Agresso Accounts Receivable Reference Guide v0.1

Reference Manual
Agresso Accounts Receivable
Project background ..................................................................... 3
Why Agresso? .....................................................................................................3
Accounts Receivable Overview .................................................... 4
Viewing Customer Records ..................................................................................5
Customer Record Overview ..................................................................................7
Sales Orders .............................................................................. 14
Overview .......................................................................................................... 14
Mass Sales Order .............................................................................................. 14
Project Invoicing ............................................................................................... 14
Sponsor Invoices ............................................................................................... 14
Manual Sales Invoices ....................................................................................... 14
Manually Invoicing Process ....................................................... 15
Creating a Manual Sales Order ........................................................................... 15
Sundry Customers Invoices ................................................................................ 21
Credit Notes ...................................................................................................... 22
Order Confirmation............................................................................................ 22
Creating Mass Sales Orders ....................................................... 23
Payments ................................................................................... 25
Overview .......................................................................................................... 25
Printing Receipts ............................................................................................... 25
Full Payments ................................................................................................... 26
Payment Plans .................................................................................................. 31
Matching Credit Notes ....................................................................................... 33
Debt Management Process ........................................................ 34
Reminder Letters............................................................................................... 34
Aged Debtors report .......................................................................................... 38
Debt Write Off .................................................................................................. 39
Reversals ................................................................................... 40
Reversal selection ............................................................................................. 40
Reversal Proposal .............................................................................................. 42
Reversal Enquiries ............................................................................................. 45
Repayments ............................................................................... 46
Remittance Proposal .......................................................................................... 46
Remittance Maintenance.................................................................................... 48
Re-Run of updated remittance proposal .............................................................. 49
Remittance Confirmation ................................................................................... 50
Enquiries.................................................................................... 51
Open and historical items per Customer ............................................................. 51
Open and historical items for all Customers ........................................................ 51
Statements ................................................................................ 52
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Project background
Reporting on customer accounts ........................................................................ 52
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Project background
Project background
Why Agresso?
This document summarises the proposed scope of the delivery of Phase 1. Its goal is to
The benefits targeted here are:
Availability of management information to users with financial responsibilities via
queries and reports
Streamlined accounting processes via a better-structured representation of the
Flexibility to make changes within a logical and consistent financial framework
Enable commitment accounting and budget management
Visibility of organizational spend for strategic procurement
Efficient and effective purchasing processes in compliance with audit recommendations
Core accounting functions: chart of accounts; general ledger; accounts payable,
accounts receivable; bank reconciliation.
Sales to cash: creating sales orders, issuing invoices, taking payment, including part
payment and stage payments, aged debt reporting, customer setup and management
Student debt: interface from SITS as per the current interface to Sage; reminder
letters; debt reporting; invoicing for hall fees; taking payments directly and via student
Procurement: raising requisitions, external and (simplified) internal, budget, financial
and technical authorisation, purchase order creation; supplier setup and management;
products, product groups and preferred suppliers
Payment: goods receipt; purchase order invoice payment; non-purchase order invoice
Payroll: interface from payroll to general ledger
Workflow administration and support
System administration: user and role setup and administration; audit trail logging and
reporting; changes to chart of accounts; management of authorisation and controls
(menu and data)
Budget setup, management and reporting
Management information: query creation and publication; standard enquiries for
expense/income reporting by subproject, project, cost centre and division; access from
the desktop; access for PIs; Joint Research Office and Principle Investigators.
Statutory reporting
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
Accounts Receivable Overview
Accounts receivable is used to record money owed to SGUL. Debts are recorded as
sales orders against customer records. A sales order cannot be raised unless a
customer record exists. Customer records are created and maintained by the finance
Space for business input on accounts receivable
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
Viewing Customer Records
Navigate to: Agresso Financials Accounts Receivable Customer Master File 
A blank customer record search screen is opened with the word ‘new’ in the customer
ID Field
If the customer ID is known it can be entered directly into the customer ID field
If the customer ID is not known then field help can be used to search for the
F9 to open Field help
Enter the search details for the customer
F7 to conduct the search
Results are displayed in the results table
Click on a customer record to enter the customer ID into the customer ID field
Tab to view the customer details
The customer record contains 5 tabs
Customer Tab
Summary information for the customer
Address Tab
Contact details including Telephone, postal and e-mail addresses.
