2013-2014 ASUCM Senate ASUCM Regular Senate Meeting Agenda 5200 N. Lake Road KL169, Merced, CA 95343 – P: (209) 228-7468 E: asucm@ucmerced.edu W: http://asucm.ucmerced.edu FALL 2013 Session Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 at 7:30PM Chancellor’s Conference Room (KL 232) I. Call to Order a. At 7:36pm II. Inauguration of Newly Elected Senators a. Harry He, Martin Escamilla, Lauren Taylor, Zacharas Daniel III. Roll Call a. All present IV. Approval of Agenda a. Senator Garai motions to suspend bylaws b. Senator Gaerlan seconds c. No Discussion d. Vote 1. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Teaze, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Senator Daniel, Senator Escamilla, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Brown, Senator Taylor, Senator Wong, Senator Justo, Senator Mondo 2. Senator Prado, Senator Zisser opposes 3. Senator He abstains e. Passes f. Senator Garai motions to add “Senate Action: Creation of Line Item under EVP listed as Events and Programs” g. Senator Hernandez seconds F13:10.9.2013 h. No discussion i. Vote 1. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Teaze, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Senator Daniel, Senator Escamilla, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Brown, Senator Taylor, Senator Wong, Senator Justo, Senator Mondo, Senator Prado, Senator Zisser 2. Senator He abstains 3. Passed j. Senator Mondo motions to add “Senate Action: Line Item Transfer to the Director of Communications ‘Office Supply Line Item’ for $2,000” k. Senator Gaerlan seconds l. Discussion 1. Senator Mondo: Our office has almost no supplies in it. Long time updates. No office supplies. Hard to conduct business. Get quote. Not entire on discussion. Not entire amount m. Vote 1. Unanimously approved n. Senator Garai motions to add “Senate Action: Line Item Transfer of $5,000 under the EVP line item events and programs” o. Senator Brown seconds p. Discussion 1. Senator Gaerlan: Did you mention the price? 2. Senator Garai: yes, $2,000 3. Senator Gaerlan: I think it should be $5,000 q. Vote 1. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Teaze, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Daniel, F13:10.9.2013 Senator Escamilla, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Brown, Senator Taylor, Senator Wong, Senator Justo, Senator Mondo, Senator Prado 2. Senator Zisser denies 3. Senator He abstains r. Approved s. Agenda approved unanimously V. Approval of Minutes a. Senator Jones motion to approve b. Senator Prado seconds c. No discussion d. Approved unanimously VI. Guest Speaker – Elizabeth Whitt, Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education Thanks the senators for making time to have her speak. She is feeling positive about the possibility to work with ASUCM. Elizabeth speaks about herself and her position at UCM: She has been here two and a half months. Her title is Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education. She came here from St. Louis University, which was so different than UC Merced. Prior to S.L.U., she was at the University of Iowa for 14 years but she has been a faculty member for 25 years. She states her credentials and education. She is from Stockton, CA and the location interested her because her family was near. She has been in research of undergrad scholarships to answer the question of: How can universities structure themselves to allow students to get the most that they can from college? She has also worked on affective student affairs practice. She anticipates a faculty appointment in the future. The first line of her application was: “the vice provost and dean promotes academic success of UCM undergrad students.” The responsibility is really broad. She got time to work with students to figure it out. She reports to Tom Peterson who is the Vice Chancellor. Her office is located in KL167. She is the Director of College One. Spent a lot of time focused on learning about the place, going to meetings, and listening to others. She will trust and ask Senators to help with the process. She advises to get in touch with her through email and suggests staying tuned for the status of undergrad education. Explains that an Academic Honesty task force was just provided. Lists future plans and projects and does say we will hear more about them. Expectations for undergrad writing and a council for undergrad success have been created. Elizabeth wishes senators good luck and thanks ASUCM. VII. Chair's Report- Ivan Flores a. Apologizes for the rocky start; he was told 20 minutes before the meeting that started that his chief of staff was not able to make it to the meeting to work the laptop. He hopes that everyone has had a good week despite midterms. Discusses that this past weekend, 56 members who include CAB, Court, ICC, Executives and Senate attended a retreat at Wonder Valley Ranch. During the retreat, they learned a lot about not only each other, but how our positions in ASUCM can come together to best serve student’s interests from activities, to advocacy and finances. He wants to thank all the facilitators: Jane Lawrence for providing her home for dinner and F13:10.9.2013 Steve, who put the event together. They were able to come up with five main goals for the organization and he hopes that they are able to complete them by the end of the year. Of those that attended the retreat, we had four new senators: Martin Escamilla, Harry He, Lauren Taylor, and Zacharas Daniel. He congratulates them and he is happy that he has a full senate table with new ideas and opinions. He reminds the senators to raise their hands when they want to speak so that he may recognize them and so there are also not multiple people speaking over one another. Tonight, there is a packed agenda and he advises the senators to not be redundant. Also, to respect each other’s opinions. Finally, he is excited to see what the year has in store for Senate. VIII. Elected Officers Report a. Amsal, Director of Communications: Good Evening ASUCM Senate, fellow executives and constituents. I realize that it’s been a while since I delivered my last report. Rest assured, that’s only because I have been on the hunt for grand projects and competent staff to help make those events a reality lately. But before I get into business, I want to start off by stating that I believe I speak for all attendees when I say that last weekend’s ASUCM retreat was a phenomenal and unforgettable experience. I got to know the wonderful individuals that I will be working with through the course of the year, on a personal level. This was extremely exciting since I firmly believe that personalism always trumps professionalism. The reason being that in a couple of years we will all be graduating and following the whims of our perspective passions and ambitions to lead the way into our ultimate careers. However, if we ever make it a point to reunite in the future to savor the timeless bonds that we make in college, it will because we genuinely want to, not because professionalism demands it. I was so ecstatic to hear all of the brilliant ideas that were voiced at the retreat that I am still shaking with excitement. These ideas include abundant cross-branch communication and collaboration, a possible prospect of a S.U.B. in our near future, courtesy of our wonderful President Brandon, and innovative methods of increasing the membership of ASUCM to accommodate for our booming student population growth, to list a few. The successful implementation of these ideals alongside all others ideals voiced at the retreat will ensure that ASUCM becomes the trademark, role model student government of its respective UC and become one of primary reasons that High School graduates make UC Merced their higher learning institution of choice to attend. As it pertains to Cross Branch Collaboration, this past weekend I got the general vibe that ASUCM is really one big family, just residing in different residences (branches). We need to have a significant amount of house parties to ensure that all branches feel involved in all the projects of ASUCM, and that all branches of ASUCM enjoy praise, recognition and hopefully reelection at the hands of our lovely constituents present here this fine evening. I voiced the prospect of executing some inter-executive collaborative projects at the retreat, which include resurrecting Bobcat Radio and The Claw (for those of you who don’t…) and utilizing them as resources to effectively transmit the happenings of ASUCM to out constituents. This can include having an ASUCM station on the Bobcat radio and having radio office hours everyday to ensure that we reach out to as many of our constituents as possible and to expand the listening base of Bobcat Radio. Also we can issue live streams of our weekly meetings on the Claw to allow students to catch the action of the Senate meetings from the comfort of their dorms. Also, the development of an ASUCM app has been a project that I have long dreamt about and will work with the participants of Mobile App Challenge that Career Services hosts every year to make a reality. I understand that none of these projects fall directly within my domain of Student Advocacy and are catered more to the position of the Director of Communications. However, I also feel that given the sheer magnitude and number of ideas that we envisioned at the retreat, inter-branch collaboration will be crucial to making those ideas realities. With Jess’ consent, I would very much like to be an active part in making these ideas realities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Senator Zisser