Vanguard April 2014 Cindy Banyai, Editor Text | Link Sponsors President's Update Ads for sale. Contact Rhonda for more info. Reminder to Vote and Other CDS Related Information By Bo Beaulieu Let me begin this month's column by urging our members to complete their online ballot for this year's slate of officers and board members. The deadline is May 1st. You will need your unique log-in information that was provided in the email sent to you by CDS Secretary Abbie Gaffey on February 17, 2014. Please cast your vote today so your voice can be heard.... READ MORE Announcements Purdue Position Announcement Regional Extension Educator, Economic and Community Development- West Lafayette - Field Extension Educators CDS News INFO CDS UpFront Poverty, sprawl, and sustainable cities... READ MORE CDS Resources Commonomics MORE INFO Onshore Oil and Gas Development in the Lower 48 States: Introducing a CountyLevel Database of Production for 20002011 MORE INFO Population and Migration Data MORE INFO Rural Poverty and Well-being Data Emerging Leadership Theories for Community Leadership By Whitney McIntyre Miller As a leadership studies scholar, I often get to explore the many ways that people utilize and think about leadership. My passion for community development often influences that way I think about leadership. While giving a recent lecture on emerging leadership theories, I began thinking about how they would translate to communities and leaders of community organizations. Here I share my thoughts on these emerging leadership theories and how they may impact communities and community leaders... READ MORE Editor's Note: Apologies for Delay By Cindy Banyai Spring has sprung and it seems as though everyone has a lot on their plate at the moment. These competing needs (along with some technical difficulties) has made it difficult to publish this month's Vanguard on its regularly scheduled date of the 15th. We know you count on keeping up to date through the monthly publication of the Community Development Society's Vanguard. I sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and hope that you Upcoming Events International Association for Community Development "Community is the answer" June 9-11, 2014, Glasgow, Scotland The Fifth Subsistence Marketplaces Conference - " Consumption and Entrepreneurship in Subsistence Marketplaces: Spanning Geographies and Substantive Domains", June 13-15, 2014 Champaign, Illinois International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) conference: Berlin, Germany, September 15-18, 2014 Grants CNCS: Social Innovation Fund Grant Competition Corporation for National and Community Service Deadline: Apr. 22 EPA: Healthy Communities Grant Deadline: April 24 DOJ: Research and Evaluation on Justice MORE INFO Become a Contributor Got something to share? Post your contribution on the CDS Blog or email it to the editor. still find the content as useful and engaging as usual. MORE INFO DHHS: Health Impact Assessment for Improved Community Design Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Deadline: Apr. 28 Data Viz Links We Like HUD: Housing Counseling Training Grant Deadline: May 5 CDS Journal Submission CDS Endowment USDA: 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program Forest Service Deadline: May 15 Join CDS Become a member of CDS. Get access to our journals, network with like-minded professionals. Change the world! JOIN Systems Deadline: April 28 Rural child poverty at highest level since mid 1980s More Charts of Notes DHHS: University Centers for Excellence in Developmental DisabilitiesAdministration for Community Living Deadline: May 16 NEH: Bridging Cultures through Film Deadline: June 11 EDA: Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program Applications accepted on continuing basis Stay Connected Community Development Society | | | Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved. Forward this email This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Community Development Society | 17 South High Street | Suite 200 | Columbus | OH | 43215