1 ESC-20 Curriculum Communiqué: February 6, 2004 Volume #2 We are continuing the Curriculum Communiqué series as requested. Please continue to share the information with your staff. If there is additional information that you think would be helpful, please don’t hesitate to let me know. ESC Contact: Ed Vara, ed.vara@esc20.net or (210) 370-5465 TEA Correspondence New TEA Correspondence has been posted at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/taa/sortf.cgi?command=bydate Date: 01/30/2004 Subject: Standard Application System (SAS-A309-04) Career and Technology Education Program Additional Allocation of Perkins Federal Vocational Funds From: Planning, Grants & Evaluation Administrators' Midwinter Conference on Education The 2004 Administrators' Midwinter Conference on Education took place January 26-28, 2004 at the Austin Convention Center. The Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) coordinated both the conference agenda and the Education Expo (exhibits) for the 2004 Conference. For information, contact TASA at (512) 477-6361 (local), 800-725-8272 (toll free), tasa@tasanet.org, or their website www.tasanet.org. The Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) Midwinter Conference web page TEA Staff retained a vital role in the presentation of information at the conference. Linked below are some important "handouts" from a presentation by Dr. Nora Hancock and Dan Arrigona... Results Based Investment (Power Point slideshow) Letter Regarding TEA SE ("Secure Environment") January 2004 TEA Organizational Chart The 2003-2004 Texas School Directory is currently available. This publication is only available on this website and in a CD format. Texas school districts will receive CD copies for their campuses in February. Additional CD copies may be purchased from the TEA Publications Distribution Office for $10 (Texas educational institutions) and $18. Texas Education Agency -- State-Funded Discretionary Grants 2003-2004 Limited English Proficient (LEP) Student Success Initiative RFA Published – December 1, 2003 Applications Due to TEA – February 24, 2004 Total Funding Available – $5,000,000 Anticipated Number of Grants to be Awarded – 20 grants 2 Announce Awards – March 10, 2004 Grant Start Date/Funds Available – March 15, 2004 TETN has already occurred Investment Capital Fund (Rider 66) RFA Published –January 9, 2004 Applications Due to TEA – February 19, 2004 Total Funding Available – $4,650,000 Anticipated Number of Grants to be Awarded – 93 grants Announce Awards – April 2, 2004 Grant Start Date/Funds Available – May 1, 2004 TETN will not take place UPDATE: The TEA Technology Immersion Pilot (TIP) Request for Applications (RFA) is now available on the TEA website at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/grant/. You will also find the "Letter to Administrators" advising them of this grant opportunity. Questions about the pilot should be sent to the TIP mailbox - tip@tea.state.tx.us. FGBNMS Down Under, Out Yonder Education Workshop The annual "Down Under, Out Yonder" education workshops to the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary applications are now available on-line at http://www.gulfmex.org/duoy.htm or you may use the attached Adobe PDF files (announcement and application are available from Sarah.Bernhardt@noaa.gov) K-12 educators are invited to participate in a two-part workshop that concludes with a field experience in SCUBA diving in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS). Located approximately 110 miles south of the Texas/Louisiana border, the sanctuary harbors the northernmost coral reefs in the continental United States and is a regional reservoir of shallow-water Caribbean fish and invertebrates in the Gulf of Mexico. Space is limited. You must be an experienced certified SCUBA diver to participate in the offshore portion of the workshop. The land-based portion of the workshop includes lectures on basic coral biology, the National Marine Sanctuary Program, the FGBNMS and its current issues and an introduction to reef fish identification. Hands-on activities and many cool materials to take back to your educational arena will be provided. Who may apply? Anyone who actively educates students in kindergarten through grade 12 is eligible. You need not be a classroom teacher. You may, for example, conduct education in an aquarium or nature center. You must, however, commit to doing a specific amount of education about the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in whatever field you educate. Selection is based on how you plan to use the experience to enhance K-12 education. You must be an experienced certified SCUBA diver to participate in the full workshop. No water experience is required for the land based portion only. Twothirds of participants must come from Gulf of Mexico bordering states. Dates: Saturday, July 10, 2004 through Wednesday, July 14, 2004 Land component: Saturday and Sunday July 10 & 11 Offshore SCUBA component: Sunday (depart at 9pm) through Wednesday, July 14 Location: Lectures and activities Saturday and Sunday will be in Galveston, Texas. The offshore portion will depart from, and return to, Freeport, Texas. This is a 100 ft. live-aboard, dive charter vessel. The 3 boat will depart Freeport on Sunday at approximately 9 PM, after a day of classroom lectures. The trip to the sanctuary takes approximately 7 hours from port, in sometimes rough seas. How do I apply? Applications are due March 29, 2004, and selection determined by April 5th. Applications will be available January 2004. Contact the sanctuary if you would like to receive an application. Applications are also available as MS Word documents which can be emailed to you. Applications for 2004 are also available online at: http://www.gulfmex.org/duoy.htm Cost: There will be a tuition fee of $250 for the full workshop, $100 for the land-only participants. Contact: Sarah Bernhardt at 979-846-5942 ext. 103 or email sarah.bernhardt@noaa.gov The Texas Association for Educational Technology will host its third Spring Institute at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, April 2nd and 3rd. Registration