motions to extend time by three minutes Senator Justo seconds Senator Brown and Senator Daniel oppose Approved Amsal continues to read his report: F13:10.9.2013 By the way, to all of you who were perplexed at the sight of me frantically bouncing on the trampolines to my heart’s content; that was me bouncing away the excitement I felt and still feel at working in the wonderful organization that is ASUCM. That being said, I am expressly looking for staff since all these projects are heavily demanding and I would appreciate all the help I can get. I have conversed with DeLanie and am actively searching myself. However, if any of you run across anybody interested in working in advocacy while writing bills for clubs, I’ll hugely appreciate it if you’d direct them my way. Moving on, I will be meeting with Zach Daniel along with the individuals in the Dining Advisory Committee this Sunday and we will be discussing potential methods that we can employ to counteract the lessthan-ideal working conditions in the DC and discuss the long-term prospects of dining services at UC Merced. I also had my bi-weekly meeting with De today and conversed about how the Ombudsperson’s office can be incorporated into Student Advocacy’s role since they are very similar in nature. I also approached her about serving as the Undergraduate Representative on the OMBUDS Advisory committee, to, which she consented. Therefore, senate should expect an item for my appointment to the committee on next week’s agenda. I also talked with her about the Campus Climate Survey; you know that little thing we took last year that everyone forgot about? Yeah. That. Its results are still being sorted through. The report itself will hopefully will available this year. Yesterday, I met with our Associate Director Of Civic Leadership, Vernette Doty and learned about her initiative titled “Help Hinder Homelessness And Hunger In The Harvest”. As the name suggests, it’s an initiative to alleviate the crippling reality poverty and hunger that most Central California residents suffer from. Recently, I was also received an email by Rachel Sumekh, the Director of “Swipes for the Homeless”, a program at UCLA that allows students to use their remaining swipes (UCLA’s equivalent of CatDollars) to help feed hungry and homeless people in their direct vicinity. I feel that the adaptation of such an initiative on our campus will greatly help UC Merced’s cause and aid us in fulfilling the UC’s mission of research, teaching and public service that we learned of this past weekend. And with that, have a wonderfully productive night and God Bless America. IX. Officer Reports a. Senate Pro-Tempore- Senator Brown I would like to congratulate the new senators on their election to senate, and welcome them to their first official senate meeting! Whatever confusion you have now is exactly what we all had at some point and will soon clear up over the next few meetings. For senate as a whole, I am happy to say that the 2013-2014 ASUCM retreat was a resounding success, and hope to have that same level of energy and go-getter attitudes throughout this entire year. We as a legislative body grew closer over those couple of days and learned many valuable lessons of which I hope you all took to heart. These lessons could be put to the test today. We were all brought here to represent students, and even for the new senators, your job began the moment you were sworn in. We have a number of actions and bills in front of us today and I would like to say a few things about it. 1. 2. 3. 4. I hope you all have read the legislation, it is imperative that you know what you are talking about before you make a decision…we have a huge responsibility as a manager of student funds and a voice of students, and your decisions have impact. That being said, remember you have been elected to do something, and you have a responsibility to participate in the process. Please be professional here, and do not ever let your personal biases make it onto the table. You must remain objective and look at all actions from all sides. That being said, I don’t want you to lose yourself, and would ask that you always speak your opinions if you have one. Your constituents ask that you fight for them, so do so. When considering a bill or resolution, look at all implications of it, both short and long term. These costbenefit analyses are not easy, yet it is our duty to make them. Finally, please keep cognizant of the topic at hand and make sure what you have to say is both necessary and relevant. This means avoiding redundant statements, and keeping the topic germane. With all that said, I am excited to get down to business! F13:10.9.2013 b. Sergeant at Arms- Senator Jones 1. Midterms finish strong. Kitty Cards, scan them. Track attendance. And for senators raise your hand. Miriam and Ivan. And when voting raise hand too. Congrats to new senators. Speak your opinion. c. Secretary- Senator Gaerlan 1. Happy love your body week! d. ICC Liaison- Senator Wong 1. Small ticket items passed. Science alliance bill because grad students can go. Undergrad students have to be majority that we are funded. e. Court Liaison- Senator Zisser 1. No meeting and it seems that court is non-existent because there has been no future meeting time set. X. Committee Reports a. Budget and Finance- Senator Mondo 1. All present, Senator Wong was sick. Asks Senators, Execs or Court Justices to submit report to him to continue process to bring discussion to the end of the table. In the past, both President Brandon and our Treasurer Ken have a lot of information or suggestions have been over looked in our meetings. So I would like to ask that during the reports we pay attention as much as we can and write down the information to remember later on in the meeting. Because the information that they give us can be incredibly important and I do not want us forgetting about it. b. Academic Affairs- Senator Brown 1. Discussed bills, all present, were going to vote on FURS by-laws but Academic Affairs Chair was sick so we just discussed bills and votes. c. Student Activities- Senator Wong 1. Senator Zisser and Jones. Jones: Agnes was excused because she was sick. Ish was also there. Discussed bills. d. Student Advocacy- Senator Hernandez 1. Justo was ill. Half an hour spent on bobcat bill. No access to other bills. Asked senators to know vote about bills. No discussion just votes. XI. Advisor’s Report- Steve Lerer a. XII. Congratulates senators because they filled the table to keep him company where he sits. He advises the senators to review the bills and also have enough information to be able to vote. Talked about method of abstention, since legislation counts as a no vote. Quorum of leaving at the table, but that is the current method. Each of the new senators will choose committees. Be sure that you are able to attend the meetings. If you have four absences talk with Steve because six will include a recall. You can just be a part of the committee if you don’t want to be a voting member. Also, David Dunham is coming next week about gym classes fee. This weekend is Family Weekend. We will have about 500 families and also preview day. He has a table for ASUCM reserved on Saturday from eight to three. If you have time you can come hang out. A couple things about procedures: Exec and Court appointments and closed sessions. Introduce the person, review their resume, and then go into discussion. It is ok to talk about person in private. It is necessary to vote in public. In terms of line items your by-laws state that your bylaws you are only create a line item. The amount is up to you. All evaluate what level you want to give. Accurate that those line items should exist. Last year’s senate did not add. Quick other point on Robert’s rules regarding a Point of Privilege, for example “I motion to turn on the AC because it is too hot in here,” or a five-minute break to use restroom. You can request it, but no information or procedures are needed to vote on this. President’s Report- Jaron Brandon F13:10.9.2013 Greets senators. Happy hump day! Begins by thanking Liz Whitt for being able to attend meeting. She is going to be a great strong friend of ASUCM. Also, congrats to the four new senators. He explains to them that he is a friend and is happy to help with by-laws; Don’t be afraid to ask for help, share your ideas, and ask to get them going. He felt that it was a great ASUCM retreat. It was a marked improvement from last year’s retreat. He felt that there was sincere effort put up. There was a very strong theme of cross collaboration. He can reinvent the wheel, but together a much better product can be made. He feels that the senators should ask about the cool projects to help with him to try and contribute to the organization. Jaron will do that too and will try to partner with them too. Always be trying to help each other. So regarding the retreat and communication: Made a lot of marked improvements, so putting all of those together to try and contribute to the organization. Ken is also doing great on financial accountability. His top campaign priority was to establish plan for a Student Union building, It is his goal to try to get this finished by the end of the year. It is a very ambitious project. It is going to require a lot of effort, hours, a lot of student leaders, planning, research and many meetings. He is 110 percent committed to this project. He believes that this will set up students for 30 years of success to better operate on campus and for ASUCM to better serve their candidates. If this is something that the senators are looking forward to working on, then please let him. Jane Lawerence emailed him to express excitement from event. Members of staff and veterans have also been informed. He feels that he can bring a lot of units together on campus to get a lot of things completed. Interested senators sought to collaborate on the project. If this is achieved then there will be a legacy for many decades to come. There are two line item transfers. First part is mandatory by-law legislation. A line item transfer means that the amount may be decided. Pages are in an Office Max catalog to make sure we are stocked; he has a list of how much things we are purchasing. He is able to share it publically to view what ASUCM is buying. Asks for their support because for four or five years the one thousand has not been spent so the organization is pretty behind. He is looking to create a Campus Store Advisory Board with Kevin Storms; that is led by interested students to have more student-produced materials. He is also working on to defining ASUCM internships. He is using the Office of the President to create internship process to provide nametags or recognition. Sent out the idea to the Leadership Council by Ana Zolanovic, Senator Pro-Tempore, IVP and EVP to address the issue. 