get condiments & napkins set up in hallway o Move the microwave oven for heating up nacho cheese etc. out to a table by the condiments. (you will need a table and or extension cord) o 10AM Start hot dogs and popcorn

6-8 at a time on the dog warmer; 30 minutes for frozen dogs; 15min for thawed ones.

Follow the popcorn instructions on the machine; have 5-6 popcorn bags full at all times ready for sale; keep them inside the popcorn popper machine.

Use sanitary gloves to handle hot dogs and popcorn

 separate from the donated food items. o Open from 8:00 a.m. to end of tournament o It works well to have one volunteer in each window and one runner getting hot dogs, drinks and refilling coolers. o Display candy, cookies, chips on concessions counter. People pick their own choice and hand you the money. o Put an example of all drinks in the center of the concessions so guests know what their choices are. o

Organize all the donated supplies so it is easy to show the volunteers what belongs to wrestling and what belongs to the school. The popcorn money goes to the Muse program so Rose kept that money separate.

Other Considerations

DO NOT put out any food for free during the main hours of the tournament (i.e., leftovers from the hospitality room); anything that needs to go for free should be put out after most people have left the gym. o At the very end of the tournament, after all the mats are put away, any perishable food that can’t be kept can be given/fed to the warrior wrestlers for free.

It seemed that when we had a table of food set up outside of the concession stand and in clear view; we sold more. Consider placing the following foods on a table (maybe

with the burritos) outside of the concession stand; donated items only; prepackaged cookies, candy; coffee; hot chocolate; one sample of each available donated drink and anything else that makes sense. Increasing visibility of what is available to eat. o For certain, when you start to clean up the stand to close, move all food out to a table outside. That way you can get the stand closed but still be selling until the last wrestler leaves.


Kids Club Tournament

The Sunday following the Warrior Invite, the AHS Wrestling team hosts a tournament for the kids club. It also takes an army of individuals to make happen. It is highly recommended that parents from the kids club participate/volunteer to help with the various activities so include them on the

Signup Genuis announcements that go out.

The Club runs a concession stand for this meet and feeds our wrestling team members that work the meet, but there is not a hospitality room or pancake breakfast.

The best strategy is to include the list of volunteers and items needed on the same Signup Genius that is used for the Invite. Treat it like one big event over 2 days. See above for Concession Items needed for Kids Club.

Kids club goes faster and is over sooner. Also there are many more little kids (ie siblings) and parents there. Plant to get the stand open early and have it fully stocked from the beginning.

The club also provides Pizza for all of the workers of the event. In 2012 we ordered 20 pizza’s for this. This was coordinated with the Pizza order done for the Invite on Saturday. Kids club doesn’t break for lunch, so plan around lunch time to have runners deliver plates of pizza and waters to each of the tables.


Senior Night

This is a special night to honor Seniors and their parents. Senior night is held the night of the last home dual meet.

The following items need to be taken care of prior to the night of the dual. –

When determining the number of seniors be sure to include any senior managers.

Corsages for each Senior’s mom should be ordered. Usually a White Rose and black ribbon type theme is done. Chair person may select the florist of their choice based on pricing options.

A Red Rose for each Senior Mom should be ordered for the Wrestler to present to his parents.

 Black frames need to be purchased for the “sweaty picture” and also for the picture with parents that is taken senior night. If there are 12 seniors on the team, you will need 24 black frames. Coordinate early with Coach Sisler to determine how many frames are needed since at least 2 weeks lead time is needed if you are ordering frames.

 A group “sweaty” picture of the Senior wrestlers needs to be taken. Coordinate this with

Coach Sisler. Generally done after practice prior to the senior night dual. One of the team photographers can take the picture. (the managers are usually not in this picture, but a copy is still given to them.) o 5 X 7 prints of the “sweaty” picture should be made, 1 for each senior boy, and they should be framed, generally in a black frame.

Send communication to all Senior Moms to wear black the night of the event.

Work with Coach Sisler to make sure he has received a biography from each of the boys.

Make arrangements for the photographer to be there to take pictures of each boy with his parents as well as a group shot the night of the dual. (Coach Sisler has taken care of this in the past.) o

Pat Lanius photography is generally used.

The following is how the actual event should go. –

As the Varsity Match is being setup, the Senior’s Parents and Senior wrestlers gather in the trophy hall outside the gym. The Mothers should pin on their corsages.

As the Wrestlers are announced, one at a time by name, they will escort their parents into the gym to meet Coach Sisler. Coach will present them with the

“sweaty picture’ and they present the rose to their mother. As they are walking in their biography is read for the crowd.

