Table of Contents U N T HEALTH FACULTY PROMOTION HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Guidelines for writing Project Plan 33 Description, Purpose, & Goals 1 Guidelines for Final On-Campus Presentation 34 Definitions 2 Guidelines for Completing Final Summary 35 Internship Requirements 3 Site Supervisors Responsibilities 5 CHECKLISTS Internship Settings 6 Checklist for Internship Application 36 Intern Responsibilities 8 Checklist for internship Assignments 37 Grading System 10 FORMS AND EVALUATIONS GUIDELINES AND WORKSHEETS FOR ASSIGNMENTS Intern Data Form 38 HLTH 4850 Guidelines for Final Folio 11 Guidelines for all written documents 12 Guidelines for completing Action Plan 13 Checklist for Internship Application 13 WSI Worksheet for goals and Objectives* 14 WS2 Worksheets for Action Plan* 21 Guidelines for Completing Daily Logs** 29 Guidelines for Summaries 30 Guidelines for Internship Project 31 *use of worksheets optional **only 1 example of daily log needed, not required To complete each week Grade Report Form 39 On campus evaluation form 40 Mid-term Site Supervisor Evaluation 41 Final Site Supervisor Evaluation 44 APPENDICIES 47 Resume Sample 48 Biographical Sketch Sample 49 UNT HEALTH PROMOTION FACULTY Lee Ancona, Ph.D Health Internship Coordinator Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation 1155 Union Circle #310769 Denton, TX 76203-5017 (940) 565-2071 FAX: (940) 5654904 Email: Jeanette Malone, MS Kine/Health Lecturer Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation 1155 Union Circle #310769 Denton, TX 76203-5017 (940)565-3403 FAX (940) 5654904 Jennifer Edwards, Health Lecturer Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation 1155 Union Circle #310769 Denton, TX 76203-5017 (940) 565-2069 FAX: (940) 5654904 Email: Marisa Moore, Health Lecturer Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation 1155 Union Circle #310769 Denton, TX 76203-5017 (940) 565-3426 FAX: (940) 5654904 Email: Doryce Judd, Health/Kine Lecturer Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation 1155 Union Circle #310769 Denton, TX 76203-5017 (940) 565-2629 FAX: (940) 5654904 Email: Patricia Shotland MS Health Internship Supervisor Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation 1155 Union Circle #310769 Denton, TX 76203-5017 (214) 957-0057 FAX (940) 5654904 Email: 1 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNSHIP Description The internship is a planned field experience that enables the student to transition from theory to practice, from the classroom to the professional arena. The student intern will be guided and supervised by site and UNT faculty internship coordinators. Site supervisors are obligated to sign agreement with UNT to provide the planned experience for the intern. The internship is designed to offer the students an opportunity to engage in professional activities in a supervised and protected environment. The internship is also designed to maximize the variety of activities and challenges that will help interns develop their professional capacity. Purpose Specifically, the internship experience allows the intern opportunities: 1. To apply skills, competencies, principles and theories learned in the Health Promotion curriculum. 2. To learn skills in management, leadership and relationships in the work setting. 3. To develop skills in coordination, collaboration and in communication. 4. To develop the ability to evaluate self and others in professional skills 5. To creatively apply knowledge in solving health promotion problems in the work setting. Goals The internship experience is carefully planned to fulfill the goals which are aligned with the skills and competencies delineated in “A Competency –Based Framework for Professional Development of Certified Health Education Specialists.” The Framework was the result of the initial Role Delineation Project in 1978 and completed in 1981 that identified and verified for the first time skills necessary for the practice of health education in all settings. Therefore the guiding goals for the internship program are as follows. The health educator, working with individuals, groups, and organizations is able to assume the responsibilities of: I. Assessing individual and community needs for health promotion II. Planning effective health promotion programs III. Implementing health promotion programs IV. Evaluating effectiveness of health promotion programs V. Coordinating provisions of health promotion services VI. Acting as a resource in health promotion VII. Communicating health and health promotion needs, concerns, and resources 2 Definitions Intern The intern is a Health Promotion Major or minor who is in his/her final semester of coursework at UNT, who has been admitted to the internship program with an approved internship site. Admission to the internship program means that the student has met all the criteria for applying for the internship has approval from the UNT internship coordinator and has been accepted by an approved site. Internship Coordinator He/She is the designated UNT faculty who is coordinating the internship program for the semester. The internship coordinator will sign off on site contracts and will oversee all matters pertaining to the internship program. Internship Supervisor He/She is the designated UNT faculty who will supervise the intern during the semester. The internship supervisor may be the internship coordinator or other designated UNT faculty. Site Coordinator He/She represents the site in contracting to take on providing the intern with the planned field experience. This individual coordinates all the activities necessary to provide the intern with the relevant experience. This is also the person who signs the agreement with UNT. Site Supervisor He/She is the designated site personnel who will supervise the intern during the contracted semester. The individual will be responsible to guide and evaluate the intern. This is usually the individual who has signed the internship contract with UNT, but could also be a designee. Internship Site This is the site, which has interviewed and agreed to take on the intern for the semester. Interns may request their site of choice. Efforts will be made to match interns with their choices. It is not always expedient; therefore the interns need to be prepared to accept assigned sites. Final assignments are made by the internship coordinator. After getting permission from the university internship coordinator, students are responsible for coordinating the interview. This process should be completed the semester prior to the internship. (For example, Spring internship applicants should be placed by the end of Fall semester.) Informational meetings are held each semester within the first month of classes. Meeting time and location is posted on bulletin boards in the PEB and announced in all Health Promotions classes. It is the responsibility of the student to attend the meeting and be informed about the process. 