1. Senator Garai motions to extend by 5 minutes 2. Senator Taylor seconds 3. Discussion a. Senator Garai: Keep it [concise]…yeah. 4. Vote 5. Unanimously approved Thanks Senator Garai. Discusses the Bill on Bobcat Band and advises that a discussion should be that the band should be a service or an RCO and ask what it will be doing for students. That process is a very important discussion to have. Director of Athletics will be coming to the next meeting and recommends letting all people know. He feels that a Town hall is needed to explain the athletics fee or to ask questions and answer all confusions. UCSA will be in Pacifica to have a follow up meeting with Napolitano to discuss issues affecting students. We do represent students. In regards to a commission selection: he would like to have, ASUCM appointments, and have senators to help lead commissions with him. He is able to advise a couple of them, but he would like to make sure that senate is involved in that process. So he will be handing these [papers] out and will go over different commissions. Anything that you are interested in, then please write your name and on the other side write your top three preferences of: Commissions of Sustainability, Neighborhood Relations, Diversity Commission/MCSC, Municipal relations, Education and Awareness, Leadership Outreach or Theatre Commission. Especially since the new amphitheater is being built. Treasurer's Report- Ken Gaffney a. Updates New Senators on budget: general budget, current bills, and also club’s budgets. Talks about line items. F13:10.9.2013 During the budget call we ask clubs if they want to have a line item next year. Budget and finance committee will ask questions to determine trends of club spending. b. Shows a presentation. c. Questions? 1. Senator Wong: for the VSA, I understand that they had a line item. Did they receive the entire line item that they asked for in the budget call? 2. Treasurer Ken: looks up information. (IVP Flores: Running out of time) d. Senator Wong motions to extend time by two minutes e. Senator Mondo seconds f. Discussion 1. Senator Brown: We should discuss this when we get to the bill. 2. Treasurer Ken: Well, I am leaving. g. Vote h. Unanimously approved 1. Treasurer Ken: $3,906 originally asked. $2,375 got. 2. Senator Wong: For I-Week it’s under the OSL, right? 3. Treasurer Ken: I am unsure. 4. Senator Wong: how much are we giving OSL under the budget call? 5. Treasurer Ken: They have $27,438 is for senior week, winter ball, Social Justice, social justice retreat and that money couldn’t be used for I-Week. XIII. Public Forum a. Demitri, Capoeira Angelo Palmares: He is here to answer all questions. Three-year-old club. Build bridges here in the community and globally. He would like to tell more about this and hands out flyer and invites them to their concerts. Thanks. b. Celina Gonzales, Ballet Folkorico: (Shows her members dressed up in costumes.) She explains that there are where the funds are going. The funds are going to the performances. The charro suit we have in the black, we only have one suit so it prevents other males from performing. In the Mexican culture, it is very prideful to wear costumes. There is not enough for all 30 members. Previously there were 10 or 12 and we are happy that club is growing. The costumes are important to our club. They will be pasted through generations and will be trying to fix them too. They are passed down and our treasurer does store them. The ones we have now are damaged and we want to have enough. Thanks senators. c. Leigha Fleming, Coordinator of Judicial Affairs in OSL with a few interns and President of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars: Inaugural intergrity week. She has been at UCM for three months. It has been my duty regarding plagiarism to promote integrity and outreach of it and what it is on this F13:10.9.2013 campus. In three months, they have had over fifty cases and sexual assault and domestic violence. Education on I-Week. We do not want to be like Harvard and their plagiarism issues. This event encourages integrity in social and academic life through seventeen workshops. They are here to answer any questions. 1. Gaby Aceves and Tabatha Brogden, OSL Interns: We are only asking for $3,500. d. Vienna Burns, Anthropology Club: Our event is a great networking experience. Students are able to get jobs after school by attending conferences. e. An Mahaeda, Bobcat Band: We wanted to address bill that we have. This instrument was used for twenty years from UCLA. This is also allowing students who were in band in high school to have instruments available to rent. Some people can’t bring instruments because of distance or weight. Also, Instruments that are expensive are not owned frequently. With these, we attend many events like midnight madness and national student day when the UC President came by. These events show us as progressive and as the UC band. f. Valerie, Editor in Chief of the Prodigy: Encourage writing of letters to the editor. The club includes student writers and ran by students. Please submit ideas on controversial events to Vsmart@ucmerced.edu XIV. Old Business a. Bill #13- VSA UVSA Leadership Summit 2013 (Introduced by Senator Gaerlan) 1. Senator Gaerlan motions to approve Bill 13 2. Senator Daniel seconds 3. Senator Gaerlan makes amendment of gas reimbursement of 272 miles to 258 miles because it was a typo 4. Committee Reports 1. Budget and Finance: Thought that we could cut because they offered to pay gas themselves. And they have held fundraisers to decrease the cost of the bill overall. They have offered to pay for the registration with the line item that they have. Approved. 2. Student Advocacy- Voted unanimously informally 3. Academic Affairs- Approved 4. Student Activities- I’d like to remind them because there are two attendees who couldn’t vote, but the rest of the committee members approved the bill 5. Discussion 1. Senator Zisser: Question on clarification for the bill, what is the club hoping to get out of the conference? F13:10.9.2013 2. Senator Gaerlan: This is the 5th conference funded by ASUCM for Unified Vietnamese Student Association Leadership Summit. So every single year VSA goes to the event to attend leadership workshops as well as team building activities to build a strong character. So every single year, they also inspire people interested at the college, interested in Vietnamese culture to just keep pursuing on their goals. 3. Senator Wong: So they did ask for a line item for this specific conference, so I was just wondering about the increased amount; there is 61 people attending this year. And I am just wondering how come they did not accommodate that estimate during budget call? Even though original asked was $3,000 and now they are asking for a lot more. 4. Senator Gaerlan: Originally, they thought of having 30 people maximum since that has been the trend so that’s why they asked for $2,500. Their members doubled and now there are sixty people wanting to go. I will say this, for the registration fee, it’s lower because so many people are going. Other schools are paying $60 and our VSA is paying $50. And for hotels, Jim Greenwood suggested the hotel that they were staying at. 5. Senator Garai: These are a lot of people going, and what they are putting forward, aside of the registration fee? 6. Senator Gaerlan: 4 people per 15 rooms, their line item is mostly going towards hotel fees and gas reimbursement. Yields to President Brandon 7. President Brandon: I just want to point out that it is really important that these clubs came in with what they thought that they needed to propose for the amount for this conference. In the past we were generous that every club requested and in some cases there was a 20 to 30 percent increase. Sometimes 1,300 to 1,700 to then 2,500 F13:10.9.2013 dollars in the budget. One thing to consider is that we have 200 organizations on campus. Can we do this for all the clubs? Is this sustainable budgeting? This is a little more than ten percent of the money left on this bill. 8. Senator Jones: is VSA’s contributing funds aside from their line item? 9. Senator Gaerlan: Yes, sending 60 members and have had 2 fundraisers. They are just asking for the rest of the amount. 