Double click on an address line to view the address details
Each record will have at least one address type of general.
Additional addresses are shown as additional rows on the table
Invoice Tab
Invoicing details for the customer. Not mandatory for accounts receivable.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
Payment Tab
Payment details for the customer. Only required if a refund is to be issued for an
overpaid customer
Relation Tab
System information only
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
Customer Record Overview
If a new customer record is to be created, the existing list must first be carefully
checked to ensure details are not already held under a similar name.
Commercial customers will be created manually.
Student customers will be created through the batch input system.
Sales Orders for students are created by the mass sales order system. Sales orders for
commercial customers are created manually.
Space for business input on customers
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
Creating a New Customer Record
Navigate to: Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Customer Master File 
A blank customer record search screen is opened with the word ‘new’ in the customer
ID Field
This screen is used to record the information obtained from the customer. The
customer ID is assigned automatically by the system once the record is saved. The
customer record consists of 5 tabs.
Customer Tab
Customer ID. Consists of two fields. The first is the customer number which is
assigned when the record is saved. The second field is the customer name.
This will be the full name of the company or individual.
Customer Group. Select the appropriate group from the drop down list.
Options are Government or non-Government customer.
Country. –This is the country that SGUL trade with the company. Generally
this is the UK.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
 - For a registered company, the registration number.
VAT RegNo. - For a VAT registered company, the VAT registration number.
Short name. – A mandatory field of 10 characters
Contract Ref. - A mandatory field to for the contract reference.
Text. - A free text field for additional information relevant to the customer
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
Address Tab
The address tab contains a list of addresses held for the customer. The addresses are
arranged in a table. All customers must have at least one address with the address
type general.
Address Details
Individual lines in the table are opened by double clicking on each line. This will open
the address dialogue box with three tabs:
Address for postal details
Phone for telephone details
E-mail for e-mail details
Details entered into these fields are used when a sales order is created.
Address Types
The address types available are:
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
Entering address details
Open an existing row by double clicking on it or insert a new line by clicking on
Edit Insert Row
Select the address type
Enter the relevant details
obtained from the customer
The location tab is mandatory.
Invoice Tab
The invoice tab contains a series of invoice related fields. The fields to be entered will
vary depending on the nature of the customer being created.
The invoice tab contains details of the invoicing agreement with the
Select the appropriate tax system from the drop down list.
Payment terms can be selected from the drop down list if the field is not
Select the payment currency from the drop down list
Enter any relevant Discount, bonus, invoice codes
Enter the AP supplier ID if available
Enter the customer ID for the company head office if appropriate
Select the customer group from the drop down list
Do not select Sundry customer
Select payment
Enter the credit limit for the customer if appropriate
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
Payment Tab
The payment details are generally only relevant if SGUL are required to pay a
customer a refund. If the details are available then the invoice tab should be
populated to save time if a refund is required.
Pay Method. Select the method that refunds will be paid in.
Pay Recipient. Only used if payment is through a third party.
Bank account. Enter if held.
Other account. Enter if held.
Post Account. Enter if held.
Swift. Enter if held.
Clearing code. Enter if held.
The following two fields must be completed
Collection code. This selects the template for the reminder letter. Select the
appropriate type for the customer.
Status. Must be set to active for the customer to be available for sales order creation
Relation Tab
The relations tab contains system information.
CUSTGRP. This is defaulted from the customer group entered on the customer tab
HALLRESIDENT. Only selected for student customers. Options are:
NN - Not a halls resident
YN - A halls resident who is not included in mass sales orders
YY - A halls resident who is included in mass sales orders
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Overview
Saving the Customer Record
Once the full customer record has been entered
click on save
or press function key F12
Select the appropriate numbering cycle from the pop up dialogue box
The customer ID number will be displayed.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Sales Orders
Sales Orders
A sales order is created whenever SGUL needs to recover money from a customer. To
create a sales order there must be a customer record held on the customer master
file. Sales orders can either be created manually or through the mass sales order
process. The Accounts Receivable process involves the creation off a sales invoice
within Agresso and the matching of the subsequent payment to that sales order. In
the event of a sales order not being paid then there are options for payment plans
and debt management processes. The Accounts Receivable module manages
repayments through the creation of an accounts receivable Remittance Proposal.
Mass Sales Order
Sales orders for student halls fees are created through the mass sales order process.
Once the sales order is created the processing of the invoice and payment follows the
same procedure as manual sales orders.