3 INTERNSHIP REQUIREMENTS (Undergraduate and Graduate) 1. Successful completion of all course work in the degree plan for undergraduate students. Undergraduate students must update their degree plans a semester before their internship. 2. The Undergraduate internship (6 credit hours) entails the completion of a minimum of 320 consecutive hours in a semester (MUST BE COMPLETED IN 12 WEEKS DURING THE SEMESTER) 3. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 for all course work and a minimum GPA of 2.75 in the health curriculum. (If either or both GPAs are insufficient, prior approval by the Internship Coordinator will be required before planning for the internship experience). A minimum grade of C is required in all undergraduate health courses attempted (You must repeat a course with a grade of D or F). 4. Interns must register for HLTH 4850.700 (6 hours), for which restricted registration codes will be required. Restricted registration codes are available from the Program Coordinator. Internships are offered in Spring, Summer and Fall semesters. 5. Undergraduate students may not be simultaneously registered for any course other than HLTH 4850 during the semester. It is strongly recommended that interns not engage in outside employment during the internship assignment. Concurrent employment can significantly interfere with successful completion of the internship. 6. Students must attend an internship application meeting with the Internship Coordinator at least (one) semester before the internship experience. This meeting will be announced in the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters (The spring meeting covers materials for both summer and fall placements) . Intending interns need to contact the Dept. Secretary to let her have their current and active electronic addresses or telephone contact so that they can receive information about the pre-internship meeting. Missing the meeting and the information may postpone the beginning and completion of the internship in time for graduation. 7. Sites must be in Texas, within driving distance not exceeding 50 miles from UNT. The internship coordinator will discuss students’ interests and needs for the internship experience and will assign an appropriate site to the student. The assignment is based on the internship coordinator’s assessment of site suitability to provide the appropriate professional development experience for the student. 8. A signed internship agreement between UNT and the approved site will be filed before the start of the internship. The process may sometimes take weeks to months; it pays to plan for the internship as early as possible. 4 9. Interns are expected to bear all expenses incidental to completion of internship placement. 10. Most likely, sites will not pay interns for the internship. If payment is offered, this arrangement should be clearly stated in a letter from the site to the internship coordinator, prior to site acceptance, and copied to the intern. 11. Take note that no interns may begin the internship before the semester in which they have registered for HLTH 4850 (undergraduate). 12. Prior to commencement of the internship and immediately after the interview with the site coordinator, intern must write a letter of thanks to the site coordinator for taking time to interview them. This must take place regardless of acceptance. 13. At the end of the internship, the intern must write a letter of appreciation to the site and the site supervisor/s and file a copy in the folio. 5 SITE SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES As a member of the supervising team for the intern, the site supervisor has a very important task in shaping the professional form of the future health promotion professional. This field experience plays a critical part in whether the intern will emerge as an enthusiastic and confident professional because he/she has received guidance in building on his/her strengths and overcoming his/her shortcomings; or as one who may approach his/her first job confused and insecure. The site supervisors have unique roles in offering the intern challenges and guiding them in their professional development by kind mentoring, appropriate praises timely affirmations and constructive evaluations. To help the intern achieve a successful practicum, the site supervisors have the following responsibilities: 1. Be a committed member of the mentoring team to guide, protect and supervise the intern. 2. Be a mentor, teacher, role model and a leader to the intern 3. Interview the intern, and when deem acceptable to sign and return agreement between site and UNT 4. Be willing to be flexible to ensure that intern’s experience meet UNT’s internship goals 5. Be prepared to counsel and evaluate the intern at mid-term, at the end of the internship, and at any other time when appropriate 6. Participate in site visits with internship supervisor 7. Be familiar with contents of the UNT’s internship manuals especially with the assignments and evaluations required. 8. Help internship develop an action plan within the first week of the internship, or by due date designated by university supervisor 9. Help student develop a project and file a project plan within the second week of the internship, or by due date designated by university supervisor 10. Be willing to communicate freely and openly with intern and internship coordinator about intern progress. 11. Be ready to discuss any problems with the intern in a timely manner. 12. Complete and return intern evaluations at mid-term and at final review dates. 13. If possible participate in intern’s professional presentation at the end of the semester (on campus). This is optional. Site supervisors are most welcome on campus. 6 INTERNSHIP SETTINGS While internship placement is the responsibility of the Internship Coordinator, students are encouraged to select a setting that they may have interest in. There are a variety of settings that a health promotion professional can practice. It is recommended that the intern select a setting that offers experience in an area that he/she is interested. Start with considering what type of clients you are interested in working with, for example, young people, old people, children, teens, girls, boys, men, women, special populations. Then consider the kind of environment in which you are interested in being in most part of your day, for example, in a school, a hospital, a corporation, a college campus, a community health center, a public health center, a volunteer site. There are other considerations such as distance of travel, your professional goals, job responsibilities, family responsibilities, financial resources (it is strongly recommended that interns do not take on other employment to ensure success in this experience) and other life inconveniences. Let the Internship Coordinator know your setting of preference. The Internship Coordinator may try to match a site to the setting you prefer, but it may not always work out that way. Trust that the Coordinator has your best