Texas Woman's University-April 2009 Alamo Community College DistrictNovember 2009 10 - Communication (2 courses) 6 credit hours English 1013 - Composition I English 1023 - Composition II 6 credit hours English 1301 - Composition I English 1302 - Composition II 11 - Additional Communication (1 course) 3 credit hours Speech 1311 - Introduction to Speech Communication Speech 1315 - Public Speaking Speech 1318 - Interpersonal Communication Speech 1321 - Business & Professional Speech 20 - Mathematics (1 course) 3 credit hours 3-4 credit hours Math 1013 - Quantitative Literacy Approach to Introductory Mathematics Math 1314 - College Algebra Math 1316 - Plane Trigonometry Math 1324 - Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences I Math 1325 - Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences II Math 1332 - Contemporary Math I (Math for Liberal Arts) Math 1348 - Analytic Geometry Math 1350 - Fundamentals of Mathematics I for Teachers Math 1351 - Fundamentals of Mathematics II for Teachers Math 1414 - College Algebra Math 1442 - Elementary Statistical Methods Math 2318 - Linear Algebra Math 2320 - Differential Equations Math 2412 - Precalculus Math 2413 - Calculus I Math 2414 - Calculus II Math 2415 - Calculus III 21 - Additional Mathematics (1 course) 3-4 credit hours Math 1023 - Introduction to Mathematics II Math 1303 - Elementary Analysis I Math 1313 - Elementary Analysis II Math 1703 - Elementary Statistics I Math 1713 - Elementary Statistics II Math 2014 - Introductory Calculus I Math 2024 - Introductory Calculus II 30 - Natural Science (2 courses) For TWU, 2 courses plus required lab corequisites, 6-8 credit hours 7-8 credit hours (at least 1 course must include laboratory) Bacteriology 1003/1001 - Microbiology Biology 1001/1003 - Biology for the 21st Century Anthropology 2301 - Physical Anthropology Biology 1012/1011 - Human Biology Astronomy 1303 - Stars & Galaxies Lecture Biology 1022/1021 - Environmental Biology Astronomy 1304/1104 - Solar System Lecture/Laboratory Biology 1113/1111 - Principles of Biology Biology 1123/1121 - Principles of Biology II Astronomy 1370/1170 - Introductory Astronomy/Laboratory Chemistry 1013/1011 - Introductory Chemistry Astronomy 1371 - Principles of Astronomy Chemistry 1023/1021 - Introduction to Organic & Physiological Chemistry Biology 1308 - Principles of Biology Chemistry 1113/1111 - Chemical Principles I Chemistry 1123/1121 - Chemical Principles II Physics 1033 - Introduction to Astronomy Physics 1133/1131 - Principles of Physics Physics 1143/1141 - Principles of Physics II Physics 2153/2151 - General Physics I Physics 2163/2161 - General Physics II Science 1114 - General Physical Science Science 1123 - General Life Sciences Science 2103 - Environmental Chemistry: Global Perspectives Science 2113 - Earth Science I Biology 1322 - Introduction to Nutrition Biology 1371 - Nutrition for Today Biology 1406 - Biology for Science Majors I Biology 1407 - Biology for Science Majors II Biology 1408 - Biology for Non-science Majors I Biology 1409 - Biology for Non-science Majors II Biology 1411 - General Botany Biology 1413 - General Zoology Biology 2301 - Anatomy & Physiology I Biology 2306/2106 - Environmental Biology/Laboratory Biology 2370 - Fundamentals of Pathology Science 2123 - Earth Science II Biology 2389 - Academic Cooperative for the Biological Sciences Science 2133 - Climate Change: A Human Perspective Biology 2401 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I Science 3153 - History of Modern Science: 21st Century Biology 2402 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II Zoology 2013/2011 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I Zoology 2023/2021 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II Zoology 2033/2031 - Human Anatomy & Physiology III Zoology 2043/2041 - Anatomy Zoology 2052/2051 - Animal Physiology Biology 2404 - Human Anatomy & Physiology Biology 2406 - Environmental Biology Biology 2416 - Genetics Biology 2420 - Microbiology & Pathology Biology 2421 - Microbiology Chemistry 1104 - Chemical Calculations Chemistry 1305/1105 - Introductory Chemistry Lecture I/Laboratory I Chemistry 1307/1107 - Introductory Chemistry Lecture II/Laboratory II Chemistry 1311/1111 - General Chemistry Lecture I/Laboratory I Chemistry 1312/1112 - General Chemistry Lecture II/Laboratory II Chemistry 1405 - Introductory Chemistry I Chemistry 1412 - General Chemistry II Geography 1301/1171 - Physical Geography/Laboratory Geography 1371 - Introduction to Weather Geography 1372 - Introduction to Climate Geography 1172 - Weather & Climate Laboratory Geology 1301 - Earth Sciences I Geology 1304/1104 - Historical Geology Lecture/Laboratory Geology 1305 - Environmental Geology Lecture Geology 1345 - Oceanography Geology 1401 - Earth Sciences I Geology 1402 - Earth Sciences II Geology 1403 - Physical Geology Geology 1404 - Historical Geology Physics 1305 - Introductory Physics I Lecture Physics 1307 - Introductory Physics II Lecture Physics 1110 - Introductory Physics Laboratory Physics 1401 - General Physics I Physics 1402 - General Physics II Physics 1405 - Introductory Physics I Physics 1407 - Introductory Physics II Physics 1570 - Mechanics, Heat & Waves Physics 2425 - University Physics I Physics 2426 - University Physics II Physics 2570 - Electricity & Magnetism 40 - Humanities (1 course) 3 credit hours English 2013 - English Literary Masterpieces English 2033 - American Literary Masterpieces English 2043 - World Literary Masterpieces English 2063 - Literature & Medicine English 2123 - Poetry English 2133 - Drama English 2143 - Fiction English 3143 - Modern African-American Drama English 3153 - American Ethnic Literature English/Women's Studies 4393 - Women & Literature Philosophy 1023 - Introduction to Philosophy Philosophy 2033 - Logic 3 credit hours Arabic 1411 - Beginning Arabic I Arabic 1412 - Beginning Arabic II Arabic 2311 - Intermediate Arabic I Arabic 2312 - Intermediate Arabic II Chinese 1411 - Elementary Chinese I Chinese 1412 - Elementary Chinese II Chinese 2311 - Intermediate Chinese I Chinese 2312 - Intermediate Chinese II English 2307 - Creative Writing English 2308 - Creative Writing: Topics English 2311 - Technical Writing Philosophy 2043 - Contemporary Philosophy English 2322 - British Literature I: Anglo Saxon through Neoclassical Philosophy 2053 - Philosophy of Comparative Religions English 2323 - British Literature II: Romanticism to the Present Philosophy 2063 - Philosophy of Religions in America English 2326 - Native American Literature Philosophy 3013 - History of Ancient Philosophy English 2327 - American Literature I: Precolonial through the Romantic Period Philosophy 3023 - History of Medieval & Modern Philosophy English 2328 - American Literature II: Realism to the Present Philosophy 3043 - Philosophy of Religion English 2332 - World Literature I: Antiquity through the Renaissance Philosophy 3053 - Ethics Philosophy 3073 - Bioethics English 2333 - World Literature II: Neoclassical to the Present Philosophy/Women's Studies 3083 - Ethics & Feminism English 2341 - Forms of Literature Philosophy/Women's Studies 4033 - Philosophy of Women & Western Religion Philosophy 4043 - American Philosophy Philosophy 4053 - Science & Religion English 2342 - Introduction to Literature & Literary Criticism English 2351 - Mexican American Literature English 2370 - Studies in Literature Spanish 1013 - Elementary Spanish English 2372 - The Literature of Mexico in Translation Spanish 1023 - Elementary Spanish English 2373 - The Bible as Literature English 2375 - Literature for Children & Adolescents English 2378 - Women's Literature English 2379 - Introduction to Science Fiction French 1300 - Beginning Conversational French I French 1310 - Beginning Conversational French II French 