Lesson plan Key Stage 3 Year 7 Lesson number: 12 Date: Time: 1 hour Lesson title: Breakfast Muffins This enables the pupils to demonstrate food preparation and cooking skills when making a batch of Breakfast (or savoury) muffins, i.e. mixing, folding, dividing a mixture, and using the oven. The pupils will also review the functions of the main ingredients used. They will complete an evaluation of their dish against the specification. Learning Learning objective To prepare and cook a batch of breakfast muffins and evaluate the dish. To demonstrate the skills of mixing, folding and dividing a mixture, using the oven. To apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking. Learning outcomes All pupils will … prepare and cook a batch of savoury or fruit muffins and evaluate the dish. Most pupils prepare and cook a batch of savoury or fruit muffins and should … explain the method used; evaluate the dish and summarise the results. Some pupils prepare and cook a batch of savoury or fruit muffins, explain could … the method used and the functions of the main ingredients; evaluate the dish and write a summary of the results. All pupils will … demonstrate the skills of mixing, folding and dividing a mixture, using the oven. Most pupils accurately demonstrate the skills of mixing, folding and should … dividing a mixture, using the oven. Some pupils independently demonstrate the skills of mixing, folding and could … dividing a mixture, using the oven. All pupils will … list and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking Most pupils explain and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene should … when cooking Some pupils describe the principles of food safety and hygiene when could … cooking and manage their implementation independently. © British Nutrition Foundation 2014 www.foodafactoflife.org.uk Teaching and learning activities Time Activity Resources and equipment Register and introduction 5 Starter Gather the pupils around a demonstration area, with your tray of ingredients and equipment. Ensure that all pupils have their apron on, hair tied back and hands washed. Briefly talk through the recipe – note your expectations, for example: Preheating the oven; Measuring accurately; Preparation of their chosen flavouring ingredients; Sifting the flour into the mixing bowl; Checking the egg; Combining ingredients together to make a batter; Dividing the mixture equally between 12 muffin cases; Being hygienic and safe when preparing food. 10 25 Main activity 1 Ensure that pupils all wash their hands. Allow them to start making their muffins. During this time, circulate the room to ensure that pupils are preparing ingredients and using the oven safely. In this time, pupils should: Preheat their oven; Measure their ingredients; Prepare the flavouring ingredients, mash the banana and wash prepare the berries; Mix oats, yogurt, banana and milk; Mix the oil, eggs and sugar together; Combine all the ingredients together to make a uniform mixture; Fold in berries, do not over mix. Check that most pupils have reached this stage. Pupils should then: Divide the mixture equally between cases, using two spoons; Place the muffin tray in the preheated oven using oven gloves. 30 Main activity 2 All muffins should be baking, as they take 20 minutes in the oven. Remind pupils that all washing-up should be completed, work surfaces should be clean. Gather the pupils together. Review the functions of the ingredients used to make the muffins and the effects of any additional ingredients. Ask the pupils: What makes the muffin rise? What would happen if you changed the proportion of dry and liquid ingredients? Why is it important to divide the mixture evenly? Explain to the pupils that they will be evaluating their dish using a sensory profile. Remind them about sensory descriptors and how to complete the star profile (mention that they are measuring the intensity of the descriptor). © British Nutrition Foundation 2014 www.foodafactoflife.org.uk Lesson plan Ingredients tray practical equipment Recipe projected or printed 55 Plenary Ask the pupils: How much did your muffins cost to make? Compare the cost of your muffins with your group. Why are some more/less expensive than others? Muffins worksheet - costing Homework – star diagram Literacy and numeracy Starter: Require pupils to: Main activities: Requires pupils to: Literacy learn new vocabulary, relating it explicitly to known vocabulary and understanding it with the help of context and dictionaries. develop efficient reading and focus on the important features of a text – skimming, scanning and close reading. Numeracy Plenary: Requires pupils to: use units of measurement to weigh and measure ingredients accurately. measure/calculate time. calculate the cost of the recipe. use Standard English confidently in a range of formal and informal contexts, including classroom discussion. Homework Complete the star diagram. Explain your results. Identify any unexpected results and analyse why they may have happened. © British Nutrition Foundation 2014 www.foodafactoflife.org.uk