MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY AND VOCABULARY II MED 122 SYLLABUS SUMMER 2008 INSTRUCTOR: Vonda Godette, RN, MSN, CMA(AAMA) 252-222-6168 PHONE: Wayne West Building, OFFICE 1st Floor, Room 140 LOCATION: SEMESTER HOURS CREDIT: CLASS/LAB 3 3/0 E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: As posted on office door PREREQUISITES: CLINICAL: MED 121 0 TEXT: WILLIS, MARJORIE C,: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY: THE LANGUAGE OF HEALTH CARE, 2nd ed., BALTIMORE: WILLIAMS AND WILKINS, 2005 SUPPLEMENTARY READING: MOSBY'S MEDICAL, NURSING, AND ALLIED HEALTH DICTIONARY, 6TH ED, ST. LOUIS: C.V. MOSBY, 20 NC COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM COMBINED COURSE LIBRARY DESCRIPTION: This course is the second in a series of Medical Terminology courses. Topics include medical vocabulary and the terms that relate to the anatomy, physiology, pathological conditions and treatment of selected systems. Upon completion, students should be able to pronounce, spell, and define medical terms as related to selected body systems and their pathological conditions. COURSE LEARNIMG OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to Standard 80% 1. if given a medical term, spell, pronounce, define, identify word parts, and correctly use the term to complete a statement. 2. if given a definition, construct an acceptable and correctly spelled medical term. 3. if given a list of phrases, names, or labels, provide a medically acceptable abbreviation. 4. if given a medical abbreviation, provide the correct phrase, name, or label. 5. if given a list of medical terms, correctly pronounce each term. 6. if given quizzes, final exam and any other assignments, achieve an acceptable percentage score. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students must attend a minimum of 90% of the total classroom hours. Since this is a 48 semester hour course (32 class periods), the student is entitled to 4.8 hours of absences (approximately 3 class periods). Absences in excess of this amount will result Revised: 7/23/07 jac 1 in the student automatically being dropped from the course with a failing grade, unless due to extreme emergency conditions. There is an automatic deduction of 3 points for each day for exams, projects, reports, etc. not completed. Late assignments will not be graded in a timely manner as those turned in on time. MISSED EXAM POLICY: Make-ups for missed quizzes or exams will not be allowed unless arrangements are made prior to the missed class. This means the student must call the instructor or leave a message prior to the missed class session. (see Student Handbook and Instructor Information for phone numbers). Make-up work must be completed within three class days. Five points will be deducted from the test grade if the student is not present for assigned tests. The word building system includes repetition, therefore material from previous quizzes may be reviewed or included on a subsequent quiz. The final exam is comprehensive. On all exams and quizzes providing incorrect meanings, incorrect word parts, or incorrect words will be counted as one complete error. Spelling errors will count 1/2 point. TARDINESS: If you are late for class, an equal amount of time will be deducted from your allowed absences. Habitual tardiness will be noted in your student file and may result in you being dropped from the course. POSSIBLE SYLLABUS CHANGES: The instructor reserves the right to change assignments and test dates. The student will be given sufficient notice for any such changes. The student must have an overall average of 80% to pass the course. EVALUATION METHODS: 1. Written Test A multiple choice, fill in the blanks, label the parts, essay, or other form of graded tests or examination. 2. Direct Observation Watching the student perform the task or sequence of tasks. A checklist would be useful for assessment purposes. 3. Paper An assigned term paper or research project. Does not include written projects described in #4 below. 4. Written Project Plans, diagrams, blueprints, price estimates, worksheets, spreadsheets handed in to assess student performance. 5. Projects Includes the production of a product, assessment of a repair, assessment of a service. 6. Oral Presentation A presentation given to a class or group of students. 