interest at heart in assigning a site to place you. Should the student refuse the first placement, the student will have to wait until all other students are placed before an alternative can be arranged. Refusing your first placement may cause sufficient delay in your graduation. School Settings Health promotion professionals work in different roles in a school environment. Pre-kindergarten through grade twelve in public schools, day-care facilities, alternative learning centers, private schools, parochial schools, junior colleges, and university campuses are some examples of school environments. Roles take the form of health instruction, health services and health promotion. In addition to direct instruction, many school health professionals take on responsibilities to coordinate services and design and implement student and staff wellness programs. Clinical Settings Within the medical care arena, health education and health promotion activities take the form of primary prevention through early education and intervention initiatives. Clinical settings are found in private and public hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, medical research facilities, pharmaceutical labs, mental 7 health facilities, geriatric centers, dental offices, and community and public health clinics. Interns may find opportunities in patient education, community education and health promotion, and wellness programs. Other options may be found in social services, physical and mental rehabilitation, occupation therapy, substance abuse rehabilitation, and physical therapy. Community or Public Health Settings Community Health Centers can be classified according to how they are funded. There are many volunteer agencies that are funded by private donations. These agencies provide many services including education, health services, disaster relief (Red Cross) as well as research and advocacy. Often these agencies are founded by their commitment to address problems with specific diseases. Some examples are the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, and the American Heart Association. Sometimes agencies are founded to care for special populations, such as Special Olympics. Government funded agencies are funded by tax dollars and are usually administered through County and State Departments of Health. Sometimes faith communities and professional organizations are funded through government grants to offer health education and health services to citizens of need. In the community and public health settings a wealth of experience and challenges await the intern in case management, research, field work, assessment, program development and implementation, fundraising, public speaking, training volunteers, developing health promotion curricula and items for social marketing. Worksite Health Promotion Settings Many corporations today appreciate the value of having healthy employees. Worksite health promotion and wellness centers can be found in many large worksite settings. Employers appreciate that prevention based programs and intervention help improve employee morale and productivity, and reduce absenteeism. Interns can find many challenging opportunities in working with a worksite health promotion team. Activities may include developing and implementing programs for stress management, smoking cessation, weight management, employee assistance, work safety and sanitation, risk reduction and risk management. Interns may find themselves learning and teaching classes in healthy lifestyles. 8 INTERN RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Attend Internship Application meeting the semester prior to internship semester to receive instructions and to ask questions. 2. Follow the list of activities for the application process, which is given out at the Internship Application meeting. 3. Correspond or meet with university supervisor or internship coordinator to discuss sites. Prior to interview, student must have resume and bio approved in writing by one of the university supervisors. .Students may recommend new internship sites not on approved list but final decision rests with the internship coordinator. 4. Participate in an internship interview with the selected site, once internship coordinator approves of site selection and preparation. At that interview, student will share resume, biography and resume with site supervisor. If selected, site coordinator will communicate directly with UNT internship coordinator. If not selected, students will be directed to interview at another approved site. 5. Attend pre-internship seminar, midterm evaluation, final evaluation interview and final on-campus presentation. The pre-internship seminar will be held the first week of classes, the time will be determined and sent to students registered for HLTH 4850 via email, at least two weeks prior to the meeting. It is the student’s responsibility to find out the time and location of the meeting. Internship will start on the second week of school. NOTE THAT NO STUDENT MAY START INTERNSHIP BEFORE THEY ATTEND THE PRE-INTERNSHIP SEMINAR. 6. Schedule a mid-term evaluation conference with site supervisor and faculty supervisor. This meeting will take place at the internship site. A written evaluation from site supervisor and internship supervisor will be filed. 7. Schedule and attend a final evaluation interview involving site supervisors and faculty supervisor toward the end of the internship. A written evaluation from site supervisor and internship supervisor must be filed by the last day of the internship. Interns must remind site supervisors about final evaluation deadline. 8. Conform with regulations pertaining to professional behavior at site. 9. Submit summaries (see sample provided in folio) relating experiences directly to completion of internship goals and objectives. You will be graded on grammar, content, presentation, and punctuality. Due dates for summaries are provided at the pre-internship seminar by the university supervisor. Due dates vary from semester to semester. Assignments are due no later than 5PM on the due date. Submit by email to the university supervisor. Include a tentative schedule for the next week to enable faculty supervisor to schedule site visits. 9 10. Meet with site supervisor regularly throughout the internship in order to receive feedback as well as to share schedule and experiences. 11. Keep in regular contact with faculty supervisor throughout the internship in order to receive feedback as well as to share experiences. 12. Problems and conflicts at internship must be shared immediately with faculty supervisor. 13. Notify internship coordinator, faculty supervisor, and site supervisor of absences by phone immediately, in writing, and in person later on. Tardiness and absences will affect course grade. Absences must be made up. 14. File a project plan with Coordinator and get his/her approval. Conduct an internship project approved by site supervisor and internship supervisor (see sample provided). Internship Project Plan must be submitted by the due date. A typed-written evaluative report of project must be submitted at completion, and no later than last week of internship. 