Project Invoicing
Intentionally blank for Project Invoicing.
Sponsor Invoices
Intentionally blank for Sponsor invoicing.
Manual Sales Invoices
Manual sales invoices are created for all other invoicing.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Manually Invoicing Process
Manually Invoicing Process
Manual sales orders are created for all debts not covered by mass sales, project billing
or sponsor invoices. To create a manual sales order the customer must have an entry
in the customer master file.
Creation of Sales order
Approval for over £100,000
Sales Invoice Created
Customer Receives Sales Invoice
Payment Tendered
Payment Matched
Creating a Manual Sales Order
Navigate to: Agresso Logistics Sales Orders Sales Orders Entry Amendment of
Simple Sales Order
The simple sales order screen opens as a series of
sections within the form. Each section can be hidden or
shown by clicking on the section title.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Manually Invoicing Process
Sales Order Section
 Enter the customer number or use F9 to open field help
 Tab
The customer name field populates and the remaining fields open for editing
Order Type. Drop down list. Leave as the default invoiceable sales order
Status. Drop down list. Leave as the default To invoice
Responsible. Defaults to current user.
Salesman. Defaults to current user.
External Reference.
Optional free text field. This field is printed on the sales
Sub Project. Enter the appropriate sub-project code or use F9 to open field help.
Fee Data Type. For use with student sales invoices only. Enter the appropriate code
or use F9 to open filed help.
Address Type. For customer records with multiple addresses. Select the type of
address to be used for the sales order.
Sequence number. For address types with multiple entries. Select the sequence
number to identify the address to be used in the sale order.
Delivery Section
The delivery details are defaulted from the customer record and cannot be amended.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Manually Invoicing Process
Invoice Text
Invoice text cannot be added to a simple sales order
Order Lines
Each sales invoice consists of one or more order lines. The order line must be
completed or the sales invoice cannot be saved.
Status. The status updates automatically and cannot be amended.
Product. Enter the appropriate product code or use F9 to search. Selection of
the product code also allocates the appropriate account code and tax treatment
Description. Enter a meaningful description for the purpose of the sales
invoice. This will be printed on the final sales invoice for the customer.
Unit. Enter the appropriate unit for the sales order.
Number. Enter the number of units being charged for.
Price. Enter the net price per unit.
Amount. Calculated automatically. Do not enter a manual amount.
Tax amount. Calculated automatically based on the tax rule attached to the
product code.
Currency. Defaults to GBP cannot be changed.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Manually Invoicing Process
Control Buttons
Control buttons are used to change the status of order lines.
Add. Adds a new blank order line
Delete. Deletes the selected order line
Reset. Removes the current status from the selected order line. For a parked
order line this will change the status from parked to active. For a closed order
line this will change the status from closed to active.
Park. Parks the selected order line. This will prevent the order line entering
Close. Closes the selected order line. Can be undone to re-open the order line.
Terminate. Closes the selected order line. Cannot be undone or reset.
Details Section
This allows for additional text to be added to the sales order. This text will be printed
on the final sales invoice
Workflow Log Section
Enters information for the approver. This information will not be printed on the final
sales invoice.
Each order line has a separate workflow log allowing individual information to be
entered for each item on the sales order. The copy button will copy the current
workflow comment to all lines of the sales order.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Manually Invoicing Process
GL Analysis Section
The GL analysis is automatically populated from the information entered in the order
lines. The information is the default information based on the customer record and
the product code.
White fields can be amended grayed out fields cannot be amended.
click on save
or press function key F12
The posting cycles dialogue screen is displayed.
Select he appropriate transaction type.
Click on OK
The sales order number will be displayed.
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Manually Invoicing Process
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Manually Invoicing Process
Sundry Customers Invoices
A sundry customer invoice can be raised for payments of a unique nature. This would
be where a single invoice is going to be raised with no likelihood of another invoice in
the future. Use of the sundry customer invoice allows an invoice to be raised without
having to create a customer record for a unique occurrence.
Creation of a sundry customer invoice follows the existing invoice process with the
one exception that the Sundry Customer Invoice ID is used. This opens a dialogue
box where the customer details can be recorded. Agresso will use these details to
produce the final sales invoice.
All other processes for creating a sales order are identical.
The sundry customer ID is:
 In the simple sales order screen enter the Sundry customer ID
 Tab
The Sundry customer Dialogue box will be displayed.