7. Other Any method of evaluation not described above. Revised: 7/23/07 jac 2 METHOD OF DELIVERY: Lecture Discussion Tutorials Laboratories Internship/Externship/Clinical Education Programmed Instruction (CDs, DVDs, Etc.) Media Other GRADING PLAN FOR COURSE: What Will Be Graded Tests (How many/How often?) Paper(s) (Assigned Topic) Labs Presentations or Performances Mid-Term Final Exam Discussion or Class Participation Problem & Assignments Other (Describe) Required Optional For Extra Credit 8 -9 % Of Final Grade 60% 1 40% How will the final grade be determined? Explain how the above elements will be combined. Quizzes and other assignments (average) 60% 60pts Final Exam 40% 40pts Total: 100% 100% GRADING SCALE: A = 93-100 B = 92-84 C = 83-80 F = BELOW 80 Revised: 7/23/07 jac 3 ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY AND VOCABULARY II MED 122 Chapter 4, Abbreviations /a through CXR WEEK 1 WEEK 2 QUIZ #1 Chapter 5, Abbreviations d through Hx WEEK 3 QUIZ #2 Chapter 6, Abbreviations I & D through NSR WEEK 4 QUIZ #3 Chapter 7, Abbreviations O through qt WEEK 5 QUIZ #4 Chapter 8, Abbreviations R through TB WEEK 6 QUIZ #5 Chapter 9, Abbreviations TEDS through Wt WEEK 7 QUIZ #6 Chapter 10, Abbreviations x-ray through Roman numerals WEEK 8 QUIZ #7 Chapter 11,Unscramble drug names A through C WEEK 9 QUIZ #8 Chapter 12, Unscramble drug names D through F WEEK 10 QUIZ #9 Chapter 13, Unscramble drug names G through L WEEK 11 QUIZ #10 Chapter 14, Unscramble drug names M through O WEEK 12 QUIZ #11 Chapter 15, Unscramble drug names P through R WEEK 13 QUIZ #12 Chapter 16, Unscramble drug names S through Z WEEK 14 QUIZ #13 Chapter 17 WEEK 15 REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAM Examination is inclusive WEEK 16 FINAL EXAMINATION Revised: 7/23/07 jac 4 COURSE OUTLINE CHAPTER 4, The Medical Record A. Common Records Used in Documenting Care of a Patient B. Medical Record Abbreviations C. Common Diagnostic Tests and Procedures D. Diagnostic Imaging Modalities E. Common Medical Record Terms Related to Disease F. Pharmaceutical Abbreviations and Symbols G. The Prescription H. Recording Date and Time I. Regulations and Legal Considerations J. Corrections CHAPTER 5, Integumentary System A. Combining Forms B. Integumentary System Overview C. Epidermis D. Dermis E. Subcutaneous Tissue F. Anatomical Terms G. Symptomatic Terms H. Diagnostic Terms I. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures J. Operative Terms K. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 6, Musculoskeletal System A. Combining Forms B. Musculoskeletal System Overview C. Anatomical Terms Related to Bones D. Anatomical Terms Related to Joints and Muscles E. Anatomical Positons and Terms of Reference F. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms G. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures H. Operative Terms I. Therapeutic Terms Revised: 7/23/07 jac 5 CHAPTER 7, Cardiovascular System A. Combining Forms B. Cardiovascular System Overview C. Anatomical Terms D. Blood Pressure E. Blood Pressure Terms F. Cardiac Conduction G. Cardiac Conduction Terms H. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms I. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures J. Operative Terms K. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 8, Blood and Lymph Systems A. Combining Forms B. Blood System Overview C. Anatomical Terms D. Lymphatic System Overview E. Anatomical Terms F. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms G. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures H. Operative Terms I. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 9, Respiratory System A. Combining Forms B. Respiratory System Overview C. Anatomical Terms D. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms E. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures F. Operative Terms G. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 10, Nervous System A. Combining Forms B. Nervous System Overview C. Anatomical Terms Revised: 7/23/07 jac 6 D. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms E. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures F. Operative Terms G. Therapeutic Terms H. Psychiatric Terms I. Psychiatric Diagnostic Terms J. Psychiatric Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 11, Endocrine System A. Combining Forms B. Endocrine System C. Anatomical Terms D. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms E. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures F. Operative Terms G. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 12, The Eye A. Combining Forms B. Eye Overview C. Anatomical Terms D. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms E. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures F. Operative Terms G. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 13, Ear A. Combining Forms B. Overview of the Ear C. Anatomical Terms D. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms E. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures F. Operative Terms G. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 14, Gastrointestinal System A. Combining Forms B. Gastrointestinal System Overview Revised: 7/23/07 jac 7 C. Anatomical Terms D. Anatomical and Clincial Divisions of the Abdomen E. Anatomical Divisions F. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms G. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures H. Operative Terms I. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 15, Urinary System A. Combining Forms B. Urinary System Overview C. Anatomical Terms D. Symptomatica and Diagnostc Terms E. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures F. Operative Terms G. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 16, Male Reproductive System A. Combining Forms B. Male Reproductive System Overview C. Anatomical Terms D. Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms E. Diagnostic Tests and Procedures F. Operative Terms G. Therapeutic Terms CHAPTER 17, Female Reproductive System A. Combining Forms B. Female Reproductive System Overview C. Anatomical Terms D. Gynecological Symptomatic Terms E. Gynecological Diagnostic Terms F. Gynecological Diagnostic Tests and Procedures G. Gynecological Operative Terms H. Therapeutic Terms Revised: 7/23/07 jac 8 I. Obstetrical (OB) Symptomatic and Diagnostic Terms J. Obstetrical Dignostic Tests and Procedures K. Obstetrical Operative and Therapeutic Terms Revised: 7/23/07 jac 9 CARTERET COMMUNITY COLLEGE POLICIES The details of the following policies are in the Student Handbook, which is available on the college web-page. Click on the link below, and then scroll to the page number listed. Policy Page INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY 7 ATTENDANCE POLICY 8 WITHDRAWAL POLICY 10 SPECIAL NEEDS POLICY 14-16 BUILDING EVACUATION POLICY 26 INCOMPLETE GRADE POLICY 30 (see college catalog for more information) ACADEMIC INTEGRITY & PLAGIARISM POLICY 31 CARTERET COMMUNITY COLLEGE RESOURCES Resource CAREER & ACADEMIC PLANNING SERVICES Page 19 ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES TUTORING INFORMATION 19 LIBRARY 20 ACADEMIC COMPUTER LAB 26 COLLEGE WEBSITE Visit the College website at All information pertaining to the College is available such as the Inclement Weather Policy, Student Handbooks, College Catalog, Programs offered, etc. The Student Handbook is found under Academic Resources. Revised: 7/23/07 jac 10 MED 122 LEARNING OUTCOMES MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY AND VOCABULARY II EVALUATION METHOD: Written Testing GRADING STANDARD: The student will achieve 80% proficiency on written review. 01 Given Chapter 4, The Medical Record, upon written testing the student will: 01-01 Define basic terms and abbreviations 01-02 Define basic terms used in documenting a history and physical. 01-03 Define commonly used medical record abbreviations. 01-04 Explain the concepts used in a problem oriented medical record. 01-05 Define common terms related to disease. 01-06 Define common pharmacological terms. 01-07 Define the symbols used in documenting a physician’s order. 01-08 Explain the terms used in documenting a medical history and physical record. 02 Given Chapter 5, Integumentary System, upon written testing the student will: 02-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the integumentary system. 02-02 Define basic anatomical terms related to the integumentary system. 02-03 Identify common symptomatic, diagnostic operative and therapeutic terms referring to the integumentary system. 02-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the integumentary system. 02-05 Explain the terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the integumentary system. 03 Given Chapter 6, Musculoskeletal System, upon written testing the student will: 03-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the musculoskeletal system. 03-02 Describe the anatomical position. 03-03 List the planes of the body. 03-04 Describe the anatomical position and body planes using positional and directional terms. 03-05 Define the terms related to body movement. 03-06 Define the basic anatomical terms referring to the musculoskeletal system. Revised: 7/23/07 jac 11 03-07 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms related to the musculoskeletal system. 03-08 List common diagnostic terms and procedures related to the musculoskeletal system. 03-10 Explain the terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the musculoskeletal system. 04 Given Chapter 7, Cardiovascular System, upon written testing the student will: 04-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the cardiovascular system. 04-02 Identify basic anatomical terms referring to the heart and blood vessels. 04-03 Trace the flow of blood through the heart. 04-04 Define blood pressure. 04-05 Describe the pathway of electrical conduction in the heart. 04-06 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms related to the cardiovascular system. 04-07 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the cardiovascular system. 04-08 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the cardiovascular system. 05 Given Chapter 8, Blood and Lymph Systems, upon written testing the student will: 05-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the blood and lymph system. 