10. Senator Wong: Based on Treasurer Ken’s report, compared to this year’s balance and last year’s balance even if we got way more rollover from this year. I love this bill and support it, at the same time yet there is an increase and consider if it is fair to send all 60 people. Budget and finance did say that they are willing to take out the mileage and registration. 11. Senator Mondo: We suggested that they pay registration with line item and that we cut gas stipend from bill. 12. Senator Wong: We did give a budget for this year and so it wouldn’t be a good thing to come back to senate just because they didn’t have enough money from the budget call. 13. Senator Garai: Senator Mondo, what was the total after all the recommendations we have made? 14. Senator Mondo: Sam would have that 15. Senator Gaerlan: Calculations? [counting] 16. Senator Mondo: We would suggest cut of $1,702.80 at least. 17. Senator Zisser: In the past, they have had a lot less members attending the same conference. So why all of a sudden do they want to increase. Has it not been successful the last couple of years? 18. Senator Gaerlan: To answer Senator Mondo and Senator Garai’s question, gas F13:10.9.2013 reimbursement 3629.70, even after line item. And to answer [Senator Zisser’s] response, they have consistently always pretty much sent 30 people. I am going to guess with the increase of freshman and transfer students on our campus that they and more people coming in and wanting to be part of the conference 19. Senator Garai: wants to bring out that the amount of people do not matter. Me as a senator, money they are putting forth. Will then they be putting in double the funding because they are taking double the amount of people? 20. Senator Jones: background, 40 reg fee? Is each putting in 20? 21. Senator Gaerlan: when I talked to them, 61 members being sent. Only two fundraisers, also assuming that they have covered 22. Senator Mondo: they haven’t sent this many before, I am not against it, consider personal experience and what members are bringing back. UC Merced will have largest allegations. 23. Senator Gaerlan: that was a typo, they are being charged 50 dollars, 10 dollars cover 61 and a whole member. 24. Senator Jones: 600 dollars? [yes] 25. Senator Gaerlan: stated that they are covering for one person so only 60 26. Senator Wong: fundraise twice? 27. Senator Gaerlan: 600 dollars, yields to VSA 28. Vsa: in process of a second one. This Thursday. We have only one, made 100. We anticipate 4 or 5 hundred. 29. Senator Mondo: 2500 reserved before is from line item. 30. Senator Gaerlan: Yes 31. Senator Mondo makes friendly amendment to remove gas, Brings total to “be it enacted” 3629.70 F13:10.9.2013 32. Senator Gaerlan accepts 33. Senator Wong: How comfy would org be if we were to cut half of reg fee? Because they do anticipate fundraising amount. If it is possible for them to go with half of that cut. 34. Senator Brown: In the end, the 25 is coming from line item is going to pay reg fee anyways. Since we cut gas reimbursement, we are basically paying 60 less than total hotel fee cost. 35. Senator Wong: my question earlier? 36. Senator Gaerlan: this wasn’t stated, I did say were they comfy cutting anything, gas reimbursement first to go. Registration fee by half? 37. VSA: I already went to paid for hotel. 38. Senator Gaerlan yields to President Brandon 39. President Jaron: That is not good because committing to 60 people, so that is an issue to be discussed. Might not be good to an entire campus. Every student paid in 120 dollars in fees so we have to think about expense and entire students. A lot more than they got in the previous years. And we have to be good stewards. We are slightly over and now 68,000. And last year senate ran out of money so I tried to cut money to fund for spring. We had bad budgeting last year. If you pass all the bills tonight, roughly the amount that you have left, not committing roll over to club events, then you will start to dip in roll over or say no to clubs. May be a lot of members but they did get 2500 dollars and what will clubs say when we run out of money. I might be sending out bill with recommendations we can’t run out of money. We are like half way through fall. 40. Senator Mondo: did mention in my report, hotel is a large fee and jim greenwood did recommend that one. Anything that they can do for future fundraisers, maybe hold F13:10.9.2013 third fundraiser. We do not want to run out of money this year. We have already made cuts this year and we need to ensure cuts. 41. Senator Wong: In the spring, there are a lot of events so we have to be responsible to fund for the future. I think we need to reconsider if this is something we want to say. 42. Senator Jones motions to extend by 10 minutes 43. Senator Daniel seconds 44. Vote 45. Approved 46. Senator Gaerlan: I am going to yield floor to VSA and ask if they are ok to cut rooms to lower bill by 800 dollars. 47. VSA: With the hotel situation, they are pricier when closer to campus and as you mentioned earlier, it its better to stay better 1 to 3 miles. As far as 119 per room it is over estimate. They are telling me 99 per room. I don’t know if it affects decision. And as for cutting, I do not want to have members sleeping on the floor when only 2 bed. 48. Steve: Points of info, violate hotel policy with university money. As Jaron said, we do not reimburse. That is not a standard of practice, I would be careful that they committed; precedent could be dangerous. The third thing is that if they have a line item, go into budget and finance line item increase. Don’t always have to do bills. This is an additional process 49. Senator Zisser: This is a lot of students to fund. Makes friendly amendment to cut registration fee to how much funded last year. $1220 total cost for registration. Total bill cost 2429.70. 50. Senator Gaerlan accepts 51. Senator Prado: I am confused, already paid registration fee or going to pay? F13:10.9.2013 52. Senator Mondo: 61 people registered as of Monday night, money has been paid for? 53. Senator Prado: paid with line item, let me think 54. Senator Wong: shouldn’t we take out registration fee all because they already purchased? 55. Senator Mondo: get rid of registration fee and then cut reg fee? So there is enough room for people to go 56. Senator Zisser to Jaron 57. Jaron: I do not mean to sound negative, if that had been vetoed or senate doesn’t pass it, really bad budgeted. Our policy needs to talk about. Commit to something that cannot be reimbursed. Not a successful practice. 58. Senator Brown: Can everyone not look at the budget break down, that is the amount we are going to give them. Then they can spend it on something else. We are not giving them a grant categorically. Can you add a resolution to a bill? 59. Steve: yeah why not. Jaron: my offer was yes 60. Senator Brown: be it resolved, ASUCM does not generally support reimbursement funds to purchases so that we do not set precedent. 61. Senator Gaerlan: yes. “Be it resolved, that ASUCM does not support clubs or orgs using line items to augment bills.” 62. Senator Jones to President Brandon 63. President Brandon: Be it resolved, speak on student body is not concrete. Bills go away each year, curious to set precedent. Why does this one stand out? In that saying, we do not fund orgs that spend it. Without a clear reason, that might be a significant issue. He recommends calling a Point of Personal Privilege to talk to club. I do not want to be in an uncomfortable situation. F13:10.9.2013 64. Senator Daniel makes a Point of Privilege for a 5 Minute recess to discuss bill 65. Back to table at 9:36pm 66. Senator Mondo motions to extend by 5 67. Senator Justo seconds 68. Vote 69. Approved 70. Senator Brown: I’d like to take out be it resolved clause, a lot more to back fire. 71. Accepts 72. Senator Mondo friendly amendment to remove registration fee all together, total cost 3629.70 73. Senator Gaerlan accepts 74. Senator Gaerlan: do want to say, the huge jump, Santa Cruz has always provided dorms, haven’t asked for hotel fees, 61 people Santa Cruz can’t provide them with housing. Jim said yes. 75. Senator Jones: cut off number that accommodates for dorms. 76. Senator Gaerlan: 30 people attend; cut of would be about 30 people. Yields to VSA 77. VSA: The conference is held at different campuses. This year, the UVSA has chosen Santa Cruz, but they didn’t accommodate for rooming. We have to pay this year. The registration fee for two days and nights. We are providing our own lodging. 6. Vote 1. Senator Prado, Senator Hernandez, Senator Daniel, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Escamilla, Senator He, Senator Mondo, Senator Gaerlan approve 2. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Teaze, Senator Brown, Senator Taylor, Senator Wong, Senator Justo, Senator Zisser oppose 3. IVP Flores asks for a point of privilege for 2 minutes to break tie 7. Not approved b. Bill #14- Inaugural Integrity Week 2013 (Introduced by Senator Gaerlan) F13:10.9.2013 1. Senator Gaerlan motions to approve 2. Senator Daniel seconds 3. Committee reports 1. B&F- unanimously approved 2. Student Advocacy-unanimously 3. Student activities- some concerns, we felt that some of the things that are being allocated didn’t have a purpose, image masters for promotions, t-shirts or cups. We didn’t see a clear cut way of promotion 4. Academic Affairs- liked and approved 4. Discussion 5. Senator Gaerlan makes an amendment, 5066, it should be 5300 with money being drawn away for 725 t-shirts, then 675 I week celebrations kettle corn and 141 from the workshops food which makes259 dollars instead of 400.Has handouts 6. Senator Zisser: image masters category how it will effect or enhance? 