MY PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO My CDA Professional Portfolio Cover Sheet (see back of candidate’s book) Summary of My CDA Education Transcripts Certificates Letters, etc. Tab A Family Questionnaires (completed) and Family Questionnaires Summary Sheet Tab B Reflective Competency Statement I CS I a CS I b CS I c Tab C CS I Resource Collection Items RCI-1 RCI-2 RCI-3 First Aid/CPR Weekly Menu Weekly Lesson Plan Tab C Reflective Competency Statement II CS II a CS II b CS II c CS II d Tab D CS II Resource Collection Items Nine Learning Experiences RC II-1 RC II-2 RC II-3 RC II-4 RC II-5 RC II-6 RC II-7 RC II-8 RC II-9 Science/Sensory Language and Literacy Creative Arts Fine Motor (indoor activity) Gross Motor (outdoor activity) Self Concept Emotional Skills/Regulation Social Skills Mathematics Tab D Reflective Competency Statement III CS III a CS III b Tab E CS III Resource Collection Items Bibliography Cultural or linguistic group identity Gender Identity Children with special needs Separation/Divorce/Remarriage/Family Structure Phases of the cycle of life from human reproduction to death Language Learning Self Concept Language Learning Homeless Disaster Tab E Reflective Competency Statement IV CS IV a CS IV b CS IV c Tab F CS IV Resource Collection Items RC IV-1 Local Agency - Family Counseling (name, phone, website and brief description) RC IV-2 Translation Services (name, phone, website and brief description) American Sign Language (name, phone, website and brief description) RC IV-3 Two Agencies – Children with Disabilities (name, address, phone and brief description) RC IV-4 Three Websites – How children learn and Develop (copy of one article per website with one on guidance for 3 to 5 year-olds) Tab F Reflective Competency Statement V CS V a Tab G CS V Resource Collection Items Record keeping Form 1 Accident Form 2 Emergency Form 3 Observation form (do not include the child’s name) Tab G Reflective Competency Statement VI CS VI a CS VI b Tab H CS VI Resource Collection Items RC VI-1 State Agency – (name, address, phone) Copy of personnel requirements (director, teachers, assistants) Include group size, adult-child ratio requirements RC VI-2 Two or three early childhood associations (national, regional, state or local) - Website addresses - List professional resources provided - Describe membership opportunities RC VI-3 Legal requirements for child abuse and neglect - Name, address, phone - Mandatory reporting guidelines Tab H Professional Philosophy Statement (No more than two pages in length) Identify your personal beliefs and values about teaching and learning o o o o o Examples All children can learn Children have different learning styles The teacher is a facilitator of learning Parents are partners in their child’s education Children learn through their play experiences How do you believe young children learn? Examples o Children learn best when they are active participants in their own learning o The classroom must be stimulating for young children to learn o Play is the best way for young to learn o Learning should be fun for young children o Children learn through hands-on activities o Children learn through discovery and exploration o Children have different learning styles o Children need caring adults to facilitate their learning experiences What is your role as a teacher in their learning process? o Serve as a role model for children and families o Foster the development of all children o Involve parents in the education of their child Support children’s needs and interests Plan effectively for children’s learning Apply child development knowledge to teaching practices Observe and assess children’s growth, development and learning processes o Provide a stimulating learning environment for children to learn o o o o Role as a teacher in the lives of children and families? Example o o o o o o o o o o o Involve parent(s)/family members in the child’s learning Serve as a resource for children and families Help parents and families access needed community resources Help parents understand child development Help parents understand the role of play in the development and learning process Serve as an advocate for children and families Be an effective communicator with parents Support families in helping their child learn at home Support children and family interests Share the decision making process with parents Respect and value family differences Tab I