Outline Part I, II


Unit Outline # 3: Tissues


I. Introduction to Histology

A. Introduction

1. What is a tissue?

2. What are the four main types of body tissues? Their basic function is located in the parentheses.

(Covering): __________________________ (Support): __________________________

(Movement): __________________________ (Control): __________________________

II. Epithelial Tissues

A. General Characteristics

1. Epithelium covers _______________, ___________________ forms___________________________ and lines hollow _______________________.

2. Epithelial cell functions include:

3. What is an Apical Surface?

4. Label the Apical surface, Base surface and the basement membrane on the image to the right.

5. What is the basement membrane?

6. Epithelial tissue lacks blood vessels so how does it get the nutrients that it needs?

7. Because epithelial tissue cells_________________________, its injuries heal rapidly.

8. What do tight junctions and desmosomes do for a cell?

9. How are epithelial tissues named?

10. Compare “simple” and “stratified” epithelium.

11. Draw the following type of cell:

Squamous cells : flattened and scale like

Cubodial cells boxlike

: cube,


Columnar cells column shaped

: tall and

12. How can the nucleus of a cell help identify the type of tissue?

B. Simple Squamous Epithelium

1. Simple squamous epithelium consists of:

2. Substances pass__________________through simple squamous epithelium.

3. Examples of places you find simple squamous epithelium are

C. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

1. Simple cuboidal epithelium consists of:

2. Simple cuboidal epithelium is located (list at least 3 locations):

D. Simple Columnar Epithelium

1. Simple columnar epithelium is composed of:

2. The cells of simple columnar can be __________________ or__________________

3. What is the function of cilia?

4. What structures do nonciliated simple columnar epithelia line?

5. What is the function of nonciliated simple columnar epithelium?

6. What are microvilli and what is their function?

E. Stratified Squamous Epithelium

1. How would you characterize the apical vs. the basal cells?

7. What is so tricky about Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium?

2. What does it mean to be keratinized?

F. Glandular Epithelium

1. What is a gland?

2. How do glandular cells produce “secretions”?


3. Exocrine glands secrete their products into:

4. Endocrine glands secrete their products into:

5. An example of a unicellular exocrine gland is a _____________________ cell? What is its function?

6. Circle the appropriate term:

A simple gland communicates with the surface by means of a duct that (does /does not) branch before it reaches the glandular cells or secretory portion, and a compound gland has a duct that (does /does not) branch before reaching the secretory portion.

9. Describe the three modes of secretion?

Merocrine glands:

Apocrine glands:

Holocrine glands:

III. Connective Tissues

A. General Characteristics

1. List the functions of connective tissues.

2. What is the extracellular matrix?

3. Compare the terms vascular and avasular.

4. Are connective tissues vascular or avascuar? Explain.

B. Major Cell Types

1. Compare fixed and wandering cells.

2. Fixed cells: a. What do fibroblasts produce?


b. What is the function of a mast cell?

-Heprin functions to:

- Histamine functions to:

