Purpose - Southwest Power Pool


Southwest Power Pool, Inc.



Organizational Group Scope Statement

July 1, 2015


The Standards Collaboration Subcommittee (SCS) is responsible for working with the

SPP Reliability Standards Group for monitoring of developing standards to provide comments to drafting teams, develop membership and / or combined positions for voting and policy shaping actions, recommendations to the Market and Operations

Policy Committee (MOPC) for regional participation and communications for awareness to SPP member companies for those items with compliance implications or requiring coordination efforts.

Scope of Activities

In carrying out its purpose, the SCS will:

1. Review proposed standards and requirements for compliance impacts for policy influence as well as RTO coordination requirements.

2. Develop potential opportunities to influence standards development based on functional obligations or sectors as necessary.

3. Review standards development opportunities with a risk based view for recommendations to MOPC and other working groups to assist with commitment of resources for participation.

4. Facilitate communications for awareness to SPP Working Groups and member companies for developing standards and potential impacts for response to ensure membership can meet their respective compliance obligations.


Any SPP Member Company can participate as a SCS member. The SCS will consist of a minimum of six (6) members. The RCWG chair will select a chair based on interest and expertise. The RCWG staff secretary will be assigned to assist the task force. All work products will be subject to the review and approval of the RCWG.


The RCWG SCS will exist as long as the RCWG membership sees value in participation on standards collaboration within the SPP region.


The RCWG SCS reports to the RCWG.


1. Bo Jones (Co-Chair)

2. Jennifer Flandermeyer (Co-Chair)

3. Eric Ruskamp

4. Michael DeLoach

5. Terri Pyle

6. Jason Smith (Staff)

7. Shannon Mickens (Staff)

8. J. Scott Williams

Staff Secretary

Kim Van Brimer (Staff)
