Physics - University of Tasmania

Unit details [KYA]
Physics Bridging Unit
Enrolment code: KYA004
Offered: Hbt: end-of-yr-sch, NWC: end-of-yr-sch
Unit description:
The Physics Bridging Unit unit is offered on the Hobart campus and the North-West
Centre (NWC) in Burnie. The unit runs over an nine-week period in November–December
of each year, including a two-day compulsory practical session. NWC students will be
able to undertake the practical component at either Hobart or the NWC. The practical
component will include 12 contact hours.
The subject is taught through a combination of lecture/tutorial/practical classes and
independent learning sessions.
The overall aim of the unit is to provide students with an understanding of some key areas
of physics: mechanics, electric and magnetic fields, waves, atoms and nuclei. It also helps
students in analysing and synthesising information, problem solving and carrying out
scientific experiments and will provide a competency in physics to a level appropriate for
further studies in physics.
There are no entrance prerequisites to study the Physics Bridging course, however proficiency in
year 10 mathematics is strongly advised. The program is available to university and
non-university students even if you do not intend to enrol in a university course.
Students who successfully complete the Physics Bridging Unit with a grade of Pass and
who have satisfied one of the following – pass in *MT730 or *MT841 or KMA003 – will be
eligible for enrolment in first year Physics units at the University of Tasmania. In addition,
students who successfully complete the unit will qualify for entry into any other units or
degree programs which have *PH866 or equivalent as a prerequisite.
Fees: The course is free to Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents who
are not required to pay any fees to the University or to contribute towards the Higher
Education Contribution Scheme (HECS).
For further details, contact Karen Bradford – phone (03) 6226 2439
Staff: Mr P Richardson
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 hrs lectures, 2 hrs tutorials weekly, 2 x 6-hr practicals/
Assess: continual assessment, assignments and practical work (60%), 2-hr exam (40%); the
unit is graded on a pass/fail basis.
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [KYA]
Physics 1A
Enrolment code: KYA101
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Leading to the second semester unit KYA102, this unit is designed for students who expect
to major in physics, as well as for those who will major in other physical sciences,
mathematics and computer science.
Topics that are studied at considerable depth include dynamics and electrical circuits.
Staff: Dr SP Ellingsen, Dr RD Watson
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 4 lectures, 1 tutorial, weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: *PH866 and *MT841 or TCE score of 80 or more (subject to counselling and
approval by Head of Physics)
M.excl: KYA171, KYA172 and equiv units in previous yrs, KYA275
Assess: 3-hr end-of-sem paper (60%), continuous assessment (40%)
Required: Halliday, Resnick & Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 6th edn, Wiley.
Courses: [S3G] [S3Gc2]
Faculty website: <>
Physics 1B
Enrolment code: KYA102
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Follows on from the first semester unit KYA101. The unit is also designed for students
who expect to major in physics, as well as for those who will major in other physical
sciences, mathematics and computer science. Topics include: atomic physics, oscillatory
phenomena, properties of matter, special relativity and wave motion. Laboratory work
covers electrical measurements in physics and selected experiments.
Staff: Dr DP Jarvis, Dr KJ Michael
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 lectures, 3 hrs lab, 1 tutorial, weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: *PH866 and *MT841 or TCE score of 80 or more (subject to counselling and
approval by Head of Physics)
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Unit details [KYA]
M.excl: KYA171, KYA172 and equiv units in previous yrs
Assess: 3-hr end-of-sem paper (70%), continuous assessment (10%), lab reports (20%)
Required: Halliday, Resnick & Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 6th edn, Wiley.
Courses: [S3G] [S3Gc2]
Faculty website: <>
Applied Physics
Enrolment code: KYA171
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Is a study of basic applied physics that is designed for students wishing to learn useful
physics life skills, in particular for students of Life Sciences and Geomatics.
Studies cover topics selected from practical electric circuits and measurements, optical
principles and instruments, sound and ultrasound equipment, motion and machines,
temperature and heat, radioactivity with its applications and dangers.
Laboratory experiments give experience in the topics studied and the work includes
training in general laboratory technique, record keeping, data analysis using computers,
report writing and other transferable practical skills.
Staff: Dr PD Jarvis
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 lectures, 3-hr tutorial/practical class weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: all level 100 KYA units except KYA172 and KYA181
Assess: continuous assessment with tests and reports throughout sem
Required: Cutnell & Johnson, Physics, 6th edn, Wiley
Recommend: Bueche & Wallach, Technical Physics, 4th edn, Wiley
Giancoli, Physics, 4th edn, Prentice Hall
Bunn, Physics for a modern world, Jacaranda
Courses: [N3H] [S3A] [S3B] [S3G] [S3T]
Faculty website: <>
Biological Physics
Enrolment code: KYA172
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Unit details [KYA]
Offered: not offered in 2004
Unit description:
Is designed for students wishing to obtain further applied physics understanding and
skills. Although the main emphasis is in the biological area of science, the topics and
practical work will be of wide general interest.
