Inductive Bible Study OIA

Inductive Bible Study OIA
Observe Interpret Apply
What to look for:
o Repetition
o Comparison/Contrast
o Numbers
o Themes
o Cause/Effect
o General to Particular
o Introduction
o Audience
o Places
o People
o Who, What, Where, When & How?
o Conclusion
o Moods
o Climax
o Environment
o Time
o Metaphors
o Verb tenses
o Parallels
o Nouns
o Genres
o Commands
o Words like “therefore” and “since”
Asking Questions
Significant questions arise from and cover a large part of text, point to main themes, and
can be answered from cultural and historical background.
o What did the author intend to communicate to the original readers?
o What seems to be the main point of this passage?
o Why is this passage here?
Studying the Bible is mean to be transformational, not just informational.
o Do you sense that God is speaking to your life?
o Are you experiencing what any of the characters are living out?
o Is there a promise, a command, or an example to follow or avoid?
o Have you experienced deeper insight into God?
o What action will you take in response to what God is saying to you?
From Twentyonehundred Production’s video series for Urbana 06