Standards-Based Lesson Plan Use this from for creating your daily lesson plans. Move from field to field with either the mouse or the tab key. Exploratory Course Introduction Course x Concentration Course Capstone Course Home Economics Careers and Technology Subject Matter: __Fashion Design_________________ Lesson Title and Duration Color Schemes 1-2 Class Periods In this lesson students will be introduced to Color Learner Outcomes / Objectives (Write on the board so students and Schemes in Fashion Design. Color Schemes are visitors are aware of student learning outcome) standard and those standards will be reviewed in this lecture. The standard color schemes are: Monochromatic Analogous Complementary Triad Neutral Accented Neutral Expected Learner Outcomes: Standards (the California State Standards addressed in this lesson) Students will learn and know the standard color schemes in fashion. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the standard color schemes by completing portfolio pages for each color scheme. FID 16.3 Identify color terminology and use of color schemes. California State Standards for Career Technical Education Materials Needed Computer, projector, screen, downloaded video clip from “The Devil Wears Prada”, downloaded Power point on Color schemes, note taking guide, Fashion Magazines, glue sticks, scissors, Black paper, white paper Differentiated Students may need to sit closer to Learning Needs screen or near teacher for note taking assistance. Notes may need to be provided to students who have difficulties with note taking. Anticipatory Set – activities that help focus students on the lesson of the day (the “hook”) Cerulean Sweater - In this video clip from "The Devil Wears Prada" Andy learns the importance of color choice in the fashion industry in a rather biting way. Discuss with students how fashion designers set trends with their color choice and color schemes. Devils Wear Prada Teaching the Lesson Color In Fashion - Power Point – Lecture (available on HECT Website) Modeling – how will you demonstrate Use the Color in Fashion Power Point to teach students the standard color schemes. Have students take notes either on Power Point handouts Instructional Strategies – how will you (color ones are best) or Cornell style. Students will deliver the lesson? use these notes to assist them as they create their portfolio pages for each of the color schemes. Check for Understanding – how will you ensure the skill or competency is understood by the students? Differentiated Students may need to sit closer to Learning Needs screen or near teacher for note taking assistance. Notes may need to be provided to students who have difficulties with note taking. the skill or competency? Guided Practice / Monitoring – an activity directly supervised by the instructor that allows students to demonstrate grasp of new learning. Instructor moves around the room determining the level of mastery and providing individual remediation as needed. Students will now complete a portfolio page for each of the color schemes by finding color pictures in fashion magazines that are correct examples of each color scheme. Once students find pictures they will mount the picture on black paper. The black paper should be smaller than an 8x10, the mounted picture will then be mounted on the 8x10 for a neat professional presentation. Students will Label the Color Scheme, and write a paragraph that justifies how the picture exemplifies the color scheme. Differentiated Have students seated in groups Learning Needs that have varied levels of achievement so that students with difficulties are seated with students with higher level of understanding, this will allow for student modeling desired learning outcomes Closure – Statements or actions made by the instructor that help students make sense out of what has just been taught, to help form a coherent picture, to eliminate confusion and frustration, and to reinforce major points to be learned. Teacher should refer to the Color Scheme Portfolio Page slides from the power point when explaining the expected outcomes for student portfolio pages. Encourage students to complete the portfolio pages so that they have a professional look. Students will place completed portfolio pages into Independent Practice – a question or problem for students to their Fashion Design Portfolios. They will refer to ponder on their own or in small groups or pairs. The aim is to reinforce and extend the learning beyond the lesson and ideally into real world settings. This may be a homework assignment. these throughout both the Design and Lab portions of the Apparel Design and Construction Course. Differentiated Learning Needs Summarize, Evaluate & Reflect – after teaching the lesson, ask students to reflect on their learning. Instructors can also reflect on the lesson, its success, and how it can be improved. As students complete the color schemes pages, have them reflect on the professional look of each page, and areas they can improve as they complete the next page.