Painting Launceston

Unit details [FFP]
Introduction to Painting
Enrolment code: FFP110
Offered: Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Two broadly-based projects are undertaken, both of which explore some of the principles
of pictorial dynamics and their construction. One project uses the tradition of still life
painting as a starting point to exploring the possibilities of composition. The second
project is a self-directed investigation which gives greater emphasis to the representation
of ideas through painting.
Staff: Ms P Mason
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures, demonstrations, set studio projects, self-initiated
research, group critique sessions and individual studio guidance (13 wks)
Prereq: FFE102
Assess: formal folio presentation at the end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Painting 1
Enrolment code: FFP180
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: restricted to students enrolled in DipFAD; part-time students should use enrolment
codes FFP181 (full year) and FFP182 (full year); unit weight part time 37.5% per year
Unit description:
The Painting program has been designed to encourage students to engage in both
traditional and contemporary practices, while addressing a range of intellectual and
practical interactions in making their work. The unit sets students a series of broad
open-ended projects to help them focus on an individual direction. The emphasis is placed
on the students, in consultation with the staff, setting their own individual range of visual
problems to solve, and questioning the steps taken to arrive at solutions.
Staff: Ms P Mason (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 75%
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Unit details [FFP]
Teaching pattern: 12 facilitated hrs weekly (26 wks)
Assess: formal folio presentation at the end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F2F]
Faculty website: <>
Painting: Self-directed Project
Enrolment code: FFP201/301
Offered: Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Investigates and explores a single theme developed by the student in relation to the
following issue: An ongoing controversy in contemporary art occurs in ’...the tug of war
between what can be called media and therapeutic conceptions of art’ (Kuspit, 1988). This
is the debate between whether art should exist for art’s sake or whether art should
seriously concern itself with social issues of the real world. Various strategies for exploring
both political and pictorial ideas are explored. Elements of composition including the
organisation of spaces within the pictorial plane, and the potential to manipulate the
power and significance of images through the manipulation of scale and colour are
Staff: Ms P Mason
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs contact weekly – 1 hr lecture/demonstration, grp
critique/individual supervision (13 wks)
Prereq: FFE102
Assess: 2 class projects (45% ea), class participation (10%)
Courses: [F3J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Painting Media, Processes and Approaches
Enrolment code: FFP202/302
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Introduces a range of the material processes available to painting. Water colour, acrylic
and oil based media are explored along with their appropriate supports such as canvas
and specialist papers. Each process is considered within the context of its traditional and
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Unit details [FFP]
contemporary use. Conceptual approaches are always linked to subject matter and ideas
about representation. Students are challenged to develop a personal position on these
issues which can be observed in their work.
Staff: Ms P Mason
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs contact weekly – 1 hr lecture/demonstration, grp
critique/individual supervision (13 wks)
Prereq: FFE102
Assess: 2 class projects (45% ea), class participation (10%)
Courses: [F3J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Painting: Material/Descriptive Exploration
Enrolment code: FFP203/303
Offered: Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Expands on the range of material processes associated with painting introduced in
semester one. Further exploration of water colour, acrylic and oil based media along with
their relevant supports, including canvas and specialist papers is undertaken. The focus of
these processes is on contemporary use. Conceptual approaches are always linked to
subject matter and ideas about representation. Students are challenged to develop a
personal position on these issues which can be observed in their work.
Staff: Ms P Mason
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs contact weekly – 1 hr lecture/demonstration, grp critique/
individual supervision (13 wks)
Prereq: FFE102
Assess: 2 class projects (45% ea), class participation (10%)
Courses: [F3J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
What are the Limits of Painting?
Enrolment code: FFP204/304
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Unit details [FFP]
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Explores in a practical way how painting has been defined in the 20th century. The
theoretical impetus for these developments and their underlying assumptions about
representation, place and space are explored. This unit includes a material investigation
component which links to a conceptually based theme to be developed by individual
students. The project is designed to challenge the traditional ‘painting in a frame’.
Staff: Ms P Mason
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs contact weekly – 1 hr lecture/demonstration, group
critique/individual supervision (13 wks)
Prereq: FFE102
Assess: 2 class projects (45% ea), class participation (10%)
Courses: [F3J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Contemporary Painting Practices
Enrolment code: FFP250/350
Offered: Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Provides students with the skills necessary to develop and then bring to fruition, a
self-directed painting proposal. Initial tutorials concern the development and expansion of
the proposal through a range of visual research materials and processes which inform
contemporary painting practice. Students are expected to investigate independently those
techniques, materials and processes most appropriate to their purposes.
Staff: Ms P Mason
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs contact weekly, lecture/demonstration, group critique, individual
supervision (13 wks)
Assess: formal folio presentation (100%)
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Painting 2
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Unit details [FFP]
Enrolment code: FFP280
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: restricted to students enrolled in DipFAD; part-time students should use enrolment
codes FFP281 (full year) and FFP282 (full year); unit weight part time 37.5% per sem
Unit description:
Encourages students, in consultation with staff, to pursue a theme of their own choosing,
and to experiment as much as possible in the search for individual solutions.
Staff: Ms P Mason (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 75%
Teaching pattern: 12 facilitated hrs weekly (26 wks)
Prereq: FFP180
Assess: formal folio presentation at the end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F2F]
Faculty website: <>
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