05-02 Define the basic anatomical terms referring to blood and lymph. 05-03 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms related to blood and lymph. 05-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the blood and lymph systems. 05-05 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the blood or lymph. 06 Given Chapter 9, Respiratory System, upon written testing the student will: 06-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the respiratory system. 06-02 Define the basic anatomical terms referring to the respiratory system. 06-03 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms related to the respiratory system. Revised: 7/23/07 jac 12 06-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the respiratory system. 06-05 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the respiratory system. 07 Given Chapter 10, Nervous System, upon written testing the student will: 07-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the nervous system. 07-02 Define the basic anatomical terms referring to the nervous system. 07-03 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms related to the nervous system. 07-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the nervous system. 07-05 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the nervous system. 08 Given Chapter 11, Endocrine System, upon written testing the student will: 08-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the endocrine system. 08-02 Define the basic anatomical terms referring to the endocrine system. 08-03 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms related to the endocrine system. 08-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the endocrine system. 08-05 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the endocrine system. 09 Given Chapter 12, Eye, upon written testing the student will: 09-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the eye. 09-02 Locate and name the major structures of the eye. 09-03 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms related to the eye. 09-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the eye. 09-05 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the eye. 10 Given Chapter 13, Ear, upon written testing the student will: 10-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the ear. Revised: 7/23/07 jac 13 10-02 Locate and name major structures of the ear. 10-03 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms referring to the ear.. 10-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the ear. 10-05 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the ear. 11 Given Chapter 14, Gastrointestinal System, upon written testing the student will 11-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the gastrointestinal system. 11-02 Define the basic anatomical terms referring to the gastrointestinal system. 11-03 Name the accessory organs of the gastrointestinal system. 11-04 Identify clinical and anatomical divisions of the abdomen. 11-05 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms referring to the gastrointestinal system. 11-06 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the gastrointestinal system. 11-07 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the gastrointestinal system. 12 Given Chapter 15, Urinary System, upon written testing the student will: 12-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the urinary system. 12-02 Define the basic anatomical terms referring to the urinary system. 12-03 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms referring to the urinary system. 12-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the urinary system. 12-05 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the urinary system. 13- Given Chapter 16, Male Reproductive System, upon written the student will: 13-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the male reproductive system. 13-02 Define the basic anatomical terms referring to the male reproductive system. 13-03 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms referring to the male reproductive system. 13-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the male reproductive system. Revised: 7/23/07 jac 14 13-05 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving the male reproductive system. 14- Given Chapter 17, Female Reproductive System, upon written testing the student will: 14-01 Define common combining forms used in relation to the female reproductive system. 14-02 Define the basic anatomical terms referring to the female reproductive system. 14-03 Define common symptomatic, diagnostic, operative, and therapeutic terms referring to the female reproductive system. 14-04 List common diagnostic tests and procedures related to the female reproductive system. 14-05 Explain terms and abbreviations used in documenting medical records involving thefemalereproductive system. Revised: 7/23/07 jac 15