Michael`s Story from the Path

Michael’s Story from the Path
I learned the hard way not to have all my campus mail sent home. The college sent a
letter to me at my parents’ address with a warning that I needed to complete some
paperwork by a certain deadline. Well, my mom held on to the letter thinking that she
could just give it to me at Thanksgiving. I missed the deadline, and they blocked my
registration. Not only did this cause me to miss out on all the good classes, but I couldn’t
register by the deadline, so then I had a $50 late fee! It was a mess.
After that, I had all my mail sent to my address at campus, even the bills. My parents
pay my tuition, but now I have them deposit the money into my checking account, and I
write the check for the tuition and turn it in on time. Not only can I make sure that I don’t
miss a deadline, but I now have a better appreciation for how much it costs them to send
me to school. Even though I knew how much it cost before, there is nothing like writing
that expensive check to make you really get it. I think it has made me take my education
more seriously.