Paper Tower Lab - Debra Daniels' Chemistry

Partner 1 __________________________________________________
Hr. :_______
Partner 2 __________________________________________________
Partner 3 __________________________________________________
Partner 4 __________________________________________________
Paper Tower Lab
Purpose: To use the Scientific Method to create an experiment, test it,
analyze the data and communicate the results.
Materials: Lab Sheet, 1 piece of paper, 6 inches of tape, 2 metric rulers, 2 scissors, 1
meter stick
Procedure: Follow the scientific method to create the tallest paper tower you can
create using only the paper and the tape you have been given. Your tower must
stand up on it’s own for 15 seconds. (You may not tape your tower to the table in
any way. Your tower must stand on its own long enough to me measured.)
Steps in the Scientific Method:
1. Make observations about the materials and the given task.
2. Ask a Question (Problem): How can you make the tallest paper tower possible
and have it stand for 15 seconds unsupported?
How tall can a free standing tower be built using only 1 piece of 8.5” X 11”
paper and 6” of tape?
3. Form a Hypothesis (what do you think the answer is): If….then
4. Test the Hypothesis (plan your experiment): work in your group to create your
tower using your hypothesis. Write down 2 problems or difficulties that you
encountered while building your tower.
5. Collect Data &- Analyze the Results: what is your data?
How tall:
How long did it stand:
6. Revise your hypothesis if necessary.
If you would like to start over, you must throw away all pieces of paper and
tape and start over. (Obtain new materials from Ms. Daniels)
7. Draw Conclusions:
What did you do to build your tower?
Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not?
8. Communicate Your Results: be prepared to discuss your experiment with the
Our group was able to build a paper tower that was _____cm tall.
Our tower could have been taller if we (do NOT say had more paper or tape)…..