15. Remind site supervisor to forward mid-term and final evaluation forms to faculty supervisors upon completion. 16. Attend a final on-campus seminar. Make a 10-minute oral presentation highlighting internship experiences. Include comments about site selection, professional and personal goals accomplished, problems encountered, and opportunities for growth. Audio visual aids must be included to personalize presentation. Be prepared to answer questions from faculty and students. The date and details of the on-campus seminar will be provided at the pre-internship seminar on the first week of school. 17. Deliver your presentation and submit your folio to internship director at the final seminar, or on agreed upon due date prior to the end of the semester. 10 GRADING SYSTEM: ACTIVITY Maximum Quality of summaries 100 points Your Score Comments Overall professional communication and cooperation (attendance at meetings, following procedures and other professional responsibilities) 100 points _______ __________ Quality of on-campus Seminar and Presentation 100 points _________ __________ Quality of mid-term evaluation By Faculty Supervisor 100 points _________ __________ Quality of mid-term evaluation By Site Supervisor 100 points _________ __________ Quality of terminal evaluation By Faculty Supervisor 100 points _________ __________ Quality of terminal evaluation By Site Supervisor 100 points _________ __________ Quality of Internship Project including Goals and objectives 100 points _________ __________ Quality of Student Internship Final Summary 100 points _________ __________ Quality of Internship Folio (Note-book) 100 points _________ __________ TOTAL POINTS 1000 points _________ Percentage (your score/1000 x 100) = _________ GRADING SCALE A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 and below COMMENTS GRADE: __________________ 11 GUIDELINES FOR FINAL INTERNSHIP FOLIO This folio is a documentation of your entire internship experience. It should be filed in a neatly compiled 3-ring notebook, complete with a table of contents and corresponding tabs for each section of your report. This notebook will be kept in UNT’s KHPR Dept. as future reference for other students. If you would like to keep one for your own reference, please make a duplicate. In situations where it is not practical to include products of your projects in the notebook, please make photographic record of your projects and submit with your final folio. It is a good idea to get started with this at the very beginning of your internship so that you will not be overwhelmed with the process at the end. The folio should include the following items: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Internship Site Data Sheet Biography with Photo Resume Action Plan: Goals and Objectives Daily Logs: 1 or 2 examples Summaries: 1or 2 examples Project Plan Project Report (includes any products you have helped developed; if product is too large, include photographs and any relevant evidence, evaluations, etc.) i) Final Internship Summary j) Final Presentation (include your PowerPoint Slides hard copy and disk) k) Any other evidence that you may have to justify that you had a valid and successful experience with the site. 12 GUIDELINES FOR ALL WRITTEN DOCUMENTS For consistency and easy reading for internship supervisors, submit all documents employing the following guidelines: a. Type all documents (no written documents please) b. Single spaced c. Left aligned. d. ARIAL FONT SIZE 12 (ARIAL 10 is acceptable if text is in a table) e. Margins: Left and Top 1.5”: Right and Bottom 1.0 “ f. All page numbers on upper right in ARIAL 10 g. No first drafts, please. Meaning: no grammatical or spelling errors h. Put your name on the top left header on every document i. Submit your summaries electronically, send by attachment in a WORD document. Please do not send your documents as part of an email. PLEASE ADHERE TO ALL DEADLINES UNLESS YOU HAVE NEGOTIATED FOR EXTENTIONS. NOT MEETING DEADLINES WOULD MEAN THAT NO CREDIT, or reduced credit WOULD BE GIVEN FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENTS. 13 GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING ACTION PLAN 1. If the worksheets are helpful, use for developing your goals and objectives with your site supervisor. After you have completed goals and objectives, discuss with your supervisor what you can do to achieve your objectives. 2. Each intern is responsible for developing 3 goals for the entire internship experience and for each goal there must be at least 2 objectives. Have goals and objectives written professionally, using the SMART model as a guideline for objectives. Each intern will have goals and objectives unique to his/her site. 14 WS1: WORK SHEET FOR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal I: Assessing Individual and Community Needs for Health Education OBJECTIVES Devise at least one objective for each competency area that address GOAL I Competency A: Obtain health-related data about social and cultural environments, growth and development factors, needs, and interests Competency B Distinguish between behaviors that foster and those that hinder well-being Competency C Infer needs for health education on the basis of obtained data 1 A. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific 1B. __ Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific 1C. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific 15 WS1: WORK SHEET FOR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal II: Planning Effective Health Promotion Programs OBJECTIVES Devise at least one objective for each competency area that address GOAL II Competency A: Recruit community organizations, resource people, and potential participants for support and assistance in program planning Competency B Develop a logical scope and sequence plan for a health education program Competency C Formulate appropriate and measurable program objectives Competency D Design educational programs consistent with specified program objectives II A. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific IIB. __ Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific IIC. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific 16 WS1: WORK SHEET FOR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal III: Implementing Health Promotion Programs OBJECTIVES Devise at least one objective for each competency area that address GOAL III Competency A: Exhibit competence in carrying out planned educational programs Competency B Infer enabling objectives as needed to implement instructional programs in specified settings Competency C Select methods and media best suited to implement program plans for specific learners Competency D Monitor educational programs, adjusting objectives and activities as necessary III A. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific IIIB. __ Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific IIIC. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific IIID. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific 17 WS1: WORK SHEET FOR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal IV: Evaluating Effectiveness of Health Promotion Programs OBJECTIVES Devise at least one objective for each competency area that address GOAL IV Competency A: Develop plans to assess achievement of program objectives Competency B Carry out evaluation plans Competency C Interpret results of program evaluation Competency D Infer implications from findings for future program planning IVA. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific IVB. __ Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific IVC. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific IVD. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific 18 WS1: WORK SHEET FOR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal V: Coordinating provision of Health Promotion Services OBJECTIVES Devise at least one objective for each competency area that address GOAL V Competency A: Develop a plan for coordinating health promotion services Competency B Facilitate cooperation between and among levels of program personnel Competency C Formulate practical modes of collaboration among health agencies and organizations Competency D Organize in-service training for teachers, volunteers, and other interested personnel V A. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific VB. __ Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific VC. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific VD. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific 19 WS1: WORK SHEET FOR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal VI: Acting as a resource person in health promotion OBJECTIVES Devise at least one objective for each competency area that address GOAL VI Competency A: Utilize computerized health information retrieval system effectively Competency B Establish effective consultative relationships with those requesting assistance in solving health-related problems. Competency C Interpret and respond to requests for health information Competency D Select effective educational resource materials for dissemination VIA. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific VIB. __ Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific VIC. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific VID. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific 20 WS1: WORK SHEET FOR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal VII: Communicating Health and Health Promotion needs, concerns, and resources OBJECTIVES Devise at least one objective for each competency area that address GOAL VII Competency A: Interpret concepts, purposes, and theories of health education Competency B Predict the impact of societal value systems on health education programs. Competency C Select a variety of communication methods and techniques in providing health information Competency D Foster communication between health care providers and consumers VII A. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific VIIB. __ Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific VIIC. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific VIID. __Specific __ Measurable __ Appropriate __ Realistic __ Time Specific 21 WS2 ACTION PLAN: Sample Goal I: Assessing Individual and Community Needs for Health Education OBJECTIVES 1 A. At the end of the second week of my internship I will …. 1B. 1C. TASKS STATUS 22 WS2 ACTION PLAN Goal I: Assessing Individual and Community Needs for Health Education OBJECTIVES 1 A. 1B. 1C. TASKS STATUS 23 WS2 ACTION PLAN Goal II: Planning Effective Health Promotion Programs OBJECTIVES II A. IIB. IIC. TASKS STATUS 24 WS2 ACTION PLAN Goal III: Implementing Health Promotion Programs OBJECTIVES III A. IIIB. IIIC. IIID. TASKS STATUS 25 WS2 ACTION PLAN Goal IV: Evaluating Effectiveness of Health Promotion Programs OBJECTIVES IVA. IVB. IVC. IVD. TASKS STATUS 26 WS2 ACTION PLAN Goal V: Coordinating provision of Health Promotion Services OBJECTIVES V A. VB. VC. VD. TASKS STATUS 27 WS2 ACTION PLAN Goal VI: Acting as a resource person in health promotion OBJECTIVES VIA. VIB. VIC. VID. TASKS STATUS 28 WS2 ACTION PLAN Goal VII: Communicating Health and Health Promotion needs, concerns, and resources OBJECTIVES VII A. VIIB. VIIC. VIID. TASKS STATUS 29 GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING YOUR DAILY LOG Intern: ____________________________ Site: ____________________________ Date: ___________________ Day of Week: _____________________ Time: Location Description of Activity Persons in contact Work schedule for next week (include this on the last day of the week) 30 GUIDELINES FOR SUMMARIES Intern: Site: ____________________________ ____________________________ Week (indicate 1, 2 3.) Date: eg November 1- November 5, 2007 Total number of Hours: ________________ Summary Generally describe what kind of activities you have completed. What you need to do here is to reflect by thinking and feeling what your week has been like. Thoughts: Think about how your week’s experience has helped or not helped you meet your goals and objectives. What have you observed in this week’s experience? What have you learned? What is the best experience you had this week? What is the worse? Explain Feelings: How do you feel about this week’s experience? Explain why you feel this way. (If you feel challenged, sad, angry, frustrated, excited etc… explain) Commitment to Improvement What have you observed, experienced and learned this week that will help you be a better professional? Based on what you have learned this week, what would you change to make next week better than this week? Thoughts and feelings need not always be positive, they only need to be yours and be honest. This document should not be less than a page and should not exceed two pages long. Try to be succinct. 