Studies are more advanced than for KYA171 Applied Physics. They cover electric
instrumentation and systems, bioelectricity, applications of oscillations and waves, optical
instruments, systems theory and thermodynamics, elasticity and fluid flow, ionising
radiation and health physics, computed imaging.
Laboratory experiments develop understanding of the topics studied and build experience
and skills in use of scientific instrumentation. The work includes training in general
laboratory technique, record keeping, data analysis using computers, report writing and
other transferable practical skills.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 lectures, 3-hr tutorial/practical class weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KYA171 or (*PH866 and *MT841) or TCE score of 80 or more (subject to counselling
and approval by Head of Physics)
M.excl: all level 100 KYA units except KYA171 and KYA181
Assess: continuous assessment with tests and reports throughout sem
Required: Cutnell & Johnson, Physics, 6th edn, Wiley
Recommend: Bueche & Wallach, Technical Physics, 4th edn, Wiley
Giancoli, Physics, 4th edn, Prentice Hall
Bunn, Physics for a modern world, Jacaranda
Courses: [M3F] [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
Enrolment code: KYA181
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1 (See also Unit details 'Special note')
Special note: unit offered in Launceston subject to sufficient enrolments
Unit description:
Is an introductory unit covering the foundations of astronomy, the Copernican revolution,
radiation, spectroscopy, telescopes, the solar system, Earth, the Moon and Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the outer planets, comets and asteroids, the formation of the
solar system, the Sun, measuring the stars, the interstellar medium, star formation, star
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Unit details [KYA]
evolution, stellar explosions, neutron stars and black holes, the Milky Way, normal
galaxies, active galaxies and quasars, cosmology, the big bang, and the search for
extra-terrestrial intelligence. The practical classes include day-time visits to the Canopus
Optical Observatory and Mt Pleasant Radio-astronomy observatory and, weather
permitting, a night-time observing session at Mt Canopus.
Staff: Dr RD Watson, Mr M George
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 1–3 hrs lectures/tutorials weekly, 6x3-hr practical classes
Assess: 2-hr mid-sem test, 2-hr end-of-sem exam
Required: Chaisson & McMillan, Astronomy Today, 4th edn, Prentice Hall
Courses: [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
Electromagnetism and Kinetic Theory
Enrolment code: KYA201
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Electromagnetism topics include electric and magnetic fields using the field operators of
divergence, gradient and curl, properties of induced polarisation and magnetisation in
materials, induction effects, and finally the important Maxwell’s equations. Kinetic theory
topics include molecular models of gases, Maxwell-Boltzmann and related distributions,
real gases and gas laws, and applications to transport phenomena (thermal conductivity,
diffusion, viscosity), gas flow and vacuum techniques. Laboratory sessions consider
experimental data manipulation and error analysis.
Staff: Dr SP Ellingsen, Dr PD Jarvis
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 lectures, a tutorial and 3 hrs lab weekly
Prereq: KYA101 and KYA102 and KMA152 and KMA154 or equiv; for engineers KYA275
can replace KYA102 as prereq
Assess: 3-hr end-of-sem exam (75%), internal assessment (25%)
Required: Good RH, Classical Electromagnetis, Saunders
Pendlebury JM, Kinetic Theory, Hilger
Squires GL, Practical Physics, 3rd edn, McGraw Hill
Courses: [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [KYA]
Waves and Thermodynamics
Enrolment code: KYA202
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Waves topics include oscillatory systems, the wave equation for vibrating wires, acoustic
waves, electrical waves in coaxial cables or transmission lines, and electromagnetic waves.
Waves in two or three dimensions, and Fourier techniques for wave analysis will also be
studied. In thermodynamics, topics include the definition of temperature and its
relationship to other thermal properties of systems, and the fundamental concept of
system entropy. Laboratory sessions involve individual experiments in wide range of
physical phenomena and enable the acquisition of practical skills in using electrical and
optical instrumentation.