is $250 and includes 10 hours of focused, hands-on technology training in one interest workshop, 1-year TAET membership, and lunch on Saturday in conjunction with the TAET Technology Fair awards and presentations. Links to all information are available from http://www.taet.org/. Group rates are available for registrations of 10 or more. Please visit http://www.taet.org/2004Spring_Inst_announce.html for up-to-date information, schedules and outlines for each workshop session. Hotel information is also available from this page. WORKSHOPS INCLUDE: Digital Video http://www.taet.org/DigVid%20MultiMedia.pdf (using iMovie and iDVD) - Mac Multimedia Authoring http://www.taet.org/DigVid%20MultiMedia.pdf (using eZedia) - Mac Dreamweaver Beginner/Intermediate http://www.taet.org/DW%20Flash%20Fireworks.p - PC Fireworks and Flash Beginner http://www.taet.org/DW%20Flash%20Fireworks.p - PC To register online, please go to http://soe.baylor.edu/taet04/. If your school(s) would be interested in participating in the TAET Technology Fair, please visit this URL: http://www.taet.org/ for more information. Contact: Shannon Edwards, TAET President, TAET Spring Institute 2004 Co-Chair voice: 254-710-1599 APPROVED BY THE TEXAS COMMISSION ON THE ARTS This school year Carranza Puppets is presenting their highly acclaimed marionette presentation "Pinocchio" for elementary schools assemblies. This presentation strongly promotes, to the children, the value of staying in school and receiving a good education. As an approved Texas Commission on the 4 Arts artist, there is the opportunity for schools to receive a partial grant from the State to help defray the fee involved in bringing this presentation into your schools. You will find photos and more information about this program and grant information on our web site. Please visit us at: www.CarranzaPuppets.com. In addition, we offer "The TEKS Science Puppet Show" to the elementary schools. This presentation covers many of the TEKS science objectives that the children will encounter on the State exam. Information on this presentation can also be found on our web site. Contact: Carol Carranza, Carranza Puppets, 281-890-5210 Staff Development Opportunity Teachers are invited to a unique summer program that will explore the interface between the mathematical and biological sciences in the high schools. The program will: * Provide background and materials on topics in mathematics and computer science that connect to the modern biological sciences and can be brought into the high school mathematics classroom * Offer opportunities to write your own classroom materials * Offer opportunities to experience research in "bioinformatics" and "computational biology" and bring them back to your classroom * Provide graduate credit (3 credits at Rutgers University) * Cover your hotel and meals and provide a stipend Modern biology has changed dramatically and, increasingly, partnerships between mathematical and biological scientists are playing crucial roles in major scientific developments such as the human genome project and defense against emerging diseases, like SARS. This has begun to lead to major changes in undergraduate and graduate education and it can be expected to come to the high schools. The program will introduce you to the excitement of modern interdisciplinary science and to career opportunities for your students at the interface between the mathematical and biological sciences. Exposure to topics at the interface will open new horizons for those who find mathematics interesting but wonder how it might be useful. Topics covered will include algorithms for finding a DNA sequence from its fragments, ways to reconstruct evolutionary trees, and ways to predict the structure of RNA molecules. Computer lab sessions will introduce participants to the key software tools of bioinformatics. The program will also address the uses of mathematics in protecting us from bioterrorism and responding to public health crises from emerging diseases, like SARS. For further details about the program and application materials, see URL http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/dci/2004/ or contact Christine Spassione, Program Coordinator, at spassion@dimacs.rutgers.edu. Application deadline is April 1, 2004 (or until all slots are filled). ************************************************************************* 5 Christine Spassione Tel: (732) 445-4304 Visitor Coordinator Fax: (732) 445-5932 DCI Program Coordinator spassion@dimacs.rutgers.edu DIMACS Center Rutgers University 96 Frelinghuysen Road Piscataway, NJ 08854-8018 ************************************************************************* FYI The federal, state and private education leaders launched a web site Thursday that promises unprecedented access to information about public school performance. The site, www.schoolresults.org, will serve as a clearinghouse for new state report cards on education, including data broken down to the school district and school building. Informal Science Education Association Conference The annual ISEA conference will be coming this way soon. The event will be March 3-5, 2004 in Port Aransas, Texas. The deadline for submitting your registration form and fee to attend the conference has been extended to Feb. 15, 2004. Registration fees before the 15th of February is $150/registration after the 15th of February will be $200. ISEA will accept a P.O. for fees. Dorm spaces are limited for conference participants. This year's conference will feature three keynote speakers, a national project from the TERC/ASTC, and other workshops that focus on issues involving informal science education. Please visit the ISEA website: www.statweb.org/ISEA for details, logistics, and description of sessions. Important Dates… February 1-7 – Counselors’ Appreciation Week February 2-6 – Texas Computer Education Association Annual Conference – Austin Convention Center February 7 – Navigating the Course of Change for Elementary Lead Teachers February 8–14 – National Career and Technology Education Week February 26-27 –State Board of Education Meeting – William B. Travis Building, Austin