7. Senator Garai: I don’t think it was voted unanimously I voted against it. 8. Senator Mondo: B&F 9. Senator Wong: note that we have already given almost 30,000 for budget call. If we want to keep doing that. 10. Senator Gaerlan: all of osl funding cannot be used for this event 11. Senator Zisser: I had a question on the first category, how affect or enhance activity? 12. Senator Gaerlan: currently being passed around. Going towards pencils, usbs given to department heads to give to intergrity students. Building rel. 13. Senator Garai: that is exactly why I was against it. They said it was a prize, then convo went around prizes, we shouldn’t fund this 42 percent going to prizes. We shouldn’t fund. 14. Senator Justo: so to my understanding, I week next week, has any been bought? F13:10.9.2013 15. Senator Gaerlan: I do not think that anything has been purchased. We did discuss this. Main issue of being a prize, president Brandon prizes and hand outs. This isn’t a prize, it is in recognition to being honest. It is in recognition, as far as we are concerned, it is acknowledgment and recognition. 16. Senator Prado: T-shirts come back again, not a prize, it is the same thing, it is something we didn’t fund before and we should not now 17. Senator Jones: my concern is with giveaway, it is exclusive, integrity we give all students to promote integrity 18. Senator Gaerlan: the only thing they are giving away is a ticket, it isn’t anything of monetary money and can’t be sold online. I would like to yield to Brandon. 19. President Brandon: this is more money that we spent on our own promotions. it is more than that. In scope, this is a lot of money. We also give money to OSL. SVAC and applying for other funding. Another though last year, professional and students, academic affairs and multiple directors we are giving money to another group. My line item transfer, as think of it in scale and how much we are willing to invest in ourselves. 20. Senator Wong: Will the event still run? Is this needed? 21. Senator Gaerlan: I have been told yes, that it is still happening. Makes an amendment, that the 2013-2014 that it is just going to OSL. 3500 total under be it enacted. 22. Senator Wong: clarify with you, do they need this money for it to happen? Because it is already happening 23. Senator Gaerlan yields floor to Flemming 24. Senator Wong: is the event still happening without funding? 25. Flemming: A position that was split, judicial affairs is separate, we do not program, in my upcoming we do not have, I have a thousand dollar budget, I did send out budget, we wanted F13:10.9.2013 your name on it. Integrity is a big part of what you do. The event will happen regardless of funds. The promotions have been purchased, CAB has helped. It can be taken out. 26. Senator Gaerlan accepts. 2900. 27. Senator Jones: since she said that she already bought these, we do not reimburse 28. Senator Daniel: point of reference, after speaking Flemming, they didn’t buy all the promotions. Pencils are part of the workshops so they are to further enforce the workshops. 29. IVP point of privilege to fix recorder 5 minutes 30. Senator Brown: point of information, is it true that they already have paid for reimbursing? 31. Senator Gaerlan: no 32. Senator Mondo: she has explained most of it. Yields floor to Flemming 33. Leigha: the idea of promotions, the passes that are given away, the idea of pay it forward. All the deans across the school. Staff as well, essentially, thank you for living with integrity, give book mark to invite to I week. Does not be selective. 34. Senator Zisser 35. Senator Garai: maybe we should consider putting a cap to ten or fifteen percent. I am working on with the bylaws. It is not 42 percent. 36. Senator Mondo: within committee not right now. If ASUCM logo goes on it, paraphernalia 37. Senator Jones: Have they already spent? 38. Senator Gaerlan: They already paid for promotions. This is further promotion. 39. Senator Zisser yields to President Brandon 40. President Brandon: would be reimbursement for the amount, but these materials, even if they are branded it is personal paraphernalia. I do like 600 than previous amount. 41. Senator Brown to Leigha: Is this to fund promotional items that you have already put in an order for? 42. Leigha: we had to purchase for event next week. We still have receipts to pay, logo is F13:10.9.2013 not on it. But the timeline is what we have 43. Senator Brown: that would count as reimbursement 44. Senator Prado: is the image masters bought already? 45. Leigha: everything else has not happened 46. Steve: Clarity, September 25, didn’t come in until today. Reviewing in time under committees. c. Senator Daniel motions to extend discussion by 5 minutes d. Senator Brown seconds e. Discussion f. Approved 1. Senator Jones proposes to move image masters completely 2. Senator Gaerlan accepts 3. Senator Zisser: the 235 dollars chalk board? Multiple or one? 4. Senator Gaerlan: I didn’t think to ask this. [to Flemming] 5. Flemming: Probably one worth 150, just with shipping. 6. Senator Mondo: these are block grants, there might be extra added to general fund. Just a suggestion on giving us. Yield to Brandon 7. President Brandon: if we are buying, they can use it but we can have it. Free speech wall to write stuff on there. In interest of ASUCM. Can be used in future things. Doesn’t hurt and helps us 8. Senator Prado: concern; but what if we want the chalkboard, are we going to own it? 9. Senator Mondo makes friendly amendment “Be it further enacted that ASUCM will have ownership over the chalkboard.” 10. Senator Gaerlan accepts 11. Senator Gaerlan: Each year, there is only 50 cases of academic dishonesty, there has F13:10.9.2013 already been 50 cases mid semester. All students should be academically honest. 12. Vote 13. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Teaze, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Hernandez, Senator Daniel, Escamilla, Senator Brown, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Taylor, Senator Mondo, Senator Justo, Senator Zisser, Senator He approve 14. Senator Wong and Senator Prado oppose 15. Passed g. Bill #15- Capoeira Angelo Palmares (Introduced by Senator Brown) 1. Senator Brown motions to approve bill 2. Senator Daniel seconds 3. Committee Reports 1. B&F: felt that it was a good bill, no cuts 2. Student Advocacy-approved 3. Student Activities- courses 2 weeks, instead one week 4. Academic Affairs- approved 4. Discussion 1. Senator Brown: two weeks of workshops is the main cost. They are not going anywhere, they are just bringing him over. Really not a whole lot to cut. Damn. 2. Senator Jones: you forgot to cut 3. Senator Brown: used template, forgot to change the name. how embarrassing. 4. Senator Zisser: can I get a breakdown of $2500 5. Senator Brown: the money was for him to teach. [correct] the rest is tickets and paying out of pocket, lodging and food. He is also paying too. 6. Gaerlan: budget and finance, if Capoleira would be ok with fundraising for ticket? Yields floor to Capoleira. F13:10.9.2013 7. Capoleira: buy own uniforms. 8. Senator Garai: great bill, cutting. Quick questions open to all students? 9. Senator Brown: yeah. There is a limit that one person can teach, but yes every student can go 10. Senator Garai: price is great to bring to know what this is. Good addition to ballet folkorico 11. Senator Mondo: it is also a martial art, it is an incredible part in. In our area we do not see it often. They didn’t have specific numbers. People have enjoyed event as well. In the end, B&F was good. Buying it early. Pass or not. 12. Senator Zisser: food and house, paying for time, and schedule, 208 per hour, idk cut hours? Seems like a lot 13. Senator Daniel point of information from $250 to $500 to just attend training session. If you can only attend two days of the week still pay for it. It’s the experience 14. Senator Wong” how promote event? Yields to capoeira 15. Capoeira: buy the () also make comment…huge outing. So we are getting a lot more. Value on market, getting huge discount 16. Senator Brown: point of order, we shouldn’t individual activities of club 17. Senator Zisser: further be it enacted clause to report back to us, senators next year 18. Senator Brown accepts. 5. Vote 6. Unanimously approved h. Bill #16- Funding for Bobcat Band (Introduced by Senator Brown) 1. Senator Brown motions to approve 2. Gaerlan seconds 3. Committee Reports F13:10.9.2013 1. B&F- Had good convo with Senator Brown, last three items be stricken, no, so basically for the slide whistle, org can take on. Baritone saxophone. Biggest cut, one tenor, alto saxophone and saxophone. Fund 30 to 35 people, just under 1000. 20,085 and 69 cents. Recommends, carry forward not line item. One time cost, band uses old instruments, even decades to come. Wont be coming back maybe if grown 2. Student Advocacy-had a 2 to 2 tie. We talked about since a lot of money is going into this bill, make it a service 3. Affairs- approved the bill 4. Activities- we talked about it and concern was amount and because there were certain instruments join so limit membership unless had own instrument 4. Discussion 1. Senator Brown: according to budget and finance recommendations, Gottschalks, recently gave me another quote and so it is a few more but it is 20788 and gave us deep discounts on everything. Same instruments. Pretty close, with amount of money is a quite a bit taken off. 2. Senator Mondo: have table discussion on cuts. Offers friendly amendment to cut last three items, 299, 40.99 and 20.99 a piece 3. Senator Brown accepts and reminds that he is sending out new quote with three items taken out 4. Senator Garai makes friendly amendment that the treasurer should be accountable for the instruments to make one person be responsible 5. Senator Mondo: the club treasurer? I feel like we shouldn’t dictate to these clubs to run organization, to maintain current instruments for another club. 6. Senator Gaerlan: service under ASUCM? 