31 GUIDELINES FOR YOUR INTERNSHIP PROJECT The Internship Project is a special assignment for the student intern and must be completed during the semester. The project must meet the following criteria: 1) That it aligned with the mission of the site. 2) That it be an additional opportunity for learning and growth for the Intern 3) That it meets at least two of the internship goals The site supervisor will specifically evaluate the Internship Project separately from the overall evaluation of the intern. There can be a great variety of Internship projects. The type of Site or program that you are involved in will determine the project you will develop. Site supervisor should be aware of your project plan. There should be evidence of the following in your final project report: Knowledge and application of the program planning process Value of project to site/program Demonstrated research for project Demonstrated ability to work with others Demonstrated ability for independent work Demonstrated opportunities for personal growth and learning Quality of typed report: writing, content, presentation The following are some suggested types of projects: Public Relations brochure Public Relations slide presentation Development of video tape training film for special populations (e.g., health educators, family members, clients, city council members) Manual for volunteers Grant application Health survey of special populations (e.g., elderly, homeless, children) Client satisfaction surveys Design, implementation of innovative health programs Program evaluation - process, outcome Adaptation of programs (facilities, equipment, policy) for persons with special needs Development of quality assurance programs Evaluation of administrative structure 32 Project Report Summarize your internship project. Outline the program planning, implementation and evaluation stages of your project. Include relevant feedback to support your response. Relate your project to your goals and objectives 33 GUIDELINES FOR INTERNSHIP PROJECT PLAN Submitted to both Internship site supervisor and university supervisor Use this page as the first page of the Project Outline I. II. III. IV. V. Title of Project Description of Project Value of Project to Site Meeting Internship Goals (identify which ones) Methodology or proposal of how to accomplish each task associated with the project VI. Project Schedule - dateline - beginning to end VII. Product of project (evidence in the form of manual, photographs of Health Fair activities, videos, such as Report, Booklet, Brochure, etc.) Intern: _________________________________________ _____ Site: _____________________________________________________ Approved by: Site Supervisor*: ________________________ _____ Date: __________ Internship Supervisor: ___________________________ Date: __________ *May be submitted to university supervisor without signature of internship site supervisor. To be included in portfolio at end of the semester, have site supervisor’s signature if at all possible. 34 GUIDELINES FOR FINAL ON-CAMPUS PRESENTATION 1. You have 10 minutes to present and all the presenters will answer questions as a panel after the presentations. You should have visuals aids (PowerPoint slides, Transparencies, videos, posters etc) to enhance your presentation. 2. Content of your presentation: a. Your goals for the internship b. Your site (tell us a little about the site, e.g. mission, whom it serves, and who works there etc.) c. Tell us how you have achieved your goals d. Highlight your project e. Indicate three challenges in your internship experience that you have encountered and list one solution you have created to solve the problem f. Tell 3 things you have learned in this experience that will help you with your career g. If you can change one thing about this experience what will that be? 3. Delivery of your presentation: a. Please note that you have 10 minutes, so be concise. b. You are also expected to be on time, dressed in professional attire and be ready when called to present. c. Maintain eye contact with the audience. d. Do not use junk-words such as um, like, aah e. Maintain good posture f. Refrain from using slang or unprofessional language Note that this is your chance to show off that you are on your way to be a professional health educator. Your audience is looking to you as role models. 35 GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING YOUR FINAL SUMMARY 1. Summarize your entire internship experience following the reflection process in your weekly summaries 2. Evaluate the extent to which your goals are achieved (you do this by completing the action plan. Check to see which objectives are met, or not met and explain why. If you have changed any tasks to meet your objectives, please document). 3. Identify three strengths you brought to this experience that have helped you succeed. 4. Identify 3 shortcomings you discovered in this experience and indicate how you have grown form this experience. 5. How has this internship influenced your career interests for the near future? 6. What is the best part of this experience? 7. What is the worst part of this experience? 8. If you had a chance to do it all over, what is one thing you would change? 9. How would you rate this position as an internship site? What are your reasons? What recommendations would you make to improve this site for future interns? Be specific. 10. What is one thing you wished your internship supervisor would have done to help you more? 36 CHECKLIST FOR INTERNSHIP APPLICATION Make sure you have all the items completed in a timely manner to facilitate securing internship in the semester following. When you have approval to be an intern you may register for HLTH 4850 for the semester of your internship. Deadlines Status Internship Application Package 1. Attend pre-internship information meeting 2. Receive internship manual 3. Complete and return by email intern personal data 4. Choose Internship Site 5. Internship Site Data Sheet 6. Updated degree plan 7. Biography with Photo 8. Resume 9. Coordinate interview, go on interview and let university supervisor know of placement, write thank you note to site personnel who interviewed you 10. Attend pre-internship meeting and begin internship Student: ___________________________________ Ready for internship: ___________________________________ (semester) Internship Coordinator: _________________________________ Schedule interview with Site supervisor: ___________________ Accepted by site supervisor: _____________________________ (Name and date) 37 CHECKLIST FOR INTERNSHIP ASSIGMENTS Make sure you meet deadlines. Delaying one assignment will snowball into delaying your graduation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 INTERNSHIP ASSIGMENTS Start 3 Ring Note-Book for folio DEADLINES Action Plan (Goals and Objectives) Schedule mid-term Site visit Schedule final site visit Sample of daily logs (1-2) Summaries File Project Plan with Internship Supervisor Make sure site supervisor files evaluations with Internship supervisor Project Report (includes any products you have helped developed; if product is too large, include photographs and any relevant evidence, evaluations, etc.) Final Intern Report Final Presentation (include your PowerPoint Slides hard copy and disk) Any other evidence that you may have to justify that you had a valid and successful experience with the site. Complete Internship folio (3 ring notebook) 27 Write thank-you letter to site supervisor 23 STATUS 38 INTERN DATA FORM Directions Interns MUST file this with internship supervisor prior to beginning internship experience. File this form in hard copy with internship supervisor and electronically to: Ms Naomi Wilson, e-Mail: If you fax hard copy make sure you have an original in the mail for your internship supervisors with all the signatures. Fax: 940-565-4904 Intern name: _______________________________________________________________ Phone numbers where you can be reached during your