Some of the best-known SLOGANS in the world Better by Adobe. Adobe Don’t leave home without it. American Express Think different. Apple Computer Never follow. Audi We try harder. Avis Sheer driving pleasure. BMW The way to fly. British Airways Between love and madness lies obsession. Calvin Klein Will you be ready? Cialis The source for computing and technology. CNET The most trusted name in news. CNN Have a coke and smile. Coca-Cola Love it for life. Danone Yoghurt Easy as Dell. Dell Computer We move the world. DHL The power of all of us. eBay Put a tiger in your tank. Esso (Exxon) The world on time. FedEx Play. Laugh. Grow. Fisher-Price Look sharp, feel sharp. Gillette Leave the driving to us. Greyhound American by birth. Rebel by choice. Harley Davidson Invent. Hewlett Packard The power of dreams. Honda Intel Inside. Intel Share moments. Share life. Kodak The relentless pursuit of perfection. Lexus There are some things that money can’t buy. For everything else there’s MasterCard. MasterCard Passion for the road. Mazda our potential. Our passion. Microsoft Just do it. Nike At the heart of the image. Nikon Connecting people. Nokia Takes a licking (une raclée) and keeps on ticking. Timex Choose freedom. Toshiba Fahrvergnügen Volkswagen We’re moving beyond documents. Xerox Let your fingers do the walking. Yellow Pages