7. Senator Brown: sent it out. About the becoming a service thing, I am working on streamline RCO student service. Yet it is a gray area. To make them a student service right now, except their spot on the budget and their name plus I was hoping that once F13:10.9.2013 I finish the student service process, make it next year. At the moment, I do not want to put club that I represent with the process when it is easier. Plus, at this point I do not know what would change. Postponing this charge 8. Senator Hernandez: If we made them a service, perform in events, if we want to perform, we can say, ASUCM. Since the fact that we are investing this much money, we felt that this was a service 9. Senator Daniel, as a former member, point of info, under strict regulation to check out a form that you have to fill out and return them from past bobcat band attempts to perform at every event offered to promote the band and to keep interest of those in high school 10. Senator Garai: holding accountability, I feel like no one cares, two or three people very wrong, one person accountability. If ASUCM audit them for their records, corruption is less. I think anything that ASUCM buys, recommend the treasurer 11. Senator Zisser: It says that you have a lot of new members and a lot of clubs hire, so did all those members disappear? If funding matter? 12. Senator Brown: what I am asking for right now are for improvement. We need this to expand but we can still go on. We have a lot of people who wanted to join. We cold fill those spots but we can’t give them anything yet. I can make an effort to go to any event, ASUCM more than happy I do not think it is something that we would like to do. We are trying to be a student service. By the end of next year a service anyway. Making it now is premature 13. Senator Justo: concern, using a huge amount to purchase for a small population, would our constituents 14. Senator Mondo: this gives them the proper ways to continue. In order to continue, a band needs to have proper instruments to sounds like sheet music. Does make it hard and unbiased opinion. Comes down to it. You already signed up for club functions. So, I believe the officers are already responsible to this. 15. Senator Gaerlan: to add on to that, it is stated in B&F can come out from carry forward, 20 F13:10.9.2013 years, for my interpret they will not come back for instrument replacement or repair. In order to be a better band and in the future to practice 16. Senator Garai: if you feel comfy with 2 grand, as a senator not responsible with your money. Asks if he accepts previous amendment? 17. Senator Brown not accept 18. Senator Garai motions to add “Be it enacted to hold treasurer accountable of upkeep and track of 19. Senator Zisser seconds 20. Discussion 21. Senator Brown: conductor of band is already in charge, and treausuer accountable for fund. You talk to conductor, it says in constitution that it is their job 22. Senator Mondo: again, the club already has this. I don’t think asucm should tell a club how to run their club 23. Senator Garai: that sounds fantastic, as a student and a senator, to trust people with this much money, and they by laws, it would just assure accountability. Just one person, make it stated that that one person, even costumes, someone needs to be accountable 24. Senator Daniel point of clarification, asking a motion to put a clause within the bill to repeat what the constitution of the band already says 25. Senator Garai: why cant we continue it?! 26. Senator Mondo: this motion is redundant 27. Senator Garai: in meeting minutes, they cannot come back and ask for the same instruments cannot be replaced if lost. We cannot. 28. Senator Mondo to Jaron 29. President Brandon: this is an RCO, one thing to consider, this is a lot of money for a student, the benefit to invest is for other students as well. One thing when we buy something, who is accountable, we own it. It is not just giving them, we are also responsible. Another F13:10.9.2013 bill, the tycho drums that is in a society of engineer we would get it when dissolved. It is important it is our responsibility in some way. Worth discussing will this org become a service, this is a school band. Incentive? 5. Senator Wong motions to extend by 5 minutes 6. Senator Brown seconds 7. Discussion 8. Approved 1. Senator Brown: the conductor is responsible for all instruments. I know it is in there 2. Senator Mondo: it is redundant, the motion, lets just vote and not talk 9. Vote on amendment 1. Senator Garai and Senator Zisser 2. Jones, Teaze, Senator Prado, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Hernandez, Senator Daniel, Senator Escamilla, Senator Mondo, Senator Wong, Senator Taylor, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Brown oppose 3. Senator Justo abstains 4. He is not in the room 10. Motion dies 11. Senator Mondo how willing to accept B&F cuts 12. Senator Brown 13. Senator Zisser: other UC makes own instruments to own students 14. Senator Mondo: some instruments cost 4000 or more. Not realistic for students to purchase. They learn from playing other instruments by renting. They cannot afford or rent because specialty. 15. Jones: some of them are specialty instruments, specialty, then all the students will not benefit. F13:10.9.2013 16. Senator Brown: these instruments are not specialty. You are not playing ancient, these are all easy contemporary instruments, you can see the amount. A couple things that have been said before benefit a lot more people. These instruments could last more than 20 to 30 years, a lot more people can cycle through. So on and so forth. Benefit people who perform to. 17. Senator Mondo motions to extend by 5 18. Gaerlan seconds 19. Discussion 1. Senator Garai: it’s the same 2. Senator Mondo: I’d like to make a discussion 3. Senator Garai opposes 20. Time extended 21. Senator Brown: considering that we are an RCO to turn into a student service, right now the status. Yields to Rebecca 22. Rebecca: has three concerns, how does this come back to all the students, hey this was amazing, has personal emails, some of the basketball players, said omg we never had that, we were there the entire night. Feels like a real school. Instruments is going to students but everyone is getting the music. Accountability, when an instrument goes missing, for another two months I personally hounded this guy down to get flute. I understand officially of accountability. We do everything w can ot get instruments. 23. Senator Mondo: received new updated budget, to officially approve for item we suggested to be cut. Is it an update already? 24. Senator Brown accepts 25. Senator Gaerlan to EVP Jefferson: campus and uc policies. I heard that at some F13:10.9.2013 campuses. That is false memorandum with UC CAL Aggies marching band. They provide instruments for students. 26. Senator Wong: say that just because big bill, RCO, move forward for school, I think we need to think about if this amount balancing the activities on campus, because they have a football team. Understand that we don’t have those things. Is this reasonable right now? We do not do as much on campus. 27. Senator Hernandez: professional instructor? 28. Senator Brown: no, expensive, no music department to fund it. Want to be student ran like when it was funded, like to keep that. But right that that I a cost that we cannot cover. i. Senator Daniel motions to extend discussion by 10 minutes j. Senator Brown seconds k. Discussion 1. Senator Garai: same thing over and over, vote on this! 2. Senator Zisser: increase time because it is such a large bill to get more infor 3. Senator Brown: get informed so extend time to answer all questions 4. Senator Gaerlan: right to us time consider roughly 30 or 40 minutes just because we want to go home, have time to say our opinion. We are representing a lot of students. We have enough info. It needs to be extend by five. We are not supposed to be voting same way anyways 5. Senator Garai: Talk about it over coffee and table it. I feel good. 6. Senator Daniel, Senator Hernandez, Senator He, Senator Zisser, Senator Justo, Senator Brown approve 7. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Teaze, Senator Prado, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Escamilla, Senator Mondo, Senator Wong, Senator Taylor, Senator Gaerlan oppose F13:10.9.2013 8. Not approved 9. Senator Brown: point of order to allocate money from ASUCM carry forward. 10. Senator Mondo: point of order: general fuund first then carry forward. l. Vote m. Senator Garai, Senator Teaze, Senator Prado, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Daniel, Senator Escamilla, Senator Mondo, Senator Taylor, Senator Gaerlan and Senator Brown n. Senator Jones, Senator Hernandez, Senator He, Senator Zisser, Senator Justo, Senator Wong oppose o. Passes p. Bill #17- American Anthropology Association Annual Meeting (Introduced by Senator Wong) 1. Senator Wong motions to approve 2. Senator Daniel seconds 3. Committee Reports 1. Ac Affairs-Approved 2. Activities-did not vote, we felt that we didn’t understand or specify what conference was about or results 3. Advocacy-approved 4. B&f- approved and this is under the usual conference cost 5. Senator Wong this bill as far as I know. My second bill. Anthro never got to go to a conference going to this specification. This year they are only bringing people. They want to give it back. They have looked from sponsorship from SSHA. 6. Jones: are they paying anything? 