The Senior and his Parents should then continue to the corner of the gym where the photographer will take their picture.

After all Seniors and their parents have been announced, and all individual pictures are done, all parents and seniors should gather on the varsity mat to have a group picture taken.


End of Year Banquet

Held at end of season, usually in March to recognize wrestlers and coaches. The banquet is traditionally held in the AHS Cafeteria. The menu is traditionally Pot Luck with the desert being the cakes made by the seniors and coaches.

Prior to the Banquet –

Reserve the Cafeteria for the Date and Time selected. Coordinate with Steve Sisler.

Will need the black table cloths. The school has these available.

 Purchase 10 or so long rectangle, disposable tablecloths to pace under cakes and all food.

This makes clean up very easy.

Get Raffle Tickets to be used for cake raffle. Often times there are many left over from the previous year.

Get bags/boxes/cans to collect the raffle tickets for each cake.

Arrange cash box with plenty of small bills, etc. for raffle purchases. Contact treasurer for this.

 Prepare table signs for “Senior Parents” tables.

Food planning – o Assign each grade level a category of food to bring (ie, Freshman and Sophomore main dish, Juniors side dish (not a green salad) Seniors 2 bags of Cesar Salad.

This can be modified depending on the number of wrestlers in each grade level. o

Bring large salad bowls and salad tongs (2 per table) for the Caesar Salads. o Determine what beverages will be served. Bottled water, lemon aid, coffee

(cream and sugar) etc. and plan for it. The school has large containers to hold the lemonade or water.

Purchase plates, napkins and flatware as necessary.

Ask Coach Sisler how many Coaches AND Coaches wives will be attending. Have room for each at the head table.

Arrange access to the audio visual room and any other setup that needs to be done for the video to be shown.

Plan place settings and centerpieces. Coach Sisler likes to provide trophies from previous years as centerpieces. Centerpieces for the Coaches table are reasonably priced bouquets for each of the Coaches Wives. When the banquet is done, bouquets go home with each wife in attendance. Centerpieces for the family tables varies. Since the banquet falls close to St. Patrick’s Day, small shamrock plants have been purchased and placed, then sent home with senior families. Small candies and other novelties are always welcome.

Work with Coach to prepare the program to be printed and handed out. Coach Sisler usually does this himself.

Send out reminders to coaches and seniors that they are to decorate a cake that has meaning to them regarding the Wrestling Team to bring for the raffle.

 Remind the President and Seniors to finalize Gifts for the Coaches. Also check to be sure that Gift Cards (for the Wrestlers to Sign the night of the Banquet) have been purchased.

You will need one card for every Coach.

Work with Board and Coach on Gifts for Seniors.

Recruit volunteers from those who have indicated at registration that they are interested in helping. o Need planning help to make centerpieces, place settings etc. o Designate someone to order and bring large full size cake– don’t forget cake knife, serving utensil and small plates o Need setup help and hang collages o Need help to work raffle sales table o Help balancing food on each table (ie so there are not 3 lasagnas on one table and none on the other) and removing empty dishes. o Need clean up help.

Night of the Banquet

Cafeteria is generally setup as follows – o Podium on the East wall, with coaches tables on each side (room for spouses). o Long Cafeteria tables are then setup running East West from the coaches tables for the Wrestlers to sit at (generally they sit at them by grade, so 4 or more tables are needed.) o Round cafeteria tables are then setup around the outer edges for the parents. o Food tables are placed at the North and South Ends. o

Long table should be setup for the cakes to be placed on. Each cake will need a bag/box/can for its raffle tickets to go in. o Table for drinks o A table should be setup near the entrance to the cafeteria to sell the raffle tickets for the cakes. o The Picture Collages are hung on the East wall behind the coaches tables. (Be sure to bring blue painter’s tape to do this)

As people arrive they purchase raffle tickets. They can then review the cakes and place their tickets in the bags for the cakes they want to have a chance to win.

 Ask one volunteer to steer wrestlers to the back of the room to sign the cards for coaches.

Be sure there are plenty of ink pens.

Coach Sisler starts the banquet with a talk and introduction of the coaches.

People are then allowed to get food.

After everyone is done eating each team is called forward to receive their certificate, letter etc. from the coaches. Seniors are given their gifts from Coach Sisler.

The Senior’s cakes are then raffled with each senior telling what his cake represents. o Generally the person that wins the cake places it on the table where their son is sitting and the wrestlers eat it.