Screen shot of dialogue box required.
Complete the following fields in the Sundry Customer Dialogue box
 Customer name
 Address
 Etc
 Etc
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Manually Invoicing Process
Credit Notes
Creating an accounts receivable credit note involves creating a sales order with a
negative value. They will usually be used to reduce or cancel a sales order that has
been raised against a customer.
Follow the details for creating a sales order,
Enter the price as a negative value.
On saving the posting cycles screen will be displayed
 Select the appropriate credit note transation type
 Click on OK
Order Confirmation
To convert the sales order to a sales invoice two reports must be run. These
may be scheduled to run automatically.
Navigate to Agresso Logistics  Sales Orders  Sales Orders  Order
Confirmation  Print Order Confirmation
There is no data to enter in this screen click on save of press F12 to run the report
The results of the report can be viewed in ordered reports
Navigate to Agresso Logistics  Sales orders  Invoicing  Invoicing 
Sales Invoicing/Credit notes
There is no data to enter in this screen click on save of press F12 to run the report
The results of the report can be viewed in ordered reports
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Creating Mass Sales Orders
Creating Mass Sales Orders
Mass sales orders can be created for student halls fees. In order to be included in a
mass sales order the student customer record must have the appropriate relations
added. This relationship will normally be added when the SITS interface creates the
student customer record.
Navigate to Agresso Logistics Sales Orders Sales Orders Mass Sales Orders 
Entry Amendment of mass sales order
The mass sales order entry screen will open with three tabs.
Sales Order Tab
Enter sub-project code that will receive the income
Customer Tab
Enter the filter details for the customer
Search Type field. Select Relation
from the drop down list.
Value Field. Ensure the correct value
is selected.
Click on Find Customers
A list of customers included in the mass sales order is populated.
To remove customers
 Click on the check box
 Click the delete button
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Creating Mass Sales Orders
Order Lines Tab
The order lines tab is used to enter the detail for the sales order. The same details are
created for each of the students listed in the customer tab. Therefore care must be
taken to ensure this list is correct.
The screen will initially open empty.
Click on Add
Product Code. Defaults to Halls Fees product code.
Unit defaults to days.
Number Enter the number of days being charged.
Curr. Amount. Enter the price per day.
The remaining fields are calculated automatically. Do not adjust the amount field
manually. This will cause errors in calculation.
Click on save.
Individual sales invoices are produced for all customers listed in the customer tab
with the details from the order lines tab. Receipting of payments is recorded
individually against each sales invoice.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Payments from customers are recorded manually then matched to the original sales
invoice or invoices. Payments can be recorded as part payments, full payments or
multiple invoice payments. Once the payment receipt line is recorded then the
appropriate invoice or invoices are matched to the payment
Printing Receipts
For all payments recorded through Agresso AR there will be an option to print a
receipt at the time of registration.
Once the transaction has been saved and the transaction number issued a dialogue
box will ask if the receipt is to be printed.
Screen print required
Click yes to print a copy.
If there is a request for a retrospective screen print. Document Archive?? To be
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Full Payments
To record a full payment
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Payments  Manual
In the posting cycle screen select the receipt method.
A blank receipts screen will be displayed
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Recording the Payment
Account Field. Enter the account code for the receiving bank
Costc The cost centre will default to SGUL
Ensure the defaulted curr.amount matches the amount of the payment.
Enter a description of the payment including the sales invoice number
Keep the row
The details will populate the first line of the transaction table.
Click on the toolbar button Payment
The payment screen is used to search for the original sales invoice. This is the invoice
that the payment will be registered against.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Searching for Invoices
Enter a reference for the payment.
Enter a description of the transaction.
Tab to the InvoiceNo field
Enter the sales invoice number or press function key F9 to open the invoice
number field help screen.
Searching for the sales invoice
The invoice number field help screen can be used to search for an individual sales
invoice. If the payment covers several invoices filter by customer ID.
 Double click on the first invoice to be matched.
The invoice details will be populated into the Payment screen
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Multiple Invoices
If the
payment covers several invoices
Tab to the invoice no field on the second row
Press function key F9
Search on the customer ID
Select the next invoice
Once all invoices covered by the payment are identified they will be listed in the
payment table.