7. Anthro: we have about 100 in fundraising money. We would like to but do not have much 8. Senator Wong: Since it is hard for them, they are small, that’s why they went to SSHA 9. Senator Zisser: how much are they willing to pay out of pocket or could pay? F13:10.9.2013 10. Anthro: we could pay $60 per person. 11. Senator Wong: emphasize that we don’t fund anthro, maybe once last year, so I feel for our constituents 12. Senator Garai: we have been pushing smaller clubs that look for funding, not necessary good bill 13. Senator Jones: appreciate so willing to cooperate especially since they already went to other departments. Even fundraising efforts 14. Senator Zisser makes friendly amendment to cut bill by 300 15. Senator Wong does not accept 16. Senator Zisser: bring back to other members? 17. Senator Daniel the school SSHA does not offer anthro courses, it is limited, this could possibly lead to a possible student interest major or minor 18. Anthro: agree. And will come back to present on every info session that we went to. I also want to say, linguistic program we do not have, we only have three, this conference talks about all four fields, but we will bring back what we experience. 19. Senator Gaerlan to Steve 20. Steve: if you make a friendly amendment, denied, then motion, and it dies, then goes to table. then entertain it. 21. IVP: Just amendments 4. Senator Zisser: motions to cut bill by 300 dollars 5. Senator He seconds 6. Discussion 1. Senator Zisser: 60 is feasible so more valuable when paid 2. Senator Garai: cutting money is a bad idea, I do agree that it has more value, that is a big enough reason to come back to members and future members. 3. Senator Jones: not fair for a small club, when we just funded a club for 30 grand and no out F13:10.9.2013 of pocket cost 4. Vote 5. Senator Hernandez, Senator Escamilla, Senator Justo, Senator Zisser, Senator He approve 6. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Teaze, Senator Prado, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Daniel, Senator Mondo, Senator Wong, Senator Taylor, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Brown oppose 7. Dies 7. Discussion 1. Senator He: not anthro major, appreciate amendment, less of impact. Small department, I think asking to cut 300 is appropriate of effect. 2. Senator Mondo: they could literally bring back a program that is not being offered at our school to learn about the other part of anthro. Above that, anthro is not the largest, can learn a lot. 3. Senator Wong: Senator at large, small portion that we don’t need to represent them 4. Senator Jones: diversity promotion and education. We fund all conferences not specific things for things that are not funded. 5. Senator Mondo: rare opportunity to learn something new and new majors, something that is educational, you may make probably learn other schools 8. Vote 1. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Teaze, Senator Prado, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Hernandez, Senator Daniel, Senator Escamilla, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Taylor, Senator Wong, Senator Mondo approve 2. Senator Zisser and Senator He oppose 9. Passed q. Bill #18- Code of Ethics (Introduced by Senator Mondo) 1. Senator Mondo motions to approve 2. Gaerlan seconds F13:10.9.2013 3. Committee 1. B&F- approved 2. Academic Affairs-approved 3. Activities-discussed but wasn’t sure what it was doing because we already have one 4. Advocacy-approved 4. Discussion 1. Senator Mondo: we are supposed to be reviewing and reapprove every year to continue values 2. President Brandon: First bill of year, review our values as org 5. Vote 1. Unanimously approved r. Bill #19- Funding for Ballet Folklorico (Introduced by Senator Garai) 1. Senator Garai motions to approve 2. Gaerlan seconds 3. Committee Reports 1. B&F- unverified evidence of sponsoring of costumes in either ICC or ASUCM these are supposed to last. Quality expensive. Cultural clubs necessary, cut but these numbers we can’t find where. We didn’t vote, tabling for a week. Requested by Ken. 2. Student Activities-talked about this. It was a lot of costumes, coming from Mexico. Club pay 3. Academic Affairs-approved 4. Discussion 5. Senator Garai-that was a big issue what Senator Mondo said. Yield to Ballet 6. Ballet: we have gotten fund in ICC 2006 and 2009 so it doesn’t exist so I kno ICC doesn’t fund so we haven’t received from ASUCM 7. Senator Garai: as far as funding goes, they sold beverages. Success. Their funds are going to repairs, you have to buy uniqueness of costumes, split up in diff sections so money used to F13:10.9.2013 fundraise is for individual items. 8. Senator Zisser: put own money in or club fees in the future? 9. Ballet: third fundraiser, have 3 or 4 hundred and that we had from last year. We do have money. 10. Senator Prado: it’s fewer the amount than the band. These will be here for generations, for 3 grand will be here for a while. Won’t come back. Why should they put in money for future? 11. Senator Mondo: because you fundraise, would you mind if we cut a 300 item? 12. Ballet: No, most are the same. 13. Senator Mondo offers friendly amend and remove the Jalisco region medium $300, total of $3,675 14. He: good bill, want to know treasurer will be responsible? 15. Senator Mondo: Treasurer Ken took personal offense to keeping costumes. They must mean club treasurer. 16. Senator Garai: one points, someone responsible, so why does it matter, but it is not for them but is for us. We can’t talk about it now. I want to make an actual by law for accountability. She liked the idea. They understand how valuable thing are. 17. Senator Mondo: club treasurer right? [yes]. Above that, will be coming back to us for actual items. Already responsible. I don’t think it is needed to keep adding 18. Senator Jones: Ballet Folk, I have seen them work hard. I live in the terraces practicing. The fact that they are willing to put all funding into bill. 19. He: just want to know if we are put in bill about storage? 20. Senator Mondo motions to strike further enacted clause because not personal nature. 21. Senator Daniel seconds 22. Discussion 1. Senator Mondo: we buy something for clubs it does come back to us in the end, F13:10.9.2013 but for now the officers are responsible, interferes with clubs business, not our job that treasurer responsible, ASUCM is just being redundant. 2. Senator Garai: already responsible, what I am arguing 5 officers; there is room for error to play the blame game. 3. Senator Jones: So for costumes? [yes, treasurer] 4. Senator Garai: the by law has nothing to say, have this on their bills, still bein there. Want to think about this. 5. Senator Mondo: every club, if the member loses it, that comes down to the clubs accountability, as for the club as a member, remove from that club or not elect them again. Just another regulation and we are trying to tell RCOs what to do. Yields to Jaron 6. President Brandon: be it enacted has two parts that are together, it is the content that is celebrated, not personal nature, like band. So I would take out items of personal nature, I meant we passed down a document that ken keeps to keep track of items purchased but that we keep a list. If we miss those things, it is difficult. That is what I meant with that. 7. Senator Jones asks chair of ballet on feelings of treasurer being responsible 8. Ballet: The treasurer was the one who gave me the responsibility; the treasurer is always present at performances. She is accountable when things get lost. 9. Senator He: she closed the discussion. we want one person. The representative just agreed. I also agree. Not much to discuss. 10. Senator Garai: Senator Mondo’s thing, I understand that clubs are accountable but this is business this is for us so we are able to audit them. 11. Senator Mondo: you already said that. 12. Senator Jones: can we just keep it to one person? F13:10.9.2013 13. Senator Brown: she just said, treasurer is accountable. There is no need to state tht the treasurer. Redundant. We didn’t do this with the last bill. We just covered this a few minutes ago. They are already accountable. We own them then we would be accountable for them. 14. Senator Prado: keep track of what we purchase, like Brandon, is that what you are saying? To have history? 15. Senator Garai: you are not going to every single club 23. Senator Wong calls to question to move out of discussion to vote 24. Senator Mondo seconds 25. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Prado, Senator Hernandez, Senator Daniel, Senator Escamilla, Senator Brown, Senator Taylor, Senator Mondo, Senator Justo 26. Senator Zisser and Senator He oppose 27. Out of discussion 4. Vote on removing amendment 1. Senator Teaze, Senator Rosenberg Senator Daniel, Senator Justo Senator Mondo Senator Wong Senator Brown, Senator Gaerlan approve 2. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Hernandez, Senator Prado, Senator Escamilla, Senator Taylor, Senator Zisser, Senator He oppose 3. Senator Hernandez abstains 5. Removed 6. He motions to extend by 1 minute 1. Senator Zisser 7. Discussion 1. Senator Brown: No 2. Senator Gaerlan: Has mind set so not needed F13:10.9.2013 3. Senator Hernandez, Senator Zisser, Senator He, Senator Garai approve 4. Senator Brown, Senator Wong, Senator Prado, Senator Taylor, Senator Escamilla, Senator Daniel, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Mondo, Senator Justo, Senator Jones, Senator Teaze opposes 5. Denied 8. Vote 1. Everyone else approves 2. Senator Zisser oppose 9. Passes XV. New Business a. Presidential Nomination of Jalen Siler for Associate Justice 1. Senator Hernandez motions to approve 2. Senator Justo seconds 3. Discussion 4. President Brandon: he had a bad migraine so he was excused and he lived off campus. Table to next week. 5. Senator Mondo motions to table for one week 6. Senator Daniel seconds 7. Vote 1. unanimously approved b. Bill #20- Funding for Psychology Club trip to Graduate School (Introduced by Senator Garai) 1. Senator Garai motions to send to B&F, Student Advocacy, Academic Affairs 2. Senator Brown seconds 3. No Discussion c. Bill #21- Funding for Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Conference (Introduced by Senator Garai) F13:10.9.2013 1. Senator Garai motions to B&F 2. Senator Mondo seconds 3. No discussion d. Bill #22- Funding for Circle K International Conference (Introduce by Senator Justo and Senator Zisser) 1. Justo to all committees 2. Senator Garai seconds 3. No discussion 4. Sent to all committees e. Senate Action Creation of Line item under EVP listed as events and programs 1. Senator Garai motions to approve 2. Senator Daniel seconds 3. Discussion 4. Vote 5. Unanimously approved f. Senate action: line item transfer of 200 under Director of Communication: Office Supplies line item 1. Senator Mondo motions 2. Senator Garai seconds 3. Discussion 1. Senator Gaerlan: Binders that go to predecessors, voter registration cards are confidential so we will need a paper shredder 2. Senator Mondo: In my discussion, we haven’t had ordered any office supplies. Paper, staples, markers, pens, pencils, etc. 4. Vote 1. Unanimously approved F13:10.9.2013 g. Senate action line item transfer of 2500 of EVP 1. Senator Gaerlan motions to approve 2. Senator Daniel seconds 3. Senator Gaerlan makes friendly amendment to 5 grand and EVP has revised budget and sent to all senators 4. Senator Garai: go to table, I wouldn’t do it, just take it to a vote. No refund money that he spent.no accept. 5. Discussion 1. Senator Jones: question, increase to refund? 2. Gaerlan to EVP 3. EVP Kuoch-Seng: Basically amount for con, a lot lower and a lot further UCLA and congress was at Irvine, increased trans and hotel cost. As for registration fee was around estimate of last year. Lucky this year that SOCC was kind of low but this year 25 to 30 and last was 15. With that had to use general funds, increased congress and less SOCC to equalize, but didn’t work. Line item is for DC, Ivan knows for dinner, a split would be four or more and UCSA plans to visit, 2 grand for 4 workshops, 2 or more education workshops hosted by my offices, a voter registration social working with housing to get students, UCSB registered 3500 students in one weekend. Also, 1250 would be two week of actions, planned after SOCC, second one would be next semester, student lobby conference date to meet with state senators. 6. Senator Zisser: I am happy that you are here to incorporate, what are your plans not to overspend. [To EVP Kuoch-Seng] 7. EVP Kuoch-Seng: I am sitting on board now; I am trying to make conferences up north. It takes 70 to 80 grand to hold a conference here. We are trying to get Cal to host a conference or Davis and Merced collaborate. Get things North. 8. Senator Wong yields to Steve F13:10.9.2013 9. Steve: “I voted against VSA’s bill and overspending,” consider the standard of accountability. 10. Senator Jones: how much did you spend? 11. EVP Kuoch-Seng: On UCSA $1,370 something, for SOCC in LA for hotels it is extremely high. SOCC was 90 dollars a night compared to LA’s $150. Right now, I am looking at 3 grand over so $4,400 total. 12. Senator He: Not familiar with workshop so one workshop money spent? 13. EVP Kuoch-Seng: UCSA would mainly be through actions as well, visual with what we do? Called ignite. Prison structure, works with visuals. Also for DC, that is to get people to the workshop through food. Please let me know if you can think of something better. 14. Senator Gaerlan: EVP is a one time thing for the academic year 15. Senator Garai: Yeah, I don’t think I was going to do this, so I wish they could have anticipated this. 16. Vote on increase to 5 grand 1. Senator Jones, Senator Teaze, Senator Garai, Senator Prado, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Hernandez, Senator Daniel, Senator Brown, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Mondo, Senator Taylor, Senator Justo approve 2. Senator He, Senator Escamilla, Senator Wong, Senator Zisser and Senator He oppose 17. Increased 18. No Discussion 19. Vote 1. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Teaze, Senator Prado, Senator Hernandez, Senator Rosenberg, Senator Daniel, Senator Brown, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Taylor, Senator Wong, Senator Mondo, Senator Justo, Senator Zisser and Senator He approve F13:10.9.2013 2. Senator Escamilla opposes 20. Approved XVI. Announcements a. Senator Mondo: The federal government re-opened! b. Senator Zisser: Remember when Melanie Cruz came in to speak a couple weeks ago? She’s like the RHA for housing. So she’s like the “Steve” for like Housing. So they have a meeting at six o’clock every night and I talked to her today and she would love if one of us could come to some of these meetings. I feel that when we start voting in spring, that’s like two thousand more students that we can reach out to. They meet every Wednesday at 6pm in Half Dome. c. IVP Ivan: Business Society is hosting its annual haunted house October 28 to 30. Save the date! d. Senator Wong: We need to understand our bills better. We literally spent 2 hours on 2 bills on things that we could have cut off before this meeting because they were asking for reimbursement. So I think that we need to take into account is to male sure that we have at least some kind of understanding of our financial by-laws; it is very obvious. Second, if your club wants to be involved with business Society’s Haunted House Carnival, definitely let me know. The carnival the way it is, basically you get to host your own little table for fun games to market your club. Starts on Tuesday, the 29th. e. Senator Garai: Today we talked about accountability. So I will be talking to Steve and a couple other people because I really want to ask students what they want their funds towards prizes, t-shirts and stuff like that. We are working on a survey; like how students feel about a person being responsible for the items. So I will try to go out there for a couple weeks and get this out there. f. Senator Jones suggests that we dress up in Halloween costumes on October 30 because it F13:10.9.2013 will be fun! g. Senator Mondo: So I know it got a little bit heated earlier. It’s obviously nothing personal at the table and what we do here is mostly business. And in the end, it is a great thing that we are able to do that. So in the future, when clubs come here, and I know this is something that I learned as well, we should take into account that clubs should wait to spend money until their bill is passed. I think it is important to remind every club with a line item of this. We ask the club if they have a line item, then we ask how they are going to spend it, and not to spend it in advance in light of a pending bill [Steve: And the executives!] We should study our “no reimbursement” policy and make sure that we abide by it in the future. Lastly, if a club already has line item, lets start trying to figure out if they would like to come to Budget and Finance, the treasurer and senate to try to get a line item transfers instead of actually submitting these bills. It might be easier and that give the clubs more freedom of how they want to spend their money. Without having to go through the process of all of these cuts. Instead, it is a quick conversation, we approve or deny, and then they can resubmit a bill if it fails. h. Senator Gaerlan: I’d like to make it clear that I did not know that they [VSA] would spend their line item before it actually went to the senate table. I didn’t expect them to because I told them that ASUCM can’t guarantee but that we will try to meet half way. i. Senator Zisser: We need to be more consistent when clubs try to generously offer their own money. Sometimes we will talk to a president or something and then they will say “Oh yeah, you can cut that we will pay for it” but then sometimes they say “yeah we can pay for it,” but then we say “No, its ok.” Like for the Anthropology Bill. I just want to say to stay more consistent. j. Senator Brown: So hopefully, with the approval of this bill, the bobcat band will be looking to recruit some woodwind instrument. If any of you knows anyone who plays a flute, F13:10.9.2013 clarinet, a basic clarinet, or a bassoon or the marching symbols. We are probably in the next month, going to have some new [instruments] ready to be rented out. k. Senator Daniel: I would like to comment, regarding RCOs that there are guidelines set by OSL, we need to read them first before we make any decisions that may impede on OSL policies. l. IVP Ivan: CAB is having the Carnival on October 30, this is a big public relations event. If anyone would like to go into recess or move up senate time by an hour to attend the event, remember that it does have to be voted on. m. Steve: New senators need to fill committee preferences. Also, tomorrow the showing of “The Conjuring” in COB 102. XVII. Adjournment a. Senator Daniel motions to adjourn b. Senator Brown seconds c. No discussion d. Unanimously approved e. Adjourned at 12:18am F13:10.9.2013