NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE NUS Business School Department of Marketing MKT4416: Mktg Strategy Simulation & Case Analysis Session : Semester II, 2012/13 Instructor : Dr. CHENG Peng Sim PRE-REQUISITE : Should have completed a Marketing Management course or equivalent (please check with the instructor) COURSE DESCRIPTION Marketing management is the foundation for building knowledge about the market. It’s an exciting and critical aspect of marketing. It covers a wide range of phenomena and it can help to answer many questions and reduce the uncertainty in decision making. This course is taught with a practice orientation, through simulation and case studies. It is hoped that students will gain a practical and sound understanding of how marketing management is carried out in the real business environment. COURSE STRUCTURE The course is divided into two parts: (1) Marketing Strategy Simulation and (2) Advanced Marketing Management Case Analysis. We will begin with the simulation segment using the LINKS Marketing Strategy Simulation developed by Dr. RG Chapman. The simulation is administered online by Chapman and his associates. We will decide on a schedule of decision periods at the beginning of the semester taking into consideration that we will begin the case study segment before the midterm break. The advanced case analysis will cover comprehensive cases in all aspects of the Marketing function: market and industry analysis, target market selection, product and branding decisions, pricing decisions, channel decisions, go to market decisions and marketing communications decisions. TEXT There is no textbook for this course but it is advisable to have a marketing management textbook for reference. EVALUATION METHODS Evaluation is on-going through your team’s performance in the game as well as through the quality of your class participation and the quality of your case analysis assignments. The tentative breakdown is as follows: Simulation: Marketing Strategy, Analysis, Results 25% Presentation 10% Case Studies: Individual Case Report Group Case Report Presentation 10% 10% 10% Others: Participation and Short Assignments Peer Evaluation Quiz 10% 10% 15% 100% 1