 Click on save
or press function key F12
This invoice information is transferred to the receipting table as a single line.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Partial Payments
If the payment involves partial payment of the invoice then the amounts are adjusted
in the payment screen. The column Rest.amount Column shows the outstanding
amount for the sales invoice. The curr.payment amount shows the amount that the
customer has paid. If the payment is a partial payment then the curr.payment field is
amended to show the actual amount of the payment.
The rest.amount figure will be adjusted to show the outstanding amount on the sales
The receipts screen will be populated with the details of the debtors control account
 Click the Payment Button
on the cash receipts toolbar
Once the receipts screen is complete
 Click on save
or press function key F12.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Payment Plans
Payment plans allows the entering of a pre-agreed schedule of payments.
Navigate to Agresso Financial  Accounts Receivable  Payment Follow up 
Maintenance of open items
Enter the customer ID or search for the customer using field help
A list of open sales invoices for the customer is displayed
Check the items to be included in the payment plan
Click on Tools  Payment Plan
 Payment Plan ID – Created automatically when the payment plan is saved
 Template – If payment plan templates have been set up, select from the drop
down list
 Rounding – allocates any remainder to either the first or last payment
 Date from – Start date for the instalments
 Date to – End date for the instalments
 Type – Then unit for the interval
 Interval – The number of units, based on the type specified
 Payments – Number of payments to be made
 Amount - The amount to be paid on each instalment
 Pay Date – The week date of the payment. The second field allows a week
within the month to be specified. I.E. Monday of Week 1
Click on the toolbar button Distribution
Check the details of the payment plan and save by pressing F12 or click
to populate the payment
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
The customer invoice record has been updated with status N in the payment plan
 In the maintenance screen save by pressing F12 or click
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Matching Credit Notes
Accounts receivable credit notes are matched with sales orders. This reduces the
amount owed by the customer to SGUL. If a customer account is in credit then the
accounts receivable pay run process will generate a refund payment by SGUL to the
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Transfer to historical Items
 Manual matching of Open Items
CustID. Enter the customer ID or search using function key F9
Period. Enter the last period for which transactions are to be listed. Usually
the current period.
Amount. This field automatically calculates the sum of selected items. Matches
cannot be saved unless the total is 0.00
Click find
or Press F7
The search dialogue box will be displayed with the customer ID defaulted in.
 Click on OK
A list of open items against the customer ID is listed. Matching items are selected. All
items selected when the screen is saved will be updated to status closed.
Select the items to be matched by clicking on the check box
Amounts must balance to zero
Click save
or press F12
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Debt Management Process
Debt Management Process
Space for business input on Debt Management process
Reminder Letters
Agresso can be set to generate reminder letters for customers with overdue accounts.
The frequency and content of the letter is set within Agresso by the system controller.
The process is to create a Reminder proposal and confirm it. There is also the option
to maintain the proposal to remove individual customers from the proposal.
are three types of reminder letter;
Halls Fees
Tuition Fees
Corporate Customers
There are two levels of reminder letter:
 First Reminder
 Final Reminder
Space for business input on reminder letters
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Debt Management Process
Run reminder proposal
The reminder proposal report will generate a proposal for all customers with debts
which are past the due date and have not yet received a previous reminder letter.
Letters for individual customers can be generated by using the customer number to
filter the report.
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Payment Follow up 
Reminder  Reminder proposal  Select appropriate reminder type
Batch ID is assigned automatically
Reminder date defaults automatically
Customer group selects all
Enter customer ID in from and to field to produce letters for specific customers.
This report generates a CU09 report which will contain a copy of all proposed
reminder letters.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Debt Management Process
Removing customers from the reminder proposal
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Payment Follow up 
Reminder  Reminder proposal  Maintenance of Reminder Proposal
 Enter the Batch ID for the proposal
 Click Load
All reminders for the customer are displayed
 Mark any reminder for removal
 Click Remove
A dialogue box will ask if the transaction is to be parked. Parking a transaction will
prevent it being picked up in future reminder proposals. Selecting no parking will
ensure the transaction is picked up in the next proposal.
 Save the amendment
Run reminder confirmation
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Payment Follow up 
Reminder  Reminder proposal  Reminder Confirmation  Reminder Letter Action
 Select the proposal ID from the drop down list.
 Save
Reminder confirmation creates the final reminder letter and updates the customer
reminder level.
View reminder letters
Reminder letters can be viewed by accessing the CU26 ordered report
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Debt Management Process
Viewing customer reminder level
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Enquiries  Open and
Historical items for all customers
The current reminder level is shown in the RL column.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Debt Management Process
Aged Debtors report
The customer aged debt report provides an analysis of all outstanding debts grouped
by the age of the debt.
