EK 2. DERS TANIMLARI VE UYGULAMALARI ATILIM UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND ADVERTISEMENT COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PRACTICE L+P Course Name Code Term Credits Hour Mgmt Organization Theory I 3+0 3 303 ECTS 6 Pre-requisite Courses Language of the Course Course Type Course Coordinator Instructors Assistants Course Objective English Compulsory Prof. Dr. Tengiz Üçok Prof. Dr. Tengiz Üçok The purpose of this course is to introduce students to theories and concepts that are useful in understanding organizations. To understand multiple perspectives on organizations. To be able to apply these various perspectives in analyzing organizations and organizational problems Historical development Organizational Theory and management Science To determine the main components Organizational structure Learning Outcomes of the Course The role of technology and environment Content of the Course Fundamental concepts of organization structure and design. The evolution of organization theory, organizational effectiveness, organizational structure and environment. Week WEEKLY SCHEDULE AND PRE-STUDY PAGES Topics Pre-study Pages 1 Organizations and Organizations Theory Richard L. Daft, Chapter 1 2 The external Environment Richard L. Daft, Chapter 2 Kızılcaşar Mah.-İncek-Ankara Tel : 0 312 586 80 00 Faks : 0 312 586 80 91 3 Inter organizational Relationship Richard L. Daft, Chapter 3 4 Strategy, Organization Design and Effectiveness Richard L. Daft, Chapter 5 5 Fundamentals of Organization Structure 6 Fundamentals of Organization Structure 7 Mid-term Exam 8 Organization Culture and Ethical Values 9 Innovation and Change 10 Decision Making Process 11 Conflict, Power and Politics 12 Manufacturing and Service Technologies 13 Information Technology and Control 14 Organization Size, Life Cycle and Decline Richard L. Daft, Chapter 6 Richard L. Daft, Chapter 6 Richard L. Daft, Chapter 7 Richard L. Daft, Chapter 8 Richard L. Daft, Chapter 9 Richard L. Daft, Chapter 10 Richard L. Daft, Chapter 11 Richard L. Daft, Chapter 12 Richard L. Daft, Chapter 13 SOURCES Course Book Richard : Daft, Understanding the Theory and Design of Organizations, South Western, 2007 Other sources EVALUATION SYSTEM IN-TERM STUDIES Mid-terms Class attendance, participation and homework Final Exam TOTAL CONTRIBUTION OF IN-TERM STUDIES TO OVERALL GRADE CONTRIBUTION OF FINAL EXAMINATION TO OVERALL GRADE TOTAL QUANTITY 1 1 PERCENTAGE 30% 25% 45% 100% 55% 45% 100% Kızılcaşar Mah.-İncek-Ankara Tel : 0 312 586 80 00 Faks : 0 312 586 80 91 Course Category Supplementary Courses Basic Occupational Courses Expertise/Field Courses Courses on Communication and Management Skills Transferable Skills Courses X CORRELATION BETWEEN COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES AND PROGRAM COMPETENCIES Percentage No Program Competencies 1 2 3 4 Comprehension of Basic Concepts of Public Relations and 1 Advertisement Gaining Skills for the Use of Technology in the Public Relations and 2 Advertisement 3 4 5 6 7 Gaining Analytical Skills in the Processes of Public Relations and Advertisement Understanding Public Relations and Advertisimg in Local, National, International, and Global Settings Gaining skills of Public Relations and Advertisement Building up teamwork skills Obtaining Public Relations and Advertisement Communication Skills Adopting Principles for Public Relations and Advertisement 9 Assessing on political and cultural processes for the purposes of Public Relations and Advertisement 10 Obtaining the Ability to Rapidly Respond to Technological and Environmental shifts. 8 11 12 5 Developing a Research-Oriented Approach to Public Relations and Advertisement. Obtaining and Implementing a Sound Knowledge on the Main Fields of Public Relations and Advertisement: Communication, Public Relations, Planning of PR Processes, Searching in PR and Advertisement Processes, Put in Practice of PR and Advertisement, Evaluation in PR and Advertisement. TABLE OF ECTS / WORKLOAD Activities QUANTITY Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) Duration Total (Hour) Workload 16 3 48 16 4 64 Kızılcaşar Mah.-İncek-Ankara Tel : 0 312 586 80 00 Faks : 0 312 586 80 91 Assignments Mid-terms Final examination 1 1 1 25 15 20 Total Work Load Total Work Load / ECTS Credit of the Course Kızılcaşar Mah.-İncek-Ankara Tel : 0 312 586 80 00 Faks : 0 312 586 80 91 25 15 20 172 5,7 6