eQuaLified MANAGEMENT COUNCIL OCTOBER 2014 CONFIRMED CONFIRMED MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 2014 PITTSBURGH, PA These minutes are not final until confirmed by the eQuaLified Management Council in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the eQuaLified Management Council and shall not be considered as such by any agency. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 1.0 OPENING COMMENTS 1.1 Call to Order The eQuaLified Management Council (eQMC) was called to order at 9:00 a.m. eQMC Members Present NAME Latch Richard Mike Tho Joshua Erika Edward Richard Hidekazu Arshad Bob Arne Jeff Jean-Philippe Andrew G.R. Mark Laurie Tatsuko COMPANY NAME Anguelov Blyth Brandt Bui Crockett Crow Engelhard Freeman Furugori Hafeez Koukol Logan Lott Mathevet McClelland Porterrield Rechtsteiner Strom Suzuki SAFRAN Rolls-Royce Alcoa Honeywell Aerospace Ellison Surface Technologies Lockheed Martin Solar Atmospheres, Inc. TWI Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. ABB, Inc. Honeywell Aerospace Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. The Boeing Co. SAFRAN Lockheed Martin Solar Atmospheres, Inc. GE Aviation Honeywell Aerospace Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. Chairperson PRI Staff Present Rhonda Joanna Justin Joseph Ian Michele Joseph Leigh McCabe Pinto Simpson Stefanchik The Chair, Laurie Strom, opened the meeting with introductions and a brief overview of the conflict of interest and anti-trust information (see embedded presentation below). 1 eQuaLified MANAGEMENT COUNCIL OCTOBER 2014 CONFIRMED eQMC EQUALIFIED Committee Members Participation.xls INDUSTRY-MANAGED MEETING 5-Nov-14.pptx CODE OF CONDUCT.ppt Introductions were made and the agenda was reviewed. The minutes from the June 2014 meeting in Dublin were approved as written. Laurie Strom stimulated discussion around why the eQuaLified program was developed and how there is currently a specification (AS9100 7.5.2) that calls out qualification of special process personnel. The former Vice-chair, Christian Buck of SAFRAN, will no longer be participating in eQuaLified. He will be replaced by Jean-Philippe Mathevet of SAFRAN, although a new Vice-chair is yet to be nominated. 2.0 REVIEW BOARD UPDATES eQMC Review Board updates.ppt Rhonda Joseph and Justin McCabe presented the Review Board updates (see embedded presentation). Latch Anguelov stated that someone within the Nadcap Chemical Processing (CP) Task Group is currently working on exam questions for qualifying operators. The activity was queried as a duplication of the eQuaLified Chemical Processing Review Board activity but it was determined that the activity is the same, single activity. There was discussion around the practical aspect of eQuaLified examinations, especially within the Composite Repair and Welding Review Boards (RB). As eQuaLified does not currently have a structure for administering practical examinations, options are being explored to resolve this. eQuaLified will look at practical exams if it is driven as a priority by the Review Boards. Currently, the focus is on developing BoKs and online multiple choice theoretical examinations. It was suggested that to increase buy-in and sustain the development of the program, a “Pending Subscriber” option should be available to participating OEMs (similar to Nadcap). This option would allow OEMs to participate for 1-year (without paying program fees), after which, they would decide whether or not to continue participating in the program. ACTION ITEM: Ask Review Boards (RB) to consider the need for practical examinations in their respective technology. Each RB will handle practical exams differently. (Due Date 31Dec-14) ACTION ITEM: PRI to develop a proposal for eQMC to consider Pending Subscribers. (Due Date: 28-Feb-14) 3.0 WebAssessor Demo Demo Exam.ppt Rhonda Joseph presented a demonstration of the WebAssessor on-line examination delivery system (see embedded presentation above). 2 eQuaLified MANAGEMENT COUNCIL OCTOBER 2014 CONFIRMED Mark Rechtsteiner asked if eQuaLified will verify proof of education. Currently, eQuaLified does not request objective evidence from the Operator and Planner level exam candidates, but recommended education/experience levels are included in each BoK and in the WebAssessor system. Owner-level exam candidates will be required to complete a portfolio to verify education and experience. A question was asked whether the current length of the exam (120 minutes) is sufficient. There was a suggestion that the Review Boards should consider extending the time to test, as it would be helpful for candidates that may not have English as their first language. There was also a recommendation that the exams should