1411 - Elementary French I French 1412 - Elementary French II French 2311 - Intermediate French I French 2312 - Intermediate French II German 1300 - Beginning Conversational German I German 1310 - Beginning Conversational German II German 1411 - Elementary German I German 1412 - Elementary German II German 2311 - Intermediate German I German 2312 - Intermediate German II History 2321 - World Civilizations I History 2322 - World Civilizations II Humanities 1301 - Introduction to the Humanities I Humanities 1302 - Introduction to the Humanities II Humanities 1305 - Introduction to MexicanAmerican Studies Humanities 1315 - Fine Arts Appreciation Humanities 2319 - American Minority Studies Humanities 2323 - World Cultures Italian 1311 - Beginning Italian I Italian 1312 - Beginning Italian II Italian 1411 - Elementary Italian I Italian 1412 - Elementary Italian II Italian 2311 - Intermediate Italian I Italian 2312 - Intermediate Italian II Japanese 1311 - Beginning Japanese I Japanese 1312 - Beginning Japanese II Japanese 1411 - Beginning Japanese I Japanese 1412 - Beginning Japanese II Japanese 2311 - Intermediate Japanese I Japanese 2312 - Intermediate Japanese II Latin 1311 - Beginning Latin I Latin 1312 - Beginning Latin II Latin 2311 - Intermediate Latin I Latin 2312 - Intermediate Latin II Philosophy 1301 - Introduction to Philosophy Philosophy 1304 - Introduction to World Religions Philosophy 2303 - Introduction to Logic Philosophy 2306 - Introduction to Ethics Philosophy 2307 - Introduction to Social & Political Philosophy Philosophy 2321 - Philosophy of Religion Sign Language 1301 - American Sign Language I Sign Language 1302 - American Sign Language II Sign Language 2301 - American Sign Language III Sign Language 2302 - American Sign Language IV Spanish 1300 - Beginning Conversational Spanish I Spanish 1310 - Beginning Conversational Spanish II Spanish 1342 - Voice & Diction Spanish 1411 - Elementary Spanish I Spanish 1412 - Elementary Spanish II Spanish 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I Spanish 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II Spanish 2313 - Elementary Spanish I (for Spanish speakers) Spanish 2315 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers II Spanish 2316 - Career Spanish I Spanish 2317 - Career Spanish II Spanish 2321 - Introduction to Hispanic Literature Spanish 2323 - Latin American Literature & Culture Spanish 2324 - Spanish Culture 41 - Additional Humanities (1 course) 3 credit hours English 2307 - Creative Writing English 2308 - Creative Writing: Topics English 2311 - Technical Writing English 2322 - British Literature I: Anglo Saxon through Neoclassical English 2323 - British Literature II: Romanticism to the Present English 2326 - Native American Literature English 2327 - American Literature I: Precolonial through the Romantic Period English 2328 - American Literature II: Realism to the Present English 2332 - World Literature I: Antiquity through the Renaissance English 2333 - World Literature II: Neoclassical to the Present English 2341 - Forms of Literature English 2342 - Introduction to Literature & Literary Criticism English 2351 - Mexican American Literature English 2375 - Literature for Children & Adolescents History 2321 - World Civilizations I History 2322 - World Civilizations II Humanities 2319 - American Minority Studies Philosophy 2306 - Introduction to Ethics Spanish 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II Spanish 2321 - Introduction to Hispanic Literature 50 - Visual and Performing Arts (1 course) 3 credit hours Art 1203 - Basic Design Art 1303 - Basic Drawing Art 1503 - Introduction to Painting 3 credit hours Architecture 1301 - History of Architecture I Architecture 1302 - History of Architecture II Art 1603 - Introduction to Photography Architecture 1311 - Architecture, Society, & Culture Art 2503 - History of Art: Ancient and Primitive