Staff: Dr RD Watson
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 lectures, a tutorial and 3 hrs lab weekly
Prereq: KYA101 and KYA102 and KMA152 and KMA154 or equiv; for engineers KYA275
can replace KYA102 as prereq
Assess: 3-hr end-of-sem exam (75%), internal assessment (25%)
Required: Pain HJ, The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, 3rd edn, Wiley
Roy BN, Fundamentals of Classical & Statistical Thermodynamics, Wiley
Squires GL, Practical Physics, 3rd edn, McGraw Hill
Courses: [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics
Enrolment code: KYA204/304
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Astrophysics topics include sources of astrophysical data, basics of stellar astrophysics,
resultant stellar evolution, exotic objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars, aspects of
galactic structure, and an introduction the large-scale structure of the universe. Topics in
atmospheric physics include radiation transfer at visible, infrared and (possibly)
microwave wavelengths, including the processes of transmission, absorption, scattering
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Unit details [KYA]
and emission. Remote sensing of the atmosphere, and of the Earth’s surface through the
atmosphere, will also be studied.
Staff: Dr KJ Michael, Dr RD Watson
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 lectures, a tutorial weekly
Prereq: KYA201
Assess: 3-hr end-of-sem exam (75%), internal assessment (25%)
Required: tba
Courses: [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
Engineering Physics
Enrolment code: KYA275
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: restricted to Engineering students
Unit description:
Provides the physics background material needed for subsequent engineering subjects and
applications in later years. Topics include: oscillating systems, wave theory, light,
electromagnetism of atomic physics. Laboratory work covers practical applications of
concepts introduced in the lectures.
Staff: Dr PD Jarvis, Dr KJ Michael
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 lectures, 3 tutorials fortnightly, 5x3-hr lab sessions
Prereq: KMA152, KMA154 and KNE112
Assess: exam (85%), lab and assignments (15%)
Required: Halliday, Resnick & Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 6th edn, Wiley
Courses: [N3A]
Faculty website: <>
Wave Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics and
Advanced Electromagnetism
Enrolment code: KYA301
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Unit details [KYA]
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Wave mechanics develops the ideas of quantum physics, starting with the wave/particle
nature of matter and radiation. Topics include an introduction to quantum behaviour via
examples such as electron spin and photon polarisation states, Heisenberg’s principle, and
applications of the Schroedinger equation to particles in potential traps and barriers.
Statistical mechanics examines in detail Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and
FermiDirac statistics and a wide variety of their applications. Advanced electromagnetism
begins from Maxwell’s equations and covers the topics of electromagnetic waves in
dielectrics and conductors, polarisation, boundary reflection and transmission,
waveguides and antennas, and mechanisms of radiation from charged particles. The
laboratory program includes digital electronic techniques plus advanced individual
experiments in selected physical areas.
Staff: Dr PD Jarvis, Dr RD Watson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 5 lectures, 6 lab hrs weekly, tutorial fortnightly
Prereq: KYA201 and KYA202 and KMA252
Assess: 2x3-hr exams (75%), continuous assessment in electronics (25%)
Required: Eisberg R & Resnick R, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and
Particles, Wiley
Courses: [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Physics
Enrolment code: KYA302
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Quantum mechanics describes the fundamental behaviour of nuclei, atoms, molecules and
the solid state. A formal development of the axioms of quantum theory will be followed
by applications to the description of quantum oscillators, angular momentum, spin,
magnetic resonance, identical particles, the solution of Schroedinger’s equation for
hydrogen-like atoms, and an introduction to lasers and atomic structure. Solid state
physics topics include crystal structure reciprocal lattices, lattice vibrations, Brillouin
zones, thermal properties, magnetic properties, superconduction. The laboratory program
contains computer-based physical data processing techniques plus advanced individual
experiments in selected physics areas.
Staff: Dr PD Jarvis
Unit weight: 12.5%
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Unit details [KYA]
Teaching pattern: 33 lectures, 6 tutorials, 39 hrs lab
Prereq: KYA201 and KYA202 and KMA252
Assess: 3-hr end-of-sem exam (75%), lab reports (25%)
Recommend: Bransden BH & Joachain CJ, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Longman
Courses: [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
Atomic, Nuclear and Semiconductor Physics
Enrolment code: KYA303
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Atomic and nuclear physics studies atomic and nuclear structure from the point of view of
understanding spectroscopic data. Topics include alkali and alkaline earth spectra, the
physics of angular momentum, exchange forces, spin and the Pauli principle,
many-electron atoms and the Zeeman effect, the periodic table; nuclear semi-empirical
mass formulae, systematics of nuclear transformations, introduction to the nuclear shell
model, and introduction to particle classification and the standard model. Semiconductor
physics covers the quantum concepts related to electrical conductivity in solids, the
Kronig-Penny model and the band theory, comparison of insulators, conductors and
semi-conductors, theory of the semiconductor diode. The laboratory program contains
computer-based physical data processing techniques plus advanced individual
experiments in selected physics areas.
