Exegetical Exercise

Biblical Eschatology
Assignment 1 (Option 2), Exegetical Paper from Daniel or Revelation
Select a Scripture passage of interest from Daniel or Revelation. The passage should be a
complete paragraph/thought/concept, not an isolated verse. It should not be longer than
one chapter. Study the passage. Use the steps described below as a guideline for your
exegetical study. Consult the suggested resources (as well as 3 scholarly books and 3
journal articles) and then reflect on what the passage means in light of that information.
Address the authorship, audience, genre, and dating of the text. Consider both the
immediate and universal contexts. Expound on the text, taking into consideration the
historical/cultural/social setting, grammatical issues, word studies in the original
language, textual problems, comparing/contrasting similar passages, and related
biblical/eschatological issues.
The paper should be 8-10 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font.
At least 9 sources (including reference books, scholarly journal/e-journal articles, and
scholarly books/e-books) should be used. Use the ORU Research and Writing Manual for
the structure, style, and format of the paper.
Step 1. Select a Bible passage from Daniel or Revelation, and state your preliminary
interpretation. Begin with prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to help you to open your mind and heart
to receive His truth and to enable you to think, live and minister in accordance with that truth.
Read the selected passage in your favorite version of the Bible. Before doing any further
research, consider why you chose the passage and what you think it means.
Step 2. Compare two or more versions: Now read the passage in one of the following: the
Revised Standard Version, the New Revised Standard Version or the English Standard Version
AND in one of the following: the New International Version, the New American Standard
Version, Today’s English Version, the Contemporary English Version, or the New American
Bible. A parallel Bible will allow you to compare and contrast several translations at once. Note
any differences in the translations. Record your observations or questions. Identify how this
comparison has affected your original understanding of the passage.
Step 3. Consider the historical, cultural setting: In two or more scholarly Study Bibles, onevolume Bible Commentaries or Bible Dictionaries read the introductory material on the Book of
the Bible in which the passage is found. Note relevant historical, socio-political, and cultural
points that may affect the interpretation of the passage. Identify how this helps you to understand
the passage better.
Step 4. Determine the immediate context: Find an outline of the Book in which your passage is
found (some Study Bibles and commentaries have outlines). Determine where your passage
occurs in the outline. Read the chapters which immediately precede and follow the one you have
chosen. As you read, look for patterns and recurring words or ideas. Reflect on how the
immediate context affects the interpretation.
Step 5. Determine the broader context: Using a Bible with cross-references or a Bible
Concordance/Lexicon, look up related scriptural passages (including parallel passages, if they
occur). Reflect on how the broader context affects the interpretation of the passage.
Step 6. Consult three commentaries: Read the sections related to your chosen passage. Note
significant findings from the commentaries, particularly any new insights that may affect the
interpretation of the passage.
Step 7. Consider key words/concepts in the original language. Using Biblical/Theological
Dictionaries/Encyclopedias and Lexicons, do necessary word studies in the original language for
key words or concepts in the passage.
Step 8. Write a revised interpretation of the passage: Summarize your findings. Write a fresh
interpretation of the passage, and discuss how this study has confirmed, refined, expanded, or
corrected your original understanding. State how this study will affect your understanding of
Eschatology. Pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire and empower you to apply your enriched
understanding of the passage to your studies, ministry, and Christian walk.
The paper will be graded according to the following rubric:
Introductory Matters: Authorship, Audience, etc.
Context of the Text
Exposition of the Text
Application of the Text
Grammar/Logical Progression of Thought
0 – 100