Arts 1301 - Art Appreciation Art 2513 - History of Art: Medieval Arts 1303 - Art History I Art 2713 - Understanding the Arts Arts 1304 - Art History II Art 3053 - Global Perspectives in Art Arts 1316 - Drawing I Art 3303 - North American Indian Art Arts 2316 - Painting I Art 3343 - Women in the Visual Arts Arts 2326 - Sculpture I Art 3373 - The World of the Imagination in Art, Dance & Film Arts 2341 - Art Metals I Art 3503 - History of Art: Renaissance Art 3513 - History of Art: 19th Century Art 3823 - Ceramics: Hand Building Art 3833 - Ceramics: Throwing Art 3843 - Ceramics Arts 2346 - Ceramics I Arts 2348 - Digital Art I Arts 2356 - Photography I (fine arts emphasis) Dance 1305 - World Dance Dance 2303 - Dance Appreciation Art 4523 - History of Art: 20th Century Drama 1310 - Introduction to the Theatre (Theatre Appreciation) Dance 1011 - Introduction to Ballet Humanities 1311 - Mexican-American Fine Arts Dance 1051 - Introduction to Modern Dance Appreciation Dance 1061 - Introduction to Jazz Dance Humanities 1315 - Fine Arts Appreciation Dance 1071 - Introduction to Tap Dance Music 1306 - Music Appreciation Dance 2393 - Understanding the Arts: Dance Music 1310 - American Music Dance 3143 - World Dance Forms Dance 3373 - The World of the Imagination in Art, Dance & Film Dance/Women's Studies 3383 - History of Women in Dance Dance 3393 - History of Dance Dance 4383 - Performing Arts in American Popular Culture Drama 2493 - Understanding the Arts: Drama Drama 3103 - Gender, Theatre & Performance Folklore 2013 - Mythology Music 2713 - Understanding the Arts: Music Music/Women's Studies 3703 - Women in Music Music 3713 - Music & World Cultures 60 - History (2 courses) 6 credit hours 6 credit hours History 1013 - History of the United States: 1492 to 1865 History 1301 - United States History I History 1023 - History of the United States: 1865 to Present History 1302 - United States History II or History 2327 - Mexican-American History I History 2328 - Mexican-American History II or History 1301 and History 2328 or History 1302 and History 2327 or History 2301 - Texas History and History 1302 or History 2328 70 - Government (2 courses) 6 credit hours Government 2013 - United States Government Government 2023 - Texas Government 6 credit hours Government 2301 - American/Texas: National & State Government 2302 - American Government: Problems & Policies or Government 2305 - National Government Government 2306 - State Government 80 - Social and Behavioral Sciences (1 course) 3 credit hours 3 credit hours Business/Government/Women's Studies 3393 - Law for Women Anthropology 2302 - Archaeology Economics 1013 - Principles of Microeconomics Anthropology 2346 - General Anthropology Economics 1023 - Principles of Macroeconomics Anthropology 2351 - Cultural Anthropology History 2013 - Survey of World Civilization to 1715 Communication 1307 - Introduction to Mass Communications History 2023 - Survey of World Civilization since 1715 Psychology 1013 - Introduction to General Psychology Psychology 1603 - Developmental Psychology Psychology/Women's Studies 3733 - Psychology of Women Communication 2300 - Media Literacy Criminal Justice 1301 - Introduction to Criminal Justice Criminal Justice 1307 - Crime in America Economics 1301 - Introduction to Economics Social Work 1403 - Introduction to Social Policies & Services Economics 1303 - Consumer Economics Sociology 1013 - Introduction to Sociology Economics 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics Sociology 1023 - Current Social Problems Economics 2302 - Principles of Microeconomics Sociology/Social Work 3483 - Societies in Development Economics 2311 - Economic Geography & Global Issues Geography 1300 - Principles of Geography Geography 1302 - Cultural Geography Geography 1303 - World Regional Geography Geography 1304 - Geography of Middle America Geography 1305 - Geography of North America Government 