3. Wandering cell: a. What is the specialized function of a macrophage?

C. Connective Tissue Fibers

1. The three types of fibers produced by fibroblasts are

2. Which of these fibers are the most abundant?

Collagenous fibers

3. Collagenous fibers have__________________strength.

4. Collagenous fibers are important components of:

5. Define and describe dense connective tissue.

6. Define and describe dense connective tissue.

Elastic fibers

7. Elastic fibers are composed of:

8. What features of elastic fibers make them so useful?

9. Elastic fibers are common in body parts that need greater ___________________________.

10. Examples of places you find elastic fibers are:

Reticular fibers

11. Define and describe reticular fibers?

D. Categories of Connective Tissues

1. List the four main classes of connective tissue.

2. Connective tissue proper includes:


3. The Specialized connective tissue include:

E. Loose Connective Tissue

1. What are the four major functions of the loose (areolar) connective tissue?

2. Where might you fine loose (areolar) connective tissue?

F. Adipose Tissue Adipocyte

1. What are “Adipocytes?” Draw one to the right.

2. Adipose tissue is located:

3. Adipose tissue functions to:

G. Reticular Connective Tissue

1. Reticular connective tissue is composed of:

2. Reticular connective tissue supports:

H. Dense Connective Tissue

1. Dense connective tissue consists of:

2. Between the collagen fibers are rows of __________________ that continuously manufacture more


3. Dense connective tissue forms:

4. Subclasses of dense connective tissue include:

- Regular dense connective tissue binds

- Irregular dense connective tissue is found

I. Elastic Connective Tissue

1. Elastic connective tissue consists of:

2. Elastic connective tissue is located:

J. Cartilage

1. Cartilage is a tissue that is both:


2. Is cartilage vascular or avasculer?

3. What is the function of cartilage?

4. Describe the extracellular matrix of cartilage tissue.

5. Cartilage cells are called:

6. Lacunae are:

7. Perichondrium is:

Hyaline Cartilage

8. The most common type of cartilage is

9. Define and describe hyaline cartilage?

10. Where is hyaline cartilage is found?

Elastic Cartilage

11. Define and describe elastic cartilage?

12. Elastic cartilage is found?


13. Define and describe elastic cartilage?

14. Fibrocartilage is found?

K. Bone

1. Bone is the most__________________connective tissue.

2. The hardness of bone is due to:

3. Bone functions to:

4. Bone matrix is deposited by bone cells called:

5. What is an osteon?

6. Osteocytes form lamella around capillaries located within tiny longitudinal tubes called


7. What is the function of these “gap junctions.”


8. Osteoblasts are located in __________________where they mature into________________and are rather

evenly spaced within the lamellae.

9. The central canal of an osteon contains:

10. _______________________extend through canaliculi.

11. ________________________attach osteocyte cellular processes together

so that materials can:

L. Blood

1. Blood is composed of:

2. Cell types of blood are:

3. Red blood cells function to:

4. White blood cells function to:

5. Platelets function to:

IV. Muscle Tissues

A. General Characteristics

1. Are muscle tissues considered vascular or avascular?

2. What is the general shape of the muscle cells (muscular fibers)?

3. Muscle tissues are__________________, meaning they can shorten and thicken.

4. What is the general function of muscle tissue?

5. The three types of muscle tissue are:

B. Skeletal Muscle Tissue

1. Skeletal muscle tissue forms what structures?

2. Skeletal muscle tissue is under conscious control and is therefore called _________________________.

3. Striations of skeletal muscle tissue are?

4. How would you describe the number of nuclei found in skeletal muscle fibers?

5. Skeletal muscle tissue functions to?

C. Smooth Muscle Tissue

1. Smooth muscle tissue is called smooth because:


2. What are some identifying characteristics of smooth muscle tissue?

3. Where is smooth muscle tissue is found?

4. Smooth muscle is involuntary because?

D. Cardiac Muscle Tissue

1. Cardiac muscle tissue is found?

2. What are some identifying characteristics of cardiac muscle tissue?

3. What is an intercalated disc?

4. Does it take conscious thought for cardiac tissue to function? What is this called?

V. Nervous Tissues

1. Nervous tissues are found in what location?

2. The basic cells of nervous tissue are called _____________________________.

3. What is the function of the nervous tissue?

4. In addition to neurons, nervous tissue also includes?

VI. Types of Membranes

1. There are many body __________________ that include more than one type of tissue.

2. Epithelial membranes are composed of:

3. Three types of epithelial membranes are:

4. Serous membranes line ___________________________and secrete ___________________________


5. Mucous membranes line_________________________and tubes that open to the outside of the body

(oral, nasal, etc.) and secrete _______________________.

6. The cutaneous membrane is more commonly called?

7. Some membranes are composed entirely of connected tissue. These include

_____________________ lining joints.