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Enquiries  Customer
Aged Debt
Report Date. The report date defaults to the current date. The report will provide
analysis ‘as at’ the selected date.
Profile. Select the required profile from the drop down list.
There are two profiles available. Each profile groups debt within different age ranges.
Not Due. Sales invoices which have not reached their due by date by the date
of the report
Age Ranges. Existing debt broken down by age.
Rest Amount. The total of all sales invoices contained in the report.
Standard Profile
SG Profile
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Debt Management Process
Debt Write Off
Information on Debt Write Off process required
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Payment transactions can be reversed in AR using the reversal process. Reversing a
transaction creates an equal and opposite transaction. Both the original transaction
and the reversal remain on the General Ledger and can be viewed and reported on.
The process involves first selecting the items to be reversed then creating and
confirming the reversal proposal
Reversal selection
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Reversal  Reversal
From the drop down list. Select the appropriate reversal type
Reverse invoice matching - Allows you to reverse part payments and fully
paid invoices.
Reverse open item - Allows you to reversal of transactions relating to sales
invoices and customer credit notes.
Reverse paym. transaction row – Allows the reversal of part payments
relating to an invoice and individual invoices in a consolidated payment.
Reverse payment transaction - Allows you to reverse payment
Click find or press function key F7
The search screen allows transactions to be filtered and assists searching for specific
Enter the relevant search criteria
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Click on save or press function key F7
The results table will list all transactions matching the search criteria..
Results Table
Transactions in the results table are selected for inclusion in the reversal proposal.
Mark the items for reversal by clicking in the check box
Save by pressing function key F12 or clicking
All items that have been marked will be selected when the reversal proposal is run.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Reversal Proposal
The reversal proposal will create a report listing all transactions to be reversed
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Reversal  Reversal
Batch ID - is assigned automatically on save
Type of Transaction – Customer
Period – The period in which the transaction is recorded
User – The user who entered the transaction. Enter an asterix for all users.
Voucher Date – leave blank
Press F12 to save or click
The reversal proposal will create a GL34 report in the ordered reports file. This report
can be viewed and checked by the appropriate person. Once the report has been
checked, it will then be confirmed.
All transactions held in a reversal proposal will be shown as Status H on the General
Ledger transactions report and the customer transactions reports.
If there are errors in the proposal then the proposal should be deleted in Reversal
Maintenance and the process re-started.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Reversal Maintenance
Reversal maintenance allows the deletion of a reversal proposal.
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Reversal  Maintenance of
Reversal proposal
Select the batch ID from the drop down list
The full details of the reversal proposal are displayed in the transaction table. These
details include the relevant tax and control account details.
To delete the entire reversal proposal
Click on the Delete Reverse ID
Select Yes for the confirmation message
Toolbar button
The reversal maintenance will be deleted and the status of H will be removed from
the transaction.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Reversal Confirmation
The reversal confirmation report must be run once for each proposal. This report will
create the reversing transaction in the General Ledger.
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Reversal  Reversal
Select the batch ID from the drop down list
Select transaction type Reversals
Press F12 to save or click
A GL35 report will be created and can be viewed in ordered reports.
will list all the transactions that have been reversed.
. The GL35
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Reversal Enquiries
Reversal transactions can be viewed and analysed through a number of enquiries.
Viewing through the General Ledger Transactions
This enquiry will allow both the original and reversal transactions to be viewed. The
reversal transaction will contain a reference to the original transaction number if that
option was selected on the reversal proposal.
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Remittance  Remittance
Viewing through the Reversal Enquiry
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Remittance  Remittance
The reversal enquiry will show reversal transactions only
Viewing through customer transaction reports
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Remittance  Remittance
The customer transaction report shows both the original transaction and the reversal
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Repayments may be required due to invoicing errors or overpayment by customers.
The repayment process involves generating a remittance proposal within the AR
module. Once the remittance proposal is confirmed the payment will be picked up by
the Accounts Payable pay run process. For BACS payments to be made to customers
the customer record must have the customer bank details recorded.
Remittance Proposal
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Remittance  Remittance
The accounts receivable remittance proposal
identifies all customer accounts which are in
credit and proposes payment of the balance.
