Lesson Plan

Jade Pinter
Debra Sims
May 5, 2004
EDUC 0396
Unit Topic: Health
Grade: 1
Lesson Topic: Nutrition
Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to distinguish between healthy foods and non
healthy foods, and be familiar with the components of the food pyramid
Instructional Technique: Direct instruction, demonstration of food pyramid, group work with
Instructional Materials: food pyramid worksheet, food pyramid transparency, overhead
projector, whiteboard, On the Road to a Healthy Diet Web Quest, Web Quest worksheet, crayons
Theoretical Perspective: Students need to know which foods are healthy to eat, and which
foods belong to which food groups so they can practice healthy eating
ISTE Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 2.5, 2.7
Curriculum Frameworks: Standard 3: Nutrition 3.1 and 3.2 PreK-5
A. Introductory Activity-Pass out food pyramid sheet. Teacher will read each section of
the pyramid and the students will draw in picture of something to represent each
section. This is done individually at students desks.
B. Step-by-step- Come together on the class carpet to work as a whole group. Students
will share what they drew in each section of the food pyramid. Teacher will make a
web on the board of the each section and what the students came up with. The
teacher will discuss with the class healthy and non healthy food choices, based on
what the children drew in. Teacher will also have a transparency of the food pyramid
to place on the overhead and will discuss the different groups.
C. Closure-Students will work with partners on nutrition Web Quest called On the Road
to a Healthy Diet. Here students will demonstrate what they learned about healthy
and non healthy foods and what they learned about the food pyramid. Students will
be required to record their answers during the Web Quest.
D. Adaptations-For students who are struggling readers the teacher will work with them
and read the questions and answers aloud. This will still be done at the computer so
the students can still experience working with a Web Quest.
E. Homework-No homework will be assigned for this lesson.
A. We will determine if we have met our objectives by the food pyramid drawings and
our class discussion. A worksheet will be distributed for students to complete as they
work on the nutrition Web Quest. The worksheet will ask them to document their
first, second, and third, answers for each question. If the student gets it right on the
first try, then they would only fill out the first question response, etc. As the students
are working on their questions and answers the teacher will be going around and
monitoring the students and helping them if they need it. The worksheet the students
complete will be collected and checked off as a homework assignment, every student
who completes the worksheet will receive a check, no matter how many times it took
them to get the right answer. The teacher is using this just to see what the students
have learned and what they seem to need more time on, it is not for a letter grade.
B. Concerns or questions-One concern would be that students would lie on the
worksheet and just put in the correct answer as their first choice every time. To avoid
this the teacher will need to make it clear at the beginning that the students will not be
graded on this sheet. It will just be checked off that they complete it. She needs to
explain to the students that the purpose of the worksheet is to see where students may
need extra help and where they seem comfortable, so she should ask everyone to
please answer honestly; there are no penalties for how many tries it takes to get the
correct answer.