The coach’s cakes are then auctioned off to the highest bidder. Tables should be encouraged to go together to bid on these cakes. o Again, generally the person/table that wins the cake places it on the table where their son is sitting and the wrestlers eat it

Coaches are then presented with their gifts. The President should coordinate with the team captains – shortly after captains are selected (early December) – so that they can be thinking of the gifts within the context of their budget throughout the season (rather than the week before).

The Video is then shown.

Clean up and go home. Boys should take their collage home with them. Be sure your clean us volunteers stay until all tables are folded and put away and all table clothes are dried and folded and returned to storage in the office. In the past, volunteers leave too early. 6 Volunteers is a good number and they like to sneak away early.


Collage Boards

In early January, verify the wrestling roster with coach Sisler (to include managers and coaches.)

Triple check spelling of names.

Order collage boards

Most recently we have used ProFormance and Crown Trophy. John Movius, the owner of

Crown Trophy, has personally worked on the collage boards in 2014 and 2015. 303-730-

1711. It is easiest to email a digital list to the sign maker, that way there is no problem with a vendor misspelling a name. Also check the color of the ink carefully. Samples are

available from previous years. Artwork for the board vendor is available through the year

2030 via Carol Borcic.

The collage boards are generally handed out at uniform turn in. A volunteer goes to the wrestling room the day of uniform returns, and hands out the boards. Be sure to have collage boards ordered and ready for hand out at least a week prior to the date needed. Always double check spelling.

Have a volunteer host a board building party- to be held at someone’s club house, home, or at school. The volunteer should collect samples to put on display to be used for ideas. At this party, parents come with their pictures and anything else they want to include on the board. (safety pins – for pins, weight class numbers, Arapahoe logos) OR if the boards will just be sent home with the boys to be done by the parents on their own time and brought with them to the banquet. OR both…

Attach a slip of paper to the board with instructions on how to down load pictures from smugmug, the location of the party, and in general what to do with the board. A group on volunteers works on any boards that parents do not collect, and the same volunteers complete a board for each coach.


Web Site

The website is http://www.arapahoewrestling.org

. It is currently created by –

Jeff Pullara

STS, Inc.

303-522-7011 jpullara@sts-inc.com and hosted on their AMP servers. The domain is from GoDaddy.

Several Board Members have access accounts to maintain the information on the website.

Please contact a Board Member if you have questions.

The website administrator for the club needs to assist with getting registration open, monitoring registration, making sure the current year’s schedule for meets is connected correctly to the website so that they show in the schedule as well as assisting with posting items needed by other committee chairs or coaches.

We will owe Jeff Pullara $5 per wrestler registered for the main Season. Coordinate with the Treasure to make sure this is paid around the first of the year.


Photo Site and Video Details

Photo Site

The photos are stored at http://ahswrestlingphotos.smugmug.com/

Contact a Booster Club board member for the user name and password for this site.

The photos are all stored under a shared gallery for each year. For example -- http://www.arapahoewrestling.org/club/info.php?ccd=F

Each wrestler has their own gallery that photos are to be uploaded to.

Uploading Pictures -

Please validate the pictures before uploading. Delete all the blurry ones etc.

There is no requirement to run any editing against them unless you have the time and the inclination.

You will then need to make sure you know what wrestler is in the picture so you can upload it to his gallery.

As we’re uploading directly into the wrestlers galleries there is no need to use any special naming convention You may just upload as DSCxxxx ( camera default) , smugmug stores them each with a unique name so they will not overwrite each other.

You can upload by signing into smugmug with the administrator user name and password, go into the gallery for the boy you want to upload pictures for and once in his gallery select Upload -> To this Gallery.

Other methods for uploading -

To upload using picasa the following instructions will add a “send to smugmug” button to your pacasa. http://www.smugmug.com/help/picasa-smugmug-uploader

The following is software you can down load that will allow you to send to smugmug if you don’t use picasa. http://shahine.com/garage/software/send-to-smugmug/

Also this url that has all the uploaders/downloaders out there, it has instructions for mac users, and app for iphones, facebook etc. http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/SmugMug/Hacks+and+Apps

All the galleries are <wrestler_name>_12 to indicate that this is for the 2012 season. The only things to be aware of is that there are several sets of brothers on the team so we have used <wrestler_lastname>_<firstname>_12 (ie

Borcic_Michael_12 and Borcic_Matthew_12).

If you really don’t have an idea who the wrestler is, after asking your son for help, then put them in the Unknown_Warriors_12 gallery and we’ll do our best to identify them.

