Course Outline MPM1D

DEPARTMENT: Mathematics and Technology
COURSE NAME: Grade 9 Academic Mathematics
This course enables students to develop generalizations of mathematical ideas and methods through the
exploration of applications, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning. Students will investigate
relationships to develop equations of straight lines in analytic geometry, explore relationships between volume
and surface area of objects in measurement, and apply extended algebraic skills in problem solving. Students
will engage in abstract extensions of core learning that will deepen their mathematical knowledge and enrich
their understanding.
Powers and Roots
Line of Best Fit
Slope and the Line
Equation of a line
1. Knowledge/Understanding (K/U)
2. Application (A)
3. Communication (C)
4. Thinking (T)
35 %
30 %
20 %
15 %
All students in Grade 9 mathematics in Ontario write the Grade 9 Mathematics EQAO Test. Sections of this
will be marked by your teacher and used as the summative mark.
10 % of the final mark
Summative Date(s):
June 8 to 11 (2 days), 2010
20 % of the final mark
The final exam is written during the formal exam period and covers all the course material.
Your understanding of the course material will be assessed using unit tests, quizzes, in-class assignments, a
summative assignment, and a final exam. Marks from the various assessments will be broken down and
recorded in the above categories (A, KU, C, T).
Quizzes: Once in a while and without prior notice, a few quiz questions will be placed on the board similar to
those done for homework. You are to work on these silently at the beginning of class. They will be collected
and then marked.
Assignments: Most assignments will be done in class. Any out of class assignments that are handed in late
will not be accepted IF the assignments have already been marked and returned to students.
Review Work: Before each unit test, review will be assigned. This review work may be collected on the day
of the test and checked for completion. Selected questions from the review work may also be marked for
complete and correct solutions, and counted as a quiz mark.
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Tests: Tests will be held at the end of every unit. The test dates are given in advance. If you know that you
will be missing a test, it is your responsibility to see me in advance to make alternate arrangements to write
the test. In case of illness, you will be writing the test on the day of your return. A note from your parent must
be provided for your absence.
***A mark update will be provided at the end of each major unit. ***
Text: Principles of Mathematics 9, McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Everyone will be assigned their own textbook and workbook. If you lose or damage your textbook, the
replacement cost is $85. The replacement cost of the workbook is $15.
Notebooks and Homework
A complete and well-kept notebook is an excellent study tool. Homework will be assigned regularly.
Be sure to complete all homework assignments for good lesson understanding and preparation for the next
class lesson.
Guidelines for notebooks and homework:
 Place lesson title and date at the top of page.
 Write out all classroom notes neatly in blue pen.
 At the end of lesson, write out homework assignment including page numbers and questions.
 Do all homework in pencil.
 When answering questions, number questions as they numbered in the textbook
 Write out the question and provide a full solution showing all steps for each question.
 Verify answers with answers at the back of the text: check correct answers and circle incorrect
answers to be taken up in class.
 For homework to be considered complete, an attempt on each question must be shown.
 Homework corrections should be written out when taken up in class.
Classroom Expectations
The classroom is a learning environment and should have an atmosphere conducive to learning. Please respect
the following classroom expectations:
 Attend class regularly. If you are absent from class, you are expected to catch up on work missed and
complete any relevant homework. A note justifying your absence will be required.
 Come to class on time. Lateness is distracting and disturbs the learning process.
 Upon arrival to class, open your books and be ready to learn.
 Raise your hand to ask or answer a question.
 Always be polite. Respect yourself and others.
 Cell phones and pagers should be turned off and out of sight.
 Music players and headphones should not be seen in class.
 No food or drink allowed in the classroom other than a water bottle!
Extra Help:
See your teacher about arranging a mutually convenient time for extra help. There is also math help available
in room 316 Mondays from 3:15 to 4:15pm and Thursdays from 8:15 to 8:45am, where a teacher and tutors
will be available. Room 203 is also open for help before school, at lunch and after school. You may also go to
the guidance office for a list of volunteer and professional tutors.
I have read the above information and understand the expectations of the Grade 9 Academic Mathematics Course.
Student’s Signature_______________________ Parent’s Signature________________________
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