Staff: Dr PD Jarvis, Dr RD Watson
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 33 lectures, 6 tutorials, 39 hrs lab
Prereq: KYA201 and KYA202 and KMA252
Assess: 3-hr end-of-sem exam (75%), lab reports (25%)
Required: Eisberg R & Resnick R, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and
Particles, Wiley
Courses: [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Enrolment code: KYA314
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Unit details [KYA]
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: offered only in odd-numbered years
Unit description:
Provides a grounding in theoretical physics, for students interested in doing Honours in
Theoretical Physics or Applied Mathematics. Topics covered include: Linear and
Non-linear systems, examples. Phase plane and phase space. The Hartmann Linearisation
theorem. Co-dimension 1 bifurcations; saddle-node, pitchfork and Hopf bifurcations.
Limit cycles and oscillations. Global bifurcations. Homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits.
Characterisation of chaos. Routes to chaos, period doubling, secondary Hopf bifurcations,
intermittency. Homoclinic chaos. Mel’nikov theory.
Staff: Prof LK Forbes
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 lectures, 1 tutorial weekly
Prereq: (KYA201 and KYA202 and KMA254) or (KYA275 and KME271)
Assess: 3-hr end-of-sem exam (80%), assignments (20%)
Recommend: Guckenheimer J & Holmes P, Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and
Bifurcations of Vector Fields, ISBN 0387908196
Courses: [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
Fluid Mechanics
Enrolment code: KYA315
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: offered only in even-numbered years
Unit description:
Provides a grounding in theoretical physics, for students interested in doing Honours in
Theoretical Physics or Applied Mathematics. Topics covered include: Introduction to the
state of stress in a continuum. Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions of motion.
Conservation laws for mass and momentum. Inviscid flow. Elementary sources and sinks.
The use of complex-variable methods for ideal fluid flow in two dimensions. Conformal
mapping. Airfoil theory, wings, the Kutta-Joukowski theorem. Viscous flow. Exact
solutions. Boundary layers, viscosity and turbulence. Surface waves.
Staff: Prof LK Forbes
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 lectures, 1 tutorial weekly
Prereq: (KYA201 and KYA202 and KMA252) or (KYA275 and KME271)
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Unit details [KYA]
Assess: 3-hr end-of-sem exam (80%), assignments (20%)
Recommend: Batchelor GK, An introduction to fluid dynamics, ISBN 0521098173
Milne-Thomson LM, Theoretical Hydrodynamics, ISBN 0333078764
Courses: [S3G]
Faculty website: <>
Physics 4 (Honours)
Full time/Part time
Enrolment code: KYA410/411
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: full-time students enrol in KYA410 (100%); part-time students in KYA411 (50%)
Unit description:
Includes: (a) advanced lectures on a number of fields of Physics such as Plasma physics;
Astrophysics; Advanced quantum mechanics; General relativity and cosmology; and
Auroral physics; and (b) Research work (leading to a thesis) in one of the following –
Radio astronomy; Optical astronomy; Theoretical physics
Staff: Dr SP Ellingsen, Dr PD Jarvis and others
Unit weight: 100%/50%
Teaching pattern: 8 lectures weekly in sem1, research program throughout the year
Prereq: BSc with major in Physics or equivalent
Assess: combination of exams on coursework and quality of research thesis. A seminar talk
in mid-Nov will be taken into consideration in determining the final result of the year
Courses: [S4E] [S6X]
Faculty website: <>
Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours,
specialising in Physics
Enrolment code: KYA510/511
Unit description:
Has the same objectives as KYA410/411. Full time/part time ‘umbrella’ code.
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Courses: [S6X]
Faculty website: <>
Postgraduate unit
Enrolment code: KYA583
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Science, specialising in Physics, course who
undertake units from Physics honours courses use this code if enrolling in an 8.33% unit.
Unit weight: 8.3%
Courses: [S6D]
Faculty website: <>
Postgraduate unit
Enrolment code: KYA586
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Science, specialising in Physics, course who
undertake units from Physics honours courses use this code if enrolling in two 8.33% units
or a single 16.67% unit.
Unit weight: 8.3%
Courses: [S6D]
Faculty website: <>
Honours unit
Enrolment code: KYA589
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
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Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Science, specialising in Physics, course who
undertake units from Physics honours courses use this code if enrolling in units with a
total weight of 25%.
Unit weight: 25%
Courses: [S6D]
Faculty website: <>
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