Finally there are also galleries for the Warrior_Coaches_12 and

Warrior_Team_12 for multiple wrestlers in the same shot as well as a


Please upload your photographs as soon as possible following the match or tournament. This way we know who we need photos of and can be working to be sure to get pictures of those boys.

If you have any questions or technical issues please contact a board member.

Maintaining the Galleries – (for administrator use only)

The smugmug administrator for the club will need to add a new gallery for each season. This gallery should be marked as shared. This can be done from

Control Panel


Edit on Share Groups. Press New Sharegroup and add the Season. This will give you the URL for the new Shared Gallery.

This shared URL is what should be placed on the website for team members and fans to access the photos with.

A gallery for each boy, by last name and year (as described above) should then be added. Each gallery should be marked as Unlisted. The galleries should then be added to the shared gallery for the season. Again from Control Panel


Share Groups select Edit Galleries, and then select the galleries you want included. It is a good idea to upload the mug shot of each boy taken for the media guide and set that picture as the default for the gallery so you can by sight identify who the gallery is for.


Video from the duals and tournaments makes up 50-60% of the end of season video so it is critical to get film of each boy. Pat Lanius has been our videographer for many years.

Negotiate a photography and videography fee with Mr. Lanius.


It a volunteer chooses to help with videography, they should coordinate with the paid videographer. Below are some “old” standards for taking video. Due to digital format, the following may be out of date.

When you take the video, please document the following information that should accompany each mpeg or avi when you turn it in.

Information Needed for each tape:






Important Activity


Timestamp Wrestler Important activity












“ reversal

Pin takedown time with coach

Hug from mom

Documenting in this way will make it easy for the person putting the final video together to pull out video of each boy. The person producing the video is not an AHS Wrestling

Parent always so they will not be able to watch the tape and know who is who or what is doing on. .

Producing the final Video –

Currently Pat Lanius creates the video for the end of year banquet.


Media Guide

A printed program that contains information about the Wrestling Team and Coaches.

The Media Guide has traditionally been produced as a Microsoft Word Document.

Pre – Season – (August – October)

Start preparing your new design. You can make a copy of the previous year’s guide to use as a base, or shell.

Update any stats from the previous year.

Solicit a new updated Booster Club President Letter

Review Advertising Agreement form and make sure it is updated. Send it out in an initial message to the club regarding starting to sell adds to include.

Send requests to advertisers from the previous year, asking them to renew their ad.

Gather pictures from any summer camps

Take pictures of homecoming float and parade to include.

Beginning of the Season

Collect Coaches updated Bios

Collect Senior Statements.

Solicit updated letter from the Administration

Work with Coach to get photographer to first practices to take team and individual pictures. (Pat Lanius has been used in the past)

Continue to solicit ads to include. Set ad deadline based on Warrior Invite Date – minus printing time.

Update team pictures in guide when they are received.

Update Schedules in the guide.

Work with the board to determine how many copies to have printed and what to sell them for.

Save off PDF version of the guide and send it to coach for review.

Send guide to printer in advance of Warrior Invite with time to get it back in time to have available at the tournament.

Most recent printer used for the guide is Blake Nelson at Mountain Financial Print &


5808 S. Rapp St.

Suite 104

Littleton, CO 80120

303-691-2334 x3


303-691-0134 fax design@mtnfin.com www.mtnfin.com


Western State Camp

The team attends camp at Western State College in Gunnison in the first weeks of June.

Once you know which camp session the team will be attending, work with the website administrator to create an online registration for camp. o Scan in the waiver form for camp so it can be attached to the online registration confirmation email that is sent. Have the web administrator post the form in the Club Forms & Documents tab of the website as well. o Make sure they include on the registration a volunteer position for driving to camp and driving home from camp o You want the wrestlers to register with the Booster club because 1.) we collect the money and write one big check for camp 2.) it allows you to send emails to just those attending camp about things like practice and carpools.

The president will work with coach to set a time and place for a mandatory parent meeting, usually held a week before camp.

Once the online registration is ready and the mandatory parent meeting information is known send out blast email to this season’s team regarding how to register. You might need to send several reminder emails.

At least a week prior to the mandatory parent meeting print from the registration a list of those who have volunteered to drive. Email them and see how many wrestlers plus gear they can take. Begin to build car pools of drivers and wrestlers. Have an initial take of the car pool ready to hand out at the mandatory parent meeting. Most likely the carpool will change after this meeting, keep balancing it until you have enough drivers for each direction.

Monitor the payments for camp and ensure all have paid or made arrangements to pay prior to camp.


Appendix C – Locker Tag Examples

Double Click on the pdf name below -