internship: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address _____________________________________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Submit Clear Directions to Site from UNT [ ] Internship Site: _____________________________________________________________ Site Supervisor: _____________________________________________________________ Title of Supervisor: __________________________________________________________ Site Address: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number to contact Site Supervisor: _______________________________________ Fax Number of Site: ________________________________________________________ Site Supervisor’s E Mail Address: ______________________________________________ Start Date of Internship: ______________________________________________________ End Date of Internship: ______________________________________________________ Number of Hours Required for Internship: __________hours Signatures of Internship Program Partners: _____________________________________________ Intern _____________________ Date ______________________________________________ Site Supervisor _____________________ Date ______________________________________________ Internship Supervisor _____________________ Date ______________________________________________ Program Coordinator _____________________ Date 39 HLTH 4850 GRADE REPORT FORM ACTIVITY Maximum Your Score Comments Quality of summaries 100points _________ __________ Overall professional communication and cooperation (attendance at meetings, following procedures and other professional responsibilities) 100 points _______ __________ Quality of on-campus Seminar and Presentation 100 points _________ __________ Quality of mid-term evaluation By Faculty Supervisor 100 points _________ __________ Quality of mid-term evaluation By Site Supervisor 100 points _________ __________ Quality of terminal evaluation By Faculty Supervisor 100 points _________ __________ Quality of terminal evaluation By Site Supervisor 100 points _________ __________ Quality of Internship Project 100 points _________ __________ Quality of Student Internship Final Summary 100 points _________ ___________ Quality of Internship Folio (Note-book) 100 points _________ ___________ TOTAL POINTS 1000 points _________ Percentage (your score/1000 x 100) = _________ GRADING SCALE A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 and below COMMENTS GRADE: ____________________________________ 40 HLTH 4850 ON-CAMPUS PRESENTATION EVALUATION Name: _____________________________ Topic: _______________________________ Maximum points per criterion = 20 Introduction and Organization of Presentation 0 5 10 15 20 Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ Relevance of subject matter to Health Promotion 0 5 10 15 20 Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ Quality of Visual Aids (e.g., PowerPoint, overheads, handouts, collage) 0 5 10 15 20 Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ Ability to Stimulate Interest/Generate Questions 0 5 10 15 20 Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ Professional Appearance and Demeanor 0 5 10 15 20 Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ OVERALL SCORE 0 5 10 15 20 Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL POINTS __________/100 41 MIDTERM INTERNSHIP EVALUATION FOR ________________________________ TO SITE SUPERVISOR: As the student intern completes the internship at your site, we would appreciate receiving a written evaluation on your assessment of the student’s experience. Your evaluation will help us grade the intern’s performance. When completing this evaluation, please include both commendations and constructive criticism; consider both the intern’s progress in knowledge and skills during the internship, as well as the intern’s contribution to your site. Include examples to illustrate your assessments. Please comment about the following in a narrative: How did the intern fit into the site’s structure? What was the intern’s attitude toward tasks and projects assigned? How did the intern respond to criticisms and feedback? How did the intern operate as a member of the work team? What is your evaluation of the intern’s oral and written skills? What is your evaluation of the intern’s interpersonal skills? What aspects of the intern’s profile have improved during the internship? What new skills and competencies has the intern acquired during the internship? What areas can be improved in the future? Please rate the student in the following competencies using the 4 point scale. If you were unable to observe a competency, please check the na box. 1= not competent to 4 = very competent Expected Outcome # 1 - Graduates will be able to implement Health Education Programs. Competency A. Initiate a plan of action Criteria……………………………………………………………………… Use community organization principles to facilitate change conducive to health Pretest learners to determine baseline data relative to proposed program obj. Deliver educational technology effectively Facilitate groups 1 2 3 4 na Sub-Competency B – Demonstrate a variety of skills in delivering strategies, interventions, and programs Criteria …………………………………………… 1 2 3 4 na Use instructional technology effectively Apply implementation strategies 42 Sub-Competency C – Use a variety of methods to implement strategies, interventions, and programs Criteria 1 2 3 4 na Use the Code of Ethics in professional practice Apply theoretical and conceptual models from health education and related disciplines to improve program delivery Demonstrate skills needed to develop capacity for improving health status Incorporate demographically and culturally sensitive techniques when promoting programs Implement intervention strategies to facilitate health-related change Expected Outcome # 2 - Graduates will be able to assess the individual and community needs for health education. Competency A. Access existing health-related data Criteria……………………………………………………………………… 1 2 3 4 na ………… Identify diverse health-related databases Use computerized sources of health-related information Determine the compatibility of data from different data sources Select valid sources of information about health needs and interests Competency B. Collect health-related data Criteria……………………………………………………………………… …… Use appropriate data-gathering instruments Apply survey techniques to acquire health data Conduct health-related needs assessments Implement appropriate measures to assess capacity for improving health status 1 2 3 4 na Competency C. Distinguish between behaviors that foster and hinder well-being Criteria……………………………………………………………………… 1 2 3 4 na ………… Identify diverse factors that influence health behaviors Identify behaviors that tend to promote or comprise health Competency D. Determine factors that influence (advanced level not evaluated) Competency E. Identify factors that foster or hinder the process of health education Criteria……………………………………………………………………… 1 2 3 4 na ……… Determine the extent of available health