Hookworms The hookworms cause hookworm disease, which is one of the five major parasitic disease in China(malaria, shistosomiasis, filariasis, kala- azar and hookworm disease). At least two species of hookworms infect man, Necator americanus(美洲板口线虫)and Ancylostoma duodenale (十二指肠钩口线虫). I. They live in small intestine. Morphology: 1.Adults: They look like an odd piece thread and are about 1cm. They are white or light pinkish when living. ♀is slightly larger than♂.The male’s posterior end is expanded to form a copulatory bursa. 2.Eggs: 60 × 40 µm in size, oval in shape, shell is thin and colorless. Content is 2-8cells. 3. The Morphological Differences between Two species of Hookworms A. duodenale Size N. americanus Size larger Shape single curve, looks like C Mouth 2 pairs of ventral teeth 1pair of ventral cutting plates 1pair with separate 1pair which unite to form a Copulatory Spicule endings ♀caudal spine ♀vulva smaller double curves, looks like S terminal hooklet present position no post-equatorial pre-equatorial 4. Differences between Decorticated Ascaris and Hookworm eggs ______________________________________________________ Decorticated ascaris egg hookworm egg _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Shell thick thin _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Egg cell unsegmented 4-8cells _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Space between Shell and cell II. new moon shaped space between cell and ends of shell empty space surrounding the segmented cells Life Cycle 1. Final host: man 2. Inf. Stage: Larva 3 or filariform larva 3. Inf. Route: by skin 4. Food: blood and tissue fluid 5. Site of inhabitation: small intestine 6. Life span: Ad 15years, Na 3-7years 7. Blood loss: (0.02-0.1)×7ml/Ad/day, 0.02-0.1ml/Na/day. 8. Blood-lung migration:III. diagnosis Methods: 1. saturated brine flotation technique 2. direct fecal smear 3. culture of larvae IV.Requirements 1.Study the morphological characters of ova and adult worms of hookworms 2.Realize the life cycle of the worm. 3.Master the methods of the diagnosis. V. Individual observation eggs and the adults VI. work Draw an egg of hookworm Enterobius vermicularis The pinworms are one of the most common intestinal nematodes. The adult worms inhabit the cecum and colon. Right after mating, the male dies. Therefore, the male worms are rarely seen. The female worms migrate out the anus depositing eggs on the perianal skin. Humans get this infection by mouth and by autoinfection. I. Morphology 1. Adults: The adults look like a pin and are white in color. The female worm measures about 8 to 13 mm in size and is fusiform in shape. The male adult is only 2-5mm. The tail of a male is curved. They die right after mating, thus males are rarely seen. The anterior end tapers and is flanked on each side by cuticular extensions called “ cephalic alae”. The esophagus is slender, terminating in a prominent posterior bulb , which is called esophageal bulb. The cephalic alae and esophageal bulb are important in identification of the species. . 2. Egg: 50 to 60µm by 25µm, persimmon seed-like, colorless and transparent, thick and asymmetric shell, content is a larva. II. Life cycle 1. site of inhabitation: cecum and colon 2. infective stage: embryonated egg 3. infective route: by mouth 4. without intermediate host and reservoir 5. life span of female adults: 1-2 months III. Diagnosis Diagnosis depends on recovery of the characteristic eggs. The eggs and the female adults can be removed from the folds of the skin in the perianal regions by the use of the cellophane tape method. The examination should be made in the morning, before the patient has washed or defecated. IV. Requirements 1.Study the morphological characters of ova and adult worms of E. vermicularis 2.Realize the life cycle of the worm. 3.Master the methods of the diagnosis. V. Individual observation The eggs and the adults of E. vermicularis VI. Work Draw an egg of E. vermicularis