be translated to other languages. This will be a future consideration as determined by the eQMC. A question was asked about the security of the examination content and verification of who is taking the exams. At this point, the Review Boards have agreed to deliver the exams as unproctored. It was noted that this may make the exams less secure, although the exams are, in any case, open book. It was noted that some participants may want the option of un-proctored and that those for whom proctoring is vital could administer that independently (i.e the Process Owners can be the on-site proctor). eQMC would like for the Review Boards to confirm that they still want to deliver these exams as un-proctored and that they understand the risks involved. There were also suggestions made to improve the formatting on the test takers instruction page in WebAssessor, as well as to ensure that the correct number of questions are being pulled from each section of the respective BoK. ACTION ITEM: PRI to ask the Review Board subscribing members to confirm their decision regarding the length of the exams (Due Date 31-Dec-14) ACTION ITEM: PRI to ask the Review Board subscribing members to confirm their decision regarding un-proctored exams. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2014) ACTION ITEM: PRI to ask the Review Board subscribing members to confirm their decision regarding the current question pulling methodology that is currently set up in the WebAssessor exam system. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2014) 4.0 EQUALIFIED VALUE In response to a query about industry involvement Rhonda Joseph presented a spreadsheet listing current eQuaLified committee members. There was a presentation to the some of the Nadcap Task Groups this week. There are concerns that the suppliers do not understand the eQuaLified program. There was a recommendation for the eQMC members to flow down information to their Task Group reps more often. Attendees were reminded that eQuaLified program started 7 years ago at the request of Industry. It is voluntary with no intention now or in the future to mandate the program to Nadcap suppliers. The purpose of eQuaLified will continue to provide a service to the industry to assist with the gap in special process knowledge and skills evaluation. Additional eQMC members volunteered to participate in the Value Proposition sub team. Value Proposition Sub-Team: o o o o Mark Binfield – Goodrich UTAS (Lead) Richard Blyth – Rolls Royce Josh Crockett - Ellison Surface Technologies Jean-Philippe Mathevet- SAFRAN 3 eQuaLified MANAGEMENT COUNCIL OCTOBER 2014 CONFIRMED o Gordon Porterfield - Solar Atmospheres, Inc. There was a recommendation to break out the industry specifications from the Nadcap audit checklist references into different columns in all of the eQuaLified BoKs. PD-6103-HTBoK-003 PL-2-Pyrometry-Service-In-House-Planner-3Oct14-FINAL.pdf Laurie Strom surveyed the attendees to determine if they felt that the program provides value to the industry and to identify who will use the eQuaLified. There was an overall consensus that the eQuaLified program provides a benefit and has value. Joe Pinto committed to continuing support of this effort provided industry sees a need and value in the activity. Recommended to revisit discussion at the October 2015 eQMC meeting. Laurie Strom encouraged eQMC members to ask for support from their technical staff. ACTION ITEM: Rhonda Joseph to update the committee member presentation and the participation spreadsheet and attach to the meeting minutes. (Due Date: 8-Nov-2014) ACTION ITEM: Rhonda Joseph to ask the Review Boards to review the BoKs in light of the eQMC recommendation to split the references to industry specifications/requirements and the Nadcap audit checklist references. (Due Date: 2-Feb-2015) 5.0 NEW BUSINESS There was a request for the Review Boards to develop a guideline document explaining where the RBs are currently and how they got there. (addressing all options for exams and BoK development) in order to support ongoing forward momentum. Next eQMC face-to-face meetings: Friday 6 March 2015 – Berlin, Germany Thursday 25 June 2015 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada Thursday 22 October 2015 – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA The dates and times of Review Board meetings will be shared once available. ACTION ITEM: Rhonda Joseph to ask the Review Boards develop a guideline document for each review that addresses all the options for exams and BoK. (Due Date: 25-Feb-2015) 6.0 WRAP UP / REVIEW RAIL eQMC Working Rail 25Oct14.xlsx ADJOURNMENT – 23-Oct-2014 – Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Rhonda Joseph – (rjoseph@p-r-i.org) 4