The report can be filtered to produce a proposal
for a single customer by entering the customer
ID in the From and To field.
Matching – This allows Agresso to make a
payment to a customer against a credit note,
even if the total customer balance is not in
If part payments are to be allowed the check
box must be checked.
If part payments are not allowed then the check
box should not be checked.
Once the report details have been set
 Click on save or press function key F12
The report number will be issued. The output of the report can be viewed by clicking
the Maintenance of Ordered Reports toolbar button.
 Click on Maintenance of Ordered Reports
 Click on the report number.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
A dialogue box will list up to three reports.
CP01A – Will list any transactions where errors were detected.
CP01B – Provides a summary of the proposal
CP01C – Provides a list of transactions contained in the proposal.
Click on each report to view the contents or print.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Remittance Maintenance
Remittance Maintenance allows the proposal transactions to be viewed and individual
transactions removed from the proposal. Once removed the transaction can be
parked, which will prevent the transaction being included in subsequent proposals. If
a transaction is not parked then it will be included the next time a proposal is run.
Removing all transactions from a proposal will delete the proposal.
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Remittance
Maintenance of Remittance Proposal
 Select the Dispatch ID from the drop down list.
The transaction table will list all transactions in the proposal.
To remove a transaction
 Select the line
 Click on Tools  Delete Row.
 Click on save or press function key F12.
The park row dialogue box will be displayed. Selecting yes
will park the transaction. Parked transactions are not
included in any future remittance proposals until they are
Selecting no will not park the transaction. This transaction
will be included the next time the AR remittance proposal is run.
The row will be marked with a hyphen. When the re-run of remittance proposal
report is run the transaction will be removed from the proposal. If all transactions are
marked for deletion then the proposal will be deleted completely.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Re-Run of updated remittance proposal
If a remittance proposal has been updated then it must be re-run before the process
can continue. Re-running a proposal will generate updated
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Remittance  Rerun of
Updated Remittance Proposal
Select the Dispatch ID from the drop down list.
Click on save or press function key F12.
The report number will be issued. The output of the report can be viewed by clicking
the Maintenance of Ordered Reports toolbar button.
 Click on Maintenance of Ordered Reports
 Click on the report number.
A dialogue box will list up to three reports.
CP01A – Will list any transactions where errors were detected.
CP01B – Provides a summary of the proposal
CP01C – Provides a list of transactions contained in the proposal.
Click on each report to view the contents or print.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Remittance Confirmation
Remittance confirmation confirms that the report output CP01 (remittance proposal
has been checked and payment of the items listed is approved. The Remittance
Confirmation report must be run before the transactions are available to the Accounts
Payable pay run process.
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Remittance  Remittance
 Select the dispatch ID from the drop down box
Matching – Sets the part payment rules. If this check boxes is selected then
customer debts and credits are not matched. Payments for a customer are made even
though the total customer account is not in credit. If the check box is not selected
then customer debts and credits are matched and payment will only be if the total
customer balance leads to payement.
Update Y/N – Sets whether matched items are logged I historic tables.
Making Payments
Once the Accounts Receivable remittance proposal has been confirmed any
transactions which lead to payment will be picked up by the Accounts Payable pay run
process. Payment will then be completed using this pay run process.
For BACS payment to be completed in this way the customer record must have the
customer bank details.
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Open and historical items per Customer
To search for all transactions relation to a particular customer
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Enquiries  Open and
Historical Items per Customer
 Select the customer ID from the drop down list
All open items for the customer will be displayed in the results table.
Open and historical items for all Customers
To search for all transactions relating to all customers
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Enquiries  Open and
Historical Items for all Customers
In the enquiry setup
screen enter any search
criteria to reduce the
number of results.
The results screen will
matching the search
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Agresso Accounts Receivable
Agresso can be used to produce a statement of customer accounts. The statement
will itemise all items on the customers account.
Reporting on customer accounts
Navigate to Agresso Financials  Accounts Receivable  Payment Follow Up 
Statement of Accounts  Statement of accounts – Action Overview
The Report request will by
default produce a statement for
all customers with open items.
Each customer will have a
separate report.
If a single report is to be
produced for a single customer
the customer ID field can be
used to restrict the request.
Press F12 to save or click
The CU04 report will be created and
can be viewed through ordered
Opening the CU04 allows the individual
statements to be viewed and printed
All customer IDs included in the report
are shown in a column on the right.
Select a customer ID to view the
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