MSU student makes top score in international business simulation

MSU student makes top score in international business simulation exercise
an online international simulation exercise thatpits students around the world in a
business competition, a Midwestern StateUniversity student earned the No. 1
ranking. Freshman Bill Ash landed the topspot in the MikesBikes exercise
program used in the Foundations of Businessclass.
Studentsbegin the exercise as advertising/brand managers of a bicycle
manufacturingcompany and get hands-on experience making pricing, marketing,
and productiondecisions. Ash tracked his progress against an online
leaderboard, set goals, and adjusted them accordingly.
“The program really highlighted how businessprinciples and ideas are more than
just definitions in a text book and canactually be applied to real-world situations,”
Ash said. “It challenges you toopen up your mind to a new way of thinking or
looking at a problem. Forecastingis a big part of the simulation so meeting goals
was very important.” Ash saidthe simulation tied in well with his other business
Dr. Terry Patton, Dean of the Dillard College of BusinessAdministration, said he
was impressed to have a student with the top ranking. “Thisis a worldwide
simulation with more than 5,000 students who participate, and aMidwestern
student finished at the top,” Patton said. “I appreciate all thehard work that goes
into the Foundations of Business classes and that suchinteresting learning
opportunities are possible for our students.”
Ash, from Philadelphia, Pa., is in his secondsemester as a business student and
is a member of the MSU Cycling Team. Herecently placed third in the overall
individual omnium at the USA Cycling Collegiate Track RacingNational
Championships, and earned silver medals in the individualpursuit and points
Ash said that having previous retail experience andunderstanding the
relationship between cost, volume, and profit, and the manyother factors that go
into running a successful business put him at anadvantage. His cycling
experience also gave him a slight edge. “Being a cycliston scholarship with the
school provided me with the resources to learn all ofthese interesting ideas,” he
As eachdecision period progresses in the exercise, students are given more
controlover their company, becoming responsible for distribution, operations,
productdevelopment, and financial decisions. Students analyze real financial
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reportsand market data to formulate a comprehensive strategy, starting with a
singleproduct focus. As the simulation progresses students can develop new
productsand release these into emerging markets.Ash’s MikesBikes standing has
since dropped tothird, but he is working toward regaining the top spot.
Students in the DCOBA Foundations of Business classescompete individually
against a computer before later working in groups wherethey compete against
each other. The goal of the simulation is to introducestudents to the
interdisciplinary aspects of business, and they must learn toanalyze financial
reports and market data before making marketing, financial,operational, and
strategic business decisions in an effort to enhance theshareholder value of their
company. The MikesBikes simulation is administeredby New Zealand-based
SmartSims Inc. 
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