education services Identify gaps and overlaps in the provision of collaborative health services 43 Competency F. Infer needs for health education from obtained data Criteria…………………………………………………………………… Analyze needs assessment data 1 2 3 4 na Please recommend a grade for the intern by checking the appropriate box below. Grade Intern A B C D F Comments: Site: ________________________________________________________ Site Supervisor: _______________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/______ Please forward this evaluation to: Patricia Collins-Shotland Health Promotion Internship Coordinator, Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation University of North Texas 1155 Union Circle #310769 Denton, Texas 76203-5017 Or Fax: 940.565.4904 44 FINAL INTERNSHIP EVALUATION FOR ________________________________ TO SITE SUPERVISOR: As the student intern completes the internship at your site, we would appreciate receiving a written evaluation on your assessment of the student’s experience. Your evaluation will help us grade the intern’s performance. When completing this evaluation, please include both commendations and constructive criticism; consider both the intern’s progress in knowledge and skills during the internship, as well as the intern’s contribution to your site. Include examples to illustrate your assessments. Please comment about the following in a narrative: How did the intern fit into the site’s structure? What was the intern’s attitude toward tasks and projects assigned? How did the intern respond to criticisms and feedback? How did the intern operate as a member of the work team? What is your evaluation of the intern’s oral and written skills? What is your evaluation of the intern’s interpersonal skills? What aspects of the intern’s profile have improved during the internship? What new skills and competencies has the intern acquired during the internship? What areas can be improved in the future? Please rate the student in the following competencies using the 4 point scale. If you were unable to observe a competency, please check the Na box. 1= not competent to 4 = very competent Expected Outcome # 1 - Graduates will be able to implement Health Education Programs. Competency A. Initiate a plan of action Criteria……………………………………………………………………… Use community organization principles to facilitate change conducive to health Pretest learners to determine baseline data relative to proposed program obj. Deliver educational technology effectively Facilitate groups 1 2 3 4 na Sub-Competency B – Demonstrate a variety of skills in delivering strategies, interventions, and programs Criteria …………………………………………… 1 2 3 4 na Use instructional technology effectively Apply implementation strategies 45 Sub-Competency C – Use a variety of methods to implement strategies, interventions, and programs Criteria 1 2 3 4 na Use the Code of Ethics in professional practice Apply theoretical and conceptual models from health education and related disciplines to improve program delivery Demonstrate skills needed to develop capacity for improving health status Incorporate demographically and culturally sensitive techniques when promoting programs Implement intervention strategies to facilitate health-related change Expected Outcome # 2 - Graduates will be able to assess the individual and community needs for health education. Competency A. Access existing health-related data Criteria……………………………………………………………………… 1 2 3 4 na ………… Identify diverse health-related databases Use computerized sources of health-related information Determine the compatibility of data from different data sources Select valid sources of information about health needs and interests Competency B. Collect health-related data Criteria……………………………………………………………………… …… Use appropriate data-gathering instruments Apply survey techniques to acquire health data Conduct health-related needs assessments Implement appropriate measures to assess capacity for improving health status 1 2 3 4 na Competency C. Distinguish between behaviors that foster and hinder well-being Criteria……………………………………………………………………… 1 2 3 4 na ………… Identify diverse factors that influence health behaviors Identify behaviors that tend to promote or comprise health Competency D. Determine factors that influence (advanced level not evaluated) Competency E. Identify factors that foster or hinder the process of health education Criteria……………………………………………………………………… 1 2 3 4 na ……… Determine the extent of available health education services Identify gaps and overlaps in the provision of collaborative health services 46 Competency F. Infer needs for health education from obtained data Criteria…………………………………………………………………… Analyze needs assessment data 1 2 3 4 na Please recommend a grade for the intern by checking the appropriate box below. Grade Intern A B C D F Comments: Site: ________________________________________________________ Site Supervisor: _______________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/______ Please forward this evaluation to: Patricia Collins-Shotland Health Promotion Internship Coordinator, Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation University of North Texas 1155 Union Circle #310769 Denton, Texas 76203-5017 Or Fax: 940.565.4904 47 Appendices The following samples on resume writing, how to prepare your biography. 48 YOUR NAME Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State/Province Postal Code Phone: (000) 555-2468 Email: OBJECTIVE: Your own entry goes here. QUALIFICATIONS Using action words to maximize the impact, describe how your background and strengths would make you a strong candidate for the position you are seeking. This section should be concise, contain action words, and should sell your most marketable experiences and abilities. EDUCATION 19xx – 19xx Degree obtained, school name 19xx – 19xx Degree obtained, school name EMPLOYMENT 20xx - 20xx Position, Name of Company In the same manner as above, describe your current job Responsibilities. Be Concise; remove all unnecessary words and phrases. Include the specific results of your actions or decisions to demonstrate your contribution. 19xx -19xx Position, Name of Company In the same manner as above, describe your next job 19xx – 19xx Position, Name of Company In the same manner as above, describe your next job 19xx -19xx Position, Name of Company In the same manner as above, describe your next job 49 Insert your recent photograph BRIEF BIOGRAPHY: YOUR NAME (Not necessary to include address here) Write in the third person Write a brief narrative about: Who this person (you are) is? What this person (you have) has achieved so far What this person (you have) hopes to be. Write your personal mission statement in here if you have one. Describe any outside of school activities you have engaged in that will help you be the professional of choice (volunteer). Have you been recognized for any special achievements? This should be limited to one page. Please use a photo image that communicates a professional outlook.