2304 - Introduction to Political Science Government 2311 - Mexican-American Politics Government 2378 - American Government: Introduction to International Relations History 2301 - Texas History History 2311 - Western Civilization I History 2312 - Western Civilization II History 2313 - History of England I History 2314 - History of England II History 2321 - World Civilizations I History 2322 - World Civilizations II History 2323 - Eastern Civilization History 2327 - Mexican-American History I History 2328 - Mexican-American History II History 2381 - African-American History Psychology 2301 - General Psychology Psychology 2302 - Applied Psychology Psychology 2306 - Human Sexuality Psychology 2307 - Adolescent Psychology Psychology 2308 - Child Psychology Psychology 2311 - Adult Psychology Psychology 2314 - Lifespan Growth & Development Psychology 2315 - Psychology of Adjustment Psychology 2316 - Psychology of Personality Psychology 2317 - Statistical Methods in Psychology Psychology 2319 - Social Psychology Psychology 2371 - Abnormal Psychology Psychology 2372 - Theories of Learning Psychology 2389 - Academic Cooperative Sociology 1301 - Introduction to Sociology Sociology 1306 - Social Problems Social Work 2361 - Introduction to Social Work 90 - Institutionally Designated Option 3 credit hours Choose 1 course from: 2 credit hours Dance 1110 - Tap I Art/Women's Studies 3343 - Women in the Visual Arts Dance 1111 - Tap II Biology/Nursing/Women's Studies 3163 - Evolving Woman Dance 1112 - Dance Practicum I Business/Women's Studies 2803 - Women in Business Dance 1113 - Dance Practicum II Dance 1122 - Folk I Dance/Women's Studies 3383 - Dance, Gender & Culture Dance 1123 - Folk II Drama 3103 - Gender, Theater & Performance Dance 1128 - Ballroom I Education/Women's Studies 3013 - Gender & Education Dance 1129 - Ballroom II Government/Business/Women's Studies 3393 - Law for Women Dance 1141 - Ballet I Health Studies/Women's Studies 3133 - Perspectives on Women's Health Dance 1133 - Country & Western I Dance 1142 - Ballet II Dance 1145 - Modern Dance I Music/Women's Studies 3703 - Women in Music Dance 1146 - Modern Dance II Nursing 3143 - Multicultural Women's Health Dance 1147 - Jazz Dance I Philosophy/Women's Studies 4033 - Philosophy of Women & Western Religions Dance 1148 - Jazz Dance II Psychology/Women's Studies 3733 - Psychology of Women Dance 1150 - Ballet Folklorico II Sociology 1413 - Culture, Inequality & Self Dance 1151 - Dance Performance I Sociology 3093 - Racial & Ethnic Groups Dance 1152 - Dance Performance II Sociology/Women's Studies 3213 - Women's Roles Dance 1153 - Spanish Ballet I (Flamenco) Women's Studies 2013 - Women: Images & Perspectives Dance 1154 - Spanish Ballet II (Flamenco) Dance 1149 - Ballet Folklorico I Dance 1201 - Dance Composition Dance 1212 - Dance Practicum I Dance 1213 - Dance Practicum II Dance 1241 - Beginning Ballet Dance 1245 - Modern Dance I (Dance & Movement Improvisation) Dance 1247 - Beginning Modern Jazz Dance Dance 1251 - Dance Performance Workshop I Dance 1252 - Dance Performance Workshop II Dance 1301 - Dance Composition I Dance 1305 - World Dance Dance 1345 - Introduction to Dance Dance 2110 - Tap III Dance 2111 - Tap IV Dance 2112 - Dance Practicum III Dance 2122 - Folk III Dance 2123 - Folk IV Dance 2141 - Ballet III Dance 2142 - Ballet IV Dance 2145 - Modern Dance III Dance 2146 - Modern Dance IV Dance 2147 - Jazz Dance III Dance 2148 - Jazz Dance IV Dance 2149 - Ballet Folklorico III Dance 2150 - Ballet Folklorico IV Dance 2151 - Dance Performance III Dance 2152 - Dance Performance IV Dance 2153 - Flamenco III Dance 2154 - Flamenco IV Dance 2212 - Dance Practicum III Dance 2213 - Dance Practicum IV Dance 2246 - Modern Dance IV Dance 2251 - Dance Performance Workshop III Dance 2252 - Dance Performance Workshop IV Dance 2301 - Problems in Dance Dance 2303 - Dance Appreciation Dance 2325 - Anatomy & Kinesiology for Dancers Dance 2389 - Academic Cooperative Kinesiology 1101 - Aerobics I Kinesiology 1102 - Cardio Combo I Kinesiology 1103 - Cardio Kickboxing I Kinesiology 1104 - Hi-Lo Aerobic Dance Kinesiology 1105 - Latin Cardio Dance Kinesiology 1106 - Step Aerobics I Kinesiology 1110 - Basketball I Kinesiology 1111 - Basketball II Kinesiology 1112 - Flag Football I Kinesiology 1113 - Soccer I Kinesiology 1115 - Volleyball I Kinesiology 1120 - Badminton I Kinesiology 1121 - Bowling I Kinesiology 1122 - Disc Golf I Kinesiology 1123 - Fencing I Kinesiology 1124 - Fencing II Kinesiology 1125 - Golf I Kinesiology 1126 - Racquetball I Kinesiology 1127 - Tennis I Kinesiology 1130 - Chi Gung I Kinesiology 1131 - Pilates I Kinesiology 1132 - Self Defense Kinesiology 1133 - Tai Chi I Kinesiology 1134 - Tai Chi II Kinesiology 1135 - Tai Chi Broadsword I Kinesiology 1136 - Yoga I Kinesiology 1140 - Camping & Backpacking I Kinesiology 1150 - Aquatic Conditioning I Kinesiology 1153 - Lifeguard Training Kinesiology 1154 - Swimming I Kinesiology 1156 - Water Aerobics I Kinesiology 1160 - Ballet I Kinesiology 1161 - Ballet Folklorico I Kinesiology 1162 - Ballroom I Kinesiology 1163 - Country & Western I Kinesiology 1167 - Folk I Kinesiology 1168 - Jazz I Kinesiology 1169 - Modern Dance I Kinesiology 1170 - Spanish Ballet I (Flamenco I) Kinesiology 1171 - Tap I Kinesiology 1172 - Dance Performance I Kinesiology 1173 - Dance Performance II Kinesiology 1175 - Adaptive Physical Conditioning I Kinesiology 1176 - Cardio Boot Camp I Kinesiology 1177 - Core Training Kinesiology 1178 - Jogging I Kinesiology 1179 - Physical Conditioning I Kinesiology 1180 - Spin Bike I Kinesiology 1182 - Walking I Kinesiology 1183 - Walking/Jogging I Kinesiology 1184 - Weight Training I Kinesiology 1238 - Concepts of Fitness & Wellness Kinesiology 1301 - Foundations of Kinesiology Kinesiology 1304 - Personal/Community Health I Kinesiology 1305 - Personal/Community Health II Kinesiology 1306 - First Aid Kinesiology 1308 - Intramurals & Officiating Kinesiology 1321 - Coaching I Kinesiology 1322 - Coaching II Kinesiology 1331 - Physical Education for Elementary Education Majors Kinesiology 1333 - Rhythm Skills: Creative Movement for the Classroom Kinesiology 1338 - Concepts of Fitness & Wellness Kinesiology 1346 - Drug Use & Abuse Kinesiology 2101 - Aerobics I Kinesiology 2103 - Cardio Kickboxing II Kinesiology 2106 - Step Aerobics II Kinesiology 2110 - Basketball III Kinesiology 2115 - Volleyball II Kinesiology 2120 - Badminton II Kinesiology 2123 - Fencing III Kinesiology 2124 - Fencing IV Kinesiology 2125 - Golf II Kinesiology 2126 - Racquetball II Kinesiology 2127 - Tennis II Kinesiology 2130 - Chi Gung II Kinesiology 2131 - Pilates II Kinesiology 2133 - Tai Chi III Kinesiology 2134 - Tai Chi IV Kinesiology 2135 - Tai Chi Broadsword II Kinesiology 2136 - Yoga II Kinesiology 2140 - Camping & Backpacking II Kinesiology 2147 - Skills Analysis-Individual Activity Kinesiology 2148 - Skills Analysis-Dual Sports Kinesiology 2149 - Skills Analysis-Team Sports Kinesiology 2150 - Aquatic Conditioning II Kinesiology 2154 - Swimming II Kinesiology 2156 - Water Aerobics II Kinesiology 2160 - Ballet II Kinesiology 2161 - Ballet Folklorico II Kinesiology 2162 - Ballroom II Kinesiology 2167 - Folk II Kinesiology 2168 - Jazz Dance II Kinesiology 2169 - Modern Dance II Kinesiology 2170 - Spanish Ballet II (Flamenco II) Kinesiology 2172 - Dance Performance III Kinesiology 2173 - Dance Performance IV Kinesiology 2175 - Adaptive Physical Conditioning II Kinesiology 2176 - Cardio Bootcamp II Kinesiology 2178 - Jogging II Kinesiology 2179 - Physical Conditioning II Kinesiology 2180 - Spin Bike II Kinesiology 2182 - Walking II Kinesiology 2184 - Weight Training II 45-48 total credit hours Source: http://statecore.its.txstate.edu/univ.pl?univ=93&univ=64 Texas General Education Core Curriculum