1. ______ is a condition where the large number of available

________ is a condition where the large number of available options forces us to make
repeated choices that may drain psychological energy while it saps our abilities to make smart
a. rational perspective
b. extended problem solving
c. consumer hyper choice
d. habitual decision making
2. Purchase momentum occurs when our initial impulse purchases
a. decrease
b. double
c. multiply
d. increase
3. Rational system of cognition uses roles of
a. history
b. money
c. food
d. logic
4. Problem recognition occurs at what Ford terms “the __________”
a. black hole
b. upper funnel
c. the halo effect
d equilibrium
5. What is not a characteristic of problem solving?
a. return
b. Motivation
c. Information search
d. Purchase
6. What are mental “rules of thumb” used to make speedy decisions?
a. Shortcuts
b. Heuristics
c. Mindless buying
d. Cognitive decisions
7. What term refers to purchasing certain brands simply out of habit because it requires
less effort?
a. Inertia
b. Routine purchasing
c. Brand loyalty
d. Brand advocates
8. What type of perceived risk concerns self-esteem and self-confidence?
a. Monetary risk
b. Physical risk
c. Social risk
d. Functional risk
9. What type of perceived risk concerns health and vitality?
a. Monetary risk
b. Physical risk
c. Social risk
d. Psychological risk
10. What are the dimensions we use to judge the merits of competing options?
a. Neuromarketing
b. Heuristics
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Evaluative criteria
11. When a consumer exercises a conscious behavior in buying the same brand over and
over, this considered to be called?
A) Brand association
B) Brand commitment
C) Brand loyalty
D) Brand choice
12. Compensatory Decision Rule consists mainly of what rules?
A) Lexicographic rule, conjunctive rule, simple additive rule
B) simple additive rule, elimination-by-aspect
C) weighted additive rule, simple additive rule
D) conjunctive rule, elimination-by-aspect, Lexicographic rule
13. An example of “consumer inertia” is?
A) Buying Nike shoes because you already own a pair and have come accustomed to them
over time
B) Buying Nike shoes for the first time
C) Buying Nike shoes because of advertisement seen
D) Buying Nike shoes since they are on sale and look cool on your feet
14. Heuristics is the physical rules-of-thumb for efficient decisions when buying a product?
A) True
B) False
15. Dimensions used to judge merits of competing options and on which products differ
carry more weight?
A) Zipf’s Law
B) Cybermediaries
C) Determinant Attributes
D) Evaluative Criteria
16. Which is not one of the Noncompensatory Decision Rules?
a. Conjunctive Rule
b. Lexicographic Rule
c. Eliminated-by-aspects rule
d. Simple addictive rule
17. Our tendency to prefer a number one brand to the competition is
a. Consumer inertia
b. Zipf’s Law
c. Weighted additive
d. Heuristics
18. The difference between Noncompensatory and Compensatory decisions is
a. noncompensatory selects which product is the best
b.noncompensatory gives a product to make up for its shortcomings
c.compensatory gives a product to make up for its shortcomings
d.compensatory eliminates all options that do not meet standards
19. Brand Loyalty describes repeat purchasing behavior that reflects a conscious decision to
continue buying the same brand.
a. true
b. false
20. Cybermediary
a. helps to filter and organize online market information
b. is a software tool that tries to understand human decisions
c. helps explain brand parity
d. serves no purpose
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. D
12. C
17. B
20. A