The March 2013 meeting of the Hub Club was postponed by weather to Thursday, March 7. It was held at the New
Ulm Civic Center, following set-up for the Farm Show. Officers present were Joe Maidl president; John Luepke and Beth
Fluegge, vice presidents; Ruth Klossner, secretary; and Randy Schroeder, membership director. In addition, about 20 members and a dozen FFA members who helped with set-up were in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by President Maidl at 7:42 p.m., after everyone enjoyed a pizza supper. Maidl thanked the FFA and Hub Club members for their assistance. With everyone helping, the work took only about an hour and went great. Maidl also asked both groups to help and/or take part in the Ag Day Parade Tuesday, March 12.
The minutes of the February meeting, which were printed in the March newsletter, were approved on a motion by
Fluegge and a second by Don Sanderson; motion carried
There was no financial report.
Membership. Schroeder reported that there are presently 110 paid members; he is working to collect dues from about 20 who haven’t yet responded.
Public Relations. Sanderson reported that the Hub Club-sponsored Hot Topics Luncheon will feature climatologist
Mark Seeley on April 5. The 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. lunch will be at the Country Club; cost is $10.00 per person and reservations will be required. Maidl noted that a suggestion had been made that the club pay for the meal of members who attend. Luepke motioned and Michele Schroeder seconded that the club pay for half of the lunch cost per person. A hand vote resulted in an 8-8 tie. When some members said that they hadn’t voted because it was hard to hear what they were voting on, another vote was taken. This time the motion was voted down 10-13.
Events. Family Night on the farm will be June 20 at the Steve and Kerry Hoffman farm. The Ag Day Parade will be held Tuesday, March 12 at 11:30 a.m., with set-up at 11:00 a.m.
FFA Banquet & FFA Pancake Breakfast. Maidl reported that both were a success. He presented a $2,000 donation from the club at the banquet. FFA member Mackenze Vogel reported that over 250 plates were used at the breakfast. The chapter was very pleased with the turnout.
Chamber Window. Maidl thanked M. Schroeder for putting up the window display in the New Ulm Chamber office; it promoted the Farm Show.
Book Bundles. Club officers and members delivered books to Jefferson and Washington Schools, St. Paul’s Lutheran,
New Ulm Area Catholic School, Lafayette Charter School, and Immanuel Lutheran School during February. Maidl expressed appreciation to M. Schroeder for the idea and Kevin and Cheri Yager for organizing it. Librarians were excited about the books.
Helping Young Professionals Evolve. Maidl reported that the group includes a variety of professionals. He, Jeff
Nielsen of UFC, and Audra Shaneman of the Chamber discussed the impact of agriculture in the area at the group’s
February 21 meeting.
Farmfest Food Stand. Maidl reported that Jim Thomas has stated that this is his last year as chair of the food stand.
Several options are being considered. The club could look for someone to head the project, or could give up the food stand and consider another project instead. With the seed plots between the food stand and the rest of the grounds, people aren’t getting to the Hub Club stand. In addition, exhibitors are doing their own lunches, cutting into our business. The matter will be studied further.
Request from Breakfast on the Farm. Klossner presented a letter from member Denny Schmidt, asking that Nicollet
County Farm Bureau’s Breakfast on the Farm be allowed to use the Hub Club pancake griddles again this year. He also asked if the club would consider sponsoring pancake batter and/or syrup for the breakfast, which will be held July 13 at the Perry Meyer/Jason Enter farm. Rich Baumann motioned and Tim Waibel seconded approval for griddle use, as well as pancake batter and syrup sponsorship; motion carried.
Support for County 4-H Programs. Klossner presented a list of potential leadership opportunities that a donation to the Nicollet and Brown County 4-H Federations could support. M. Schroeder motioned and Fluegge seconded that the Hub
Club donate $1,000 each to the Nicollet and Brown County 4-H Federations for leadership programs; motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. on a motion by Klossner and second by Vern Gieseke.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 2.
Respectfully submitted, Ruth Klossner, Secretary